It Took Me 29 YEARS To CATCH THIS FISH!!! (Hidden Creek Fishing)

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here we go again there the old polluted Creek kayak fishing hopefully this time is less of a show what's going on dirty old stash stains it is me and it is not really that early a morning but it's morning and it's a little bit cooler today gonna be doing a similar thing in an area that I've never even fished from the bank before at it about an hour from my house and drove to another little shitty roadside Creek and we're gonna float down the dirty old creek with some new friends Justin invited me out subscribe where I guess but more or less just another local angular that he catches some pretty big fish too so they've been catching kiddies they've been catching wipers and all sorts of stuff so sounds like my cup of tea and I'm pretty excited about it we're gonna be floatin for like four or five six hours or something like that and see what we can get take anything we can get fishing for everything I'm gonna throw some lures got a catfish Bowl this time got cut bait the goal is kiddies or wipers come along with us and see what we can get yeah whether people are just educated guesses they get paid a lot pretty much they're right about 50% of the time and that's why they always throw a 50% chance of rain on there it's basically like saying it might rain today it might not who knows alright old girl let's go maybe until we get to this kind of she's a big heavy yeah is there water falls down that way is there rapid oh um that sounds that sounds delightful what's your name again I forget I should've remembered that one it's my damn name they'd like there's more and more Josh's these days yeah we're gonna mosey ahead find a deeper hole and go from there oh this spot looks pretty good I'd be cool with the fly head so what are we gonna anchor up somewhere here did you throw out night crawlers here we got time man I'd say let's get on the board and catch the damn drum fish here all right I'll anchored up deep hole see what we can get the payout piaopiao all right now the dirty old Nightcrawler and a little swim bait of course and I got big chunk of silver car I got a bluegill we're gonna start with the night crawler because we just want to get on the board I'm gonna throw the swim bait for a little bit till I get it snagged and then I'm gonna throw out a piece of cut bait and we're gonna stay here for like an hour see if we can't get on the board if not then I guess we'll move down and find a spot but this trips already better than the last one because yeah it's not as sketchy not even alright see what happens dopes are so slow but when the sounds of it this was a long shot as far as spots moving on so this is your best spot last time probably yeah this sumbitch is flowing - oh yeah it sucks yeah give me a nudge how deep is it right here nah alright next but I'm probably gonna catch something here from the sounds of it right got a fish on the swim bait probably a wiper yep I knew I got a thump out there yep wiper not a big one but hell yes no it's a white bass yeah that's still cool though that thing hammered it oh my god that thing hammered it I need to get this swim bait going back through there cuz I got a bite - cats in a row think you wanted it gone oh yeah he thumped the there was no question it was like dude they might want the swim bait more man we've gotten bumps on nightcrawlers but is that a fish nice on the night crawler that's a wiper huh alright I'm gonna let my white bass go I think he's got a wiper we don't get a catch white bass slammed it nice man you did you got something big over there white bass - white bass you got two - white bass on the same cast that no wonder it felt so damn heavy man that's sweet man that is cool I got another one as it was drifting I was reeling in my other Pole this is insane that's bigger it wants to I'm trying to stop it from taking it yeah that's bigger dude this is nuts this is crab my swim bait was just floating along on the bottom this is cool it might be a drum no it's a wiper yep it's if it's not a wiper it's the biggest white bass in North America I'm talking about a damn stud that's a white bass man and that's a giant one you got one holy that is a tank man that might be my biggest white bass ever that's like a two pound white bass why are there so many white bass here I don't know nowhere around here has white bass what do you got you got a white bass - yeah white bass that is a big big white bass that is HUGE all right night crawlers coming in even though it's getting bit got one there this is insane yours was 13 and a quarter if yours was 13 and a quarter mine was 18 that was a giant I got oh I had one I'm trying you got two or one there that thing hammered it again this is just crazy I've never experienced anything like this you got another one this is just insanity what is it I haven't even turned the camera off this is just nuts yeah this is crazy is it a wiper mine I can't believe how big that white bass was got one okay this this is this is about as good as it gets you got a good one too don't you I can't believe how many are right here that's a big one man I think I still got biggest for today yeah you win you win this is badass we've caught a lot yeah I got two I'm gonna just let