Robert Morris – Signs – A Way in the Wilderness

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so we're in a series called away in the wilderness and what we're talking about is we're coming out of Isaiah 35 which is a messianic chapter and it's telling us what the Messiah will do when the Messiah comes well we know the Messiah has already come all right and so we're taking four weeks and we started last weekend last weekend with strength that he brings strength and I gave you three simple ways to receive strength from God from Jesus from the Messiah three very very simple ways last weekend and this weekend the title the message is signs that when the Messiah comes or when he has already he's already come we know but Isaiah's telling us when he comes he'll do signs and wonders he'll bring signs and wonders with him all right so we stopped at verse four last week so this week we're gonna start in verse five I say a thirty five verse five says then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the Deaf unstopped then shall the lame man leap like a deer and the tongue of the mute see for joy so what he's saying is the massage gonna come with signs and wonders now I want you understand something it's natural for God to be supernatural that's normal for God I'm going to say something the first part of this sentence is tongue-in-cheek if God wakes up in the morning he's going to do a miracle that day and obviously he never sleeps her slumbers but he he just does miracles that's it's normal God does signs and wonders Jesus did miracles when he was on this earth but here's what we need to know where we need to remember that the Bible tells us Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever and there were miracles going on signs and wonders before Jesus ever came to this earth God was doing miracles so I have three points that I want to share with you here's number one God does signs and wonders God does signs and wonders and I love the word wonder because what it what I think it means is is that you can't figure it out you just have to wonder about it I don't know why God decided to say but signs and wonders were all through the Bible but like what happened to me a year ago yeah there's no medical explanation so you just wonder about law you want and the reason I'm saying that to you is because for some of you your mind is one of your greatest assets and one of your greatest liabilities because you have to figure everything out and I just want you to know you can't figure out God you just can't you can learn about him and you can get to know him but God is infinite God never ends it's like when your child says what's the highest number you ever had that question and you're trying to explain to them well there's there's not one because you can always add one well that's the way God is God is infinite so God does signs and wonders so let me show you a few scriptures about signs and wonders Exodus 7 verse 3 says and I will harden Pharaoh's heart and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt here we have the second book of the Bible God talking about signs and wonders Psalm 135 verse 9 he sent signs and wonders into the midst of you Daniel 4:3 how greater his signs and how mighty his wonders and then acts 2 verse 22 niat of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man attested by God to you by miracles wonders and signs which God did through him in your midst and then just so you know that it just wasn't God in Jesus doing it acts 243 then fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles so that what they keep going romans 15 verse 18 I will not dare to speak to you this is Paul's talking to the Romans so any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me and indeed to make the Gentiles obedient in mighty signs and wonders Paul did signs and wonders of course God did in through Hebrews 2 for God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders with various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit now I like this just because I just want to say that some people say gifts of the Holy Spirit have passed away they say miracles and wonders have passed away signs and passed away okay the only problem with that is is that God has not passed away so what God does hasn't stopped either God is God he can never stop being God God is a God of the miraculous so just don't believe any theology that tries to tell you that God doesn't do miracles anymore because God has to do miracles because God's God that's just God is God he just that's that's just what God does so again years ago God just I don't know what happened but somehow God put it on my heart this we met this family and they couldn't conceive and I prayed for and I've been reading in the scripture about how God opens wounds and I'll show you those scriptures in just a moment and so I I just prayed that God would open this woman's womb and she got pregnant then before you know what there was another and then another another and so this this has been going on for a long time now in my ministry and every year again a gateway church we do this every year on Mother's Day we have we have a lot of Mother's Day miracles around here I mean I'll run into families at restaurants and stores and they'll introduce me to this is one of this is one of the Mother's Day miracles this is a child that we could not conceive for many many years and you prayed on Mother's Day and this is one of them I called my son today and said to him hey I just just this is something we started it to begin a gateway I didn't know where this your first Mother's Day in Austin at the church were at table Church there and I said I just didn't know whether you were going to do this or felt lady said oh absolutely said that I just I grew up seeing it he said I can't imagine a Mother's Day not prayed for moms that want to be moans you know I just can't imagine that he said let me tell you what happened we got an email this week from a lady who's had who's been wanting to be a mom and for her and I understood this this is what I felt years ago when I started he said Mother's Day is a sad day for her because it marks another day another year you know and so he