Italian Meat Sauce with BEEF & PORK

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today we're starting a new meat sauce series and the first episode is going to be spaghetti with meat sauce you sometimes you can find for 99 cents to 1.99 they're very good quality these right here are from costco it says packed from the san marzano region it's not dop which is considered better you know it has the italian seal that the italian government gives tomatoes these are cheaper this is nina with the dop stamp do these taste different no they they're both really good what i like about this one is you can get these at costco i believe for 449 or 4.99 finally here's cento user san marzano this is typically 299 in the new york metro area whole plum tomatoes are always going to be more expensive than crushed when you want to make a good sauce you know good ragu you really want to start with these great tomatoes just so i'm making it clear this is 108 ounces so it's three and a half of a standard 28 ounce can i'm gonna open up one of those and that would be enough for you guys to do a full sauce but i'm making you know triple the amount so let's take those plum tomatoes and put them in a bowl and use a shield hand and your regular hand and you can crush them and i did one small can at a time and there it is hand crushed you could also blend your pulses for two seconds that's totally fine and uh totally appropriate if you want i'm gonna use the back of your knife and hit the garlic give it one tap and you'll be able to remove the skin fairly easily then i'm gonna slice up the garlic and you know you can mince this too you can even leave them whole and remove them if you want i'm going to do one onion and you can do a fine chop here you can do a not so fine chop it really doesn't matter and if you don't like a lot of onion use a little bit or even omit it the sauce is going to be totally fine i am using garlic and onion in this ragu typically in like a sunday gravy sunday sauce i don't but i figured today why not and i always suggest you change things up if you want if you say you know what this recipe needs something then you add it is is it really going to be different if you omit the garlic or the onion here no because the meat is the predominant flavor in this meat sauce so we're going to keep the heat medium low in a heavy dutch oven and we're going to start our onions and we're going to just get them translucent so that's why we want to keep the heat low we don't want to put color on them or anything like that and that's the tomato paste and i'm just opening the cans because that's going to go in before the plum tomatoes do so the onions are translucent and i cook them first and then cook the garlic just because the garlic doesn't take quite as long and it can tend to burn a little bit easier put that garlic in there for a couple minutes and then get the beef and the pork in so one pound of beef one pound of pork and you can break it up with your spoon to try to make the pieces smaller my beef was a little frozen here so i'm just kind of like putting it on the bottom then scraping it off and turning and you know so you can see there's a lot of fat in here a lot of fat which which is really good we want a lot of fat and you don't want to remove the fat here you're getting the fat from the beef and the fat from the pork this is not you know you're not trying to be do a healthy healthy ragu or anything like that if you want to be a little bit more you maybe go for sirloin maybe like a 90 90 10 grind using chuck has it has more fat it has more flavor it's gonna give your sauce more flavor i'm almost tripling the recipe here so the recipe calls for three cans of san marzano plum tomatoes one can of paste two pounds of meat one pound beef one pound pork i'm essentially tripling it here so i like nine cans i got more meat over on the side that's cooking but that doesn't matter so you can always scale this up and you can make you know as much as you need because i'm going to make four or five different dishes with the sauce that we're making today tomato paste let's get a full can which is six ounces a standard tomato paste can in america get the full can in to the beef and the pork and mix it around and let it cook out for about three to five minutes it's always a good idea to let your paste cook for a couple minutes let's get dry white wine into the pot about half a cup to one cup and use a spoon to scrape the bottom and get all the brown bits off you can use sauvignon blanc you can use pinot grigio any dry white wine is totally fine i'm gonna put about one teaspoon of kosher salt in here right now and about a quarter teaspoon of black pepper just go easy on the salt in the beginning you can always add more salt at the end but you can't take it away and yeah there it is it's got a nice consistency already and here's our plum tomatoes so it's three full cans three full 28 ounce cans and i'm gonna get it into the pot without dumping my uh whole bowl inside of it and it's pretty pretty close to the top but we're good that's looking really good and just stir it all around just make sure everything you're getting everything off the bottom of the pot it looks great here it is it's going to get better the longer you let it cook if you can let this go overnight meaning you know you cook it for a while a couple hours let it cool let it sit in the fridge it'll get even better i promise you just like just like the sunday gravy one just like bolognese i'm gonna take my my lid and i'm going to crack it like that that's gonna do two things it's gonna allow evaporation to occur at not a rapid rate but it will allow evaporation occur if you just keep it completely closed you're pretty much not your source won't get any thicker it'll just kind of stay that way because any any moisture everything is just going to hit the top of the lid it's going to go right back down the other thing is it's gonna it's gonna prevent your sauce from bubbling all over and you know going all over the place one thing that i forgot to mention is you want to every roughly 15 minutes you want to be taking up your lid and stirring the bottom so nothing sticks and because even with an enamel dutch oven like this it can still stick i'm tasting the sauce right now i want to make sure that it's perfect i'm going to adjust any salt and pepper i have my pasta water boiling and i'm going to put in two tablespoons of kosher salt per gallon of water it's always a good general rule to follow when you're boiling pasta do not put any oil in the water don't do that okay spaghetti gonna get it in the pot spaghetti tends to stick so make sure you use your tongs and mix for the first 30 seconds to one minute and there's some good bread you gotta have the bread when you have a sauce or or a hearty ragu and you gotta have the pecorino romano cheese or the parmigiano-reggiano cheese the choice is yours i'm gonna keep stirring that making sure nothing is sticking it's been about eight minutes or whatever and i'm tasting it and making sure that it's right consistency i want it like just al dente and once it's good i'm going to put in a couple ladles of sauce into a ball you can do this into your big serving bowl and then i'm just going to pull the pasta out and you know drain it well i'm just pulling out with tongs here but drain it really well you know maybe just throw it all in a colander this is like one of the main one dishes that you don't need pasta water for you you got you got your whole ragu here so i'm just gonna toss i'm not gonna over sauce it but i definitely want to get a decent amount of that hearty hearty meat sauce on there you got so much of it here that you'll just leave it on the table which is what you should do and you know you have your bread and then anybody can dip bread in now that looks really good just like that so i'm gonna make some nests because it's fancy and it looks better and i'm just putting it in a plate right now but typically you would bring your whole platter to the table and you would just spoon individual nests or create individual nests for each person all right so a little bit more a little bit more ragu on there oh man that's that's good and then grated pecorino romano cheese just get it all all over there and put more on the side well since uh i'm the chef and you're the chef make sure it tastes good before you serve it to uh anybody else it's perfect made the pasta al dente just the way i like it the sauce coats it really well and the sauce is only going to get better and i have so much meat sauce here so this is spaghetti with meat sauce and i'll see you for the next episode where we're going to use the meat sauce again for a pasta alforno or a baked rigatoni
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 210,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef and pork meat sauce, beef and pork italian meat sauce, the best italian meat sauce, the greatest spaghetti meat sauce ever, traditional italian meat sauce, jim delmage, sip and feast
Id: TDXaeTehT9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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