Fearless Honestly, I Don't Want To Be Here| Willie B. Williams III

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[Music] we read when we was back ephesians that god expects us uh to approach the throne of god with boldness he expects us uh to have the confidence to know that all of our sins are forgiven and that heaven is given unto us uh but one of the things that kill our fearlessness and and contaminate our faith uh is sin sometimes we uh look on the outward appearance instead of trusting in god that god has worked that thing out from the inside out but sometimes uh we will hear messages and we will see things uh that causes us to be fearful and when you're fearful you can't walk with god uh when you're fearful matter of fact the bible says in hebrews 11 6 but without faith it's impossible to please god matter of fact hebrews 11 6 is talking about pleasing god but in order to please god you have to have faith faith starts in the heart and so what satan is attacking is satan is attacking your confidence satan is attacking your faith and the reason why you don't do certain things the reason why you probably should say something at the business meeting about hey y'all i don't think we should talk like this or the reason why uh you hesitate in asking somebody and inviting somebody to worship uh the reason why you stop yourself and you uh have a thousand conversations with yourself or whether or not uh you shouldn't uh study with your friend or study with your family member the reason why you don't do the things that you need to do is sometimes because you're caught up in fear and when you're fearful matter of fact when you fearful you don't tell the truth when you when you're fearful you're scared of the result when you're fearful i don't i don't know how they're going to react and so because i don't know how they're going to react uh then i'm not going to say anything and god says i can't use you because you're operating in fear and so uh sometimes you you you got to be uh you got to be bold and you got to be willing to tell the truth brothers you got to be willing to turtle too she said hey does this look good on me you got to tell you gotta be able to tell the truth don't be scared you're scared of the result you're you're scared of what might happen if you don't be scared this is you you gotta tell the truth children you gotta tell the truth sometimes when you're in school and then did this happen i know a whooping is coming after this some sometimes you know that the truth is going to come with punishment and you're so afraid of the punishment that you end up lying and making it worse and sometimes what you don't realize is the is the cover-up is worse than the punishment having somebody to reject you having somebody to be mad at you is actually not that bad because the truth that you told them will set them free they needed somebody in their life to tell them the truth that hey listen i don't think you're in a good place and you shouldn't keep living like that and they may be mad at you matter of fact they may never talk to you again but after you said what you said they transitioned in their life they made the improvements that they needed to make and maybe god foresaw that and said hey listen i'm going to sacrifice your friendship so that i can save their soul don't be afraid of the consequences when you're walking in fear you you are controlled by the consequences because if i tell the truth i don't know what they're gonna say if i tell the truth i don't know if i'm gonna keep it sometimes you need to lose it sometimes you need to walk by faith and and be willing to risk matter of fact walking by faith is a risk did you know that walking by faith is a risk because there is the great possibility that everything is going to be destroyed but what if in the faith walk god expected and god wanted it to be destroyed have you ever have you ever said that you're going to do something and you're going to walk out on faith and then all of a sudden the people that you thought was going to support you they start speaking negatively about you and matter of fact what you didn't realize by being fearless you exposed your haters by being fearless you actually expose the people who envy you say yeah i'm about to start this i'm about to do that why are you going to do all that man i would have never known your speech unless i would have spoken in faith talk when you start speaking in faith and you start walking in faith people around matter of fact you expose people's fears when you do something uh there was a that was a woman she was uh she was in her 50s and she had raised her children and she got to a point she said listen i'm about to uh i want to i want to start a business to go back to school i'm about to do these things and and her her peers uh so why are you doing that your time has passed that's for the that's for young kid and so one thing that she began to realize the reason why they were speaking negatively about her we because they were the same age and in their heart they really wanted to do what she was about to do and because she was about to do it it shed a light on them that hey if you can do it then what's stopping us from we want to do what you're doing and so what some people will do because they don't have enough faith they will strive to discourage you because if you accomplish what you're striving to do you're going to make us feel bad and it will give the appearance that you left us behind people don't want to be left behind so they sabotage your faith people don't want to be left behind let you start reading your bible and studying and getting close to god you will start to have people start saying what do you think you are you are most holier than all you you think you better than the rest of us and the answer is yes yes i do i really do and i'm being honest i'm being because i'm not afraid of the i'm not afraid of the consequences but people will speak negatively to discourage you and say you know that's a lot of work you know you gotta fill out all that paperwork you know the process is long you know you're gonna have to probably like six months to get you think you can hold off you know most people fail i think i've said this before i went uh i went to a church nearby when i first started and i went to the minister and i had a meeting with him he said you come to my office we were sitting at a table and uh i was a little younger than i was a little younger than what i