It's All Gone a Bit Third Reichy - Frank Sanazi

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so please welcome the stage the brilliant thanks to nazi [Music] reich that's what all the people say i took poland in april then france in may and you know i was starting to crawl then i took those checks took some checks in june i say third rock [Music] watching nation scream but i won't won't let it get me down cause it would soon be my world my faith spinning around i've been a poet a painter lover dictator [Music] and i know one thing each time i find myself don't face [Applause] pick myself up and start an aryan race third reich third i can't deny it many times i've took the jews out maybe put them on a diet but if pearl and smoke can come this here july what am i gonna do i'm getting on that zeppelin then i'll fly up in the poet of painter cover dictator i trevor prawn i was king i've been up down somehow [Music] i pick myself up and start i can deny it many times i've nearly been taken out i'm such a target but if early smoking is here july i'm gonna roll myself up in my bunker and [Music] [Applause] my camp [Music] [Applause] not the size of crowd i was expecting but i'm sure millions will join us thanks the italian first actor thanks for all the help [Laughter] just put kate moss over there uh my name is frank sinatsi i'm the leader of the iraq pack i don't you've heard the iraq pact as um as four of us as myself the ubermeister of lounge this um dean stalin ladies man the russian dean stalin a big hit with those russian dolls they're all full of themselves those russian dolls are there there's saddam saddam sir danny davis jr i'm there and osama bin crosby there therefore forcing that's from my album uh mine way on a steinway i hope you uh hope you like that it's done really well it's going uh platinum in dubai so plutonium in north korea and polonium 210 russia this morning how about that that was not number one putin's got putin on the blitz [Laughter] yeah great i don't know if you've seen me before folks i don't know if you've um wanted to see me before christmas i was on tv uh with alec baldwin shooting stars you see me he's supposed to be hosting blankety blank but that gig got cancelled we'll have a little show of hands if you haven't seen me before put your put your hands if you haven't seen frank's well that's how it starts good times lovely blondes down here look at these lovely blondes there they're not sweet not swedish are you sweetheart no no got their own rat pack in sweden called the flat pack i heard those guys little german humor let's try some out knock knock who's that um the gestapo gustavo we asked the questions just come back from the world to a great success my agent harvey goldberg he um well i must apolo i'm supposed to be first on tonight you know that's supposed to be first on uh here tonight i came in no why not no because i supposed to be first on but very ungerman being late isn't it very inefficient i was doing a bar mitzvah last night in berlin and i flew into gatwick airport and uh they interrogated me which was nice you know like i said uh walking through you know like you do said name i said oh frank sinatsi they said uh occupation oh i know just visiting this time but thanks for asking us [Applause] i thought you were falling over laughs he wasn't blind she's ruined by dying the roots brown bit of a shame but this one yeah good yeah they're good i love living in london i live in london now trying to take it from the inside live just down the road there and i heard the first act mentioned the olympics uh i was here for the olympics uh a lot of people don't know uh one of the teams got thrown out the somalian team got thrown they never made the news somalian team got thrown out because they thought the shooting and the sailing was just one event too soon yeah so yeah i've been here for a while yeah strange people london is strange um i keep ass get asked to leave places like um bc world every five minutes can't stand that smile got thrown out of the library the other day try to get a book out on the second world war wouldn't lenders me because uh lost the first one listen i haven't got long i'm singing a song for my next album um songs for swinging leaders my white my white christmas album didn't sell at all lovely songs like rudolph hess nose pain deer and santa are you listening one of my testicles is missing get another for me to keep it company walking into the winter fatherland guess how many copies i sold sweetheart oh okay nine very good yeah i was infuriated [Laughter] so i'm gonna sing a song now this is um this is it from the album songs for swinging leaders um now this is uh got more hits this next song on uh youtube got those two army stuff uh got more hits uh than dresden 1944 oh come on you londoners love dresden don't you you have uh dresden fridays here at work don't you i say so but uh anyway i uh recorded this and uh for a friend of mine sadami because he's been away for a while in america he's doing a new show called guantanamo baywatch out there so and i recorded it for him and the good old leader there donald trump he i did his thing at the white house lovely building and uh and this is as i say i'm gonna say dedicated to a friend of mine i lost a good friend in the twin tower disaster uh muhammad the pilot's saying playing good friend of mine uh it's just i'm dedicating this to him uh tonight and uh have a listen to it if you get the chance you're all welcome to contact me on social media like uh race book there's a good one or twitter i don't know anyway heinrich take it away they've got my own sound man down from germany heinrich they take it away this is uh this is a dedicated to my friend as i say here we go a little bit louder [Music] strangers on my flight they make me nervous they're terrorists all right they're wearing turbans this won't turn out right cause once just touched his shoe [Music] something in their smiles it made me anxious something industrious it made me nervous something in their pants i wish i'd never flew kurdish people when they say their first hollow little did i know i kill you was not a greeting i'm now dead for this chance meeting later on night they called the hostess to divert our flight my pants are a mess this won't turn out right for strangers on i'm now dead for this chance meeting they killed a pilot to divert the flight my pants are a mess this won't turn our right for strangers on my flight once more here we go now you all know the words [Music] [Applause] now listen before i go before i go if you come and see an iraq pack show we're doing edinburgh this year uh las vegas nights my lovely daughter nancy senate is doing jack boots are made for walking if you want to come and see the show feel free to come and see the show um and uh you know if you suspend belief and uh but what i've noticed there's never any swearing in us you hear a lot of comedians swearing even the hosts were using bad language um when i say bad language i don't just mean polish as i said all right but i've i've so what i've done is i've for audience members who swear and i'll put it on you sweetheart lovely blonde there used to be anyway i'll put this on you here and it says um it says swore you see so if you see an act swearing i've got loads of these put them on their shoulders there like that it says swore or an audience member when you're fed up with them says well if anybody wants my uh swore my swastikas they can pick him up i've been frank sinatra thank you good night [Applause]
Channel: Comedy Unleashed
Views: 1,121,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comedy, standup, satire
Id: Eiju6hHdxd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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