"Detox Pt 8" Willie B. Williams III - (When Paranoia Poisons Christianity)

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all had the same rules we would all get along with one another but the reason why we don't uh have the same rules is because god made you uniquely you're not like everybody else and when i say that we all have rules here are some of the rules uh there are some of you you hate when people eat what they mouthful so you try to inform them hey listen don't do that around me uh there are some people they don't mind putting their feet on the on the coffee table when they eat uh they don't mind putting it uh that some people they show up uh and they don't mind coming to dinner any kind of way we say hey listen if we gonna come any kind of uh you can't do that because i have particular rules and if that's disrespectful to me and so uh what's exhausting with with people and relationships is we're constantly learning everybody's rules we all have different rules so uh in your bible there are 66 books of the bible and the first 39 books is the rules of god on how to please god in the new testament there's a shift so if you are going to please god in the old testament you will constantly have to learn those laws you are going to constantly have to learn those rules in the new testament what is presented is the spirit and that is the shift he says he says uh we we've died to the law and now there is a spirit so imagine this shift if i was going to please you there are some people that say hey listen if you do this for me if you do that for me if you do this if you do that if you do this and if you complete all of these things then what you you're good with me if you don't complete these things you're not good with me the problem in the old testament is that there are over 600 laws so you were constantly it wasn't really so much of a relationship was it is you being consumed with doing the checklist right so uh the problem with that is relationships don't function off of laws so i come in i'm a vacuum i'm gonna wash the clothes i'm i'm gonna wash the dishes i'm gonna pay the bills i'm gonna fill up the car i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that i'm gonna do this and do that and if i complete all of this checklist then that's love right we good right it's it's uh okay i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that i'm gonna do that i'm gonna pay this i'm gonna take you here i'm gonna make sure i don't forget this i'm gonna make sure i celebrate this and i do this and i'm gonna knock all these things off the checklist and as i put all these things off the checklist then we good right you you love me and i love you and then you would let me know hey listen relationships is not a it's not a checklist it's not a it's not a thing that you knock off so notice the shift in the new testament the new testament is about the spirit and if the new testament is about the spirit is i can do all of those things but if you don't pay attention to me we still not good if you don't if you don't acknowledge how i feel then we we still not good somebody said well i wash the dishes it's not about washing the dishes right you tell your children it's not about washing the dishes i need you to enjoy i need you to have a better spirit right i took out the trash no it's the way you took out the trash you were swinging it all and you was mad and you was angry and you threw it in the trash can it's not about taking out the trash it's about the it's about the spirit in which you did it it's about the spirit in which you did it so here's the problem the problem is god doesn't just want worship what god wants from us is that god wants us to be in the right spirit the reason why the new testament christianity is not about a bunch of laws what christianity is it's about being in the right spirit when you do the laws okay so the bible says thou shalt not kill in the old testament it's still sinful to kill in the new testament the problem is that or the shift is it's the spirit in which it's done right now that we got that the bible says here it says verse six but now we are delivered from the law we are delivered from trying to please god with the checklist get rid of the checklist matter of fact jesus said it like this the whole law is summed up in this love what it matter of fact the whole law is summed up in love because if you love god all the things that he asks you to do are not burdensome to you because love is the motivating factor and so he says but now we are delivered from the law that being dead wherein we were held that we should serve in the newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the letter what shall we say then is the law sin god forbid nay i had not known sin but by the law for i had not known lust except the law hath said thou shalt not covet and so we've been talking about detoxing and talking about detox one thing that we identify is that the law exposes and as the law exposes one of the things it realizes when you study and you start to read the law one of the things that you see is that by reading you find out what's poisonous you find out uh what's unhealthy he says so listen i thought i was good with god it was only until i started reading it was only until i started studying that i realized that yesterday i was feeling great about god but now i'm not feeling good about god y'all see that still in romans