Fearless Sorry, This Is Based On Faith | Willie B. Williams III

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[Music] three and i want to begin in verse 20. and and in dealing with fearlessness i want to talk about how god changed how god changed his mind in dealing as we deal with fear uh fearlessness uh matter of fact just just for emphasis i kind of let's read up a little earlier in romans chapter three uh because it does mention fear uh and so i kind of want to roll through and i want to make my emphasis on how god made some adjustments and god made some changes uh so let's read up a little earlier we're in verse 10 as it is written there is none righteous no not one there is none that understandeth there is none that seeketh after god they are all going out of the way they are together become unprofitable there is none that doeth good the bible says no not one we've gotten to a point where god's people is just doing whatever that they want to do the bible says not just some of them not just this group the bible says in verse 12 they are all going out of the way so imagine god looking at all of his children look at all of his people and said all of them are everybody sinning everyone is violating me everyone uh is disrespecting me the bible says uh they are all going on the way they are together become unprofitable there is none that doeth good no not one so not only are they individually not walking with god not only are they individually uh not profitable before god but the bible says that when god looked at his children collectively together they have become unprofitable the bible says in verse 13 their throat is an open grave their throat is an open sepulchre the bible says in verse 13 with their tongues they have used deceit and the poison of ass is under their lips the bible says in verse 14 whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness the bible says verse 15 their feet are swift to shed blood and destruction or mit and misery are in their ways and the way of peace have they not known i want you to look at verse 18. as we're talking about fearlessness the bible says they've sinned so much they've seen so much that in verse 18 there is no fear of god before their eyes uh one of the things that we've been talking about is being fearless and it's great to be fearless but the problem is is when you sin and you keep sinning and you keep sinning um there's a there's a sin that you can do if you do it repetitively and you do it consistently it actually gives you confidence have you ever heard that phrase practice makes perfect and so a person that doesn't know how to shoot a basketball if you give them a basketball and they may be embarrassed they don't want anybody to see and they'll shoot but after a while if you keep shooting you actually get really good at it and that's it anything that's in anything so i can i can replace a basketball with selling drugs i can replace selling drugs with prostitution any matter of fact anything that you keep doing over and over again the first time you do it there's a rush of guilt that comes in and you ask god for forgiveness god i'm so sorry that i did that the second time the rush is not the same the third time the fifth time the the seventh time the twentieth time that you do something it actually becomes an irritant have you ever known somebody who got irritated they got irritated for about repenting they said you know what i don't i don't want to repent no i'm tired of repenting and really they're they are disappointed in themselves they can be frustrated but you can get to a point where you sin so much that a callus can grow over your heart and you'll get to the point where you'll be like somebody says why are you doing that oh just i i probably i probably shouldn't be doing it and you get to a point you justify it so the bible says here in the text in romans chapter 3 they were cursing they were killing they together they were unprofitable they they were not beneficial to the kingdom and the bible says they got to a point that if that if the subject of god nobody feared god they they were fearless so remember what i said faith and fear is the same you have to feed faith and you have to feed fear if you feed fear then you will be fearless and you you will be fearless in in the negative in the sense of disrespecting god if you feed faith you will also be fearless but you you'll be able to move mountains if you're if you are operating in fear god will speak and you won't care what he says so if god says come i ain't going out there you know how you you know how you could be so scared that you become disobedient when a child is really scared and you say you come in i'm not going out there so come on just just get in the water i'm gonna teach you i don't care what you say you're an adult if we was on land i probably would obey you i'm so scared right now i actually no longer fear you because what i'm afraid of i'm afraid of the environment more than i'm afraid of you so you'll get to the point where they they they feared other things but when it came to god they didn't care anymore and the list that you read from verse 10 all the way into verse 17 it's just all of the sins and things that they got into the bible in fact look at verse 13 you you speak faith we're supposed to speak faith the bible said look at verse 13 the bible says their throat is an open wood it's an open grave the bible says that when they speak it's deaf when they speak my my job as a minister that when i preach i'm supposed to preach the word of god the bible says so that faith comes by what hearing so when i preach the word faith is uh i'm post preaching the word of faith so that when you receive it your cup of faith should grow but the bible says that when they spoke they didn't speak faith has hope in it they didn't have hope in their speech they didn't have faith in in their speech the bible says in verse 13 when they spoke it was death that's that that came out of their mouth it was like an open grave when they spoke so god is examining all of his children he realized this is unprofitable and then you get to verse 18 there is no there is no fear of god before their eyes now we know that what things so ever the law saith it said to them that are under the law that every mouth should be stopped and all the world may become guilty before god so then he goes on and he says so it's explaining all of these things and now we're getting to the point and now we're getting to the space where god shifts we're getting to the point where god changes his mind and he makes a shift because the whole world matter of fact one of the last times god talked like this and there was an observation of this was in genesis the bible says that god looked at the whole world and the bible says their thoughts were evil what continually the whole point about noah and building the boat was because god looked at the heart and when god looked at the heart he says nobody's thinking pure no nobody's heart is on me and so uh the bible says uh in verse 20 there was a shift therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin so god is looking he's examining his children and everybody's sinning everybody everybody has gone out of the way so nobody is physically able to work their way back to god so what god does is god changes the system so imagine uh imagine you can get to a point where you're so uh you're so in debt that you stopped talking about paying it off right right you started you you said hey don't know they said well you want to talk about payment plan there's a there's an amount that when they look at it they start they start talking about settlements but but payment plans we were past payment plans they were so deep in sin they were so in romans chapter three they were so deep in sin as he's referr god is looking at his people that the idea that i'm gonna give y'all some time to work your way back to my uh to righteousness the word righteousness means to be right with god so when you're in sin you're not in righteousness you're you're in sin but so to go from sin to righteousness that gap became so big that that god is it doesn't make any sense uh there's no point of me giving you time to right your wrongs because your wrongs are so much and there's nobody for you to turn to and you don't fear me so the bible says they they didn't fear god so they didn't fear god and it's not like they could turn and talk to somebody else because matter of fact read up or earlier the bible says in verse 12 they are what they are all going out of the way there's nobody to consult there's you can't you can't go to the priest you can't go to the temple there's nobody to talk to because everybody is crooked so you gotta understand the situation that god is in god loves his children but he's looking at his children and they're walking around fearless but they're walking around fearless in the wrong way they don't fear him they won't turn to him and so now they're in a situation now god has to come up with a plan but the plan that god has going to come up with is not going to be or it's not going to involve trusting man to get themselves out of the situation you can be in such a bad situation god gosh i no longer trust you and i no longer have confidence in you to get yourself out of the thing that you put yourself in so what am i going to do what what am i going to do he's in he's in judaism there's two religions in your bible there's two religions one is judaism and one is christianity by the time that you're studying in romans chapter three we're talking about judaism we're not talking about christianity so as god is looking at the israelites and it's god looking at the hebrews as god is looking at judaism everybody's going out of the way they're so deep in sin that there are no spiritual counselors that they can turn to because everybody's their mouth is an open grave they're cursing their hearts are full of bitterness they don't fear god so god has go god is going to come up with a plan i got to get you out of your state i gotta get you out of your state but i can't trust you to get yourself out of that state so you know what i gotta do i gotta change the law do you know why god has to change the law if i don't change the law on judgment day you're done you're you're not going to make it so so i love studying the word of god so you do you know what god did god said because i'm the judge and and i'm the lawgiver i'm i'm the judge and the senate and the house of representatives all at the same time god said god said i don't want you to suffer so what i'm going to have to do is propose a law change right so when we're studying scripture what we're studying is a legal document that changed for those of you don't know the word testament the word covenant means contract right it's a it's a legal bi the word covenant is not a spiritual word the word testament is not a spiritual word it's not church it's a it is actually a legal uh term it is a legal binding term that you can get in a testament with somebody or another word for that is you can get in a covenant with somebody uh and to and then get in a covenant with somebody a covenant requires two parties so now uh when somebody says well you know old testament our new testament what you don't realize is you're talking in legal terms right so uh what we become students of we become students of contracts which is another term for covenant it's a contract so when we talk when we tell you to study your bible what we're telling you is go home and read your contract you have a call and you was fussing and they were real calm because they knew that you didn't read your contract and so they said unfortunately if you look if you look on page 11 section b you initialed that this was that this was okay and then this is how we were going to operate most uh entities that you get into they say hey listen if you have any disputes with us you're not allowed to take us to court sign here you didn't you didn't read it clearly because you was just trying to hurry up and move forward and so now you got an issue but legally now according to the covenant that you have with that you are now restricted you need to go home and reject yeah you need to go home read your covenant you need to go home and read your testament uh so the bible says um and i'll have time to give i'm trying to make this point there's a gospel call right the gospel is a call one of the things that we say is have you answered the have you answered the call right have you have you answered the call um but you don't answer the call by talking right the bible says in first peter that baptism is an answer right uh baptism is an answer first peter chapter three baptism is an answer so the way you answer the gospel the gospel if it's preached is calling you it's asking you a question the only way for you to answer the question is not for you to talk you answer the question by being baptized that's how you give your answer now another way to also give your answer is don't get baptized so if you don't get baptized that's your answer your answer is no i'm not i heard you i heard your call i'm not answering your call another way is i heard your call and i'm going to get baptized i'm i'm responding to the gospel call uh what's what's the song we sing will you come will you come to the fountain right where you come where the gospel is calling you to come right so but in order for you to answer you have to come so so with that with that call the the the contract is signed the the new testament not the old testament the new testament contract is signed when you get baptized just for a few moments i got to explain this this is why we don't baptize people who say i want to just be baptized if they come and say i want to be baptized one of the first things we do is we what we need to ask you some questions we got to talk to you because you gotta understand you're about to sign a contract don't come back and try to renege and say hey i don't i didn't know none of this and you didn't tell me how yo you know some people try to fuss at the preacher and some people try to profess at the church they didn't you know my church didn't tell hey listen it's your responsibility