said she wrote an email to Hanna that's Josh's wife and said I was just wondering what y'all have planned and so she had explained oh we're gonna have celebrate mom's but we're also gonna pray for mothers that wanted me to be moms and this is something we've done four years ago and she wrote back and she said I'm so excited about this and I have so much faith my heart but I've never heard of a church that does this but I hope there are many that do this and there probably are so anyway years and years ago probably around 35 or 36 because I'm not quite sure how old my nephew is but Debbie's sister and her husband who are now members of our church and wonderful people but they were trying to get pregnant and so we we were staying with them on for a vacation or something and Debbie just said hey Robert prays for ladies that are trying to conceive and it's just God is just giving faith in Sarah would you like for him to pray with you and she and her husband both said yeah absolutely we love that you know and so I prayed well while I was praying I heard this statement and I've learned to just say say what I hear when I pray and trust the Lord and so I said you will have a son in less than a year now you think you got a year there but you really don't he got three months and the Lord then took me to James five that said Isaiah prophesied that he wouldn't rain for three you know until he said it would and then it says and then he prayed earnestly so the Lord has taught me when I prophesy something that the next step is to pray earnestly and so I prayed earnestly you know for the next few months and but here's the thing I said less than a year you'll have a son eleven months two weeks later she had a son and then she got pregnant again very quickly and he didn't she had a daughter then she got pregnant again very quickly and their children were like first second third grade you know sophomore junior senior you know they were that way just a year apart and all three of their children but when she got pregnant third time she called Devon said tell Robert stop prayin so number one God does signs and wonders that's just that's just normal that's normal for God here's number two God heals spiritually he doesn't just heal physically he heals spiritually and and it's very important for us to know this because I want to just talk to you about some it said the blind you're gonna see the Deaf we're gonna hear the lame we're gonna walk and the mute are gonna speak would it be alright if God healed your spiritual eyes and and I'm just want to tell you that's pretty important when you can open this book and it jumps off the page that you and you see that this is a spiritual book written by a spiritual being to spiritual beings it's pretty fun and it's fun when you get to hear God God opens your spiritual ears and you can hear God speak something to your art and it's fun when God heals your lameness in an area of your life and you can walk in the spirit in that area and it's fun when God looses your tongue when you're afraid to speak to people and now you can speak to people and share about your faith in Jesus Christ and in Acts chapter 2 and God loose their tongues that the coming of the Holy Spirit Pentecost it says they heard them speaking the wonderful works of God in their own languages so y'all follow me so we want God to also do it spiritually so I want to show you something about this to let you know that if you're saved the Messiah has done this for you he's made you whole he's made you whole so in Luke there's a story about ten lepers that got healed you've probably read the story and one leper who was a Samaritan the other nine were Jews came back to say thank you and then Jesus says this jesus answered and said were there not ten cleansed where are the other nine where they're not any found who returned to give God the glory give God give glory to God except this foreigner and he said to him arise go your way your faith has now watch this made you well one version says made you whole now this made you well is one Greek word these three words made you well or made you whole not nine ten of them were healed one of them was made whole made well completely made whole spirits on the body it's a Greek word it's pronounced so does oh so Chuck now if you see a written in the English form it'll be written so0 and you'll hear people pronounce it soso but it's it's just it's just not the correct pronunciation and I know all of you want to Curt pronounced Greek words correctly but it's pronounced so did so all right but it means to be made whole to be healed spirit soul and body to be made whole to be made well as a matter of fact one definition think about this now in this is in Strong's Concordance there are several definitions one is Messianic deliverance and salvation the Messiah brings deliverance and salvation you've been made oh and this word is in the New Testament a hundred and ten times this Greek word so so 93 times though think about this 85% of the time 93 out of 110 it's translated save or saved as a matter of fact here's one of the most famous verses and this is the word soak so whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be made whole okay here's why I'm telling you this if you've called on the name of the Lord he's already opened your spiritual eyes he's already opened your spiritual ears he's already healed your lameness he's already loosed your tongue he's already done this for you it's like last week when I was saying than the cyber bring strength but here's how you receive that strength in your everyday walk there are some things you need to do okay so I want you to know God is already made your home he's already done that because you came to Jesus on the cross so let me just show you a few verses own opening your spiritual eyes and ears Jeremiah 5:21 hear this now o foolish people without understanding so you don't understand if you don't have your spiritual eyes open who have eyes and see not and who have ears and you're not Ezekiel 12:2 son of man you dwell in the midst of rebellious house which has eyes to see but does not see and ears to hear but does not hear remember by the way when when Paul who was called Saul