I HAVE NEVER Caught One Of These PREHISTORIC Monsters!!! (Unexpected)

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good morning glorious spilling way that i've only fished a couple times and i'm not sure why how the hell are you today i am back to see if i can catch some of your whiskered flat-headed dong fish and maybe some other stuff gar everywhere there's one there there's a few down there we're not gonna be going after those nasty buggers and we're hoping that if we do throw out live bait they won't mess with them but that just sounds too good to be drew so starting with our artificials let's do it what's going on dirty old stash bags it's me and i am back uh came here a couple days ago and uh caught a few flatheads and they were the first of the year and i'm really behind schedule on flatheads this year so i'm gonna go after flatheads for a good long while and uh yeah i'm not sure if there's really big flatheads in here i'd imagine there's some bigger than what we caught the last time but last time we caught three flatheads in like 20 minutes or something then it kind of slowed down the guards kind of picked up so hopefully got up kind of early hopefully they'll be uh eating good and hopefully we can pick off a few with uh swim baits fast jigs under spins i'm gonna try a few lures and hold off on using live bait for a while but we did bring live bait and we did bring a catfish pull so eventually that's gonna happen as well but for now we're gonna keep the catfish pull out of the way so we can cast wherever we want and uh yeah see if we can't feel that thump so come along with me see if we can get some flatheads on artificials and if we can't then we'll get some on live bait hypothetically put out all righty we got a new bucket added a new bucket to the squad in the summer i fish with live bait a lot i don't really do it that much other than in the summer but the summer it seems to work pretty good so i use it so we got a we got an actual bucket and i didn't really need to replace my blue bucket but uh this handle thing white piece right here where are you guys pointing that broke off on my blue bucket so when you're carrying a bunch of uh bait fish and water it kind of digs into your hand so i figured it was time for a new one um but this is a 1 8 ounce moon eye jig head with a uh pulsar swim bait i need to retie that i don't think i do i think that's catfish slime i might regret that but i'm going to upgrade to a quarter ounce pretty quick though because this pool is actually pretty deep and uh the current's going pretty good so yeah we have it tied on so we'll try it first and then i do have a hybrid jig from sixth sense fishing i'm gonna try that it'll be better at not getting snagged and uh yeah nothing better than when a flathead thumps a lure boys and girls i tell you what so that's what we're going to for today hopefully we can make it happen but if we fish with lures for about 30 minutes maybe even 20 without a bite the live bait's going out but the good spot seems to be right in here so we will uh please try to run the lures through it last time we were here we didn't do it because uh the live bait catfish bowls were kind of in the way so i'm thinking hypothetically we run some lures through it they should hit it because when i was throwing the live bait in last time i was here it like hit the hit the bottom and they would eat it so as long as we can get a lure to the bottom that's vibrating and wiggling in the flathead's face hypothetically they should potentially maybe eat it so i'm going to chuck this around make some adjustments as i go and then i will let you know what works assuming something works we are not going to go after the guard today we could probably catch like 10 gar in like three seconds if we wanted to but i don't want to there was long nose gar around or a chance at a bigger garden it'd be a different story but we just got the little short nosey guys around here little cookie cutter 20 inches so we'll ignore them see if we can't get some kitties chance at a walleye and a wiper and a muskie as well any of those would be swell up hell or something or something i got one you got one that felt weird kind of felt like i ran into something almost it was big though definitely big walked up here to just get kind of get a different angle i was throwing towards the current to like kind of reel it back with the current but uh that wasn't really working surprisingly so kind of walked up here to where i can just kind of pop it in one spot and i either hopped it into the side of a fish or i think i hopped it into the side of a fish it's kind of acting carpy maybe not though i kind of felt like a little tick wasn't a flat head thump so not too worried about losing it or i don't think anyway my line was kind of slacked up when it happened so didn't really have direct connection but something on the swimmer hooked up briefly not a gar i'll tell you that for sure i'm not sure what it was though it was something got something walleye nice that's kind of cool didn't think it felt like a flathead maybe we will have to try the shiners though if there's a bunch of these dudes around cool not a flathead but it is a fish on an artificial he is bleeding like a song [ __ ] but it's not from his gills so it'll be fine a little 12 incher or something on the board with a little walter head i like it i like it i would have preferred it to be a little bit bigger but i mean it is one of the species on the hit list so we will take it but bluebird skies sunny not windy kind of just a crappy fishing day as far as weather is concerned so i might have to uh before i switch to the bass jig i'm going to put a shiner on this and kind of bounce it around and see if i can't catch a walleye or a flathead doing that or a channel i mentioned i got a channel cat on the swimbait last time i think i did but it just feels like kind of a live bait day 90 degrees sunny little to no wind might be our best option but we'll be stubborn for a while and do this could pay off good pay off all righty we tried the jig to no avail so we're going to try the live bait maybe they're just not here