am now uh i guess what i'm trying to say my beard hadn't fully come in at that time and so i'm sitting at his table and i'm excited because in a week i'm about to plant a church and i'm sitting at his table and i'm saying um i didn't ask for money i was asking hey do you have any brothers that can help me teach because i want to i want to hold some classes he said young man don't do it i said but there's no in the city there's no church of christ in the in the city like we he said he said young man don't do it he says take my advice before i finish the story obvious obviously i didn't take his advice he said young man take my advice it's hard work he said most start startup church they fail because it's a lot that goes into it so my advice is just go somewhere but don't do this and i said to myself no just cause you think it's impossible and maybe you tried to do it he had to be 65 young yeah a young 65 because there's an old 65 but then there's a young 65 right he was he he he was he matter of fact i want to say maybe two years later he retired or a few years later he retired was long after that so he was at the end of his ministry in his eyes he was at the end of his ministry and he had got to a point where he was like and he's talking to somebody at the beginning and he's saying don't do it people will discourage you because maybe they try to do what you were doing and they don't and for you to accomplish it makes them question whether or not they had enough faith in god so what they need everybody to do they need everybody to fail to justify them not trying anymore they need you not to make it they need you to quit because right around that time they quit and so if you quit around the time that they quit that confirms they made the right decision it's too hard people can't do it i think it was uh uh the four-minute mile uh most most uh people that would run the mile uh would run it uh at a certain amount of time and then there was one person who came i think this banner but it was one person he broke it he broke the record nobody had ever ran that fast before do you know that after he broke it that became a multitude of people who started to break it after him they had never seen a man grab a ball in motion and windmill windmillet when they saw dr j go from the sideline puppet and then fly through and they had never seen that before but if you turn on the television today they're doing it all over the court they had never they had never envisioned flying through the sky and there were some brothers who decided you know what we want to we want to fly who's talking about flying people were trying to build cars at the time that they were excited about the automobile there was a group of brothers said the automobile is great but what about that scado what about that sky what i want to know what the birds feel like i i want to know with the clouds i i want to touch the clouds somebody nobody can do that you you can't go and they were saying okay but and do you notice after they did it matter of fact you can walk outside right now and they all over the sky matter of fact they created a job for somebody to to uh uh traffic control all of the planes that come in and go out but it took all it took is one to show hey it it can be it can be done matter of fact uh it's not it's not a christian song uh but it's a it's a it's an old uh it's an old negro spiritual it's an old negro spiritual some of you may know it some of you may not uh started from the bottom [Applause] we're in john chapter five we're in john we're in john chapter five some of you know the old so it's our old negro spiritual starter but we're here though we we we're here we're here after this there was a feast of the jews jesus went up to jerusalem now that was at jerusalem by the sheet mark of the pool which is called in the hebrew tongue bethesda it had five porches and these lay a great multitude of impotent folk they were blind halt withered waiting for the moving of the water for an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had made i need to understand in verse one and four it's just describing the scene matter of fact verses one through four is nothing spiritual matter of fact verses one through four is literally just describing this particular place insane if you was to step into this place you know what you would find you would find sick people there are some people that won't be able to talk to you there are some people that would be blind there were some people that uh uh they uh they were lame and they had certain diseases and certain things and certain ailments uh that they had to deal with and the bible says that those who were by the pool had the desire had the desire to get in and become well they had the desire but they had to wait for a particular moment and they had to wait for a particular time to get in to get well now this is verses one through four nothing spiritual about it no miracles uh that are being done it's just sick people that want to get better and awaiting and because they believe that the water will make them better i want you to know for those of you are familiar with the story jesus makes no mention uh jesus makes no mention of the water matter of fact it's the lame man that makes the uh the mention of the world but jesus makes no mention of the water jesus makes no mention of the angel um jesus makes no mention of the reputation of this place and what people expect the bible says that jesus is traveling along here we are in verse five and a certain man was there which had an infirmity for 38 years and when jesus saw him lie now here's the thing jesus is in the crowd everybody is sick and jesus is healing nobody everybody is sick which lets us know that jesus didn't come here to just heal the physical body because i'm more concerned with your heart than investing in something that's perishing anyway do you know that everybody that jesus healed died did you know that everybody that jesus healed died so his healing was not uh eternal on earth it was just temporary the healing that jesus did to everybody that he walked around with was only temporary which jesus is invested in the eternal he was not invested in the temporary i'm more concerned with your heart than i am with your with your body that's going back to the dust anyway so the bible says jesus is going along he's healing nobody he's walking through the crowd he has the ability to heal everybody but he heals nobody and he's walking along