Miracles: Jesus Calms The Storm // Pastor Justin Miller (Teaching Only)

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Welcome to Real Life Online and thank you for joining us today. Real Life is a church for real people just like you and we want you to know that God is crazy about you. Please take a moment right now and click on the share button and share this experience with your friends and family. Today Pastor J continues our Miracles series where we're examining miracles throughout the Bible to find that when we connect our lives to God and his endless power nothing is impossible. Thank you for joining us today. Let's get ready for Real Life Online. Good to see everybody. So glad you're here. We want to welcome our locations. We're in a series, we're wrapping it up pretty soon, but we're in a series called Miracles and here's the thing though what we call miracles God just calls showing up right. I mean he just shows up and when he shows up he shows off and so what I'm praying for your life is that God would show up and that because he's there and he shows up he would do what only he could do. A big part of my prayer for you also I'm praying for everybody as God shows up in your life is that you will trust him until he does. Does that make sense because he's gonna show up but I'm praying that you'll trust him until he does. That's a big key to the miracles God wants to do in our lives and it's it's part of the miracle that we're gonna be looking at today in Mark chapter 4. Alright Mark chapter 4. This is a miracle about a storm. Anybody know anything about storms? Come on we live in Central Florida right. We live through deadly storms every day. Every day it's like ridiculous. It's like the apocalypse. The sky goes dark, thunder, lightning and we call them if you're from here it's just after noon showers. That's all. We're like yeah, whatever. That's no big deal. Like today slight chance of afternoon showers and if you're not from here you're like afternoon showers? It's the end of days. Like you see it go dark and I mean that lightnings hitting your house so we especially if you're driving. You guys come on now...driving in a Florida storm. Is that not scary? Even if you've done it your whole life. It's still a little nerve-wracking at times. If you're not from here you can't do it at all. It's why you see all these cars pulling over. Like they're making way for Jesus or something. They just get off the road cuz they're from Ohio. They don't know what to do. They think this is it. I guess you just pull over and wait for Jesus to return. Uh my son Elijah and I were on a mission this week and we had another, we were down in South Florida again actually for another event and by the way Instagram. A lot of people ask me stuff that I'm like I'm already posting that stuff. So I want I want to keep you in the loop. I try to tell you what's going on but a lot of times stuffs happening. Instagram and the stories because some of you know about Instagram but you don't know about the little circles up top so find you an 18 year old and ask some questions. They'll help you but anyway Instagram stories so if you if, you follow along you know but we're driving back from South Florida. Elijah's my driver. He's 17 years old. Never been in an accident. Caused several. (Laughter) Never been in one. Who do you want driving though right. I can't help what happens behind me but anyway so and we're...man this one was scary because we drove right into one of the biggest storms I've ever seen. I snapped a picture of it as we were on our way in cuz I knew it was gonna be big and we get into this storm. I couldn't snap a picture when we were in it because we were scared for our lives. I was praying too hard but we get into this storm. The skies completely black, the rains coming down so hard, zero visibility. The lightning is striking at the same time as the thunder. You know one one thousand. Two one thousand. This was like boom and so we're nervous and not only was it a scary storm but the emergency alerts, now this is rare. The emergency alerts on our phone and in my car's GPS started going off like beep, beep. It's a sound they use to revive dead people I'm pretty sure but like you're already scared for your life so let's some add dramatic effect just in case they're not awake. Beep and I've read the alert and it says you will probably die. Make peace. (Laughter) I'm like wow emergency alert and so Elijah is driving right. 