today you know or if they are maybe they're just not eating but based on last time throwing a goldfish out with a two ounce weight it's a good way to find out if they're around and they're feeding we start getting garbites then uh yeah we are moving moving for now we'll try this and see what crap is instant bite no instant bite all right we're gonna throw the swimmy go from there swimming worked once so might as well keep trying it and stuff got something i don't know what it is but it's not a gar and i don't think it ate it i think it's some sort of carp species i could be wrong nope flathead hell yeah oh yeah just a little bud god they're so dark i like the small ones i mean i like the big ones better but we got a flat on the swimming bait why didn't you eat the goldfish friend actually i don't really care because i'd rather catch you on the swimming bait i mean we're not knocking knocking anything out of the park here but that's pretty neat oh i had number four of the year smallest one of the year but uh first one on the swimming bait right next to the goldfish he ate the swim bait instead little pretty dude kind of beat up weird tail flat hit later little bud go grow up go grow up stay away from spencer too because he would've hate your ass mean old spencer i'm just kidding i uh i might try to eat one this year especially if i'm catching this many small ones maybe i'll keep the next one i got to show you the house anyway and i really need to start doing these catch and cooks you guys request on the fly because trying to make them happen not on the fly like trying to make them happen on purpose has been next to impossible like every time i catch big bull heads i'm like oh do a bullhead kitchen cook go back no bullheads anywhere maybe if i catch a small flathead today we'll kill it not promising anything though but yeah we'll keep trying see what crap threw the goldfish a little closer to the current it's not getting messed with by gar anymore but it's also not getting messed with by anything so i don't know i don't know what to do with cold fish bud oh he's getting something something happened i just had to say something nothing major happened but something happened kid ate goldfish bud not by a gar or a turtle though channel or flathead or walleye or wiper please and thank you yes i know goldfish you're not in control of what eats you you're actually not in control of anything at this point you're weighted to the bottom with a giant hook in your ass but still just try your best bud wiggle down there maybe do some screaming like e e don't eat me flat that thing thumped the bejesus out of it that was a bigger one too looks sharp piss maybe we aren't moving i don't know that was definitely a flathead wasn't like a 10 20 15 pounder but it seemed like about double the triple the size of the one we just caught so maybe it's like a midday bite i don't know i missed that one i set the hook pretty hard maybe just didn't get it as good i guess i don't know i don't know something hammered it what is it a crappie what are you chitting me right now do i need to fish for crappies we've got a flathead a walleye and a crappie a white crappie i thought it was another small walleye but i mean that's kind of cool this damn swim bait's doing work it's caught our only three fish well i guess we've got a guard too on the goldfish but that doesn't count caught our only three fish and um yeah three different species i don't know it's kind of cool i've never caught a crappie in this area ever i throw on a gold minnow and a barber but i don't really want to catch crappies i mean if i can catch them on a swimbait like this i mean a bite's a bite in my book but i don't know i'm not necessarily going to change my whole game plan because one crappie throw to the swimmer but still pretty cool i mean we're managing summer can be tough guys i'm probably going to start posting some of the videos that i struggle a little bit i was lucky enough that i could kind of scrap some of those for a while but with everything going on and how tough the fishing is i might not be able to do that for a little while so hopefully you enjoy the struggle videos at least a little bit because uh yeah they're part of it you know can't just go out and light them up every day this spot was pretty good for flatheads for like 20 minutes two days ago but yeah today not so much we at least oh the guard thought it felt like a walleye bite um what was i gonna say we at least got one more flathead bite i'm almost positive i think the first one if i included it was either jesus either i ran into a carp or i guess it could have been a walleye or a flathead too and i just didn't feel a bite because of the current i mean the one flathead i caught on the swimbait i didn't really feel it bites so yeah i mean it could have been a flathead but the second one was definitely a walleye or flathead so we're getting bites five of them to be exact in about an hour and a half which isn't necessarily ideal but it could be worse you know could be catching nothing could be sitting at home doing nothing so i'm not complaining i'm just stating it's not necessarily as good as the last time and i hope you mildly enjoy this video anyway that being said we still have time and at this rate we're definitely hitting another spot unless we can randomly scrape up like a 15-pound flathead on the swimbait or something crazy so yeah i'll keep you posted stay tuned and such and things please and thank you got some saw something jump up top so i was getting ready to cast up there and got hammered definitely a nice fish whatever it is i have a pretty good idea of what it is i'm also wishing i would have retied at least once today we've been grinding and running into rocks and such and gar come on bud come on got to get you in before my camera dies but i also don't want to horse you it doesn't seem super giant but it definitely seems like the biggest fish of the day come here bud come here bud shaking no don't go up there there's snags up there come on come on i know you're not that big you are a flathead though and you're actually kind of big super fun on the swimbait