I Built My Brains Out! :: Hermitcraft #28

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The Etho compliments start at around 12 minutes. I thought Bdubs was super sweet and shouted out his LP series for hitting 550 episodes!

👍︎︎ 75 👤︎︎ u/OmegaCoCo 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

hopefully a collab soon! bdubs needs thst twinkle twinkle song!

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/-PmMeImLonely- 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Those two are so great together!

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/Hisgreatness 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I am looking forward to that song so much.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Kostitras 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft on the list of things to do today we have a meeting with tango in a little bit we have another interior we're going to be working on in the upside down we have a brand new shop that we need to get functional and interiorized all of that stuff uh boy i don't have exactly what i need here but that's okay all of that stuff is going to happen today and a whole lot more but the dressing last episode pretty good box bro i got this box from green and i bought this at his shop and i overlooked of course the netherright shovel now and the biggest thing i overlooked was there's actually five shulker boxes in here hello how did i miss that what a fine gift this is i love shulker boxes especially five of them but here's the big thing with the shovel okay i complained i said well i got scammed you guys believe that i got a great deal this is the biggest thing for me i have this shovel with all the enchantments that i'd ever want on it uh maybe some silk touch at some point but can i do this no i can't this is one thing that i would have preferred there's green right there i would have much rather just had the ingot so i could upgrade my current shovel still this is a wonderful gift i'm just gonna spend a couple of diamonds over at lucky looking at my bookie and get it leveled up and then earned the levels to do it and uh it should be right on par and better than the shovel that i already have so fine fine gift pretty good box bro more like pretty great box bro but now let's get all of our materials together using our brand new shulker boxes huh yes fresh and fill up with interior materials for the new shop alright so here we are at the shopping district just a short travel away and this is what we built last episode stargazers oh what a beautiful shop it's going to be i'm excited about it but today we're gonna get the interior going and we're gonna get the functionality working in here this is priority numero uno so we're going to do uh a little bit like this so i've been kind of doing double thick walls on my builds as of late so i'm thinking what we're going to do actually i don't want to get too deep into this but i just want to show you a little bit of the color palette we're going to go very little light in here not much light at all we want it feeling nice and dark we're gonna do this here with the uh warped wood on the bottom and then blue terra cotta on the top and then on this back wall i'm actually going to do a little bit of a design do i have any filler blocks let's do that yeah that'll work we're going to do a little bit of a design like this a little back and forth with the with these logs and you get kind of this cool accent wall which i think is going to look awesome but let me get all this totally finished and we'll show you how it looks and perfect and perfectly executed job done didn't time lapse this one because you know tight quarters it's a little hard to do a time lapse of something like this and it's rather small but the feel we want to go for is something nice and dark and right now if i take these torches out of my hand you get to see kind of dark it'll get a little bit darker once i've got some torches down below here right now this will be uh there's of some hoppers under here this is a little desk and i'll probably set up a little b dubs right here as well people will toss the diamonds over now upstairs there's going to be something at a later date that'll be an additional thing for this wonderful shop but let's get these trapdoors out of my hand but when they toss the diamond over i'll have some instructions here they'll get then we're wanting to give this zen nighttime feeling right we want people to feel like oh finally no more daytime they'll toss the diamond over and kablamo this will open right here this right here we'll have some pistons right here which we do and they'll be entered into this room ominous and mysterious sure it is but we'll have actually a white bed in here just all white perfectly sterile and clean and there's some stuff we're gonna work out here some redstone stuff as you know and of course we have to have a build up a system here that kind of uh gets the once they put a diamond in they do their pistons open and open this door so with all that said it's time for redstone with veto so let's just hop on down here and as we know with redstone with bdubs we all want to get our pens and papers out get our clocks on the board just in case uh we want to get our pens and papers out make sure we're taking notes at all times so that we learn i'm gonna get a comparator gonna get some uh repeaters as well here we go now right here is where the diamonds shall come down here's six hoppers right under that fountain that i was showing and they all funnel this way out to a barrel on the outside here we will have the system right here so what we're gonna do is then we're gonna have a comparator coming right out of there this is the famous impulse item sorting system of course it is and you'll love this so then i will come down here and impulse made this okay that what a wonderful job he did as well so that comes down there once that gets a pull uh two two length then it comes on through and goes this way and goes like that sure enough and we will get this like this