but there is one man who catches his attention matter of fact the bible says physically jesus could tell by sight he could tell man you've been in this situation a long time have you ever uh walked into somebody's spot and somebody says oh i just didn't care no no you've been living like this you ever see somebody no no no you've been living like this for a minute like this doesn't cause it because it don't stick it don't it don't stick like this unless it's unless you let it sit there for at least some weeks that's been sitting that cup has been there for some weeks so sometimes it's it ain't kicked in god looked at his situation and said wait a minute you didn't just get sick and you haven't just been lying here for a day wait a minute you've been here not a it'd be it'd be different if you were just here a year so i've been kind of sick for a year the bible says for 38 years this man has had this infirmity but he's been in this location for a minute and for some reason that man's situation drew jesus to him and so jesus comes and he asks him a question he knew he'd been there a long time in that case and he said unto him will you will you be made whole i want you to get a different translation if you can i want you to get the niv or the uh esv he says will you he says will you be made whole um in different translations uh some of them says do do you do you want to do you want to get well do y'all see that in the text dude jesus jesus approached has the ability to heal he knows the man has been there in a long in that situation a long time we're talking about fearlessness but somewhere along the line somewhere along the way you're you're even in a place where people are getting better but you've been here for so long that it looks like i'm i just got a question like do you do you want to get better you know people who like complaining they really don't want you to fix it no no no don't touch that don't say no but it's it's it's it's broken i mean no no no no because i like it you know some people some people like hitting a remote twice and shaking it and then hey you you know like walmart they sell like and you can you can actually program a whole nother you actually get a whole nother no no no this good and they keep because they got they got a little tape where they press down because the button is missing and they some some people like instead of fixing it say hey man your toilet you said no no you got to jiggle it we've been friends a long time i've been jiggling this toilet ever ever since we've been fred at some point do you know home depot do you know they they could sell handles and you ain't got to jiggle the chain your chain is rusted i don't know if you don't know if you ever looked inside of it i don't know if you ever clean it but your chain is rusted it ain't doing what it's supposed you know they sell chains the dollar store sell chains you can you can get a check you don't have to you don't have to live like this jesus asked a question do you really because i don't know you've been here a long time and so my question is about your heart it's not it's not even about your physical capability do you want to do you want to do you want to do you want to do you want to do you want to do do you really do you really want to do you really want to or i'ma share something with you have you ever been taught what was right have you ever been taught what was right don't lie don't steal don't commit adultery uh don't murder murders on the list don't kill you can be taught what not to do and do it and not want to do it you can be taught what not to do and so you learn the rules but what does god look at god does not look at the outer appearance i know people who are physically obedient they are physically obedient there are many times my parents asked me to do something and i did it in the flesh but my mind is not doing it [Applause] you ever tell your child fix your face [Music] you trying to fix it what you're trying to say you better do it you better you better fix your attitude what you're trying to say is i want you to enjoy obeying me but if we're if we're being honest if we're being honest i'm not going to lie but i want to and i'm not i'm not going to steal i'm not going to take it and it'll be a victory today because i didn't take it i was at the airport and there was two young ladies sitting next to me and i was sitting i was a gentleman in the crossroads waiting for the plane and gentlemen across from me there was a gentleman uh next to me and um the two young ladies they were young and uh they they got to talking about there was a shop at the airport when they wanted to go to the shop so they got up and left and left their bags and the gentleman across from me said wow and and and he was halfway asleep but he got up and he looked he's like they trust us and the gentleman was in a business shoot a business suit and and you know he looked very professional like he said i can't believe it because i okay i i can't believe that they left because they shouldn't trust me you were struggling have you ever have you ever not have you ever not done something but in your heart you wanted to do it and so there's this there's a struggle you know why we struggle in christianity because you're here but there are some you really don't want to be here like if we're honest i really i don't want to read my bible i need to read my bible have you ever felt guilty about something because you wasn't doing something and you felt so guilty that you forced yourself to do it but the problem is you didn't get any credit for it because in your heart god said you don't want to be here you really don't want to do this somebody said pray for me because i'm struggling my christianity actually you're not struggling you're really not struggling you just don't want to do it it's hard to it's hard to mop the floor and sweep the floor when you just don't want to do it just say somebody said why are you breathing don't you find it easy to do the thing when you know that you're going on vacation are you going out to eat are you going to a favorite spot it could be tuesday and you setting your clothes out for saturday i can't wait oh i'm gonna wear this i'm gonna do this we're gonna go here i'm set and you get online and you schedule certain things and you make sure oh we can go here too especially when you know you're gonna go somewhere you're scared you got all of the energy to do the research and do that and do this and