17 years old he's like dad should I pull over? Other people are pulling over. What do I do and I'm like man I don't know. I don't know because I think if you pull off the road you can't see lanes. You can't see the road. There's three feet of water on the road. Everybody's hydroplaning. I feel like I would rather strike than be struck. That's not biblical but it's practical okay. I'd rather hit somebody then just be sitting there and get piled into. I said I think we have a better chance if we're moving. You just keep staying straight. Look for brake lights. Ten and two and I remember I said this. I was like God's with us. God is with us. We're gonna get through this and right when I said that lightning struck right next to us. Like it was so close we thought we'd been hit. We screamed for 10 seconds out loud. (Laughter) I'm like God is with us. We're gonna get through this (Boom) Aghhhhh! Long screams. Like you have to take breaths in the middle of the scream. You ever screamed that long and it like aghhh. We look at each other. Aggh! We thought we'd been hit. (Laughter) It was so close we actually thought we've been hit and we were just driving right up on into heaven you know. Just like fiery chariot and I'm like Elijah... fiery chariot. Why did I name him Elijah right? (Laughter) Like ah! My fault. Of course it's a fiery chariot. Here we go. (Announcement sound) Fiery chariot... party of two. Elijah. (Laughter) Your table in heaven is now ready. Should have named him Matthew okay. So we were scared and if you're here from Florida, you've been in Florida for more than two days you know the storms they're scary. In Mark chapter 4 the disciples, not from Florida, okay in case you didn't know but they're from Galilee and they're commercial fishermen. They've lived there their whole lives. They've done this. They've seen storms but this one's different. They're in a storm. This is no afternoon shower. This is the big one and so this is the backdrop for this miracle. Mark 4 verse 35. "When evening came he said to his disciples (Jesus said to his disciples) 'Let us go over to the other side.' Leaving the crowd behind they took him along just as he was in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up and the waves broke over the boat so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him 'Teacher, don't you care if we drown?'" Now these are grown men. Commercial fishermen. These are dudes like and they've been here before. They're scared to death. This is probably the worst storm of their life. For them to panic at this level this is bad and while they're scared for their lives what's Jesus doing? Sleeping. Sleeping. That's right. He's not just sleeping okay. Mark's like I just want to tell you Jesus wasn't just sleeping in this stern in the back of the boat right. He's not just sleeping. He's sleeping on a cushion okay. Scared for our lives like "Lord, you comfy there? Is everything good? You like your little cushion coz we're dying out here!" How can Jesus sleep in a storm? What is going on here? They're, they're scared for their lives, he's countin sheep. 98, 99... Oh...ones missing. I think I'll go after. Anyway Bible humor. (Laughter) Jesus sleeping in a storm. Theory ok. I have a theory. Not in commentaries. This is original material. Like I think, I have this hunch that the whole thing was a setup. The whole thing was a setup and and I wonder then if maybe Jesus wasn't like fake sleeping. Can God do that? Can he act like he's sleeping when he's not? I mean is he allowed? I don't know the rules but like you've done that before right? Your kids want something from you (Snore), fake sleeping. Sorry not not available. Not awake right now. Yeah, you know he's there like Jesus are you awake? He's trying not to giggle. (No, Jesus is sleeping) Fake snore, little slobber for effect and here's why I think this alright because the reason I think this is a setup. Who's leading the trip? Right the Bible tells us that Jesus is the one that says let's go over to the other side and so he's in charge of the, in fact Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the synoptic Gospels, John writes to a different audience for a different purpose but Matthew Mark and Luke...it's rare that they all record the same story. A lot of them write different stories and things but they do sometimes all record the same story. This is one of those rare times that all three of them record the same story. Of course they did because it gave them PTSD and nightmares for the rest of their lives. (Laughter) Remember the storm? Yeah I wrote it down. Me too man. Crazy! So they write it down and but it's interesting to all three of them write it down the same way and they specifically all three point out that Jesus was the one who planned the path. Matthew says it this way in chapter 8 verse 23 it says that "Then Jesus got into the boat and his disciples followed him." Okay so Jesus is leading the way and and he leads them right into this storm. Quick question. Alright...theology 101. Can Jesus predict whether? (Yes) Okay. Most of you, the other services weren't sure. (Laughter) So a couple you went to seminary but I'm thinking yes and I understand for some of you, you're hesitant to say yes because we have trained weather professionals that they only do one thing in their life and they get it wrong most days. Is that not true right and you know I love all the weather people that go here but like your deal to us pretty much is 50%. That's what you tell us every day. Is it gonna rain? I don't know. Let's check the up app. Oh...50% chance. Flip a coin. Might, might not. That's what we get in Florida. Might rain, might be sunny. Might get struck by lightning. I don't know get out there take a chance. Flip a coin, roll the dice. 50% and if we tell you for sure it definitely won't be that. Have you noticed? Oh it's not gonna rain. You walk outside (Thunder noises) Can Jesus predict? I'm pretty sure Jesus can predict weather. He created weather. Pretty sure he