a repeater and put it right there yes we will now we'll knock this off of there and we'll get this yes redstone torch and sure enough bang there we go and this now will sort the items we will put uh some filler items here six diamonds and then whenever the diamonds come through it'll send a signal through this way now where is that signal gonna go mind you good god bless you well it's gonna come who knows actually i'm gonna say i'm gonna take a wild guess and think it's going to come here maybe but if you believe that you're wrong because it's going to come right here and we're going to get another comparator and we're going to come out of here so whenever uh this receives comparation it will go into what we're going gonna set up here which is a t flip flop courtesy of mumbo jumbo that i am going to do and it's made a hopper a dropper facing this way drop her facing upways drop her facing that way hop her facing downwards comparator coming out that's going to send a signal right here and it's going to go here and there now we're slowly notice as we are working our way up to this up here now well so watch this now okay stacking my way up i will place aha yes i will place a cobblestone right here as i do and then i will go up a couple more watch this lesson redstone right there sure enough and then we will put a block right here and a redstone torch right here sure now that's going to trigger that door once it's in place but i gotta think i got a shriek yes sure enough i did have to sleep perfect timing but let's fill this filter system right here we will put four snowballs right there and then we will put six count em six diamonds right there okay let's go up you've never seen genius like this before and now you're seeing it full blast right before your eyes so bang sure enough there it is this door is working perfectly i'm a customer i'm here i put this over i'm a customer did i throw a diamond pickaxe where's my diamond pickaxe oh yo where's my diamond pickaxe hey did i throw it somewhere where's my diamond pick where is it is it in here that's not it that's silk touch my pick is back my pick is back it came back perfect wonderful this is a technical genius before your eyes and boom throw that over ah what will happen soon this will open sure enough and people will know they'll see the bright light and they'll know i gotta go through here a genius just did this they must have thought now i will also want to dispense something else for them but perfection is what i've done so far now here's where simpletons will get confused surely but surely we're going to put a weighted pressure plate right there that weighted pressure plate is then going to close the door and it actually is confusing me too but we're gonna wire this so this uh will give them manual so they don't get stuck in here accidentally manual control to be able to get out so sure enough we're going to i believe it's right there so we're gonna come off of that okay and we're going to come down here i feel like basically what we're going to do is we're going to come right back into here we're going to send another another signal right here this is just redstone guys this is just me doing redstone we're gonna go like that and then we're gonna go like this uh oh so aha notice i put that redstone dust up there that fixed it aha okay now watch this now okay so another diamond in the tank here we go we're gonna the door is closed and sure enough it's open and when i go in it closes behind me with genius and then the bed will be in here now when we're ready to leave boom we exit we'll exit like so perfect wonderful now when they make a purchase there's a contest involved and they will be dispensed a lovely uh ender pearl i'll do that now so after the miscreants make their payment we're going to put right here we're going to block it off real nice so it is forced to go through and then we'll put that there and we will then put this here and we'll fill this with ender pearls let's do that if it was a dispenser oh no that would be bad let's actually just put um this slab in there one thing good and then we'll go like that for right now we'll put the actual right block back now there is our dispenser right there of course so we will come over right here and we will whenever the signal comes here we will want something to happen i'm thinking this let's do this let's do this let's do this we'll come a repeater right off of there that's not going to mess this filtration system up not at all perfect we'll come a repeater right there and then we'll come right over to here and then boom and then redstone dust off of this sure and then aha another repeater yes and then what next aha a redstone torch right here let's put it like that and then actually we'll bring this repeater right back here give me that repeater back thank you wonderful job we'll put that there and we'll redstone torch right here yes and now you'll see this system it's perfect now when we go up here we will we should get a slab soon let's watch this i am a customer i put this over and sure enough the door will open and the slide will pop out sure it would i got the slab i got it wait let's try that again this is actually a perfect opportunity to display this is where my money will be right in that chest right there so i don't even have to go into the shop and mess with the miscreants to get my money i can just get it on the outside flying gloriously and i come here and shut this okay good shut and boom i paid now a slab will come out sure enough it did but that will be an ender pearl now what will the ender pearl be for something glorious i tell you right above there is where the bed's gonna be that hole right there now i have to say i want to just make a disclaimer real quick everything i know about redstone i owe to etho ethos lab now i use some other designs in here but uh etho is he is the one that inspires me and i've learned so much i am i actually need more blocks but for right now let's just do this this and this wonderful okay up we go etho just actually celebrated 550 