Bank Fishing Under HIGHWAY BRIDGE With Spinners!!! (Monster Fish Hooked)

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this is kind of cool man I never knew this was here bald eagles boo you want to pet bald eagle by the way boo Dylan Dylan boo this is very very interesting hi boo are you excited to try this new spot that Dylan told us about cool what are you throwing left over from our crappie fishing adventures it's Michael yeah it does stink but yeah good luck let's catch something we don't have that much time hurry up is there really we there's an eagle I'm gonna fall in the creek by Eagle pretty damn big Hawk of it the hawk anyway what's going on you dirty old stache choads it's another one that's been requested boo don't give me that look it's actually kind of a good one huge shout-out to Dylan he basically messaged me and asked me what he caught cuz he caught a couple fish from this Creek spot that he didn't know what they were and they were a white bass a very large one and a gold I I can't can't believe how many white bats have been coming up increased around here because none of the lakes around here have them so I have no idea where the hell they come from if you got any ideas coming down below and let us know but white bass aren't that common around here so anytime I hear somebody catching white bass or any time I know there's white bass in a spot I'm sure gonna try it but we kind of got a late start I had a lot of to do today I added a video get a lot of with Kate and went grocery shopping which is a very awkward experience in this day and age and I used to love it so now that all that's done we got about an hour and a half for gets dark I'm gonna start with a Barbour Nightcrawler on my double rig and see if I can't get something on that and then I got I got some lures I'm gonna try to catch some fish on lures today which is not common on this channel I use night crawlers of shitload I'm gonna try to branch out though especially if those two species are around but once again shout out Dylan I think he's a subscriber I don't really know though but either way shout out to him very cool of him to invite us down and pretty much give us the good spot we start pounding them oh I'm gonna call him and tell him come here it'll only seem right when I come along with us see if boo and I can catch them you know we will but what will it be about all right I'm gonna start with this stupid double bobber rig because it's what I have tied on and then we're gonna have to go from there this is cool though I can see it producing pretty well nope I think I had a niblet give that or my jig had dragon that was definitely a bite my missus that's a bite what is that what is that no it's white bass nice oh he came off he broke off how did that happen I guess my died job wasn't that good son of a biscuit that happened quick he ate the top jig head too that thing was like six inches below the dam cork I'm gonna try some blue hairs let's try the old Panther no I got bombed mm Jesus they're fighting over did you see that I think that was a cold I they were just got like four bites on the damn rooster tail got one you need to tie one on blue white bass hell yeah I was gonna go back to the no I was gonna go back to the neck I was gonna go back to the Nightcrawler but I figured I'd at least try lures I'm gonna try to step up my creak lure game so I figured a little inline spinner might do me pretty well now we're gonna get blue one well yeah we're gonna switch nightcrawlers eventually we're just kind of seeing how many species we can catch out of this place so far it's only white bass which he's a good thing in my book really I almost think the fish I missed before was a damn gold I though I will take either everyone knows I'll take anything I can get besides I'll definitely take you if I can get you as far as fish go I will take anything I can get and yeah my bass are pretty neat in my book I hope that bite wasn't a fluke and I can catch more on this thing especially since blues tying one on now yeah mom is gonna be pissed right up towards that sandbar that's bigger you might have to because it feels pretty damn big like I'm talking like I'm in trouble I'm in trouble I'm in trouble I thought it was just a bigger white bass but it's definitely not a white bass well does it I don't really have much of a choice as of right now my guess would be a carp I at least want to I don't know though it felt like it bit it they have flat head on a damn rooster tail it didn't seem this big at first it like grew drastically I think it's a carp in the back I don't know what kind though it definitely isn't hooked in the mouth I'm trouble I don't know for sure though it like looks weird definitely seems to be in the 10-pound range though see in thirty minutes when I get this fish close so blue can grab it should cleaned off my camera lens better no there we go what are you want to talk about how's your day at work blue done wanna talk about work is there anything that you do want to talk about I'm tightening down the hatches on them a little bit I know I I know I probably shouldn't but I truck I don't know probably so we hooked something large we just don't know what it is it's on a ton of bigger size Panther Martin and it's definitely it definitely was of the larger