do that and then when it come time for sunday you lack the energy to get up and say i'm so sleepy man but friday you was lit say oh it's friday and you get it's funny your energy comes from what you want to do that's why that's why in the church there are some people say hey listen something's wrong with church so what do you mean something's wrong with church the way we sing in the car is not the same way we sing in the building i was driving down a few and and the girl next to me i don't know what she was singing [Applause] you know when you really sing them when they when they when they cleanse their chest i said man whatever that is whatever is going in over there it's touching her heart we will sing our heart out in the car we'll come in the worship service jesus he will fix it for you man i can imagine god saying you're not struggling you just don't want to be here sometimes you struggle because you don't know how to do something and you work you're striving your best to but you're messing up that's struggling you're not struggling when you know exactly what you need to do you were raised up in the lord's house you know all of the songs you don't even need a song book matter of fact i can start the scripture and you can finish it you just don't want it we think that if i preach and give you more scripture then that makes you the real but some of you don't need another bible study matter of fact we could put you in another bible study and sit you in there for two hours but something in your heart you just don't want it now here's the thing you'll never admit it because it doesn't sound good somebody said y'all pray for me i know i'm supposed to give more of my gifts to the lord house and i know i'm supposed to be serving more and i know i need to i probably need to get more involved no no you know matter of fact in your prayer request you know everything that you're supposed to be doing you actually didn't need anybody to preach to you but the jesus the question that jesus asked the man is he has got a question do you want to let me tell you this because if you don't want it i don't want to give it to you maybe the reason that god doesn't open certain blessings certain spiritual blessings because you really don't want it i that some people i really don't want to be called on i really don't want to serve i i really don't want to be involved i really don't i really don't want to be called upon why because i maybe i'm in love with somebody else the bible says to love the lord with all your see i can start this scripture and you can finish it the problem is i know what i'm supposed to do i'm in love with somebody i'm in love with somebody else when you're in love with somebody else it's hard to be with somebody you really don't want to be with but i'm supposed to be with this person i'm supposed to be with god i know the right person i'm supposed to be with matter of fact not only am i supposed to be with god i'm supposed to be happy with god and i'm supposed to give the impression i don't want nobody else the problem is i'm with god but i want somebody else and i don't i don't really wanna i don't i don't really wanna be here brother williams what do you do when you're doing what's right what you want what's wrong when you're not honest with where you really are you don't you don't have a hard time reading your bible you just don't want it i need to pray more you don't struggle with prayer you just don't want it and and and that honesty sometimes we baby people and say okay well maybe maybe if i if i give you this or maybe we give this scripture and you know what a lot of churches do a lot of churches do a whole lot of jump rope and we we're jumping over here and we jumping over here because maybe if we have this ministry and maybe if we start this ministry and maybe if we do this program and we do this program you know what you're right worship is too early maybe we'll move worship a little bit later into the afternoon some people say it's too late you're messing with my lunch so what we'll say okay well we'll move on worship a little early so you can get out somebody said worship is too long why are we condescend but when you in love you want to wallow in that thing all day long you make the we make the church jump through all of these hoops to make sure to get a lot of people to come in but a lot of the people who come in don't want it but they feel so guilty about not coming to worship that they that they put pressure on the church hey i need you to shorten that thing up and cut that off and you don't need to preach that long just you know 15 minutes for that to be good and get that word and i need you to do this and come on now with the song i need this hey and if i'm gonna be here i need some entertainment so i need you to really put it on and if i'm gonna really be if you want me to say hey you know what jesus says i don't need you to love me if y'all don't do something i ain't coming back who are you threatening you know you you know how you know how jesus is jesus is like that employee that's gonna get paid whether you purchase the product or not y'all know that employee well if you don't they'd be like well fine and leave i'm still getting paid you know you know that employee that don't care whether you come and go they don't really matter fact uh they they can be working at customer service and you like hello and they'd be like what because they know they not getting fired jesus i don't need you to love me i don't need you to love me and you're not doing me a favor because you came man we need to get that out of our spirit you're not doing you're not doing god a favor because you showed up today and this is not a circus so we're not here we're not here to appease you and to make you laugh and to make you stay and to come up with do uh innovative things so that we can captivate more people those who are here you know what jesus said those who here let them hear when you go to the house and you knock on the door and they shut the door on your face jesus doesn't say go through the window they call the cops on you don't do that don't he didn't say go through the window you know what he said he said knock the dust off your feet don't carry that dust to the next house knock the dust off your feet and then what keep it moving somebody said jesus we can't we can't keep moving because we got to find a way to get in that house and make them he said listen this is voluntary christianity is voluntary