can predict it. This storm is no accident. This storm is no coincidence. It's on purpose and here's the thing about Jesus cuz they get into this storm, he doesn't panic. He never panics. Jesus is never caught off guard. He's never surprised. He's never like oh my me. I didn't see that coming. (Laughter) He's Jesus right. He knows and so the reason he can sleep in the back of the boat on a cushion during the biggest storm of their lives is because it was part of the plan. He knew it was coming and he led them right into it. All right, let's get real for a minute because Jesus has done you like that hasn't he? Think about it like if you've been following him for any amount of time then you know Jesus has led you or at least allowed some storms in your life and you sometimes we don't understand and we don't like it but but he's led you into some storms because it's part of the plan. He told us that it would be. You're gonna have trouble. You're gonna, you're gonna have persecution. You're gonna have to endure hardship as discipline because God loves you like his own son and you're gonna have to go through it but all through the Bible we see storms. They're coming. You're in one. Another one's coming. If God in the flesh has to go to the cross then yeah you're gonna have some storms. That's part of the deal. It's part of his will for our lives. It's part of his love for us. Now does it feel like it when you're in it? Never does does it? Doesn't feel like oh this is the worst day of my life. He must really love me. (Laughter) Could you love me a little less Lord? It doesn't feel like that. The way the writer of Hebrews says it in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 11 he says "No discipline seems pleasant at the time." Right. Nothing you're going through, when your dad says I want you to go your room. I'll be there in a minute. No discipline seems pleasant at the time and you know when Dad gets it...hold on some of my Millennials are like what's he even talking about it? (Laughter) It was the thing in the 80s called spanking. I know it's shocking to some. Y'all got blue ribbons for losing. We got our butts spanked so different generation. (Laughter) No discipline is like boy I can't wait to get that whoopin. He says "later on however it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Later on there's blessing in that but, but while you're in the storm it's scary right. When you're in the hurt it's hard and so sometimes when we're hurting you know what we do? It's what the disciples did. We question God. God where are you? What are you doing? Can you not see this? Are you not up there? Where are you right now? The disciples literally yell at Jesus "Teacher, don't you care if we die?" They accuse Jesus of not caring and yeah I don't know. I've done it. Maybe you have said something similar. Felt something similar towards God. Are you even paying attention at all? Don't you see what I'm going through? When are you going to? Are you gonna let this? Like why are you doing this? The disciples do that. In light of their situation I feel like we should give them a pass. There are times in the scripture where it's kind of like come on guys, got a catch up here but this is one of those times like their life is on the line and he's literally sleeping on the job right. Like it's not figurative. Like no Jesus is asleep. Interesting, number one conversation that I have with non-believers and by God's grace I get to talk to a lot of people from a lot of different backgrounds. He knows that's what I love. I pastor by day but I fish for men at night right so like when I get out and about and I meet people and I have these great conversations about what they believe and what they think and what they feel. Number one thing because that our our relationship usually gets interrupted at some point by the fact that I'm a pastor. Say what? Oh man, oh dude well and so here and maybe you have some similar conversations, you might not be a pastor but you go to your workplace and you go to your family and you start having these conversations about God in the Bible your beliefs and then number one thing that people want to talk to me about well listen if God is real, pastor all right, if God is so good if God is love then why is our world so messed up? Why is there pain and there suffering and why El Paso and why if God is so good and you're telling me that like because if God exists wouldn't his number one job be to keep us safe? I mean that's sort of what we think like if there is a God wouldn't his number one thing be to make sure bad things don't happen to me? Kind of like Superman. You know and he flies around from problem to problem fixing things. You guys remember the Superman where he he messed up and he let something bad happen and so he had to fly around the world a couple times turn back time then fix the problem and then it went like right. Like God if Superman can do it put on some tights and let's do this. (Laughter) Turn back time because I've been through some pain I didn't want to go through but but I'm a father. Any fathers in the house? Got some dad's here okay. Yeah all right but so so we're dads, I'm a dad and that's not what I do for my kids. That's not the role I play