variety that's all right I don't think it was hooked in the mouth but it almost looked like I don't think it was a common carp I think it might have been as I don't know what it was but it wasn't hooking the mouth so moving on it really could have potentially been a muskie but that's probably just wishful thinking and if it was a muskie it definitely wasn't hooked in the mouth it's its tail almost looked muskie ish but I don't think it really matters for those fish over there eating something or were they just carp they had both the white bass and whatever the that was I just threw it at the sandbar and really been quick I definitely wasn't real and slow nobody's got hammered that ate it white paths are crazy especially in this current this is nuts you're good you're good keep fishing I don't care if he pops off he's not thank you though it's very nice he's not white bass numero dos this is more what we're after as I probably said in the intro old Dylann over there he sent me a picture he was like what the hell is this and I was like a white bass and then he also got a gold eye so these are what we're here after dirty old white bass and dirty old gold eyes I know white bastard delicious and you guys keep commenting it but we got enough crappie in the freezer right now we don't need a damn white bass in the freezer to actually have a white bass I'd like an 18-inch white bass in the freezer that I caught about a year ago that I was gonna send you a taxidermist and never did so so I figure out something to do with that then I'm not gonna keep any more white bass but cool now we just need to get Boog one and yeah hopefully it doesn't rain on us ya know they hammer it and it seems like I'll go a few casts without getting a bite within and I did get a bite I'll get like three bites on that cast there it is hell yeah BAM nice nice don't Orson they're angry nice boo nice we need to get out the big camera for that gem tell me about it what do you got going on he wham dere wham doodle what is that thing Minnie Panther Martin that I got from the walls of Mart's cool boo gonna eat him okay throw him back good job bill pal air-five pow well good job boo the white bass average size here is definitely not as big as when I was in the kayak but I almost think they're fighting harder I can't be sure but the currents definitely flowing a lot harder I can guarantee that um but yeah she's using the smallest size Panther Martin I'm using a little bit bigger size there's black mine's not I don't think it really matters quite pastors see something flashy down there and they go apeshit I just don't know how many of them are here we might have caught them all telling you what though on a damn white bass hits the old two-piece special what if you catch a fish what if you catch fish I didn't buy it what if you catch a fish that way I know I'm sorry I really really really thought we'd be getting gold eyes on these spinners but what do I know said a snagger of fish looks like a snack to me it's all right them little bees or the Walmart specials are you talking about I could have got it out I didn't ask food if she made that mistake before I promised I'd never make that mistake again this might turn into a white bass kitchen cut and it smells like something died where's the dead thing you own another spinner or do you want a jig head with a night crawler I don't shaking your head no doesn't mean it wasn't a yes or no question boo you try this hunk of everyone requested these blue fox things from my trout videos and I bought one I think it's garbage so let's see if it can catch something on it well we don't have any more Panther Martins we only had the two supposedly the blue fox ones are good and they are more expensive so they better be worth of but I didn't really particularly like them myself here welcome we'll get you food after we catch it catch your died 2 or 4 starts now we can't eat till you catch a muskie for dinner please you're gonna eat me for dinner where do I sign where do I sign on the dotted line I think you just got unlucky on that guy's cuz I mean you must hit like one little branch that was sticking up or some because I've gotten through there times of this thing and haven't even hit anything I think we blew her a load on the bass that her white the Blanco bass isn't white Blanco I know what black is and I know I can't say it on camera oh god I just I got whacked first I thought maybe I did is that a fish that's a fish make sure it doesn't go around me do I have to break off nice ain't bad one white bass numero five the stupid blue Fox by bricks or whatever the health called does work I wasn't record and she doesn't even care I was recording we need to take your own selfie I don't know where your telephone is there you go don't try to eat your phone and no I got the damn stick but it's floating towards the other stick that's gonna turn into a lot of sticks whoo it's like a rag or something oh yeah it could be Oh whenever you get a chance no rush why don't I just take the picture for you you're beat I'm busy waiting for you women can be difficult when they're hungry that was supposed to be a thought in my head not something that came out out loud nice no he's fine he's a little nasty boy is what he is don't pull too hard on me I don't know what it is