chapter seven so he says listen even though we're delivered from that checklist and even though we're delivered from the law one of the issues is this the law is not bad because without the law i i had not known sin y'all see that i had not known sin i i thought i was good verse seven for i had not known lust except the law had said you shall not covet so once i found out what the law says then i found out oh my goodness that's what i do have you ever been there before when you was reading the bible and you were studying the word of god and you found out that through studying and reading that's something that you needed to repent of there's nothing wrong with the bible the problem is that the word of god exposed something in you right so here's what i understood understand just because i shine a light on the dirt in your house that doesn't clean your house so here's the problem with the law here's probably here's a problem with the old testament the problem with the old testament the old testament took out uh have anybody ever gone uh laser tag anybody ever gone lazy tech you were so excited to go laser tag everybody was having fun you know they and they go in groups right so you sign up with your group uh everybody's excited to go you finna get some people let out some stress people were messing with you this week you was really gonna get them little kids right you you finna get in it and so you was ready to go to laser tag and so before they let you go and play in laser tag uh they bring you into a room right that has neon lights right you have the green light and when you step in have you ever noticed that everybody starts everybody starts looking at it at themselves and used to you start realizing you start realizing the clothes that you wearing i mean i mean you're focused on what you're focused on going into play but when you step in the light shines and you start to see all the particles and all the specks and all you found out who got dandruff and who who don't hey you got some stuff in your head you started to see all this stuff uh that's going on you start to feel uh some kind of way uh and you say hey we need to hurry up and get out cause you don't you you thought you were good and then you stepped in and you realize what i'm not that i'm not that good that's what the whole law is but here's the thing in that laser tag little room before you before you crossed off did you know there's no washing machine in there there's no lint roller they don't have have you ever went to laser tag they don't have lint rollers they don't have lint rollers in the laser tag little little office little spot so basically they're exposing how you look and then they're like you just got to deal with it and then they move you on right so that's the old law imagine coming to worship and exposing all your sins and at the end we say well thank you for coming y'all have a good evening we'll see y'all again next week and you go back to the car like i'm not doing right you come back next week you're a sinner you're evil and you're wicked some of you are shady backstabbers you conduct yourself in ungodly ways thank y'all for coming let us together stand and imagine studying week in and week out week in and week out and and somebody raises their hand and said brother are you aren't you gonna aren't you gonna give some space and some time to pray is isn't there a time that we can be able to ask for repentance and forgiveness of sins isn't there a season or a time that we can be it i mean uh isn't there a call to the altar or something that we can get straight imagine if there was never a time where you could remove all of your sins and get all of that straight ima imagine that imagine that so he says i'm not saying that the law was evil what it did was exposed the problem is nobody could ever get right under it so the reason why we call ourselves new testament christians and we we are thankful that jesus died on the cross and he shed his blood is because blood covers in the old testament nobody died for your sins and the animal that died was not enough to completely cover your sins it had a year warranty on it just in case you you didn't read in the old testament if you gave a lamb you had about a year warranty but we'll see you again next you're gonna need to renew that some of y'all get text messages and phone calls to let you know that your auto insurance coverage is about to expire and would you like to renew imagine living under the old testament and constantly being reminded hey you know your sin warranty is about to be be wrapped up and all the sins that you've ever did is about to it's about to come back and if you ever the issue you know you're gonna have to pay for that but if you sign up for this new year send warranty if anything happens you'll be covered that's the that's the difference between the old testament that's the difference between the old testament and uh in the new testament so he says uh he said except the law has said thou shalt not covet i didn't even know it was wrong i got exposed but i need to do something about it here we are in verse 8. but sin taking opportunity by the commandment wrought in me all manner of conspicuous for without the law sin was dead without the law sin with where there is no law there is no guilt you could drive as fast as you want to uh drive until have anybody ever you just you just been going you was minding your own business