in their life. My Heavenly Father I'm thinking like well I'm a dad. Now I don't want them to have pain but they've had it. Broken bones. I just think about some of the things that have happened to my kids. They've fallen out of windows, they've been hit by cars, they've crashed motorcycles like if my job as a dad is to keep my kid from pain I am a terrible father and I've messed up severely but as their father that's not my job. My job is not to keep bad things from happening to them. That's their mom's job right. (Laughter) Be careful honey. Oh Oh...watch out! Are you okay? They just coughed. They're fine. It's not tuberculosis. It's interesting too because I think I don't know about your kids but my kids seem to have free will. You notice that and while I want to choose for them I can't and so interesting because while you know we complained to our Father that why don't you keep bad things from happening it's also interesting that I think the times my kids have resented me the most is when I have protected them the most. Parents you with me? Like the times I've said you know what because I fear for you I'm gonna limit your freedom and they say no don't you do that to me. Don't you limit my freedom out of your fear. You gotta let me go. You got to let me be and you tried that and you did it and it's gonna be okay and I just think man we've really put our heavenly father in a box haven't we? It's like if you let something bad happen to me then you don't exist and I don't believe in you but if you don't give me my freedom I don't like you either and He goes well what do you want because here's our problem we're making terms for God that he never agreed to. We're writing contracts he never signed and then we're going hey hey hey hey hey he's going I didn't sign that. That's not who I am. That's not what I do. I didn't agree to your terms. I'm up here and my job is not to make sure that you never see a storm. In fact I was honest with you and I told you in this world you will have trouble but I gave you some hope and I said take heart I've overcome this world. There's more to this life than this life. Trust me right. I gave you some promise and I said that no, it's not that I'm gonna keep bad things from happening but I will work all things together for your good. (Applause) It's gonna come around for you. There's gonna be a plan for your pain. The testing of your faith is gonna develop perseverance. You'll be mature and complete. You won't lack anything because there's purpose for your pain. You'll, you'll have a harvest of righteousness and peace because there's a product for your pain. You know here's what I want to tell you today, just because God doesn't cater to you doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. You with me? Just because he doesn't cater to you does not mean he doesn't care about you. The truth is just his ways are not our ways. His plans are not our plans. His thoughts are not our thoughts. So just because Jesus doesn't do what you want, when you want doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Don't mistake in-action for indifference. That's what the disciples did. He's not doing anything so therefore teacher you don't care. Don't you care if we die? Just because God doesn't cater to you doesn't mean he's not crazy about you. Man he is. He cares but he does not cater. Been following God a long time in and out, back and forth, up and down but I'll tell you this one thing I've learned about God he does not do what I want him to do all the time. Can I get an amen? (Applause) Right like so like his plans are rarely my plans. Here's what I found out is that his agenda that he will fulfill his purposes but he doesn't always fulfill mine. He will accomplish his plans but he doesn't always accomplish my plan. He does his thing not my thing and when I get that that oh your God, I'm not. That's when things start to click. That's when I get oh its lordship. Its I follow you. You don't follow me. You're not my genie. You're my God. That's when the path makes sense. You know I just want to tell you storms don't mean he doesn't care. Storms just prove he's in control. That's why we have the storm. Storms don't mean he doesn't care, storms just prove that he's in control and if I trust him I'll get through any storm this life has to offer. If I don't try to hold him to terms he never agreed to because God never said I'll keep you from the storm, he said I'll be with you in the storm. That's a promise I can take to the bank because he's always true to his word and and that's the difference and I love how Matthew says this whole thing went down. This is so good. I'm skipping back over to the to another version. All right Matthew chapter 8 and in verse 25. "So the disciples went in woke him saying 'Lord save us! We're going to drown.'" Isn't that what you want to do is declare your own death out loud? That's right, you know we have the power to speak life and death. They chose death. We're going to drown. Save us. "He replied 'You of little faith. Why are you so afraid?" Oh, I don't know. Maybe cuz we're gonna die?! I mean on the list of appropriate reasons to be scared would impending doom be one of them? I think. Survey says "Bing!" Number one. Impending