to read the contract it's not it's not my responsibility to share every single lesson in the bible that's not my responsibility you have a responsibility to study on your own now i have a i have a responsibility to preach the gospel call somebody said bro williams i want to hear the gospel this week i want to hear about something else well hey listen i may not be called to you you you might not personally be my ministry when somebody says well i want to learn and i want to grow you have a personal responsibility to have your own bible study and do your own we put all that pressure on one person to make sure that everybody's growing at their stage and my focus my number one focus as a minister is to tell people about how to get to jesus christ we can talk about other subjects and we can deal with other things but i can never forget my number one priority is i have to be able to explain how to help people go from darkness to light right somebody says well i want to i want to get in i want to talk about angels i'm going to talk about it that's great that may be another class and if time frees up we can go deep into it that'd be nice but right we can never forget we can never forget the number one priority is what the number one priority for you as a christian is to tell people about jesus christ that's why out of all 66 books out of the bible and all of his authors and the thousands of years that with it when it was written the number one thing that you need to know is what the gospel is because knowing about knowing the art doesn't save anybody knowing about adam and eve and which is is great it's a deep understand it doesn't save anybody me telling you that peter walked on water uh it may strengthen you but it doesn't save anybody if i t once i tell the story of peter walker nobody is saved by that story nobody is saved by it i could tell you about david and how he swinging and he killed goliath he failed but nobody saved nobody gets saved by that right so we study those things so that we can grow in our faith but never forget the what what is our number one priority when you and your friends neighbors and you're around people who don't know jesus christ if you had a choice i prefer you tell them about the gospel instead of telling them about david and goliath right if i only have one shot to talk to you about god i'm gonna choose the gospel i'm gonna have to leave the other stuff alone what do you think about astrology maybe if we have time we'll get to that another time but right now i just want to share something with you before it's everlasting too late right so uh with the covenant it's important for you to study it because in the new testament covenant the the new testament is a reflection of what was going on in romans chapter 3. everybody is under sin everybody is out of the way and so now god is not going to trust you to save yourself so we got to come up with a plan to put you in a better situation so so what so what are we going to do let's read the bible says verse 21 but now the righteousness of god without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets even the righteousness so remember i said righteousness means to be right with god you can't be right with god if you are disobedient so somebody says i'm far away from god how do i get close to god again the righteousness of god which is by what we're in verse 22 which is by what by which is by faith of jesus christ unto all and upon all them that believe there is no difference then all of a sudden there's a shift right if if you were going to be in good standing with god you know what you'd have to do you'd have to be born a jew you had to get circumcised or maybe a proselyte and get in and uh and then you had to eat certain foods and you had to it was there was a lot of physical things that you would have to do to be right with god and then all of a sudden there's a shift and god says wait a minute you can be right with me by faith if you were in the first covenant you would be like we don't know nothing about that because the old testament is not based on faith somebody said do you believe in god the old testament is not based upon that you know what the old testament is you do numbers one through ten and you don't do this and you don't do that nobody's asking you about what you think or how you feel just physically don't do this and physically do that and you're good you ever seen you ever seen a child be obedient with a bad attitude they're obedient bad attitude go over there okay stan their heart so now you understand what the scripture your your heart is far from me i'm not saying you're not doing the work of the kingdom i'm not i'm not saying you're not serving i'm not saying that you're not here it's great that you're here the problem that god was having is but when i look at your heart your heart's not here so you know one emphasis i don't i don't want nobody cooking my food with a bad attitude [Music] no you're just killing and and so imagine imagine this thing about this if i give my offering and i have a bad attitude what would you tell me keep your money i said no no no i'm i'm a give i'ma give don't don't worry i'm i'm a gift what would you say what would you tell me hey no see you're supposed to be giggling you're supposed to be cheerful giggle's another translation yeah you supposed to so so notice this it's it's it's about spirit he says this you you're supposed to be happy god god changed the system in the old testament thou shall not do this thou shalt not do that thou shall not kill but you know what jesus did jesus came in the new testament says hey it's more than that because if you hate somebody in your heart you're killed already that's why they were so angry with jesus they said wait a minute hey listen i ain't killed nobody jesus said actually no you getting killed by five you you person you didn't kill by five people because your heart you got you got hate in your heart and hate is the equivalent of murder under this new contract so under this new contract the system had changed because it is based upon faith it is based upon belief so here's the thing they were so in their sin they could not physically get out they couldn't they could not uh sacrifice enough lambs and goats to get out of their sin their sin was so much god says i'm going to this i'm changing the law and the way that you can get out now don't bring me any bulls don't bring me any goats don't bring me any dogs the way for you to get out now is this i need you to change your heart and believe in me and if you would be willing to change your heart and believe in me then we'll wipe your debt clean you physically can't get out but what i wanted from you the whole time is i god is what this is nature right so if god is love if he wants to be with you the only place that can be a home is your heart the problem with the old testament is there was no home for him jesus comes and says it's okay it's okay daddy because upon this rock i'mma build mine and you're gonna live in them but but before you live in them you know what i'm gonna do daddy i'm gonna clean them