you listened to the music you was enjoying yourself and you weren't paying attention and you moved into a different county and then you looked over to the right and you was going 80 and the sign said 40. and you said i got two tickets on two different days by the same police officer in the on the same street in the same town i got one going and i got one coming back because in that little small town the the the uh speed changes and i wasn't paying attention and he pulled me over the second time and i said hey that's how you doing man just hurry up yeah just listen i didn't see it i just i'm just trying to get back to texas man this is just ridiculous i don't know what this is he said hey man you gotta slow down i said i get it i get it just write the ticket so i can go home wasn't paying attention sometimes as i said so here's what the scripture says where the law was sin was there in the text sin is personified almost like a person so wherever the law was sin would take the opportunity to attack you wherever the law would now where there is no law sin couldn't live there's no oxygen sin dies where there is no law which is why in the garden of eden how many laws was it it was just one don't touch the tree don't touch don't taste the tree right one law part a and part b the one law don't touch don't taste so the only place for for sin to attack is where what is where law is and wherever law is sin can attack so what what he said but sin look at this but seeing taking the word occasion means opportunity right to to uh have you ever heard somebody say you need to take advantage of the opportunity you know what they're saying that in order for you to take advantage of the opportunity you got to keep your eyes open you got to keep your ears open you got to pay attention and you can't miss the open opportunity you can't miss it and when the opportunity comes you need to what you need to take advantage of it imagine sin looking at you like that but saying what did sin do look at the next phrase taking the occasion taking the opportunity how how did it take the opportunity it used the commandment he here's something i need you to realize satan will beat you up with the word of god let me show you how that do have you ever noticed that you you you get into the word of god and you start studying you start praying you start studying and start praying you start getting close to god have you ever had somebody come up to you and say this these phrases i thought you was a christian don't you don't don't you don't you serve god i thought you was holy i expected better from you but you're you're a christian i expect it better from you that pierces that uh that'll beat you up matter of fact nobody even has to be in the room it'll be the little voices that are in the room look at you you're supposed to be all christian and you're supposed to be in the ministry and you're supposed to be teaching and you're supposed to be serving you talk you over there proclaiming jesus christ and look at you right now and you're the only one in that room and you're being attacked by the word of god that is supposed to bring life to you and now your conscience is taking that word of god and beating you up with it because maybe you had a moment of failure sin took the opportunity by the commandment and wrought in me all manner of passions let me explain that last part you tell uh you put up you put a bunch of candy in front of children and then you tell them you can't have any candy now before they saw the candy before they saw the candy did they have a desire there's no desire but but bring some candy in the room and watch all the eyes say and then they'll ask can i can i have some and then you say the law says you finna create a law the law says you can't have this candy for six hours now all of a sudden what's happening inside of them when they as they sit in their little seats they seeing struggling one of them crying emotional don't know how to make it saying i don't i don't know and and then looking for the opportunity to take some or or to to sneak and get some what's happening inside of you it wasn't happening inside of you until until you heard the law right or until you saw it but now that you've seen it and you have the law now all of a sudden something's happening inside of you look at what the text says it wrought in me all manner of what conspicuous all all these passions and desires all of a sudden now something is happening inside of me that it didn't happen for do you know that the more you read and the more you study and the more you get into god's word the harder it is to be holy it matter of fact it's the opposite sometimes you don't sometimes you don't struggle sometimes you don't struggle if you read but the more you start reading the word of god do you know what ends up happening all of a sudden you're you're breaking out in cold sweats because you're trying to love god and keep the law and stay pure but now you got all these scriptures in your head and before you was reading the bible your conscience didn't bother you matter of fact you can go two three whole weeks and not even sin but now that you know what the scripture says and now you know what sin is now you conscious and now you paranoid have you ever been paranoid in christ and and you gotta and every after every conversation how hold on if i said anything i just want to make sure that my speech was everything