before on the Damascus Road he meets Jesus he's blinded literally in the natural but when Ananias comes and lays hands on him X 9 verse 18 immediately there fell from his eye something like scales and he received his sight at once well he not only received his physical side he received a spiritual psychic because when you read the writings of Paul some some of the things are pretty hard to understand that's what the Bible says and this guy began to see in the spirit and I think it's fantastic we got o with your spiritual eyes so but this this Jesus talked constantly to his disciples about you have eyes but you can't see and I've preached on this Union several different types of series that are spiritual eyes meal you have eyes but you can't see now I've thought about this because ladies to me can see things many times that men can't see and I'm not just talking about in the spiritual they can see things spiritual but sometimes they see things in the natural for instance I will look in my closet for a certain shirt I will go through every shirt individually looking for it and then I will say to Debbie sugar I I know that shirts here but I can't see it she walks in and says it's right here ok so then she said to me one time you have eyes but you can't see ok but I decided it's not just as she can see things I think she can make things appear than aren't there I asked you one time where the scissors were she said in the doctor just before in the top drawer by the refrigerator ok I had already taken everything out of that drawer so I thought I've got her this time I've got her I'd taken everything out and put it back in and I said but sugar I've looked and it's not in that drawer she walks this one says she walks on the kitchen opens drawer and says they're right there she made them appear and so then she says to me again you have eyes but you can't see and she walks out the room and I thought she was far enough and I said no you a voodoo woman and she said what'd you say I said here you're a beautiful woman that's good so God not only heals naturally God heals spiritually as well and the reason I'm saying that is because I'm gonna pray not only for natural healing at the end of the service but for spiritual healing as well and emotional healing because it says he came to heal the brokenhearted so here's number three God opens wounds this is scriptural God opens wounds now I'm going to show you something at first and you may wonder why I'm showing it to you but I want to explain it to you if you remember Abraham lied about Sarah being his wife because he thought he had they would kill him and Abimelech the King took her into his harem but he didn't sleep with her and of course God shows up in a dream and you know says to him you're a dead man you know to Abimelech and he obviously gives Sarah back but Genesis 20 verse 18 says for the Lord had closed up all the wounds of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah Abraham's wife okay so not only does God open wounds it says God closes ones now please please I've got to explain this well this was for judgment but listen to me if you're a believer in Jesus God would never close your wound for judgment never because Jesus has already taken your judgment yeah if you don't hear anything that I ever say and no matter how many years you're at in here please understand this if you're a believer in Jesus God will never punish you for your sins because he already punished Jesus he's a just God he cannot punish two people for the same sin and so many times we think this we're on the way to work and we get a flat tire and we think yes yes I didn't have my quite time this morning so I said I see God you're you're you know you're punishing me for not having my quite them and then it starts to rain and we're like oh nice touch that's a nice touch go okay that okay you didn't get a flat tire because you're under the judgment of God let me give you the theological reason you got a flat tire a nail but if you're a believer God is not punishing you for your sins Jesus took that here's the reason I say that one of our friends that we went to high school with we connected with her and her husband 10 15 years later I don't remember when the timeframe was but Debbie was kind of catching up with her I was telling her husband and she said it may have been later on the phone there because actually talk to her I can't remember now but the point was somehow sake' mom about children do you have children and she said this she said no I don't have any children and I know that God is punishing me for things I did as a teenager and Debbie explained to her that's not right God is not punishing so here's what I want to say ladies there is no condemnation those who are in Christ and condemnation we always think of it as a word there are condemning words but the word condemnation means a sentence of punishment there's no sense of guilt against you does God say so if if you've had difficulty conceiving - listen to me it's nothing you've done wrong it's nothing you've done wrong you've got to know that because God doesn't do that he he punished Jesus for all of our sin okay so but I want to show you another place where he closed the womb and talked about where God might close the womb for a season I want to show it to you first samuel 1:5 but to Hannah he that's her husband would give a double portion for he that's her husband loved Anna although the Lord had closed her one now he wasn't punishing Hanna but he had closed the Lord had closed her wound okay so why would God close alone well I know some people that could not conceive and adopted and right after they adopted they conceived but God you got to remember if you're a believer God's working all things for good and God wanted that child raised in a Christian home and so he may have worked those circumstances out for you to consider something you wouldn't have even considered he are you following me so you've got to always look at God according to his character in his nature another reason that God might close a wound for a season is that he was waiting he was doing Oakland and say it this way he was doing a work in Hannah's heart because he needed Samuel to