doom. Why are you so afraid? He's mad. "Then he got up and rebuked the wind and the waves." It was completely calm. Jesus before he rebukes the storm what does he do? He rebukes the disciples right. Hey guys...I just want you to see this this. It is so interesting. Matthew says you know what before he did the miracle he got on to us and because the problem he's, according to Jesus, isn't the storm. The problem is your faith. The problem isn't the storm going on around you. The problem is the storm going on inside you cuz it tells me you don't trust me. It tells me you don't believe in me. It tells me you don't have your faith in me. (Applause) And so when they wake Jesus up he doesn't pop up and go oh my me! Did I let a storm happen? (Laughter) Did Jesus take a little pastor nap after church? My bad cuz he had just been preaching. I get it. Listen and don't wake a pastor up after he's preached. Kids...you know so but he doesn't wake up and go I can't believe I let this happen. I'm so sorry like my bad. Let me get to work. Hold o...wind stop you know like he wakes up and he's like what is wrong with you guys? What is wrong with you? I'm literally right here in the boat. Like it's and then he does the miracle like an afterthought. Like a backhanded oh yeah...shut the wind machine off. Shut the waves off. I got to talk to these knuckleheads. You know I'll get to that storm in a minute but but see here's the thing...to Jesus the problem is rarely the problem. To us the problem is always the problem. Like oh this and oh that and I can't believe. To Jesus the problem isn't the problem. He can, he can fix the problem in an instant. The problem is our reaction to the problem. To Jesus the problem isn't the problem. It's our reaction our response to the problem. Are you gonna trust me? Are you gonna believe me? Are you gonna have faith and he's mad at his disciples cuz he's like guys after all this time, after all you've seen, after all you know about me you're still gonna freak out in this moment. Is my presence not greater than your problems? Can you just trust me just enough like I'm literally in the boat with you and this is, this is the principle as I see this I realize this is true in my own life but his presence is greater than my problems. That'll preach and I'm gonna make sure that it does just for a second alright. Let's say it together. That helps right. His presence is greater than my problems. All of them. Any of them. Like his presence is greater than my problems. If God is for me who could be against me? I'll tell you I saw this again this week guys in New York City. All right New York City. Downtown just for a few hours. Long story but I was with pastor Mitch, my homie. Pastor Matt from the SoDo campus. Love these dudes and we were with our friend Rafi and but here's the thing about New York City. Downtown, some of you are from the city okay. People don't mess around there. Now I'm I'm from I'm straight out of Clermont so like I'm from the streets. (Laughter) I kid...I can't even say that with a straight face (Laughter) so little guy in a big city right. Little guy in a big city trying to find the shoe store. That's what we do you know like uh... where's...excuse me. I'm just looking, like basically if you're from New York you're like yeah you deserve to be mugged right. (Laughter) Like that that guy walking around like that...yeah that doesn't end well and I've seen some stuff go down in the Big Apple in big city so you gotta be on your toes right and and while I love pastor Mitch and and he swore to me that he would not go down without a fight I just don't know how long that fight would last. (Laughter) No offense. He's a scrappy dude I'm sure but and pastor Matt. I mean he said the same thing bro. I got your back but I've just never seen him in a back alley so somehow it doesn't inspire the confidence but my friend Rafi...different story. My homie was with me like here's you know I'm saying. (Applause) Like that dude will let you walk down the street with your GPS and a couple retail bags like you aint... what you gonna do? Grab my bag? Mmm...I don't think so. Walk with a little more pep in my step. A little more glide in my stride because Rafi is with me. If Rafi is for me...(Laughter) You feel me but like if Jesus is in your boat you're not sinking. You just know like Jesus is in the boat. It's not going down. I have confidence. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. How could it? Jesus is in the boat. Greater is he that is in my boat than the one out there raging a storm against me. (Applause) Nothing is impossible for the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. The creator and sustainer of all things. The Lord of all. The name above every name. His name every knee will bow every tongue confess (Applause). I mean if if you're in Jesus's hands those are some big hands. They created the heavens and the earth. He's got the (Singing - whole world) in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands. Sing that going down New York City all right. (Laughter) You got the tiny little baby, he's got you and me brother like I mean it here's the thing we're in his hands and those are some capable hands. So no matter what size the