It Just Got MUCH Worse For Helldivers 2! Steam Reacts As CEO Answers...

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just speaking honestly with you but I don't get jazzed up about making videos like this I mean I really enjoy playing hell divers I think that much is evident from my coverage of the game and I'd much rather the topic be something like hey great job we just finished up the major order early which by the way we have but since my last upload things have gotten even worse in regards to the PSN requirements issue and what could have been a pretty easy W for Sony has now turned into a full-blown disaster welcome to the channel this is Lieutenant buzz lightbeer and yeah we've got so much info coming in from all angles concerning the present and future of Hell divers most of which is not pretty but you know I'm going to do my best to break it all down for you thanks again for your awesome support from my content remember to hit subscribe and to ring that notifications Bell to get those alerts anytime I upload a new video and here's the latest from our favorite managed democracy Liberty spreading shooter [Music] divers this is kind of a wild way to kick this one off especially because you know what's coming but congrats to all my fellow divers out there we've knocked out the mutant bug TCS major order early and those medals have now arrived now the latest dispatch is kind of lengthy I know but it's definitely interesting check this out it says further Calamity has been averted thanks to the Swift and disciplined response of the hell divers to deactivate the remaining termined control system nodes with further termicide dispersement arrested the remaining barrier planets are safe from suffering Meridia fate the cause of the TCS failure has been identified the termicide functioned as expected killing nearly 100% of all terminates and 0% of absolutely any other biological life kind of interesting afterthought there anyways however for the small fraction of terminats that survived exposure to non-lethal doses of termicide eventually caused beneficial changes to gene expression in a completely unprecedented process known as hormesis on most barrier planets this adaptation was limited to increased termicide resistance but on Meridia non-lethal termicide exposure caused higher reproduction rates and reduced generation time continued exposure to termicide is perpetuating this effect the planet is now infested to a degree nearly comparable with the termined home planet and scientists have classified Meridia as a super Colony the infestation is so severe that conventional hell diver operations on the planet would be ineffective the ministry of science is hard at work on a solution in the meantime the Meridian super colony is likely to accelerate the spread of the terminats and unforeseeable ways rest assured The Reckless scientist responsible for creating the ter termicide are being thoroughly investigated with the TCS inoperable and this new super Colony active the terminats are now a greater threat than ever before now uh with everything currently going down you know the whole PSN account linking issue Sony being Reckless etc etc this major order dispatch feels like it is referencing all of that kind of in a roundabout way I mean who knows maybe that's just me overanalyzing this entire thing early on Sunday morning anyways again huge GG's to all the divers out there that dropped in to help out with this one by the way today's daily order is to get 50 kills with the autoc cannon and notice it doesn't say autoc Cannon Sentry so just use that s tier Strat along with the combo backpack I mean I use this damn thing like a primary it's that good drop 50 enemies and net yourself 15 medals all right now it's time to jump into the deep end and by the way I apolog up front if I miss anything of importance here but like I said earlier it's coming in from all angles it's coming in from multiple sources and the new cycles and all of this are being measured in seconds minutes and hours not days so when it comes down to getting some upto-date info on Steam games I always first turn to steamdb doino and just take a look at this as I run down the update logs you can see the rating for hell divers dropping dropping dropping even further and it seems to be doing this on an hourly basis now I've seen some PR train wrecks in my time covering games Publishers and the like but I've never seen a game with so much going for it so much Goodwill from the player base turn this quickly you know what I mean and I've covered some real dumpster fires in the past Ubisoft Electronic Arts and Battlefield 2042 snail games and Arc I mean there's some real garbage in their help you could even throw into the mix fantastic and the day before and by the way in terms of a game crashing this hard this fast the day before is probably the only one that is comparable to what hell divers is currently going through and here's the kicker it's not a bad game which is normally why a title gets flamed I mean hell divers is a great game that has unfortunately stumbled into corpo bville and where it goes from here you know who knows some of the latest and to be honest wildest news yet went down kind of late yesterday evening when steam delisted the game for sale and77 countries where PSN is not available now this Reddit post repeats the previous steam DB tweet and is now earned over 27,000 upboats and has taken an already hectic situation and just added an entire fleet load of 500 kgs on top of this Galactic dumpster fire and this has Ripple effects throughout the hell diver Gaming Community First of which is that if you live in one of these countries listed out here you can't buy the game on Steam anymore it will see your region and it's not going to allow you to purchase the game at all so that is potentially huge amounts of players that might want to actually get into hell divers and they just can't thanks to Sony and their PSN link requirements for steam so yeah that's issue number one issue number two is that reports are coming in from players that reside in these countries that have already purchased and played the game now being denied access to play the game they apparently already own and this one's a bit sketchy to