what is it like a damn dead body just throw it up here I'll get it out if you can yeah just grab the bait and throw it up on this hill and you get back to casting I think it's a giant sock look as a red line on it the joys of fishing shitty ass urban creeks I mean if it is a sock it was like sasquatches sock it's like the biggest damn sock in North America but it has a million of those cocklebur things in there whatever they're called what are they called Kaka burs kukais burs East everyone duck lose out with a vengeance anyway I've rambled on for long enough without catching a fish I'll shut up now and see what else we can get so far it's just a white bass party and I'm cool with it a white bass party with a random mystery fish perfect for videos I'm thinking maybe you had some weird like a sock - come on down you want this spot are you sure hey that's actually not a bad plan someone got props to tought it up down here it sounds like the bigger the better is what some people think all right you throw wherever you want we'll stay out of your way yeah getting just oh Jesus that was a crazy bite that was like right next to us yeah man I think there's more of these here than we think he's all fired up he's like blue I will say I'll pop a picture up in the video but the one that he caught is bigger than any of the ones that we caught guaranteed yours was big man it was bigger than this wasn't it it looked bigger in the picture this is like a 12 or something 12 or 13 his look to be another tank one I die honestly there's no Lake anywhere around here that has white bass so strange but that's the good thing about creeks and rivers you have no damn idea oh yeah it always changes I can come back here tomorrow and I wouldn't catch a single white bass that's the fun of it if your diehard bass angler and you've never just fished a dirt creek with a night crawler I feel bad for you feel bad for you a lot of the times these are what I've caught a lot of gold eyes on so that's what I tied it on but we haven't got a gold I more along the shallows I'm gonna try something before I switch to night crawler I'm gonna climb this damn Hill and cast off a cliff and see if I can get some down there probably not the best idea but we're gonna give it a whirl holy that's a gold eye it's a gold eye hell yeah we can't rightfully let him go not because he's invasive but just because he's basically like a shad and they're hard to catch and hard to get for bait so look at me prepared and stuff nice teeth earned that chart but for anybody who missed my last couple videos I had gold eyes in it check out this dude's face just crazy he's got like a tongue damn tongue that has teeth on it as well as teeth on his jaws like boo said he's a nasty nasty boy and we're gonna kill his ass and use them for bait yeah cool he wants gold dye we got some for bait oh yeah I actually boo gold I catch him cook you're hungry if gold eyes ever gonna taste good it's when you're hungry sup fellas nice to meet you guys if you guys want some gold I for dinner we're gonna cook some up hearing a little bit no I'm just kidding be gross maybe though maybe that might be something that's never been done before I just I'd expected tastes about like a shad and I don't know how shad tastes but I'd imagine they don't taste very good I literally was about to leave to go catch gold eyes in greener pastures and boo catches a damn gold eye on the shitty ass blue fox vibe ryx I've been wrong a lot today I'm used to it by now how'd it go blue quick cameras about to die yeah you got drum fish walleye white bass gold I can't forget the gold eyes in the bag you smell like shade if we leave in there it smells like alive anyway she's hungry in about to puke shout out to old Dylan I keep saying Dylan its Dylan right for some reason I thought I was messing it up this whole time but you got a photography page right I'll link it down below no it's the I'll link it down below thanks for taking me out Billy I appreciate it but anyway huge shout out to him for inviting me out I'm not really traveling much lately so anything that's like within an hour or two hours from Omaha and you guys got ideas and stuff like that I guess message me on things because I might try it out I'm not traveling too far staying close to home to the fam and these weird times so yeah if you got any ideas I guess let me know because uh this is pretty badass I give it a ten out of ten this is the one time yeah not because of people but because of I'm pretty sure there's a dead carp or something or a dead beaver but anyway if you like this video if you like the creeks videos if you like the artificial creeks videos look at me growing up give this video a thumbs up leave a comment subscribe I appreciate you watching the cameras dying so I'm gonna let you go okay bye [Music]
Channel: PigPatrolTV
Views: 53,319
Rating: 4.9381976 out of 5
Keywords: roadside creek fishing, urban creek fishing, big fish in tiny creek, drain fishing, puddle fishing, creek fishing adventures, spring white bass fishing, salt creek fishing, fishing with spinners, how to catch more fish, fishing, epic fishing, crazy fishing, big fish, walmart fishing challenge
Id: prWgNBDyn5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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