out and i'm gonna get their heart right so do you know jesus cleaning our heart is so that our father can have home so that he can have a home so he changed the system and said this i don't want you to use your key anymore to start your car to open up doors i don't want you to use your key anymore you know what i want you to do what i want you to do is i want you to use your eyes y'all never seen that system where you you put your you put your and it because your eyes actually is a fingerprint nobody else can come and take your eye you know and i guess they could but i'm saying nobody nobody nobody can put their face in front of uh do you know like when apple or samsung one of the things they did is they they start using your the fingernails and and and fingerprint and all that kind of stuff what what the lord says i don't want you to use keys anymore what i want is to access the laws of heaven if you want to talk to me if you want me to answer your prayers if you want me to do anything for you then it's not about what you physically do in order to unlock heaven so that the blessings can begin to fall i need your heart to believe that's just you know what and your debt will be clean and we'll start there because if your heart is clean that immediately lets me know i have a home and if i have a home in you then why would not i provide my home with everything that it needs all right so if i'm staying with you let's say right now if i'm staying with you uh then i want to make sure that the electricity is paid i'm invested now i may not have been invested anymore you may have come and said you know i'm like okay you know but but if i'm standing there i'm saying i'm i want the air conditioner i'm now i'm in now i'm investing because i want to be sleeping with my uh my leg out the cover i'm sweating you know got the fan on and got a window trying to trying to get some air i'm invested that the ac is working if uh if i'm staying with you if if i'm staying with you you know what i want you to have i want you to have the best washing machine and the best dry i want you to i want i want you to have my fact if i'm staying with you i i really do not want you to have all the amenities that your hearts desire i want i want you to have uh uh the shower the the that that swirls when it you know that and it rains on and you get in i want you to have i want you to have everything i i want you to have uh uh the the sub zero refrigerator that keeps it crisp and and it air flows and go through why do i want you to why do i want you to have all of these things why don't because for you to have all of these things is i'll have them too why would god make a deposit in somebody who don't want to be with him god you're going to bless me but you won't let me stay with you can i god god god can i have can i stay can i stay with you tonight no not tonight then don't what you asking me for what you asking me for i don't i don't want to god uh god i just i want you to uh can you can you bless me uh with this and god can you bless me with a house a job and an opportunity in this not only do i not have a place to stay is that sin staying with you you got you got sin in your life and then you asking me to make the person you shack him with god said i'm trying to marry you it's a covenant [Music] god said i'm trying to marry you you won't marry me you're shacking with sin and then you want me to pay the bills how you want me to pay the bill no this this is it has to be based on it has to be based on faith right there's there's uh you can do you can do a lot of things physically that doesn't mean your heart is there but it makes something completely different when your heart is there god god is basically saying we get to romansh3 i no longer want to do religion i no longer want to do worship where all i see is bodies and no hearts so do you know there's a difference between old testament worship and new testament worship because new testament worship is based upon the heart do you know why giving changed old testament was based on 10 do you know why giving changed in the new testament he said you know what everybody was hitting 10 in the old testament and they think they were doing good because it was just based upon okay this is what he wanted that's what i'm getting he said i want to see who really loved me one of the things that frustrate me now when i go to restaurants is they gonna suggest the tip and then they don't start at 10 did you know that you know they didn't they didn't change they don't start at 10 no more they start at 15. the average the average start at 15 and then they work their way up and who said who said joe but notice this a tip is something that no restaurant can force you to give did you know that have you thought about that the tip somebody said i do that from day one the tip a tip is after they after you've paid the bill they come back to your table and they leave that and then they walk away and say because the rest that's on you and and if and if they feel confident that they did a good job they said hey i really enjoy the job thank y'all so much you know i'm just trying to get my life together i just want to just want to i just want to thank y'all for so much you know i got i got you know two squirrels that i'm raising and so you know i just got a lot of responsibilities that i'm taking care of but i hope you enjoyed your meal and y'all need anything else what are they what are they still working they they know that just because you pay for the bill the work isn't done because they're waiting on the be so so if if if you look at it god is saying man i've been good i know i know i've been good man i know i've been good to you so uh not only am i gonna take but in in this new contract i'm changing law i'm making offering all tip i'm making i'm making the offering all tip so i'm gonna give you your hundred percent i'm gonna give you a hundred percent of the hours for a week this was 168. i won't cheat you i won't cheat you i'm not gonna get mad at you and be vengeful and only give you 165. and you get to the end of the week he said god you didn't take well i need i need three more of my hours he said no i'm gonna give it all to you you do whatever you want to do with your hours i'm gonna give you all the oxygen that each week requires have anybody ever got mad at god because he he cut your oxygen short because he had an attitude with you right so that's rough right so look i'm gonna give you all your oxygen i'm gonna give you all your hours i won't cheat you on your seconds all your minutes right i'ma sustain you and what i'm gonna look on my day is seven days he says do you know what wednesday bible class is it's the tip somebody say i don't i don't want to go bible class can't make you right we all said no we're gonna send nobody to hell do we we'll we'll send nobody to hell because they don't come to bible class right because you know what bible class is it's the tip and and and he said i'm giving you seven days but there is a lord's day there's the lord's day i'm giving you six no actually i'm giving you seven it's your choice