be honest there's this clip that shows up over on the hell diver Reddit showing a player from the Philippines trying to log in but they can't however there's also some added context comments here stating that this also might be an issue with the in protect and a faulty game guard install I mean if you are in one of these affected countries and currently own and play hell divers let me know how your gaming experience is currently going by leaving me a comment as expected PC players have been taking to steam in droves Mass review bombing the game uninstalling the game some applying for and actually receiving refunds as this Reddit post shows 97 hours played okay refund granted which normally after just 2 hours steam will not give you that reason given here and accepted Sony has retroactively changed how the game works and forced legal agreements upon me I do not accept now overall not a great look when your affected players map kind of looks like this you know what I mean and I imagine steam is having to put in overtime dealing with this massive headache speaking of which back to those 100 plus countries now having the game Dlisted in their regions that feels like a steam being preemptive before getting hit with massive lawsuits issued to me versus Sony trying to step in cover their steps now I've seen valve do this in the past even proactively issuing refunds for the day before even if you had not applied for one I mean they didn't make the game they just distributed by the way with a massive 20 to 30% cut of the sales damn what a racket right anyways back to it this looks like steam trying to get out from under any potential suits by Downing the sales in areas that will be affected or at least they anticipate will be affected again and I touched on this in Friday's video a bit but this entire thing stinks of corpo BS the explanation given by Sony interactive trying to preach to the PC players giving them reasons like it will help us protect you when number one we don't need Sony's protection and number two players saw right through that smoke to the truth of the matter this was Sony trying to pad their active player accounts by getting PC players to create PSN accounts we've also seen hell divers actively digging around and investigating Sony who by the way were caught changing their website from a PSN account is optional to play a game on PC to now some PlayStation games may require you to sign in and Link an account for PSN as if changing your legal disclosures after you've caused a galactic dumpster Fire doesn't look suspect AF right again none of this looks good it doesn't do anything positive for hell divers the anti live service model Smash Hit that is now being drowned in a battle that could have been avoided yeah it just stinks all around and for once the stink is not attached to a game that stinks right it's a great game for some this is Game of the Year material that has now been sucked into the black hole of corporate overlords absolutely mangling what it was just so they can have their massive back Pats all around quarterly call by the way it's interesting to note how the health Community has seemed to really rally around this cause to push back as hard as possible against the corpo Hing Lords over at Sony I mean this is a group in the divers that has been tasked with smashing through automaton advances TCS mutations help killing two billion bugs and now their target is Sony which seems to have just you know swung for the fences with no thoughts as to what may happen now where it really starts to get chaotic as for anyone that lives in one of these affected regions and you know from me to you as a fellow hell diver I have nothing but positive thoughts for you and fingers crossed for a true and positive ending to this entire mess these players are reaching out to Arrowhead they're reaching out to CMS with legitimate concerns like help my country does not support PSN what do I do to which Johan arrowheads CEO simply responded I don't know of all the answers to give this one says the most and it also says the least all indications are that Arrowhead was caught off guard but now we know they weren't blameless as Johan is now admitted to and he's right for someone like me who joined after the first week I was never met with one of these optional PSN account linking screens it just simply never popped up for me and I was never ever given the option to skip it I just saw nothing and I know that many of you out there are in the same boat now it was up on the steam page yeah that's on me I missed it but then we start to get into this gray area of it was disabled for months and so is it really a mandatory rule or one that was meant to be there from the start but was then removed so technically is it still a mandatory rule I mean that's a big gray area right there at this point I just wanted to repeat I feel truly gutted for anyone that's on that affected countries list there's even reports coming in from those players that they'd only even have the option now to click on refund requested through Steam now I cannot confirm that fact but if it is true damn to be under that cloud of uncertainty you can't buy the game you may not be able to play the game come early June and now you're not even given the option to refund out of the game despite all of its current issues now as more information becomes available expect a full follow-up report chins up hell divers I try to stay positive here this game kicks ass the community definitely kicks ass and with that much ass kicking on our side I think things are going to swing in our favor remember to hit subscribe and to ring that notifications bell all my socials including an open invite link to my fast growing hell divers Discord Community can be found in the video description shout out to the now nearly 223,000 of you Legends out there for sticking with me and supporting my channel until the next one this is Lieutenant Buzz lightbeer signing off [Music]
Channel: LtBuzzLitebeer
Views: 304,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HELLDIVERS 2, ltbuzzlitebeer, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: 1st7CrapvnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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