episodes of his let's play oh my goodness what a accomplishment am i right um congratulations you guys should go check that out by the way it is a wonderful episode i need water so this will all be uh we'll have this all taken care of in here this will all be white of course but uh we'll put this here yes of course perfect but this is something that etho has done again i have to i have to use this because it's so perfect for our situation all credit to etho on this oh what a genius thing this is so all source blocks right let's hope so and then let's swim on back up kablamo perfect perfect perfect perfect now what we're going to do is we're going to have this etho thank you so much for this wise idea if we throw an ender pearl down there it will remain in stasis state until this trap door flips down you guys see where we're going with this dwarf trip down bang and we're stuck in this hole and we're out perfect okay there's some bugs in the system but it's fine it's fine as long as this area is loaded this will work so people will pay for an opportunity to get teleported here at any time and sleep in this bed this will give them the opportunity as soon as nighttime hits to come and sleep immediately not only that oh there's another caveat i'll put on it i'll put on this uh very soon but i will display this uh working design shortly in just a second now this is the back side of that room that we were in right so i'm cutting out a little bit of a hole right here and we're going to get a redstone torch bang and we're going to put some cobblestone right there and some redstone right there perfect now over here we're going to put a daylight sensor aha so what will this do you might ask one two three if the these these daylight detectors they are very sensitive to the time of day so they send a different signal length out depending on the time of day now you can set it to day mode or night mode that's night mode and one two three at three ticks at three signal lengths it will then trigger this system sure enough and this will be covered up by barrels and other things uh that i'm not too worried about should be perfectly fine but we are actually getting close to night time so it's a wonderful time to test this wonderful contraption that i've made oh etho you genius okay so here we are so somebody makes a purchase they get the ender pearl they come in here they get this i will give them instructions to do such things they will go like that and then there's a bed here let me put the bed down actually for myself okay so it's just hopping there and there can be multiple multiple people can do this and then off they go enjoying their day out in the town hall or anywhere in the world and sure enough we'll see what happens um okay slight problem it's okay everything's fine uh suzuma was wondering why i didn't sleep and ah why didn't this trigger it should have triggered stupid thing hold on my redstone wiring was flawless i should have hold on what this hold on let this be a lesson to you guys that uh and even the best can make mistakes so one two three that's what the signal length needs to be but i have the signal going into this block here wrong needs to go into this one down here silly goose so i dug that down and sure enough it'll work even perfect people make mistakes sometimes just like me all right the sun's about to set so this is the perfect time to test but before we do look at this this is going to be wonderful this is false's beautiful shop we're going to be teleported at any second now i love this this is actually i'm going to be buying false makes the shops that i buy from the most i'm always buying and any second now i'm going to be teleported soon enough it's going to bring us right over to the bed and yes yes i did it and then here we go and i spam just as i always do when i'm doing about my bed tricks and boom right before night time perfect am i perfect yes i'm perfect i'm flawless i couldn't be better i'm so oh yeah so people can they they worry it's nighttime and b-dubs always sleeps and then then phantoms are always spawning on them and they always have trouble and so this is a way that they can instantly be teleported to the bed and be able to sleep no no reminders needed boom bang you're right there and it's done look at this all covered up as well looks like just a slew of things now here's another caveat i want to entice people to do this and i have a great way to do it but i need your help so if someone is on at the same time as me and they've purchased an editor pearl and it's an all-access night or in a nighttime pass to go to sleep and they beat me let's say they're trying to go to sleep i'm trying to go to sleep and they actually beat me to sleep before i get in bed they let me know they win something they win something grand something magnificent and fantastic what do you guys think that should be hmm for one diamond i mean we're just talking one diamond boom we got okay did i fill this with ender pearls yet no okay let's do a full run now okay so one diamond i will pay that one diamond down it goes all right ah i got something an ender pearl sure enough and the door opened now i go in uh-huh i toss the ender pearl down yes it's perfect now it's in a stasis state and it will teleport me as soon as night time comes and i will hit this twice now to go through somehow and then i'll hit it again to close it somehow and then if they beat me if they fall asleep before me which they never will then i will give them a big prize netherright maybe i don't want to do a bunch of nether right just tons of diamonds lots of diamonds if you eat beat ups of sleep you make lots of diamonds i think that's going to be wonderful and they'll never beat us they'll never beat us to sleep now upstairs is going to be kind of a courtesy room they can visit at some point and i'll probably get that done next episode right now the upstairs is just you know this so nothing super great but this is all functional and working i just have to write the book to explain the rules you guys understand the rules