Visit Rome - What to Know Before You Visit Rome, Italy

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Peter fellow-travellers marker with Walters room say we're in Rome and we got for you today is kind of things you should know before you come to Rome now we have a lot of videos on room tips are busy wrong love and hates of Rome shocks of Rome don'ts of Rome we have all that but this is more kind of like the technical things you should know before you come to Rome okay first things first when you're buying your plane tickets to Rome there are two airports you Fiumicino FCO that is the main airport that's where you're probably gonna fly into especially if you're coming from the US and you're maybe connecting through Paris or Amsterdam with KLM Air France or someone like that or you're flying direct from the US it's usually almost always FCO the other airports jump you know it's CIA which kinda makes for Chuck when I see that the CIA Airport that's usually only low-cost airlines like Ryanair or someone like that I actually flew into there from Warsaw on a cheap airline so it was no big deal now if you're going to try to get in from the airport Fuma chino is really simple there's a train that goes straight from the airport train station right to the termini the main train station here in Rome very easy to do okay if you're coming from the other Airport the CIA Airport there you can take a bus there's multiple bus options four or five euros to get you into town no big deal very simple you could take a bus than to take a train but it's a pain in the butt you might as well just take the bus to come in the bus takes about from the Ciampino takes about 30 45 minutes I was on it took like 40 minutes in the rain during relative rush hour the Express train only takes about half an hour to come in so from Fiumicino so it's pretty simple to get anywhere and from the airports okay now next thing you would probably want to look at are your hotels where am I going to stay look Rome has tons and tons and tons and tons of hotels you shouldn't have a problem finding accommodation however you will have a hard time finding cheap accommodation hotels in Rome are expensive just accept that once you accept that you're gonna a lot more for getting a lot little you'll be ok alright this is an old city smaller buildings smaller rooms things like that and you will pay a lot like cheap hotels can be like 80 euros and so basically if you're gonna get something that you're gonna like staying in expect to pay you know in the 150s 170 s 200 euro range to get like a nicer place so hotels are kind of priced when you are here in terms of location obviously if you're talking to your Trevi found and stuff like that they are gonna be more kind of the budget hotel options are by termini train station that's where we usually stay because we stay in those 80 to 100 euro options because I ain't got a lot of money okay and the thing is some people might not feel comfortable staying by termini station because at night it does seem a little seedy so that might be something you want to look into okay what about the money well here in Italy they use the euro okay and the thing is a euro comes in five year old bills ten twenty fifty a hundred euro bills there's a two hundred and five hundred twelve but they don't really use those ever so just stick with the five tens of 20s that's your best bet if you're looking to get cash there's ATMs all over the city however I will tell you if you're going to go to the bank to an ATM after-hours you might need one of the chip cards the chip in your card to unlock the door so it'll open up so you can go in so make sure you do have a chip card to open those things up or maybe ask someone hey could you open this up for me now along with those hotels I know I said they're kind of pricey there's also a city tax on staying hotels from three to eight euros per night so you're and that's like on the side so you might get a bill from booking saying this but then you'll have to pay extra for that city tax in cash now they say you're put in car but a lot of the hotels like look you only owe us 12 euros just give us some cash to do that also when you check in the hotel you're gonna have to have a passport for everybody and they'll probably photocopy it and copy all the information down because they have to register you as a tourist here so just know that you have that now with the money you know cash is always prevalent anywhere you go but you can't be with credit cards here Visa and MasterCard are mostly accepted everywhere I have had some problems using my American Express so that might be some degree to think about if you do not have a Visa or MasterCard Discover yeah forget about it okay diners club so if I'm talking about cash I probably should talk about the security aspects of your cash and the security aspects you should know about room overall I haven't had too many problems and rum over the years of coming here but the things I have seen there are a lot of pickpockets I will not lie to you if you were on the train the subway lines was like three lines if you're by one of those main stops for the tourists go like termini or close sale for the Coliseum we're out by Saint Peter's Basilica there's a lot of pickpockets working there and they'll just slip their hand in your pocket you won't even notice it until it's too late okay and it's not just pickpockets bag snatches from people that are just sitting at a table last night I was at a restaurant there's a table of six Chairman's six Germans hitting the table and I sat down and like five minutes later they come up and talked the waiters they hey someone stole our bag I'm like we were inside like an outdoor area and they've gotten the bag that way with six people right there so you really need to pay attention to your stuff if you go shopping or you have your backpack at lunch put it down between your legs under your table so yeah it's not there do not hang anything off the back of your chair because no one's gonna help you because last night when those Germans told the Biebs that ran the restaurant they're like what do you want us to do there's not we can do the police office is around the corner and that's what you're gonna have to do you're gonna have to go to the police station to file a report so if you want to refile report for insurance purposes you're gonna have to do that don't expect too much help from the locals the cops will help you but the locals we like eh sorry man it happens so there is that I guess when we're talking about the locals you might want to know how they're like I'll be honest a cypher when you get pickpocketed I've found the Romans to be some of the nicest big city people in the world with helping tourists and being friendly and and really taking you in English has spoken a lot of places because of tourism but not everywhere and if you speak a little Italian it will really help out your experience here so make sure you can say grazie a-- which is thank you Peter 500 day which is please see is yes no is no these kind of things because it does go a long way and house people open up and share with you and they're more likely to help you with hey here's the thing you should order this one you should try try the five you know the the fries zucchini flowers they're really great and they are really great you should have that so there is that so I guess I should tell you some of the stuff