storm you're going through his presence is greater than your problems. It just is. He makes this point. To the disciples he says "You" verse 26, "You of little faith. Why are you so afraid?' and then he got up, rebuked the wind and the waves and it was completely calm. The men were amazed and they they slapped each other on the chest and said 'What kind of man is this? Even the wind's and the waves obey Him.'" Here's the thing I am never out of control when I know he's in control right. When he's in control I never have to be out of control and so why am I? Why am i panicking? Why am I freaking out? Why am I dealing with things like that? Why am I nervous about the future and trying to control? Because I don't believe that he's in control. When I know he's in control then I can be under control. I'm never out of control when I know he's in control. If Jesus is in the boat I'm gonna be okay. It may not feel like it. It may not look like it. In fact isn't that what faith is? Faith is seeing right, is believing, faith is assurance of what we do not see. Faith is confidence in what we hope for, assurance of what we do not see. Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1. So it's not about, it's not about what's going on around me. It's about what's going on inside me. It's, it's not about what's going on around me, it's about who is living inside me. Greater is he, right. He's greater than the storm. He's greater than the problem. He's greater than any adversity. He's greater than every obstacle. He's greater than any mountain that I'm facing. His presence is greater than all my problems. I can't stop the storms. They're coming. I can't even predict when they come and how they're gonna come. Sometimes it feels like they come at just the wrong time and they don't stop and they keep coming. Like okay, that's enough. They come in threes. Why is there four? And they just keep coming and the only constant...his presence. The only thing that doesn't change is Jesus is with us to the very end of the age he said. Never will I leave you or forsake you. You guys know about my little girl Jayla. Special little girl man. We've been through a lot with her. I got a pic of Jay. (Applause) It was mini-golf first time. That little girl can light up a room and I mean some of you know her story. She was born with spina bifida and so we've been through a lot of storms with her but I look back and I just think I see how God has used those storms to change our lives for the good and and I mean it's crazy that I really wouldn't change anything about the story. It's like God God's just been so faithful but I I do remember one of the toughest moments ever. Jayla was going through a season where she had seizures. I know some of you struggle with this and I pray with people. These seizures are tough man. When you don't you don't know when they're coming and for her we didn't know how long they would last. She couldn't come out of the seizure on her own and so we had to monitor her 24/7. Like sleep next to her and if we felt the movement we had to administer medication. It was just a tense time. By God's grace we're not in that season now. (Applause) So thankful but whew... that's a hard way to live and there are people in our church that live like that. It's very difficult. I remember the first seizure Jayla ever had. It was my birthday. I'll never forget we're having the birthday party and everybody's just chatting and laughing. We got that in-laws over, my parents and extended family and we're just enjoying our time and all of a sudden I hear scream and I look and my little girl is locked up and she's on the ground and she's, she's starting to convulse and her eyes are kind of glazing over and in that moment like she has a shunt in her head to drain the fluid and a lot of complications from spina bifida that we're always watching and we never know like what's gonna happen. If she gets sick we have to take a lot of precautions and and so what is happening right now am I gonna lose this little girl. Robyn very quick thinking and she calls 911 and I really feel helpless but the only thing I knew to do in that moment, I see the fear in her eyes, I just I fell to the ground and I laid down next to my little girl and as I'm looking into her eyes I'll never forget...like you could just see like Daddy what's happening to me? She's totally out of control. She doesn't understand what's going on but but when I locked eyes with her and I just put my hand on her face I just rubbed her cheek and I looked her in the eyes I said it's okay baby. Daddy's here. It's gonna be okay. I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm not going anywhere and I could just see a little bit of relief coming to her face and the paramedics came and the firefighters came and the first responders and it's chaos. They're all around and they're poking and prodding and they're testing. By the way thank you guys! I love you all. (Applause) You've helped my family so many times. And so they're doing their job and it's just all the sounds and the the talking and but I just throughout that whole moment I just stayed steadfast on her. I was just looking her in the eyes. I'm like baby it's okay. Just the calmest voice I could. Daddy's