to give me back my one i'm not in the old testament they stone you you're dead right they would stone you you didn't do what you were supposed to do if you didn't get circumcised if you didn't physically do something they would come at you in in the new contract it's different in the new contract it's all too god says i'm going to base christianity on your heart i just want to see how much you love me we got to be careful sometimes in christianity because we treat god based upon the people that are in front of us so one thing that we try to emphasize even though yeah the church has responsibilities and we have bills and we have things that we have to hey don't ever forget your offerings to the lord it's just to god all right and so uh regardless of what what people or whatever you know do god is looking at your heart and what you do and your blessings are coming to you based upon your heart and what you do nobody can latch on to your song service hey sing for me you're doing a good job singing for me and god going no no god said when i looked at your heart you didn't have the energy to give me what they gave me sometimes i believe that god draws close to the to the to the songs and the voices of children because it's pure yeah and they just sing in it and it's just pure it is it is us that becomes self-conscious worship service and what we give back god said i'm not demanding anything i don't i'm not going to tell you how loud you need to sing did you know that i'm not going to tell you how much you need to pray if y'all don't want to pray once you know that's that's it's on you i'm not going to tell you to pay attention i'm not going to tell you notice that god does not talk about how long the sermon is or should be amen because in my heart i just want to talk about it right don't get don't get tired of listening because in my heart i just want i want to talk about him right but notice notice there are no restrictions on too little or or too much because he says i'm changing the law because i looked in the old system and everybody was following the rules but they weren't seeing because their heart was far away now in this new system i want your heart because i realize if i have your heart i really ain't got to worry about where you're going to be because the bible says where your treasure is so god is saying you're coming to worship but you're somewhere else because your treasure is not me i want your treasure to be me because if your treasure is me then your heart is going to be here and wherever your heart is where you want to be now notice there's a different spirit in the room when i want to be here versus that's why i frustrate from when i hear people say uh you know okay let me oh i got to go to church ah that's right i gotta go to no no you don't you actually matter of fact going to church is just like the offering if your heart ain't right you stay home you sure hey listen you ain't doing me no benefit matter of fact the only thing you're doing is stinking up the environment you're killing the vibe it's a difficult thing when everybody in the room is happy and one and that one sour face you like uh get that one we need somebody to get it's killing the vibe right it's it's killing the vibe matter of fact even in the house of satan right it's it's it's it's and if you mess up rotation hey they get mad at you i'm talking about in the house of satan right they get they get mad at you when everybody's doing it and you decide you not they look at you like why are you here right it's the same way in the house of the lord in the house of the lord he says i'm not making anybody come so if you're here make sure you want to be ain't that liberating yeah and you know what i'm free as a christian from trying to make people live right free from that well they they won't listen and i'm trying to get them listen i ain't got to make nobody come on uh somebody i know if one person was here they don't change my attitude let's get started let's get started because you know what my focus is not so much on people as it is i love god and through that i serve people right if you focus on people if you if you focus on people it will affect if you focus on people it will affect how you serve god i don't want anybody to alter my mind so that i can't give my joy to jesus every time the saints come together so it's a mental work matter of fact if you've been in christianity in my time you know at this point it's mental mentally you got to stay encouraged and be strong and do and you got to talk to you it's a mental work yes and and jesus and god said that's because that's why i want to live so i need you to make sure you get your get my house right because you were bought with the so i paid your debt i'm cleaning your house through the washing of the word i'm cleaning your house so that my daddy can live there and then in john chapter 14 and john chapter 15 jesus says and me and my father we will come and we will make our home in you with the holy spirit we're all moving in we we all we all want to move in but i'm going to tell you this we can't move into no dirty house and here's the thing we do not move into a house where we're not wanted [Music] now you understand what the scripture says he says if you go to a house and they reject you knock the dust off your feet and go on to the next house because everything about christianity is free we don't make anybody do anything we don't have to force anybody well we have we when we do to get more people to come manipulating people is not how love operates you gotta come freely okay we need to we need to baptize more people we're going to get some people in the water stop chunking people and throwing them in the water and they don't know what's going on just so you can get your numbers if you don't come from the heart baptism is a marriage stop throwing people into marriages you know and people say and a little in the little 12 year old coming like i guess i'm getting married today wait a minute i mean if we thought about baptism if we thought about baptism as marriages we would spend more time talking to our children about really what the gospel is and what it really requires before we say hey it's just time and they say time time for what what do we what what are we doing today no no you're going to get married to christ today wow i don't i don't know i'm not i'm not ready i need some more i need some more time i need someone so so the the law changed the law changed he says this in verse 24 being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in christ jesus now let's explain this real quick grace does not remove sin grace does not remove sin what grace does is grace gives you time so by his not at grace you're not saved at grace you're saved by grace right if you stopped at grace you would never reach salvation so i'm going to the store by car when i reach my car i'm not at the store somebody said well how are you getting a store buy car i'll be able to reach the sword i want salvation how you gonna get to salvation i gotta get to grace by grace which god gives abundantly but then the bible