Italy: Dumb Mistakes Tourists Make in Italy

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hey the fellow-travellers mark here with Walters world and today we're here in chenza Italy and today we're gonna talk about or kind of some of the common mistakes we see travelers make when they do come to Italy cos I mean let's be honest Italy is one of the most popular countries in the world to visit for great reasons from the countryside to the cities to the people to the history to the food it's just a wonderful thing and there's a lot of mistakes that tourists can make when they come here relate into these things so we thought we would give you are some of the most common mistakes that tourists make when they come here and probably one that I see a lot the reason why I'm here filming of each Enza is people make the mistake of only doing Venice Florence Rome or Milan Venice Florence from they only get like the beat the three big cities are the four big cities and that's it and then they really miss out on the Italian culture because when you go to the big cities it's more tourist based kind of stuff right so they're geared for tours of all these kind of things and you don't get to feel that true Italia feel right you go on it you want to get that feeling so when you do come make sure you don't just do Venice you know if you're in Venice come to Vicenza go to pot of them maybe go over to Verona or something like that go to ordinay there's so many cool places you can check out there they're smaller place to take in that culture you're down in Florence head over to Lucca maybe go over a revena or something like that on the other side I mean there's something great smaller towns have so much to offer that you don't just have to see the Venice Florence Rome kind of stuff now the second mistake I see tourists make is they look at the Italians ago why are those silly Italians standing at the bar when there's perfectly comfortable seats here we can sit look the mistake you're making when you do that is you don't realize there might be a different price for your coffee or your espresso at the bar versus sitting down okay so if you're looking to save a few coins be like the Italians stand up and enjoy that espresso then get back in the city and enjoy some of the great sights now the third mistake I see tourists make is they try to have dinner before like 7 or 8 o'clock at night what you don't realize is that a lot of restaurants will actually close about 3 o'clock and they won't open up again until 7 or 8 o'clock at night so if you're used to having dinner at 5 or 6 you're probably not going to be able to have that so make sure you plan accordingly now if you're in Venice or Rome or Florence there's tons and tons and tons of tourists yeah you'll probably able to find something but just still like your traditional if you're here in Vicenza you won't have Bigley with duck you're probably not gonna get that at five o'clock you're gonna have to wait until later okay and my next mistake I see tourists make when they come here they expect to have quick fast service because you know in the US when you go to Italian restaurants like King the pastas out right away the food's out right away and it's really kind of quick here in Italy we like to enjoy the food we like to take the time spend time with our friends families chatting having snacks and starting up an aperitivo and things like this and you need to have patience do you go out to eat in Italy okay so make sure you prepare for that because that yeah eight o'clock dinner it'll probably go to at least ten anyway on like a quick night so if you do need to get something quick one you can ask the restaurant like hey we're in a hurry could you help us out or you might look at for more faster service kind of places that might have more sandwich panini kind of stuff versus like having a you know the big Lior the fettuccine lasagna and kind of the pastas or meats so that's something you got to think about now the next mistake I see tourists make is they don't carry cash around now most places in Italy you can pay with credit card that's not really a problem but you're gonna have some cash run because you're going to go to an outdoor bar and have an you know a spritz here in the north or or have Sun Negroni if you're in Milan or something like that you gotta remember it sometimes you just pay with cash they might not take card you want to go grab that gelato which you should grab multiple every single day you're gonna need cash to pay those things because people just don't always take credit cards so have cash with you and if you're in places like Venice right in Venice you might have to pay to use a public bathroom so have some change have some cash with you okay now another thing I think a lot of tourists make a mistake of and I see this a lot in Rome a lot of times and in Florence is they don't realize that the people that are trying to tie bracelets all them are giving them a flower so it's a free bracelet it's a free free flower it's never a free bracelet it's never free flower it's never a free ring they fell they found on the ground these are scams and once they tie that thing on you they're gonna hey give me some money for it give me some money for it and they're gonna harass you okay so if people are trying to give you stuff you just like no thanks no no good ads no good and just kind of stay away because you know what they're gonna bother you okay so don't make that mistake but think oh they'll just be nice and give me a flower or give me a bracelet and I see people do this a lot to little kids when they're here so just you know make sure you keep them away from yourself your kids and you should be okay now where you see those people tie on those bracelets or giving things out there usually by big tourist attractions and my next mistake I see people make when they come here is they don't pre booked tickets to some of the major attractions now I'm not everything you can pre-book a ticket for but if you can you should for example the Colosseum in Rome or the Vatican Museums you want a pre booked tickets so you don't waste hours in line getting in there I mean the Vatican Museums I mean the line goes for like a kilometer or two sometimes alright and you don't want to waste time with that because you would enjoy the sights and then go out to see more of the cities so if you can pre-book Dupree book and sauce for train tickets stuff like that it can save you a lot of time and a lot of headaches and speaking of those train tickets my next mistake I see people make because I see them getting the really long line to buy tickets at the train station look you don't have to wait in the long line to buy tickets there and pretty much all the major stations all the medium-size stations and smaller sized stations they're gonna have like a kiosk you can go to and you can pick English or Spanish or French or Italian or whatever and buy your tickets that way and it makes life it's so much easier okay so don't feel like you have to wait that long line when there's a kiosk ready and waiting for you to use it also don't let someone help you unless they're like