here. Not going anywhere. We're gonna get through this. Just petting her face and then I you know I just wonder how many times I've been in that same situation. Going through something. I just don't understand what's happening right now. Just feel so out of control. I'm in that storm and it's scary and and I'm wondering maybe like I don't know where this is gonna go and I don't know what and and my father just comes down. Puts his hand on my face and he just looks me in the eyes and he just whispers it's okay. Daddy's here. I'm with you. I'm not going anywhere. (Applause) It's gonna be okay. I'm with you. And sometimes while I want him, I want him to fix the storm that's happening around me what he does is he just works to calm the storm inside me and just let me know I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. I just wonder if that's not exactly what some of you need today. That you came here, you're in the season, you're in the storm and Jesus just wanted to remind you today I'm in the boat with you. I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to panic. You can have peace. You don't have to fear you can have faith because I'm with you and that right now with all that's going on around you in the storm that's brewing inside you your heavenly Father is grabbing you by the face and he's just looking in your eyes and he's whispering it's okay. Daddy's here. I'm with you. I love you. I'm not going anywhere. It's gonna be okay. We're gonna get through this. Maybe that's, that's what he's saying to you right now and I just want you to know his presence is greater than all your problems. (Applause) All of them, any of them. His presence is greater. I want to say that together as a prayer. I want to personalize that and would you just stand. Let's stand together. As we prepare to close your presence is greater than my problems. I want us to say that together to him as a prayer. Your presence is greater than my problems. Let's tell him again like we believe it. Your presence is greater than my problems. Lord we believe this today. (Music playing) Thank you for being here. If you're in the storm right now and you need him like never before I'm just gonna ask that you raise your hand up to him. Maybe you got to come up to the front and you just gotta let him know hey I need you in the boat. I know, I know you're there but I need to see you. I need to wake you up right now. I need your attention. I need your focus because it feels like things are out of control. The storm is raging around me and just let him in this moment as you lift your hand towards him as maybe you come forward to meet him in this place just let him look you in the eyes and whisper his truth I'm with you. Daddy's here. It's gonna be okay. Lord thank you. Thank you for the peace that passes all understanding. I cannot figure out why there are times we should be, we should be out of control but we don't have to be out of control when we know that you are in control. Thank you Lord for for being with us. Thank you that your presence is greater than all of our problems. We know that when you show up things change but Lord help us to trust you until you do show up and do what only you can do. Jesus you rebuked your disciples for not having enough faith and we just want to declare today we have the faith. We believe. We trust. We want to hang in there and hold out our faith to you because we know, we know that the constant in the trial it's you. That the one thing that remain it's your love. You are steadfast and true. You'll never leave us or forsake us. You're with us in the storm. We walk through the valley of the shadow of death. We fear no evil because you're with us and if you are for us who can be against us? We love you Lord. We thank you. Your presence is greater than our problems. In Jesus name. Thank you for joining us today for Real Life Online. If you have any questions or your are in need of prayer we would love to connect with you. You can email us at Real.Life/Connect and someone will reach out to you soon. We also want to remind you that if you're in the Orlando area we would love for you to join us at one of our Central Florida campuses. You can find out more about our locations and service times by visiting us online at Real.Life/Locations. Also if you'd like to stay up to date with what God is doing here at Real Life and always know when we go live, subscribe to our YouTube channel now. You can also follow us on social media, download our app, or check us out online at Real.Life to stay plugged in. Once again thank you for joining us today and remember that God is crazy about you!
Channel: Real Life Christian Church
Views: 6,580
Rating: 4.852941 out of 5
Keywords: Real Life Christian Church, Real Life Church, Real Life, Justin Miller, Miracles, Miracle, Miracles in the Bible, Jesus miracle, needing a miracle, are miracles real, miracles from God, God miracle, jesus miracles, calming storm, Jesus storms, storms in my life, Jesus, storms, calming the storm, storm miracle, faith, testing faith
Id: rYhDaVmaikk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 12sec (2232 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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