and i don't i don't want to make sure okay hold on my thoughts about all my thoughts peter hold on no no they're not they're not they're not pure let me let me get them pure god and god forgive me have you ever found yourself repenting more hey this is this is what's happening so here's the thing in detox you're trying to be pure but the more you read it's like every morning you keep stepping into that laser tag room and like it's everywhere sin is just everywhere you had a good day today and then you're repenting because you know what you shouldn't listen to that song i shouldn't listen to and i shouldn't know why have you ever seen a movie and you just and then something pop up on the movies i i i i was having such a good day this was the end of the day and then and then all of a sudden uh you got into it uh with a person and you screaming in the middle of the street and you was having such a good day and then all of a sudden you something slipped out and you were like ah god can i get like this does the day is there still an eight i get like a 93 uh you know i miss that part you know you're wondering what what curve is god grading on do do we get extra credit if we do x y uh nz and you got a lot of christians that come in week in and week out never feeling like they can be 100 pure because you wake up in the morning and you think christianity is a checklist brother williams i want to be pure i want to be pure i'm tired of the toxins i'm tired of people and so one of the things that we talked about is sometimes it's not the environment and sometimes it's not people sometimes what makes everything dirty is you because every ma uh and and i'm not uh just in case someone is in here that's like that uh i think it's called they call it ocd uh compulsive oh yeah i say oh yeah yeah so you can get to a point where you can be clean but you can get to a point where you can be too clean everything is dirty everything is filthy to the point you can't enjoy life anymore you can't go to the movies you can't go to the restaurant you can't you can't hang around nobody you can't be around nobody why you why are you wearing that shirt because you know they support you like you can't wear nothing you can't no logos no nothing you everything is evil everything is dark you wake up every morning you measure all your clothes because you want to be fully covered you want to make sure you wrapped up in the in in the spirit of jesus christ and wrapped up in his word you tuck scriptures in your shirt just in case the devil tried to get in there and y'all and you want to you want to get it close to you your home your feelings messed up and what i'm talking about okay to detox but there there is something in in our faith called paranoia and if you're operating in paranoia no prayer gives you confidence no amount of scripture gives you confidence because what ends up happening is you keep beating yourself up and you know what you're a new testament christian looking at an old testament checklist and what he's saying in the text is you're free you're free from the law which which is this jesus does not want you to have a relationship with him based upon a checklist and on top of that once you come into jesus christ you have to know that you're covered have you ever been around somebody that's always apologizing i just went oh okay forgive me i i i was talking a little bit too loud so i wasn't trying to fuss i wasn't if i sound like i was screaming at you i wasn't screaming uh at you i'm sorry i'm probably talking a little bit too fast let me slow down i apologize me talking slow probably offended you because you probably thought you that i was trying to say that you were slow i was just trying to slow so you you can get it and so you know what i apologize for apologizing because you told me to stop apologizing i apologize just that morning time so i promise i'm sorry i won't apologize anymore for the next five minutes i promise we're gonna and i apologize for apologizing for the apology that you said stop doing that and now you're offended and i've offended you can i apologize for that cause i'm sorry and you can get to a point where you never stop and you get to it right so you get to the point but but how you there are a lot of christians that function on that spectrum somewhere you can get to the point where you're paranoid in the lord's house because you don't want to offend another christian i'm sorry hey brother it's good i don't want to if that's what you want to do if that's what y'all want y'all go ahead i don't you want to sit here okay i don't i don't care i move i'll say hey if that's if that's your idea y'all want to go ahead with that listen hey hey brother hey sis what what ideas you have i don't have any ideas i just want to get a lot i just want to go ahead i just want to go ahead i don't have any more i i don't want to have any more ideas and i don't want to argue with anybody i don't want to fight with anybody i want to have any more issues because uh last week somebody was offended uh by the way that i dressed two weeks ago somebody was offended uh because my point of view in bible class and somebody didn't like my comment and about a month ago somebody was offended because they didn't like the way i parked in the parking lot and they thought i was swerving too hard and they was all offended they had certain issues and then about uh six months ago somebody was