we don't make anybody love jesus because when you try to make and manipulate people to love jesus you contaminate the spirit of what worship is because when god looks at worship he said wait a minute there's some people in here that don't love me some people like to show some people like the benefits of the relationship they don't want to be in a relationship with me he said no no i need you to be in a relationship with me somebody said we need to make worship we need to make worship in a part where everybody feels comfortable no no no just for lovers only just for this for lovers only so we don't mind you coming but this is for the intent to be in love and if you're not in love what did we talk about on this past week if you don't have the love of god you can't be fearless god is love and the bible says love has no fear matter of fact the bible says love casteth out fear so if you're walking in the love of god you don't have fear and if you've got the love of god and it's flowing in your heart oh you can give god the best of you so i don't want your raggedy singing your half-hearted prayers you act like you didn't memorize the whole bible and you don't want to look at the bible please turn your bibles to just make your point and sing it ah i need you to love the word you ever talk to somebody who loved the word and and you love the word and and y'all your energy matches have you ever talked to somebody who ain't really interested in the word and you want to talk do you remember do you remember when when jesus um was was walking along and john saw him and remember how john was saying lord i can't i can't baptize can you imagine how that was as somebody who not interested in the word they would be like okay yeah that's interesting but somebody who is in love with the word and enjoys the word they be like i know right can you imagine jesus and uh john and jordan and and john and jordan and he's baptized and he sees jesus from from a far off can you imagine how that must be and both of y'all giggling and laughing enjoy that's two people that's in love when you're not in love sometimes you got to be careful of the things that can kill your love and sometimes because you have a desire that ain't in this house somebody said man how can you go to how can you come to worship and how can you be a part of the church and then leave and still sin it's easy come on it's easy somebody said how can you be a christian and you know all that bible and still sin can y'all say it with me it's easy you know why it's easy because if your heart is somewhere else it's easy your heart is somewhere else your desire is somewhere i i know what to do but i want something different your doctor says hey listen you need to eat this you need to eat that you do that and then what do we do okay and this too okay sure can i and you know how to throw them off you say hey and can i get your card that's how you do it that's like that's how you throw them off like like you really fit to get involved and it said so do you want the number yeah what's the number five seven one nine okay can i read that back can i read that back to you to make sure i got it five seven okay one night and that's your card can i get your brochure too and this is your website okay because i'm doing none of this i'm going to brahms after this i'm going to go to brahms after this so i just want to make sure that okay appreciate it thank you thank you so much for you have the information what's the problem right now you're doing what you want to do stop complaining if i say man i'm so excited about monday someone said oh monday stop stop acting like monday you're doing what you want to do and if you didn't want to go you wouldn't go if you wanted to quit you would quit nobody's making you do anything right now you are doing exactly what you want to do you are where you want to be and you're operating in the mode that you want to be in somebody says i just want i got to get out of this situation but you don't really want to somebody said okay on monday we're gonna get up we're gonna run five miles i ain't doing that because you don't want it somebody said okay listen we're gonna fill out this paperwork we're gonna be here until about three o'clock in the morning we're gonna finish off no i gotta go i'm gonna because you don't you don't want it cause it cost and right now you're not doing anything you don't wanna do everything that you're doing right now is because what you want to do it you eat what you want to eat you go where you want to go you talk to whoever you want somebody said people are stressing me out because you want to talk to them how easy is it to not talk to people y'all say it with me it's easy it's easy to cut people off it's it's easy not to go there it's it's easy not to be involved it's easy not to do certain things you know why because you don't realize how in control and how powerful you are so here's here's two questions especially for those who have taken notes that i want you to consider you're taught are you doing what you're doing because you were taught what is right are you doing what you're doing because you want what is right if you're taught what is right that means you're doing it but your heart is not in it i know we use this phrase when we know you don't go to church you go to worship but some people say i i i know i'm supposed to go to church and i know i'm supposed to read my bible i know i'm supposed to act i know i'm supposed to give you know why people don't forgive they don't want to i don't want to forgive him well you know what the bible says you know what you try to do and we take all of this time and say well let's read what the word of god says and they read and they looking at you like this yeah i know okay that's right that's what the word says but just because that's what the word says doesn't mean that you doesn't mean you want it and sometimes what i want is greater than what is right and i'm a and sometimes we're ashamed to admit i don't want to do what's right somebody said why why you got that sin in your life and why are you doing wrong because i want to if you be honest i want to do this somebody said what's happening tonight it's happening tonight oh it's happening tonight what the scripture says uh-huh and want to read the next verse because that's how you throw them off and what's the next verse says okay but after we finish reading and praying it's happening this is going this is going to happen because