says want to read this but through so so the bible says by the righteousness by the righteousness of god we've been justified freely look at verse 25 whom god has set forth to be a perpetuation through faith jesus died on the cross but we're able to receive the benefit of what happened on the cross through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the removal of sins that are passed through the forbearance of god we're talking about believing right matter of fact very quickly uh skip down in verse 30. seeing it is one god which shall justify the circumcision by faith and the uncircumcision when it's talking about that is talking about nationality so the circumcision with jews and the uncircumcision were gentiles and the bible is letting us know that when god looked at the whole world he decided to change the law and says the new law on how to be good with me is won't be by faith let me show you how powerful this is somebody says if if god is so powerful you ever heard the beginning of that phrase if if god is so loving then why don't he just do this why why don't he just make us do such and such god could have chosen god didn't have to choose faith nobody made god choose faith so if i told you let's say everybody in this room i want to make uh hopefully we can make this clear and we can be able to answer people about our faith better if everybody in this room owed me money let's say everybody in this room owe me money and let's say everybody in this room owed me a lot of money right and so unless i had authority to punish and i came to you and i said listen all of you owe me all of you are in debt to me but you're going to repay me but you're going to repay me in skittles yeah yeah good thank you thank you cause your heart is right when you asked when you asked about the color your heart is right right you're ready you're ready to be in righteousness right so so so if i said pay me in skittles somebody come to you and say why don't you just give him the money because to settle the account with him he doesn't want money to settle the account with him he wants he wants skittles he wants skittles somebody says i i don't know if i really believe you don't have to believe in god well why don't why don't god show me and why don't he prove to me that he is because the system that god chose god said i want faith now he could have based christianity on evidence he could have he could you know what god could have said i'm going to leave behind so much evidence and that's how i want people to follow me but if god is love and you're basing your devotion to god based upon what you can see he still has no home in you because whatever you see you don't you don't need faith you just point to whatever they is so when people have to physically go to jerusalem or they go to mecca or they're going to a physical play because their devotion and their religion has an address christianity doesn't have an address do you know that every other religion in the world is pointing to a location and a place where their religion their worship we need to get to the mountain we need to or they look at the stars christians we don't look at stars we don't look at the water we don't look at the admiral or the wind we don't look at any rocks we don't we don't we don't hold anything sacred we don't hold any beads or nothing like christianity is not the physical so from that for the people on the outside looking in they're saying well show me nah see this based on faith somebody said no well i'm not going to believe until you show the problem with that is the one that we all owe chose faith so if you're saying that you're not going to believe until you see he's not going to change the law to appease you well god if you just show me you if you want me to believe some people feel like they can give god ultimatums well if you want me to believe you're gonna have to show me something the bible says a wicked generation looks for a sign stop looking for a sign to know if god is really loving you and he really gonna be i don't need no signs because the system that god chose to use is faith very quickly return to ephesians 2. in ephesians chapter 2 and beginning of verse 8. for by grace are you saved and then it's what you're not saved at grace and you're not saved at grace and you're not saved at faith you're saved by grace through faith right so here's what god decided to do in order for you to be good with me you're gonna have to get in the vehicle that hemi called grace it got a hit you got to hit me in it you got to hit me in it uh you need to get in the vehicle of grace the vehicle has been fueled by god so you're not driving on something you filled it up with it's been filled up with mercy get in the vehicle of grace the gas is already filled up and it runs on mercy in order for you to get right with me you're gonna have to get on the highway called faith and you're gonna have to go through it's a tunnel somebody said brother williams how you know it's a tunnel because the judge shall live by faith and not by ain't no lights on this in the vehicle of grace there are no headlights there are no headlights the car runs by gps it's it's guided so what you have to do when you get in the vehicle of grace you gotta you gotta put in the word and the word will take you to the destination the vehicle follows the word now if you don't like the vehicle of grace you can get out that vehicle and you can get in the vehicle of work and you feel like you can work your way but but yeah anybody seen the flintstones that vehicle run with your feet that's it that's what that's what that vehicle is so you can you can get in the vehicle you can get in the vehicle of of of work or you can get in the vehicle of grace that's filled up by mercy that that gps runs through by the word of god you got to go through the freeway and through the tunnel of faith that has no lights but don't worry about the lights because the word guides the way with that in the vehicle of grace there are no steering wheels come on come on you got to you got to get the vehicle you got to get in the vehicle of grace there are no steering wheels you just sit down and your job is to put the word in the system so that it can take you where you need to be for by grace come on church through faith and just in case you thought you was making this happen i feel like i'm teaching tonight i feel i feel like i'm i feel like i'm flowing i feel like i'm flowing uh and it's not of your sales right it's not of yourselves the title of the vehicle is not in your name it's a gift it's a gift of god uh this is not the work vehicle we're in verse nine now this is not of works is it is it is it it's not it's not of works it's not of works last you would boast you would brag about how you were so deep in sin far from the peaceful shore you swam back on on strength and grit so what god decided to do this is not going to be based upon human effort not that not that no effort is going to be put forth because the effort that you have to put forth is the word but this is not a works unless any measure both in verse 10 for we are