offended uh because they didn't like the way in x y and you get to the point where you're like you're not even yourself and some people think they have to reject church and they have to reject christians and they have to reject y'all just so they can be themselves hey brother hey sister do you mind of us coming by we just gonna check no no i don't want you coming by because i'm just trying to be myself before i go back to service and if you come over then i'm not gonna be able to be myself some people are irritated because i said i can only take church for so long it's actually not church you're paranoid because nobody likes being talked about nobody likes hurting other people's feelings and nobody likes the idea that i'm not being a good christian you know look at all these christians looking at me and i hate this feeling y'all probably are you probably looking at my tattoos you're probably looking at my dress you're probably looking at the way that i talk you probably you know what i'm just i just want to be free and christianity is not based on that but the devil will make you feel that way he'll make you feel paranoid he'll make you feel like you can't be free ain't that freedom in christ but you ain't free you you're wondering should i even go to the store and and get some deodorant no that's probably that's that's a bad store yeah i want nobody i don't want nobody seeing me going in and out of that place should i go here now now here's the thing you can swing to the other side and you're going to be like i don't care what nobody thinks i don't care what nobody feel i go wherever i want to go i do whatever i ain't hey you know what forget y'all i'm gonna live my life now you went too far because if i have love of god in my heart i do care how you feel the prob the only issue is i'm not ruled by your thoughts you don't dictate how i live my life but i do care about how you feel let me show you how that looks oh so how do you feel about that so you didn't like what i did okay that's unfortunate i just want to let you know we'll let you know that i do do care about we could talk about this some more i disagree with you and disagree with you and as i disagree with you i'm gonna go back in and enjoy myself but uh because ain't nothing wrong with pork so i'm gonna keep eating that and uh but i'm not gonna do it in front of you so i'm gonna wait till you leave because i love you i'm not rude and dictated by how people feel and how people think the only issue is i do have to show concern and i am willing to listen but i'm not just going to cast off all restraint because i'm tired of being disciplined and i'm tired of being good so he says this for without the law sin was dead for i was alive without the law once but when the commandment came sin revived and i died and the commandment which was ordained to life i found to be look at the end of that i found to be what i found to the commandment which was ordained to life notice this he makes it personal i found i found to be what unto death it wasn't good for me so when i looked at it it was it was just more and more restrictions and a lot of people who get mad and say well what can i do in christ man i just i just want to be free i don't want to think no more one of the most difficult things is when you first come into christ that those that that first because you're learning what to do and what not to do one of the worst things to do as a new christian is to pattern yourself necessarily after after old christians who stop caring you don't want to do that bob says in verse 11 for sin taking occasion by the commandment what did it do it deceived me it made me think one thing when it was another not only did it deceive me but what else did it do it beat me up it cut me it injured me so here's what happens there's this cycle that goes on in christianity i'm trying to be pure but i fall i beat myself up and then i'm gonna try to get back with god but then i fall again oh i do something that maybe wasn't right and then i keep doing this and you know what ends up happening people get tired of doing this and then they just give up we're gonna be pure we're gonna be right we're gonna be good we're gonna and you have a good week you have a good two weeks you have a good three weeks and then you slip and then you go back to your old ways and then you go back to your old environment again and then you go back and it's the yo-yo effect and it's the yo-yo effect until you get to the point where like i'm just i quit nobody made you quick and sometimes people wasn't even talking about you you just got tired of feeling so guilty for so long you just quit just quit i'm i'm not gonna try anymore so you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna come to worship i'm not gonna bother nobody i'm not gonna get involved i'm gonna go to worship and i'm gonna go home but i can't do it because listen i'm struggling you know what some christians like to say hey listen i'm i'm saved but god's still working on me yeah but sometimes it's not that god's still working on you you just quit hey i'm under construction that's cool if you under construction in one part but listen after after 12 months something should be built right something something should have been renovated after after 12 months especially if god is is working on you if god is working on you then that should have been a whole shift in your life that god was working