so if you haven't tried swim baits for fly heads you're missing out even had live bait and that wasn't working swimming bait's getting him though get him out of the heavy current look at all those gar there's my fly head pretty pretty finally one that's got some meat on its bones one day i might keep one of you one day he ain't giant but on the walleye gear it sure is fun cool someone's left a giant hook in his mouth he's been caught recently see if we can doctor him up not as big as i thought when i originally hooked him but probably the biggest one we've caught from this spot and it looks like somebody else might have caught him from this spot got it adot team catfish circle hook out a bud and he's not even bleeding that'll make it easier for you to eat bud take your time take your time cool i mean swim bait's working some wait time in between but it's working what do i do with that hook oh there it is 20 pound straight braid to an eight out hook maybe even a nine knot well worked for him i guess they caught it but all you got to do is take your take your eyelet back it out the gills and then um yeah but just back it out reach down their mouth grab the bend of the hook and slowly kind of work it out and they'll be better off in the long run throughout another goldfish and something's happening to it probably a gar but it was worth a shot since we were sticking around for a little bit be a bloody can't really tell right now i don't see any guard at the surface still thinking it's a car though big one big one big one is that a new species is that a long nose i think that's a long nose if it's not it's a damn big uh whatever the hell the other one is this guy is scary oh [ __ ] that's definitely my biggest scar ever definitely look at that dude he's cool even though i'm mad at gar right now i still like them and when they're this big i mean i fish a lot of shitty places and i've never caught one this big so that's got to be a long nose right i've never even seen a long nose in my area look how long his nose is and he's got the spots i mean that's pretty nifty that's like a upper 20 incher i'd expect cool comment down below if that's a long nose because if it is it's the first long nose i've ever caught i'd assume it is because it's much larger than any other car i'm seeing cool cool cool cool cool it wasn't a flathead but it was still cool new pb just kidding nick i just like to give you [ __ ] sometimes all right well i guess i'm gonna throw another one out got like 30 minutes left went up and looked in the parking lot and somebody was in the other spot i was planning on fishing which is fine it's public too many people around here though not enough water as spencer put it but that's all right pop out another goldie keep throwing the swimmy give it another 30 minutes or so all in all not a bad day definitely the biggest scar i've ever caught and maybe my first long nose i have no idea how to tell the difference but i will tell you what that sob sure did have a long nose and even if it wasn't a long nose is definitely my biggest uh short north so pretty cool pretty cool that looks like a flat that's staying down moving slower that's not a gar not a gar am i still recording i am still recording it's got a little more power whatever that is boys and girls yep another flathead on it instantly my swimmer was getting ate by a gar without pulling my pole in i mean cool man i mean cool i thought that was bigger for a second but it wasn't also swallowed it so hopefully we can get it out i just looked over my rod was just slowly bending didn't look gary this spot might be the nursery but it's got a lot of fish and it's got another dam same hook in it somebody just caught this one and my hook's down in there but it's not in his stomach so mine's gonna be fairly easy i believe he's bleeding a little bit though let's at least try it okay he's bleeding a little bit from mine but we got the other hook up the flatheads are tough so they should live i mean that probably would have been the one to keep but i think he'll live either way so another one of the same hook we're starting a collection here kind of a jacked up knot is that no offense to whoever's hook this is but you need to you need a youtube how to tie some knots homie no disrespect intended but that would not have held even a 10 pound flathead it's like 5 pound mono or something maybe 10 pound at most alrighty well fish for another uh half an hour or so and uh nothing really else happened i threw on a blade bait and i caught like a 10 inch walleye but i probably cut that out and then nothing else happened after that goldfish didn't do anything else but all in all it was a pretty good day it was more of a grind than the first time we came here but uh we caught fish i mean to be honest even after all the bad things i said about gar i think that long nose or whatever it was is definitely the best catch of the day i've never personally seen one that big i've never caught a long nose if it was a long nose and if it was a short nose it's the biggest one i've ever caught plus three flatheads a walleye and a random crappie so summer fishing's tough kinda gotta take what you can get if i can get that every day i'd be pretty stoked and one of these days i promise maybe potentially we'll get a bigger flathead but for now the little scrappers are pretty cool but anyway if you like this video give this video a thumbs up leave a comment subscribe appreciate you guys watching as always means a lot means the world to boo and i and we appreciate you talk to you soon and thanks and stuff [Music] you
Channel: PigPatrolTV
Views: 102,408
Rating: 4.9372411 out of 5
Keywords: fishing for spillway monsters, fishing for creek monsters, fishing for river monsters, spillway live bait fishing, spillway swimsuit fishing, spillway cut bait fishing, urban creek fishing, creek fishing adventures, sewer fishing, puddle fishing, Nebraska spillway fishing, spillway catfish fishing, spillway flathead catfish, river catfishing, creek catfish fishing
Id: JddzSlJfBl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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