Finally Cutting Hay - Massey Ferguson 1105 & Krone 2801cv

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well it's time to cut some hay we're just going to cut a little bit i want to run my equipment in before i cut the mother lode so to speak oh here we go first pass of 2021 nancy ferguson 1105. and the chrome 2801 cv [Music] foreign [Music] not going too fast today i'm uh not in a real big hurry and we're only going to mow about four or five rounds like i said i just want to do enough to kind of run my equipment in and see how it goes running in uh low range third gear multi-power load right now chrome seems to be cutting okay [Music] [Music] once i make a round i'll kick it up a notch on the speed you know it doesn't take much on these outer rounds to fill up a wagon [Music] and then what i like to do is ride up on the side of this bank a little bit [Music] got my fingers crossed this uh chrome doesn't fall off the back of that quick hitch down there [Music] got the ac going on the uh on the massey i probably don't need it but i'll probably turn it off here in a little bit but when the sun rains down on this camp it gets a little [Music] toasty [Music] [Music] so all right what i'm gonna do is kick it up third gear high range give it a touch more throttle i'm running fourth gear high rate i'm supporting here first gear high range just as heavy as this no problem this crew it's got plenty of grey you've got putting a horse down i mean the master person got plenty of horsepower [Music] my biggest problem is in a straight line while i'm talking i got a magnetic uh holder on this [Music] on this camera so so [Music] i'll come back here in just a little bit actually been raining today and i think it rained last night but and it may rain but some more tonight but it's supposed to clear out and we're supposed to have three days of sun so uh nice thing about the crone is we come out here even if the grass is wet and this is not too bad but even if the grass is wet you know we can cut it not really possible with a sickle [Music] machine all right continuing on the uh growers doing a pretty good job again i'm not in a really big hurry out here today [Music] we'll make maybe uh probably do one more round and that ought to be enough to run in my equipment i'm driving shaft i've cut for the crown at just the right length perfect and i've had the air conditioning on and off not exactly hot out here today 70s when i got off the low 70s 71 maybe and i got off from my day job and uh probably going to drop into the 60s easily tonight [Music] we'll make one more rail and i'm gonna be all off cut for tonight gotta be careful on these corners with this uh quick hitch i don't think i'll hit but if i it's gonna do a big fish this crone and uh massey ferguson make a pretty good combo i think crying shane the tractor is 40 something years old and not brand new you'd be surprised you know this small field how quickly you can fill up a hay wagon going around the perimeter a good possibility i'll be in army of one putting this day up so kind of run my equipment in and then get the wagons loaded park them into barn to be unloaded later in the day when it's covered or for another day the thing i look for on the crown is i'm trying to make that back wheel that gives me a pretty good sharp turn there's nothing square about this field as great of a mower as my estimate is he would probably cut this stuff but it would really need to be dry chrome don't care this mower conditioner the only downside of a disc mower conditioner in my opinion is you got to have a higher horsepower tractor and you know there's expense that comes with higher horsepower tractors and i hope i don't jinx anything but you know the repairs cost more uh everything about them costs more but [Music] when we talk about cash flow on a small farm you know you can obliterate a pile of on cash 100 horsepower tractor i'm just thankful there's no emissions there's no computer chips you know when this tractor was made there was no silicone chip shortage only chips on this tractor were metal shaving chips where they cut so much steel [Music] oh well [Music] [Music] [Music] just like that we're ready for transport [Music] i'm gonna walk out here and uh show you the hang that i cut i'm not sure when you'll see this video but there's there'll be three videos on this little cut one of them my wife's out there at the camcorder and then of course i'm doing the thing with my osmo action camera and then had the drone in the air too so i'm not sure what order those things will come but uh you can see i'm getting a pretty good cut down through there just a real nice machine those impeller conditioners i want to say something uh to uh michigan hay sales if you're watching this video and you make it to the end uh you had mentioned uh fins to uh kind of spread the hay out and uh this mower conditioner came with it uh we can't move these panels out any further but uh i mean it it spreads it out uh pretty good and uh i can pull it way in uh to give me a really tall narrow uh windrow but uh i'm satisfied and of course down there's uh down there is the skid shoes there's one there and one there the high shoe kit and uh so i'm getting about a four inch uh cut maybe five and uh i want it i want a high stubble you know so this grass can get up on it get up on it like that so that's the grass that's what we got and uh we'll revisit this field and finish it off another day we're just in a period of a lot of thunderstorms every night and uh but they are going to be uh clear skies for three days normally i would just knock this whole field out and that little plateau up there but uh i just want to run my equipment i'll fill up some wagons and kind of handle it by myself if i if i don't have any help and then we'll come back and cut this another day so that's it the crone 2801 cv uh we're first cutting of hay 2021 the mighty massey ferguson 1105 and we'll talk to you later you
Channel: Humble Haymakers
Views: 797
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: cutting hay, mowing hay, moco, discbine, mower conditioner, hay, hay farming, farm, homestead, square bales, massey ferguson 1105, mf 1105, massey ferguson, mf, 1105, tractor, diesel, family farm, 2021, krone 2801cv, krone, 2801cv, 2801, impeller, flail, conditioner, first cut
Id: SHuGYgpMgkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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