on you can't come back after two three years oh my god god's still working on me i ain't all the way there yet you know i still got a little whirl in me still you still you still got a little bit you still you still got that same amount that that you said three years ago that god's still trying to get out of you sometimes it ain't god trying to get it out of you you say you won't let go and the amount of effort that you're putting in because it's hard don't let nobody tell you christianity is hard it's hard because you're constantly looking at something that's perfect jesus while looking at yourself and that's depressing that's that's depressing you're looking at jesus who never made a mistake the everything right they spit on his face turn the other cheek they talk about him he blesses them he loves his enemies he's still he's still attentive and available even for his betrayer and you can't get over a co-worker for 10 years ago and you're still struggling with that co-worker and you still looking at all your flaws and look at him ah and i'm not what i need to it's hard but you know what when you constantly look at jesus and you have to look at yourself what it is is it's humbling you will never be pure by trying to fulfill a checklist you will never be pure by shot by trying to fulfill a checklist do you know how you become pure you know how you become clean when you humble yourself and you are found in christ so so when we talk about purity purity is not um accomplishing something pure purity is is not you doing everything right because you've already messed up purity is you running to the one who is pure and then he covers you he covers you all right i give the example of insurance you can be driving and you can get on you can get in a little little wreck a little bump right if y'all are honest y'all wait for the person to come out the store and let them know that you bumped them for some of y'all y'all just drive off as if they'll be all right it wasn't that bad right but but let's say somebody bump you get a little nick if you got full coverage what does what do your car insurance do they fix it and then when you when you're driving when you're driving people will look and they'll never see the accident if you got full coverage you can have six accidents this year but in a matter of weeks nobody will be able to tell by looking at your car now when we pull the uh credit fax or the fax report right they'll find out that what oh you've been in uh you've been you've been uh you've been a lot of accidents right but you can't tell by what you can't tell by looking at the car being pure is that way being clean is that way so have you ever made a mistake that ain't the issue look at me now what did you do in the past irrelevant irrelevant look at me now let me see let me see your scars you know what some people like to do they they like to know your past they they want to get into all your business what are you used to some people nosy and they want to find out all your mistakes and all your stuff and but it but it doesn't matter because look at me i'm clean right now i'm clean and i'm pure is it because i'm the best driver it's because i'm covered so i want to explain something about detox you're clean and you're pure because you're covered not because you're perfect now here's the hard part you got to accept that have you ever had somebody tell you no no it's all good we good and you ain't really believe it you sure you don't know stop stop be good even though you just burnt down my house destroying my whole savings no we're good did it a little wink we're good how many of you could let it go you know what ends up happening somebody said yeah i'm good okay you say you sure okay don't lie cause i'm gonna believe what you said and i'm gonna go on and live my life [Laughter] but you know for most of us when it's damaged you know what we say no i gotta do something i'm sorry i may not be able to fit but let me do something do you know doing something makes you feel better if god has already forgiven you and you try to go and do something after you're forgiven you don't get any credit on heaven for that that's you you're actually doing that for your own ego for your own self-esteem you're doing that for your own conscience so you know what you'll do you go out all of the way and you'll do this and you'll fix this and you'll lay this out and you'll try to be at the beck and call and try to help and you'd be like hey do you need anything else and they'd be like this is nice but you know you didn't have to you didn't have to do this no no it's my pleasure it's my pleasure but really it ain't your pleasure it's you're driven by guilt you're driven by guilt one one of the hardest things to accept in christianity is that you're loved and when god says you're forgiven it's hard to accept that isn't it i'm not saying for everybody but for some people it's hard to accept you're you're forgiven god god forgives you it's white plain now you can move on you know what the problem that we have the next day we're looking for god to punish us even though you you ask for forgiveness and the bible says he's just to forgive you but the next day you're looking for punishment and you know what you'll do you'll withdraw from certain things because i i don't deserve it and god is saying you only doing that not because i'm taking things from you and not because i'm shutting stuff down