i want it and you know what god has to break i gotta break your desire i know i shouldn't flirt with that and i know i shouldn't go that direction i know i shouldn't eat that i know i shouldn't talk like that i know i know what's wrong with me talking like that i don't know i know what's wrong with me to do this i just i want it and your one is so strong that that you create a new religion where god understands and it's not and god and the god that's in your head that understands is a god that doesn't exist because it's a god that you created very quickly i want to go to genesis chapter 3 and we'll try to bring it home genesis chapter 3. here's the problem with sin genesis chapter 3 and verse 16. many of you are familiar with the story of adam and eve so adam heated under eve it was eve's fault that's another sermon we don't have time we don't have time it's another sermon it's another sermon it was ev's fault she grabbed the fruit first instead of talking to her husband i don't have time to get into it i just need you to i just need you to i just need you to follow along i don't have time to get into it i'm giving you the cliff no version instead of talking to her husband and consulting in her house she was talking to somebody outside of the house taking instructions from somebody that wasn't her husband i'm in the book i'm in i'm not lying i'm in the book he gave us some fruit that was not of god god told her to avoid it she ignored god didn't listen to her husband right started eating the fruit and then went uh and convinced e uh adam uh hey i need you to eat this because most people we don't like to sin alone right we we like a company uh and so she gave it uh to adam uh he said when you get to genesis chapter three god starts giving the punishment he gives the punishment to the serpent he gives the punishment to adam but what i want to read is i want to read the punishment that he gave to the woman so here we are in genesis chapter 3 i just want to look at verse 16. unto the woman he said this is the point where he's given punishment unto the woman he said i will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception so so the first thing that he says is when you have a child and she doesn't have any children yet he says but your first punishment is when you have a child it's gonna hurt when when life is coming from you it wasn't supposed to hurt now because you sinned against me to get life out of you is now gonna have some sorrow and pain uh there are some women who talk about postpartum you gotta understand god understands everything that is nothing is a surprise to god and so god says listen sorrow sorrow is coming and pain is coming it'd be different if it was just pain he said no no sorrow is of the heart did you know that sorrow is not physical it's not something that that you can see on the skin so brother you got a little sorrow patch on your right you don't you can't see sorrow you can't see sorrow on the flesh so here's what he's saying your punishment as a woman when you're producing life is that psychologically mentally you're going to be impacted with sorrow and then he says the second thing is in sorrow you shall bring forth children that and there's going to be pain so your body is going to hurt and your mind is going to hurt you ate the fruit i'm in the bible you ate the fruit and the bible says in sorrow you shall bring forth children which is why a lot of women have to deal with their emotional psychological state after the child that's just bible matter of fact it's not just bible we know this to be clinically true and then the bible says that's not the end of your punishment and that's not just the damage of what sin did it says and then it says your what your desire i'm gonna touch on this for a few minutes and then we'll close he says your doc your desire do you know that after she ate the fruit her desire changed can i get that in a different version do you know that her desire changed i haven't you can have a desire to do what's right and you can have a desire to do what's wrong right and what we've been talking about this morning is sometimes you're physically doing what's right but your heart is far from god and god said that ain't worship to me because you're doing everything physically right you just want something different i don't want to be patient and that's why it's hard to be patient i want to wait on god i want it right now i feel like i deserve it right now i don't feel like i should have to wait i don't feel like i i have to withhold from having fun i want to have fun right now i want to let loose i want to stop thinking i want to stop and your desire doesn't match your behavior so nobody can condemn you by what you physically do because you're doing what's right physically the reason why you get no breakthrough is because your heart doesn't match your activity and what god sees is that you're coughing you're beautiful on the outside but inside you're dead to me and you say well god i did this i did that god i did this i did that how come you not you know i pray you pray you say the words but you really don't want to live holy you really don't you really don't want to be pure i know we're supposed to be righteous you don't want to be right you don't want to be righteous you won't be you don't want to be pure you want to be in the dark you want to be nasty you want to you want to be free you don't want to be restricted you want to cut you really want to cuss you really want to call i want to say it god i really want i'm not going to say it but i say it in my head and god said you already said it do you know what jesus exposed in matthew chapter 5 what jesus exposed is this of you are murderers because you thought about it and they said wait a minute we ain't touching nobody he said no no you didn't already committed adultery you thought about it you didn't you didn't know you you're already a thief you thought about it you know you know why you're a liar because cause in your head you've already fulfilled it christianity changed the game because in judaism it was about what you physically did but what god was trying to tell samuel first chapter of first seven chapter 16 is i don't look at what you physically do first i start from the heart and when i saw that your heart was already contaminated i stopped watching you all together because it don't matter god i did all of this that's that's that's why love i i gotta talk about this real quick that's