in a train italia outfit with all the official gear because some people do that he's kind of tricked tourists so have a heads up especially in termini station in Rome okay and kind of going along with it another mistake I see people make is some of the tickets you have to validate before you get on the train so we're gonna do that regional you know quick through the regional slow trains who like pot of our something like that make sure you go and you validate the ticket there's like a little machine you put it in trunk trunk you want to make sure you do that because you don't want to get a fine for not validating your ticket I've made that mistake before and I do not want you to make that mistake now another mistake I see tourists make deals with their clothes when they come here now Italians are cool they'll let you wear whatever you want they're not gonna judge you I mean they will be dressed better than you no matter what as that's just the way Italians are but the thing is if you just bring like tank tops and shorts or just short skirts of your female don't be surprised if they don't let you into some of the churches I'll set up outside of Basilica San Marco in Venice they have signs if you got short shorts and short skirts on and and tank tops they might not let you in so make sure you do bring some clothes he can use to cover up maybe a shawl for your shoulders or something like that or longer shorts or or our pants or something like that just in case it doesn't always happen they don't stop everybody but it's something I think you should know now the next mistake I see people make is they eat in the tourist zones look if there is a famous tourist site like right by where you are most likely the restaurants there are overpriced and under Italian meaning you're not getting as much of the really Italian food you really want with your there so do have a heads up for that so make sure if you are gonna be in Rome are you gonna be in Venice if you just walk two or three blocks off for the main kind of tourist drag you'll be finding much more authentic places where the locals go to eat you see the locals there you're gonna be okay but you were eating those tourists on so like I want to I want to observe the Duomo and eat it at the same time don't expect to have the best Italian food in the world there okay so have a heads up for that and that kind of goes into one of the most biggest tourist kind of waste of times you'll have when you do come here in Italy and that is I see the mistake that people think going to Pisa for a couple days is a good idea look Pisa is the tower and there's a cool baptistry there and there's a few museums but it's not really a huge place you really want to visit and spend a lot of time at and so if you're gonna be planning your Italian adventure I would recommend night maybe not putting Pisa on your list so much go to Lucca instead if you're by Florence or or try to hit siento reveille nor so many other places you can go to because really all you're just gonna go and get this picture holding up the Leaning Tower and that's about it and that's one of the place is especially by the leaning tower you have some of the worst tourist trap restaurants in Italy so do have a heads up for that now the next mistake I see a lot of tourists make and this kind of relates to the very first mistake but it's a little bit different is people try to see too much when they come to Italy like okay I've got a week so I'm going to do Venice Florence rum and then I got to see the Amalfi Coast and get the Isle of Capri and hit up Pompeii if I got time maybe I'll do a side day trip to Pisa I'm like how are you gonna steal these things look if you're coming to Italy if you only got ten days I recommend just staying in a region I come here to Veneto stay in Venice visit part of a Verona Vicenza maybe had the sound of grappa and try grappa for the first time well maybe you just do Sicily you're flying to Palermo and you go see the rock outside of there on the other side of the coast you head down to the valley the temples go to Syracuse OHS this gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous you know square there you know there's so many things to do so pick a region so you don't over stretch yourself and the great thing is every region you go to does have different food when you're here and I guess that's another mistake people make is they think Italy it's just pasta and pizza yes there's a lot of pasta yes there's a lot of pizza but you're gonna have great meats when you're here you didn't break seafood when you're here there's so many great foods there here that don't relate to pasta and pizza that it kind of shocks people sometimes ok another mistake I think people make is they worry that to say don't speak Italian they won't have a good time or they won't be able to communicate well that's a big mistake because the Italians even if they don't speak any English and you speak no Italian they will still find a way to cut a leg communicate with you in a fun way and everything will be fine because the people here really are fantastic and they're very hospitable it's for the tourists so it's really kind of a cool thing and the last mistake I see tourists make when they come here to Italy is and the biggest as Liam would say is they make the mistake of thinking that you could only have gelato once a day that is the biggest mistake you can make when you come here to Italy cuz you know what maybe the gelato stand is open a bit before the lunch places so hey you can have a gelato then maybe you're ready for a snack in the afternoon and nothing else is open gelato is really great thing to have there maybe you're trying to cleanse your palate before dinner gelato works just great maybe after dinner you want something a little sweet gelato works then you can have gelato any time of the day and you should and actually a mistake with the gelato I see people make is they only get the flavors they know from home if you see stuff here you've never heard try it because there's so many flavors and you can actually get two or three flavors per cone so why not do that and find out that you really do love pistachio and lemon together or you do love bocce or whatever that is or this other kind you might have mint or something like that so do try it out so I hope this helps you know some of the common mistakes that we've seen tourists make where they come here to Italy so you don't make them and we try not to make them as well so you will learn more about coming to Italy maybe the don'ts have come to Italy or some of the culture shocks that come to Italy check us on our website at Walters worldcom we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube Pinterest and we really appreciate your likes subscriptions we hope you have a great time here in Italy but make no mistake you will buy from Vicenza
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 266,755
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Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy
Id: ja184YgYugc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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