around you all that stuff is happening is because your guilt is driving you you won't let me love you you won't let me forgive you and you won't let me cover you we can wipe all of this clean we can we can take all of this away we'll close around here i want you um let's let's read a little further we're in verse 14 for we know that the law is is spiritual but i am carnal and i'm sold under sin so i have these passions but but then i'm supposed to i'm supposed to be in the spirit for that which i do i allow not for what i would that i do not but what i hate that's the thing that i do look at verse 15. he says this we'll close here in verse 15. he says i have some things that's going on inside of me and the things that's going on inside of me is this it makes no sense that a christian would do x y and z and i'm trying to let you know right now that if you're a christian you have no business doing x y and z you hear me no business x y and z well wait a minute didn't you just tell us that a christian ain't got no business touching x y and z and then you go over and you over there touching x y and z x y and z ain't no good y'all you ain't got no business eating x y and z you have no business eating that don't look at me you have no business eating x y x y z is detrimental to your health it is extra it is detrimental to your health you have no business eating x y and z and he says that's how my christian life looked the thing that i hated and the thing that i was against was actually the thing that i was doing and i'm i'm caught in a storm where on one side i'm coming but on the other side of me i'm going and i and now i'm lost because i want to go this way but i'm doing this and i want to go this way and i look i look like something is mentally wrong with me because what he says for that which i do i allow not getting ready to go hey can i come with you you better not come with me you bet you better stay here i'll see you in one in the morning hey you're not going get out no and you need to go to bed to worship in the morning i'll see you in the morning he said hey the thing that you the thing that you do you don't allow nobody else to do that's how you know you're struggling that's one of the signs that you know that you're struggling because you're trying to fulfill a list but inside you're not fully converted and convicted so what comes out of your mouth is wisdom but your body desires something different have you ever just gambled gambled and just say hey i know i i know i need this money but all for the win rent is tomorrow but i i got a good feeling and you got people gambling with their soul they're struggling and he says for what i would that i do not but what i hate that's what i do even then i do that which i would not and i consider to the law that is good now there's no more that i do it but what's happening in me saying that's dwelling in me we don't have time to get to it but what it says in chapter eight there's no condemnation if you're in christ there's no more condemnation if you're in christ you can stop beating yourself up if you're in if if you're in christ if you don't get anything from the lesson on tonight is you got to accept that he loves you and you're not going to be pure by your human effort sin is stronger than you your human effort will never make you pure there's nothing matter of fact you can sit you can sit in your house and don't answer your phone don't go nowhere and shut the whole world out and you still won't be like christ being like christ is being in christ it is not you competing with christ it agrees do you see the points we about to pray now right we're about to pray the lord help help us all to get right you got to you got to accept that you loved one of the things that i'm tired of seeing is i'm tired of seeing christians beat themselves up beating themselves up walking around in sadness walking around in depression walking around like they can't they can't ever be what they were supposed to be because they're focused on the st the world standard of how things are supposed to operate if you're here this evening and maybe you're struggling with receiving love maybe you're you're struggling with accepting what jesus has for each and every one of us i not only want to redeem you i not only want to remove your stain but i also want to cover you ever make a mistake you ever do it you are covered in christ and when the lord says it's good stop arguing with god and just accept it stop getting up in the morning and say okay i'm gonna do this for you god i'm gonna do it i said listen you could do all of those things you just gonna have to sit down and deal with your conscience i forgave you last night when you repented you got up this morning and asked god you asked me for forgiveness for the same thing that you asked me for last night for so i i see that you're remorseful but i need you to accept the forgiveness and that's a hard thing to do but maybe you need prayer in that area maybe you need prayer in accepting god give me the strength to accept being loved by you being forgiven by you and god help me to forgive myself amen
Channel: North Colony Church of Christ
Views: 1,482
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Gospel, Acapella, North Colony Church of Christ, Willie Williams, Preaching
Id: Ityoz858y8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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