you're gonna eat when you're here um in terms of drinking just get the vino de la casa the house wine white or red because it's a lot cheaper than the bottles and it's always usually but it's usually always good I mean it's been a couple times it has a bit but if you had a decent place the house wine will be fine but you might want to get some bubble water with it and mix it with the wine and bubble water for a little spritz that's always nice you can drink the water here no problem and you actually see fountains around the city like there's one right over there where water is just coming out you can drink that water just fine okay now in terms of food you're here Rome is famous for its pizza and you get this big pizza just for yourself so you can have that I recommend asking if they have mutari I led the buffalo buffalo mozzarella to put on there just a little extra that makes it quite tastier and delicious e'er okay there's a lot of pastas here as well one thing I've seen a lot is you'll have a lot of artichoke what I'd today is I had an artichoke and pepper with some cheese pasta or maybe artichoke and sausage with that you have a lot of obviously pastas as things like that here there's a lot of really great food here in Rome and you can try different stuff and remember cream Piatti the first plate is pasta the meat is the second like and when you order food let's say I ordered pasta and joseline ordered lamb my possible come first and I'll eat that and then they'll take the plate away and then the second plate comes and then she'll get her meat so if you want everything to come together make sure you tell the waiter hey could you just bring everything at once you can leave tips I usually have a couple of euros it was good service on a little small bill so it's no big deal now with those restaurants you might need to know is a lot of restaurants might be closed on Mondays okay it's kind of a typical day for restaurants to close I'm granted here and rung there's so many tourists that places are open most days but that might be one thing you'll see also a lot of restaurants may only open up at night and when they open up at night it means they open up like it's 7:00 at night and go till midnight because here in Rome you do eat later so if you're trying to have dinner at five or six you're really gonna have to go to a tourist place to get that because the more traditional places their kitchens don't start serving till about 7:00 also on a side note for the times I apologize for the hammering it's wrong they're always digging something up if you go and you want to have peace at lunch now in every restaurant that says pizzeria will have pizza at lunchtime now when you're going to go around a city what you need to know is there's a lot of public transport buses and subway there's three subway lines and tons of buses you can take all over the city it's very easy to do but most likely what you're gonna do here in rump is walk walk and walk not because I mean it's kind of a compact to see all this stuff but it's because there are so many sites here in Rome that you'll be walking from st. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican Museums to Piazza Navona to to trevi fountain to the Pantheon just five steps they come down this way to go see the forum the Colosseum and you're just gonna walk walk walk walk walk so you might not use public transport that much um there's Luber and they do have taxis here so there's that but you will be walking a lot so make sure you bring some good walking shoes cuz your feet your dogs be barking by the end of day no matter what you do cuz gonna walk and see so many things also there's a lot of cobblestone and uneven pavement so do be careful with that and the last thing we have for you when you're coming here what are some of the sights well the entire city is a sight Luda if you're gonna be here for a while take one day just to walk around don't even go to the size just walk around and take it all in because there's so many great churches and historic sites just randomly around the city that it is amazing but for the major sites of course you've got the Vatican you got Vatican City which is another country two countries of the price of one year in Rome and you go and the Vatican Museums the line is super long so I recommend getting a time ticket to go in earlier but the Vatican Vatican Museums you go in you see the Sistine Chapel with all the people the Raphael rooms all these kind of things it is truly one of the most amazing art collections in the world just to see it all that is fantastic and going into st. Peter's Basilica it is truly amazing when you are there now other things to see you can go to Pantheon and see the probably the new it is the most impressive still existing Rome ability in the world and go in there that's where after actually Raphael is actually buried you can see that when you're going down then of course you've got trevi fountain then when you go to trevi fountain you got to take a coin turn around put your back to the to the fountain which and throw a coin in so you can guarantee that you can come back to Rome but you want to come back anyway it's fantastic okay but of course you have the Roman Forum here behind me where they've dug up the old Roman Forum so you can walk through that back behind the camera over that way you have the Colosseum and we all know the Roman Colosseum the line is very long but I do recommend to check it out because you can see that the floor is not there anymore but you can see down underneath you know how everything was and the tours can be very good and can give you a really good explanation and the thing is here in Rome a lot of the stuff you go and see you don't have to pay for seeing the Colosseum from the outside trevi found the pantheon the Spanish Steps to walk up there they're free okay yes you do pay to go in the Colosseum you pay in to go into the Vatican Museum but it's free to go into st. Peters there's a lot of stuff you can do on the cheap here just by walking around okay and there are some other cool sites to go see you can go to the catacombs you make a reservation to go to Villa Borghese another great art collection that's here and there's a lot of museums throughout the city to check out these just one of the ones that I really really enjoy so I think that covers a lot of stuff that you should know before you come to Rome if you do have any other question about Rome please put in the comments section below I'll try to answer something questions I apologize for the wind but hey I've got double microphone covers on so hopefully wasn't too bad and I hope this does help you know that kind of like the nuts and bolts of visiting Rome if you want some more of the cultural things check out our ten shocks of coming to Rome or the five don'ts of visiting Rome they can really help you out to get him a better time when you are here in Rome so I will leave you with that and I'll say bye from Rome it is an amazing city honestly this in Paris my two favorite cities in the world child yatama by from Rome
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 318,943
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Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy, Roma, rome tourism, italian tourism, how to get tickets to vatican
Id: PHmnKye88Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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