why love is not a list girl he don't even know i did this for him i did this for him i did this i did that for him i did all these different things you got this long list but love is not the list a man can get up go to work come home pay the bills make put clothes put food on the table he can make sure the house is protected he can do all of the duties and then he go sit in the garage in his car and cry because he don't want to be here he fulfilled all the responsibilities so you can't say nothing she she go to work and she cooks she makes sure the kids will take care of she do this she vacuums she can she makes sure all that she said this in order she sends the email she makes sure that's mailed off she makes sure the mother-in-law is okay she makes sure her family's okay she run over here she want to do that she's on the part of the pta uh she's a part of the hoa she do all of these different things and she wanna and then she secretly cries herself to sleep every night because of this is love it's duty can i put it a different way you're involved in the church and you do this and you set up and you clean this and you're part of this ministry and part of that ministry and you're teaching and you're doing this and then secretly you feel unappreciated you don't want to be because you're feeling love and i want to be somewhere else and i want to quit i really want to quit i don't want to be here but i feel guilty because i know i'm supposed to be here so you know what happens you end up being in a relationship with god and you don't have the confidence to actually quit so you're in a relationship where you're just going through the motions and you feel stuck and you're secretly saying man i hope heaven is so much better than this but i'm gonna fulfill these duties and you'll come on judgement day and he said you're not coming in because why would you want to spend eternity with me when you was agonizing with me on earth i knew you didn't want to be with me i knew you was going through the motions i i know your heart wasn't in it i could tell by the eggs your heart wasn't in it i i saw with the cheese you used to put cheese in it because your heart was in it somewhere along the line the cheese disappeared you were just giving eggs no salt eggs no salt he tells the woman in genesis chapter three and her punishment look at the end your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you he says because of sin your desire is going to change you know what he's telling the wife he said when you get married can i get into one more different version he said when you get married when you get married his role is to be over you so the word rule has nothing to do with strength the word rule has to do with position right the husband is supposed to rule has nothing to do with his education amen has nothing to do with his education it has nothing to do with how strong he is or how fast he is it doesn't has nothing to do with how eloquent he is when a man gets married the position for the man is to rule rule is about position not how well he rules and it has nothing to do with whether or not he deserves his gender puts him in that position mary says because i'm a male come on brothers yeah because because i'm a male that's my seed because i'm a male that's my seat right the role of the woman is beautiful because the church is the wife of jesus right so you don't look down on the church it's not a lesser of the matter of fact jesus died for the church that's how much he you can't die for somebody on love someone if i say y'all gonna die for me come on brother williams first of all i think you're a decent person i really got a lot of quality but death is not i got stuff to do tomorrow just not i'm not gonna be able to do that for you right jesus died for the church the woman is a help me but her role is glorious i wrote his glorious but god says in the garden marriage is gonna have problems and and i didn't cause it marriage is going to have problems because of sin something in the woman her desire when she looks at her husband is to control him um that some brother said i knew what it was i knew i knew i knew i knew i was wondering what it was that's it that's it your desire look at the text your desire when the nlt when your desire is to control your husband but he still has the seat but he will rule over you it's not about power no matter how much you desire his seat i'm not giving it to you he still has the seat so here's the thing i want to be married but i don't want to be in the seat i want his seat you know this to be true you know this should be true have you ever heard me and say she the boss you ever you ever you ever hear a man say she run the house you gotta go you gotta go talk to my wife i don't know i just whatever if she say if she said it's okay then that's cute it ain't biblical ain't nothing biblical for a man to be checked out and he'll know what's going on because you know what happens you set your house up for failure because the bible says in potiphar's house the bible says the only thing that he knew that was going on in his house was what he had for dinner and he allowed another man to run the house and even though we talk about how potiphar's wife pursued him part of that wasn't her fault because if your husband would have been checked back in i wouldn't have to i wouldn't have had to get all my needs met by this young strapling joseph walking walking around here with rachel's jeans all up in him [Applause] the bible says mama was fine what you think joseph is that he's walking around the strap and she has to ask if she needs anything i gotta go talk to him because potiphar said i'm giving all the responsibility you set your house up for failure the bible says this is the desire of the wife that she wants to control so a man says hey listen you have everything in the house the man is supposed to leave the house not abandon it and i don't i don't care how great she is she may manage better she may organize better but on judgment day god is not going to judge the wife of how well she ran the house he's going to find you so how how well did you run uh you you can't say on judgement day you gotta talk to you gotta talk to her i don't know how to i don't know you've abandoned your post and then and then there's the struggle in the relationship because why won't he let me do and she doesn't realize that nature changed when sin entered into the world so now there is this struggle to trust a man