grow up in the temple and learn to hear God's voice from an early age and Hannah was so grateful she was wet ready to death she dedicated him to the Lord then see so he was doing a work in her heart dear in time but here's another thing God needed Samuel born at the exact time to anoint David as the king of Israel she see God wants he wants your child born at exactly the right time to meet the right mate see there are so many reasons that God does things but they're all for our good that's what you have to know when Debbie was in the second grade at the end of the second grade the teacher said there were some areas that she just felt like it'd be better if she would repeat the second grade it wasn't like she failed but she just the teacher said it would be better if you would because of this these areas and I don't remember what those areas were right now but so she was held back here okay what what you may not know and I've been careful how I say this is Debbie is a little older than I am so 11 months and one week okay so for three weeks of the year were the same age and and so it's a it's a really fun thing that I get to do for 11 months and one week but I tell I've told her several times you know when you're a hundred I'll only be 99 so but here's the thing she was put back one class but that was my class I might not have ever met her and so what seemed like a bad thing to hurt the time was actually God just arranging things for what he wanted to do in the future it was for her good and for my good you follow me so so God opens to him now let me show you some scriptures about him opening wounds and of course we know he opened Hanna's wound Genesis 29 31 when the Lord saw that leah was unloved he opened her womb but Rachel was buried Genesis 30 verse 22 then God remembered Rachel and God listened to her and opened her womb now I would the reason I wanted to show you this part is God listened to her in other words she prayed you need to pray you need to ask God and sometimes we had different personalities and my personality is kind of go for it and I didn't realize this Debbie's personality was not this is not the same as my personality when we got married I mean I knew it was a little different but we started growing and learning more things about each other so God gave me the names of both of my sons before they were born he actually gave me the day that James would be born the exact day and so God would speak to me and so I knew I would have a son named Josh and then a son named James when I thought we were gonna have a daughter that was three years later and then I started praying for a daughter because I wanted a daughter and it was five years until we had two like but one of the things that happened was during that time I said to Debbie hey are you when we pray for a daughter are you I mean are you with me on this are you agreeing do you do you not want any more children do you not want to you know she said no I do and I want a daughter and then she said something that I just didn't realize that she was thinking this way she said I don't really want to pray about it because if I pray about it I'll get my hopes up and I might get disappointed and that's a very real sense that people have and I want you to understand ladies it's important that you pray it's important that you pray make your requests known to God it's important and I could show you many many scriptures but I just want to show you one Matthew 20 verse 29 through 34 now as they went out to Jericho a great multitude followed him and behold two blind men sitting by the road when they heard that Jesus was passing by cried out saying have mercy on us O Lord son of David then the multitude warned them that they should be quiet but they cried out all the more say have mercy on us O Lord son of David so Jesus stood still and called them and said listen what he said what do you want me to do for you they're blind have mercy on us son of David but he asked them what do you want me to do for you they said to him Lord that our eyes may be open so Jesus had compassion and touched her eyes and immediately received sight and they followed him Jesus asked blind bartimaeus what do you want me to do Jesus asked the Father remember that the father whose son was demonized the father said if you can do anything and Jesus said in essence he said if I can do anything he said no if you can believe then all things are possible and then he say he made a great response and it's okay to say this to God lord I believe help my unbelief jesus said to a man who was laid 38 years do you want to be made well why would he do this because it's important I don't know why I really don't know why it's important that you ask God you know the Bible says he knows what you need before you ask here's the way we interpret that birth he knows what we need so don't ask but that's not what it says he knows what you need before you ask he wants you to ask so remember I told you about Debbie's sister well so our niece which is the daughter of Debbie's sister a year and a half ago at Thanksgiving where I was Debbie now we're sitting across the table from them at a family Thanksgiving and they've been praying and wanting to have a child and I started feeling compassion miracle start with compassion and I started asking the Lord Lord do you want me to pray for him because I do you want me to prophesy do you want me I just feel and I felt like the Lord was saying and speaking something to me so I said to him I'm gonna ask you a question and I know the answer but it's important that you answer out loud I said to each to the husband the wife I said do you want to have a child they said yes and I said you'll be holding your child next Thanksgiving and this Thanksgiving they were holding their baby the baby was born October 29th just a few weeks before thank you
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 118,466
Rating: 4.8205938 out of 5
Keywords: gateway, Gateway Church, gatewaypeople, Sermon, Jesus, God, Dallas, Texas, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, A Way in the Wilderness, Signs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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