his created in jesus christ christ jesus unto good works which god have before ordained that we should walk in them he talks about how um they they used to operate in time past and how they were in sin and and and how um uh they did all of these uh ungodly things but it is true faith that they were able to get out of darkness and now they're on their way to light somebody says how did you get here through faith i opened up my heart and i believed somebody says well did you see no no no my faith is not based upon anything that i see that's how you're supposed to be fearless because if you practice faith you no longer get frightened by what you see because if you're walking by faith you stopped looking at things a long time ago you stopped observing how scary things looked and your conclusion by based of what you see you realize that wasn't scripture god won't lie so if god says he has me then i no longer trust in what i see and what i see will never change the word of god very quickly i want you to turn to hebrews 11 6. in hebrews chapter 11 [Applause] in verse 6. we've said a lot we're already in chapter 11. a lot of things have been talked about a lot of things have uh uh been brought up but out of all of the things that have been brought up out of all of the things uh that have been discussed but without faith it is what it's impossible to please him why is it impossible because i changed the law if you were in the old contract and you were trying to physically i would give you a pass but i no longer base righteousness based upon i do all the right things christianity is not based upon you doing all the right things if your heart is not there are you supposed to do the right things yes but righteousness does not come through those things righteousness comes to the heart in which you do those things if you leave your heart at home and you do everything right you're still a center in the eyes of god because you you you left you locked up the house and you didn't allow me to to be with you even though you're physically here he says i want your heart you can have a person who physically does everything right and they're far away from god you're gonna have a person who's physically in sin and they're caught up in sin but their heart is open to god and god is closer to them than the person who don't do those things you got to be careful how you talk about people the prostitute to make it in before you make it in prostitute to hold the gate open for you you all right it's good to see you i know you're wondering how i got here by grace through faith i know you wondered i know you're wondering how i got here you're confused you got confusion all on your face but without faith it's impossible to please him for he that comes he that comes he that comes see you came to god but you didn't come through the tunnel of faith so because you came up some other way you'll never make me happy now there are other way there are many ways to come to god but what does the scripture say but without faith is impossible for he that comes to god must come this way you can come another way but you'll never please me so i'm trying to let you know there is only one there's only one road well i'm looking for when we say there's one church matter of fact i can preach one church out of hebrews chapter 11 verse 6. because this is the way that pleases me come some other way if you want to and you'll never please me you'll never make me happy for he that comes to god must believe that he is and a rewarder somebody says i don't i i need to see some of the rewards before i believe that god is a giver before he gives to me god says i want you to operate on that system matter of fact i want you to shout on a wednesday night i want you to shout tonight about what i'm going to do for you tomorrow because christian that's the law of faith we violate the law of faith when we sit back and say well i ain't going to believe it until i see it you are illegal in the kingdom of god you are violating the law of grace you are violating the law of faith in christianity because the law of faith says i shout before it happens i get excited before i get delivered i trust in god before i have any evidence that those things are going to happen i matter of fact i praise and thank god before i receive it and christianity is based on that somebody said brother williams i can't get excited because i've been waiting it's been you're violated when you give up hope whenever you give up hope you are violating the law the laws that are in christianity you never let anybody kill your hope you never let anybody kill your faith because that's how we live in this agreement with god you cannot survive in the church and you quit and you gave up hope that's why i quit you can't quit take a break breathe exhale twice i don't know whatever you need to do but to not have hope is a violation of christianity right uh next uh john chapter 1 verse 12 and we'll close john chapter one in verse 12. in john chapter 1 in verse 12 let's look let's go to verse 11. he came unto his own and his own did what received him not he came to his own receiving but as many as received him to them gave what power to become the sons of god even to them that what why does it take power do you know in order to be a child of god in order to be a christian it actually requires power but if i have some time i just want to i will just teach on the power that it actually requires right so in order to be a child of god it requires power but it's power that you don't possess so in order to become a christian you have to be given power god says i'll give you the power but what is it going to be based upon and the thing that he he decided and he chose is i'll give it to you i'll wipe your deck clean if you give me skittles somebody somebody says but the skittles is not worth if you add it up what you're requiring for payment doesn't match what we owe you in money for the wages of sin is what and he says listen you don't have to you don't have to give your life for your sins give me give me skittles give me give me give me uh you know what i want you to do i want you to believe in my son that's that's what we'll do somebody says that doesn't make any sense all of these people hurt and violate god and you're telling me that you're gonna forgive everybody's sin if they believe in your son and god says skittles yeah i want i want skittles in comparison to what you owe me is skittles so why won't you believe do you understand quitting on god because it's difficult what's the alternative you want to change vehicles is that what you do you want to change vehicles and you want to physically somebody says i grind every day i make it happen i pull myself by my own bootstraps i don't want that vehicle i want the vehicle that says seeky first and all and then these things acts and it shall be believe that you have and then you shall receive if i want i want that for you because it skittles compared to the grinding and i'm gonna make it and i fight for what mine ain't nobody gonna run over me no i want somebody to fight my battles because please