to lead or okay okay well man but you better do it right because if you don't do it i'm taking over that's that genesis chapter 3 spirit it's the genesis chapter three spirit trying to control something and trying to take it off and then you hear this phrase i don't need no man to do nothing i could do it all on my own listen i only i got my own make account i got my own list i gotta that's that desire i want that seat i want the relationship but i want that seat and a lot of men have submitted and decided to become the church and the woman has become christ can we bring this spiritual because of sin you don't want jesus to lead your life the church has a desire to control jesus the same desire that a wife has to control her husband is the same desire that we have to control christ and jesus comes and says do you really want to you really want to be with me yes because jesus said i ain't giving him my seat so jesus said i ain't giving up my seat so i'm gonna i'm gonna be the man in this relationship and i'm gonna leave but i need you to be a bride but do you want to now if you don't get married then hey listen those who will come let them come we don't force nobody to be baptized we don't force nobody to come to worship we don't force nobody to serve god but if you want to come then come and we can have a loving relationship but stop trying to control me stop getting mad at me when i don't do what you want me to do christianity is not created and it wasn't the church was not built so that you can work it you don't work jesus you follow jesus you submit jesus matter of fact jesus says listen in order to be a relationship with me if you love father or mother more than you can't love your kids more than me jesus says i'm not abandoning my seat this is my seat i'm the head of this house jesus is the head of the church and i need you to submit and be my bride but if you don't want to be with me then just say so but stop going through the motions in the church and when the house doesn't become a home because you caught in your feelings do you have a different desire this morning is it something else that you want do you really want to be with christ what i'm trying to maybe say this morning is maybe you got to really look in the mirror you got to check your desires maybe the reason why you're repenting and the reason why you're going back and forth and the reason why you're inconsistent because you really haven't made up in your mind that you really want to be here and and for the church we got to be okay when people leave everybody don't want jesus and some people they want jesus but they want to control that's that there's some relationships they said no no no you you you shouldn't be with him now you can go be you can go be you can go be with him you can control him but you gotta leave this one alone some people look for people to control that uh some relationship i they look for people to manipulate that'll do whatever they they say they want to do jesus i ain't that one so if you want to be with me don't come here and trying to control well god you know the first of all don't fuss at me jesus i'm trying to help lord your voice the lord will walk in the room the lord will walk in the room and make you lower your voice you're talking too loud right when we come to the purity of our worship to god your worship changes you stop struggling it ain't hard to pray no more because i want to talk to him today and i want i want to i want to spend time in this world and i'm not trying to rush you jesus and i love you and some of us we gotta learn how to love we never learn how to love right maybe our examples when we were young were all broken and so we trying to love god out of a broken system that we saw growing up uh in our childhood and maybe he's teaching us this is how you really love somebody this is how you really trust somebody this is this is how you have faith this is how you walk with me and maybe the reason why you're caught up in fear and you're not moving and you're not fearless maybe the reason why you're not fearless is because you have not made up in your mind it's hard to go all in and go 100 on something you're still trying to figure out if that's what you want sometimes when you want somebody to commit come on let's do this we're going to do this on the 15th and we're gonna do it and you're like um let me get back with you you know why you say you gotta get back with somebody because you haven't you haven't made up your mind we all in for jesus i don't when we all in is it we're trying to do we trying to do this today cause you hadn't made up your mind you haven't really made up your mind if this is really what you so if you don't get nothing from my sermon this morning maybe you missed all of the points hopefully you'll get this last sentence make up in your mind right now that you're going to live for jesus are go home but don't be lukewarm don't straddle the fence and put the fire out for people who are on fire because you haven't made up in your mind if you all in for god because as long as you are lukewarm you become a poison to those who are on fire joshua said it like this choose you this day we're not even talking tomorrow matter of fact this conversation ends today you choose this day whom you going to serve whether they're going to be god whether it's going to be the the devil of this world he said make a decision make a decision today i'm living for god and all the stuff that i really want to do i need to kill it and i need to make up in my mind i'm not doing that anymore or go and do it and go live it up but don't be in the middle the church has suffered too long of people who were in the middle who were physically doing what they were supposed to do but in their heart when you spoke to them their heart was somewhere else but you're going to have to worship what y'all doing you was you were more excited about brunch than about coming to worship you are more you are more excited about what you did last night than what you're doing this morning your heart's not here so lord fix our hearts please lord
Channel: North Colony Church of Christ
Views: 2,709
Rating: 4.8878503 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Gospel, Acapella, North Colony Church of Christ, Willie Williams, Preaching
Id: Ko9sMdo4WNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 10sec (4030 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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