it float down on the bottom like that big one I didn't even have my pole in my hand and he ate it we don't get a catch white bass very often so this is probably stupid to a lot of people but we don't we don't get to do this yeah all we got is tiny channels and blue gills maybe nope I might have to get a night girl or going again no that's definitely a white white bass or something I thought I was gonna light it up on the swim Bay but I'm gonna have to put on the night crawler yeah yeah I'm gonna buy stock in night the night crawler business what the was that that was an Asian that had to be that thing got way too much air you guys didn't even really fish farther down did you now I just got a smaller swimbait on and then I'm gonna do a worm yep been a little while what is that that is a walleye yep thought it would be a walleye he hammered it no that's a walleye no spots little baby switched up to the little mr. twister you guys caught a walleye here we got walleye wiper and white bass let's forget let's forget your channel I don't think I've ever even caught a fish on a mr. twister in my life that might be the first one yeah hey it could be worse it was the smallest walleye in North America but it was a walleye I'd freak out if I got a sturgeon I've never caught one my whole life there's got to be more down there like just right around the corner if there's little deep spot there's got to be some throughout that all right I'm going back to the trusty crawlers I've seen enough got something not bad either it's either a white bass a wiper a drum I saw it it was white white bass yeah he was going crazy that's the good thing about the swimbait is they don't swallow it and bleed everywhere but that's just part of it do you want him for bait I don't think he's gonna make it should I try to release him or do you want him yeah no going back here I can try to throw them to you I don't think it would work out too well we're all together in one spot no there is some small fish out there now we might have blew our load found the tree yeah a little bit oh I got a snag in the fish whatever it is it swam over my line in a good way he was cooperative he have another white bass not a big one swallowed the damn thing again though he's not quite bleeding yet but all right our schools kind of tapering down might be making some moves here pretty soon but definitely has been crazy while it lasted that is for sure all right not bleeding sending him back I'm gonna buy a lot and build a house here I'm kind of kicking myself in the ass I probably should have measured mine I should have weighed mine actually it probably would have been more impressive on the scale than it would have been on the bump board I think that's probably my PB white bass I think was giant oh my gosh I got something on my Nightcrawler and I'm reeling it in with my swimbait rod I don't know it doesn't look small I'm gonna have to hand line him I think I got it see if I can catch up to him yeah that was pretty clutch oh it's a sturgeon it's a sturgeon yes it's a sturgeon I have never caught one of these in my whole life how do I even hold the thing I am stoked dude all right I'm going home never fishing again it's over he is cool I know that dude is gnarly holy look at that guy look at him dude really I think he's cool this size though that's badass no I didn't either all right well a selfie is gonna have to do it cuz I'm not sitting on my camera on the front of the kayak it'll fall in but he's been out long enough my first sturgeon ever took my whole life to catch one and there he goes just like that we weren't exactly expecting or planning on catching a sturgeon today but we neither as a possibility and just so happened that I was dumb and lucky enough to catch one but anyway bites dying down here we're probably gonna try to move spots here pretty soon maybe kept a couple more small fish but that was a pretty insane 20 or 30 minutes we're doubling tripling on white bass and drum and all sorts of random which is my favorite thing to do and I just caught a damn sturgeon so pretty stoked about it anyway we're gonna we're gonna keep going down we're only about halfway done right yeah we got another mile mile and a half to go and we're gonna see what else we can get but my last damn kayak video that I made in the creek was already way too long so I'm gonna kind of break it up and I feel like the sturgeon new species new PB all the above was a good way to end it but feel like this video give this video a thumbs up leave a comment subscribe shout out to Justin Josh for taking me out it was badass it started out kind of slow but we got on I'm pretty good so shout out to them huge thanks to them and huge thanks to you guys for watching definitely appreciate it dbl see you soon okay [Music]
Channel: PigPatrolTV
Views: 63,345
Rating: 4.9604554 out of 5
Keywords: hidden spillway fishing, hidden creek fishing, tiny creek fishing, puddle fishing, river fishing, spring white bass fishing, wiper fishing, roadside creek fishing, kayak creek fishing, rare catch, epic fishing, creek fishing adventures, creek catfishing, fishing with nightcrawlers, live bait fishing, swimsuit fishing, creek fishing tips
Id: AyyDGR_dP_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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