i'm tired i just i don't know i don't feel like fighting today i wanna i wanna be in the the vehicle of grace and so uh he gives power but the power that he's giving doesn't match your belief what i'm trying to tell you is it's not fair and he knows it and the reason why i want you to pay me skittles because really i just want to see you free and i know you don't got it but everybody i want y'all over me a pack of skittles now notice this everybody here give me a pack of skittles and your debt is clean some of you will have a problem you will say wait man bro williams that person owe you more than that person so what i want you to stop doing i want you to get out of people business [Music] so notice this it's it's belief it's faith for everybody but brothers y'all know what i've done i've done a lot of things it's a bag of skittles for you it's a bag of skittles for you brother williams i've okay let me tell you i don't have time to listen let's summarize it it's a bag of skittles we don't even need to hear the whole story cause it's a bag of skittles can i be saved if you will be willing to come and believe much belief costs it's free you just have to be willing from your heart do you know why confession has to be from the heart because god says that's what i want skittles i want to be saved uh i want you to go and stand in water and i want you to completely be immersed because that's what baptism is i want you to completely be immersed and i want you to come up that's it okay now skittles skittles it's what it is why because i know you don't have it to really pay me and i wanna i wanna be with you so bad that i lowered the bar so you have no excuse on judgment day not to go to heaven it skittles y'all christianity is not for the elite and the theologian and he lowered the bar for children women men short tall laden with sin the murderers and the liars and the stealers and the manipulators and all of the heinous things that can happen in the world all of all of those things he says skittles for everybody but you have to believe and when satan found that out every day he's attacking what you believe because he knows that's not fair because all he's asking from you it's typically somebody says i don't feel like i should have to be baptized you're fighting baptism why are you fighting it's skittles you don't pay a fee do you know if we had a line out here anybody who wanted to get baptized if they were taught the gospel they could it can happen it's skittles some people after they get baptized they are amazed at how fast it goes and it's a is that and this is is that it yeah skittles somebody said man i should have did this a long time ago cause it's not hard it's not difficult and you got people who are fighting and saying i want to do this and you're you're gonna you're gonna miss how easy it is because you're trying to give god a mr goodbar you know and he asks you you know what and there's some people and i'm done there are some people that said no i'm gonna give god a stake he ain't asked you for a steak he asked you for skittles don't ever let anybody make christianity more complicated than what it is matter of fact in the new contract you know what he says there's a whole bunch of laws on that old one he said in this new one we're going to make this real simple we're going to sum it up he said he said in a new contract we're going to sum this up love and drop the mic love because if you're operating in love then i can be with you the holy spirit can be with you my son can be with you and when you're operating in love then the way you move in the way you operate your body is going to follow i don't have to even worry because your your your heart and your mind is focused on loving not hate not revenge not getting back not being uh uh a pessimistic uh but being faithful and loving and having hope you can't love and not have hope you can love incorrectly because your hope isn't the wrong thing so god says your love is supposed to be love me more than your mother like the scripture says love me more than your mother more than your father more than your children because you can actually put your love and hope and be connected in the wrong place and that love will fail you because that's the it's the wrong location but if you put your love in me that never fails that's what that scripture is referring to the love that the love that never fails is only the one that's connected to jesus christ because all others are imitation all right if you're here this evening this is praying time uh if there's anything on your heart if there's anything that you desire uh to maybe give to god if there's anything that uh you may have come to a point which had i just had a revelation i've been realizing i've been trying to wait for god to show me something and god says no you believe and then i show you that's how christianity work god when you go no no god already did it matter of fact i know that you believe when your speech change oh god is doing some amazing things in this season what is he doing i don't see it yet but i just know he moving i don't have nothing to show you i don't have to understand matt you you'd be in a bad situation you can you can be in and down in your dumps you could be uh in in a straight the way christianity works you believe it and then it opens you pray about it and you walk out and then it comes you may realize hey i've been moving i've been operating but it ain't been on faith i've been sitting back and i had an attitude i was going to wait for god to show me something and then i was gonna move because i ain't i did that the last time and i didn't see nothing i almost fell on my face so i ain't gonna do that no more so what i did is in the law in in the kingdom of god i'm not obeying the laws anymore i know it says i know it says to drive the speed but i'm i'm gonna go a little slower because i don't trust and you'll never get the benefits of the kingdom when you don't trust the one who says this is how all of this work i tried that church thing that church thing don't work you can't try christ you know why you you can't try christ the same way you can't try marriage no you gotta you gotta get up hey i'm gonna try baptism now you don't try baptism you gotta get all the way in all right it's not called what it's not called baptism i'm gonna try this church thing you can't try that church thing because christianity don't work with you know it's not no two-week trial microsoft will say hey listen you can try our program for two weeks we'll give you full access but then they shut it off after christ says no ain't nothing turning on ain't nothing turn it on until i see your heart we don't get free trials so either you all in or you not it's based on faith
Channel: North Colony Church of Christ
Views: 2,504
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Gospel, Acapella, North Colony Church of Christ, Willie Williams, Preaching
Id: ImMuSBlc3LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 0sec (4620 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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