what should the prize be i'm also thinking one more thing right over this way near the town hall is this uh this shop right here welcome to little ethos music box please walk up the stairs to place your order i will how adorable is this i love it and i just burped i'm so excited now i'll take that whoops i'll take that book thank you thank you very much i'll take that book yes is this how i got his head uh oh i'll just take that out of your hand young sir uh-oh okay i want that book please okay here we go there there there there oh no i took his head again hello etho i would like to place one order for twinkle twinkle little star over at star gazers new shop plus i would like you to see how i used your redstone design and see if you think it's a good idea but one order for twinkle twinkle little star at stargazers thank you very much i think that'll do the trick don't you see you later etho oh man okay so we've taken a lot of time that took a lot of time to get worked out but i i think i'm it's gonna be amazing i'm so happy with how it turned out someone paid our road access pass as well which is really nice i didn't pay it but someone else did but now we've got a meeting with tango uh we and then later we've gotta go down to the upside down and work out the fireplace so many things that we have to do today oh my goodness okay okay hold on yes this is working out wonderfully i totally i forgot i put an inner pearl in there wonderful okay let's wake up and let's go see tango tango yeah oh we almost we almost had a re-run yes yeah that could that could have potentially killed me again but sure enough i made it i have favors to ask of you you do yes i love favors i've had i have this project this hole in the ground i've been working on for about 400 years yeah and requires a certain set of skills that one such as yourself possesses ah yes redstone yeah yeah you could teach me how to do the red stuff i would love to yeah uh no i have a dungeon a massive dungeon that uh still has a few rooms that are empty and all sparse and i figured you could maybe sprinkle your little b-dubs fairy dust and make some stuff happen oh this is fantastic he's a little mascot so this is like the main scoreboard room this is where players everybody that plays will i claim one of these things here oh yes and they keep their artifacts on the board i won't go into the rules there'll be a video soon but okay okay the main player kind of room here okay i love it okay so this is the jungle themed area there's nothing to do in here okay but it's basically your your flooded aztec jungle kind of thing with corridors and vines and everything okay yes yes and this is all under the shopping district yes this is all who knew this was all happening beneath you oh yeah there's no it's not oh my goodness this is this is kind of like the hub here okay and it leads to four sections of the dungeon you have a nether themed section right here you have a kind of a blackstone bastion dark keep section over there okay and then down over there you have a forest section that seems peaceful yes and then right and then a a castley keep kind of section over there okay so yeah yeah yeah uh which one you want to see castle there's some decorations in here but yeah we definitely need something like this room right here it needs some love right this is like it could be whatever it could be a wine cellar it could be like an apothecary it could be anything yeah uh back over here this is one of the rooms that is desperately needing some help so okay okay uh right here it's just it's just nothing okay yeah so this i was thinking this could be some kind of like small chapel or something yeah yeah i don't know maybe but yeah again anything could be anything so that's basically i mean there's a couple more quarters and stuff like let me show you over here there's kind of a lot of uh like right here this section about to enter this hallway just yes it's kind of plain yeah you know it feels it needs a little bit of a little bit of love there'll be some some here right yeah yeah yeah maybe maybe something to kind of spice things up there or something i don't know this is amazing i'm i'm very honored to be a part of this oh i am honored you're like the number one person to do to work on this stuff down here so oh man thank you also i'm also honored to charge you for this as well that i happily would say i would happily pay you name your price no no no i'm i'm really in the market now i'm kind of uh in the business i'm kind of freelancing and you know freelancing has the word free in it right but uh more so i'm working for coal ore these days coal ore yeah yeah that's a valuable one i have stacks on stacks how many do you really yeah oh dude if you could get me i mean i'll stop in my head 10 or 15 stacks at my seriously yeah yeah yeah for five stacks of coins if you want my dungeon pretty oh my goodness oh wow okay yes it's a guaranteed yes yes yes yes i'm all a part of this all right this is exciting bdubs the interior designer edit again this looks like this is going to be a really really fun game got a really in-depth uh kind of description from tango on this thing and i am excited so we're gonna do some interiors we're gonna work on this we're gonna make this kind of a little bit of a chapel area and we're gonna kind of decor out these hallways a little bit add a little bit more decoration in here uh the corners kind of need a little bit of love maybe we'll do a little bit of stuff in here especially in this one room that's kind of like uh you know where you would have the drinks in the castle and stuff so that's gonna be pretty cool little bats flying around ooh it's very very nice i love this place but we're gonna have to be very careful some things that i would like to do initially like when i do areas like this i'd like to put trap doors uh around the thing but let's say we had too wide here and we put trap doors along the wall here and trap doors along the wall here just to kind of spruce it up a little bit the ravanger there's a ravager that will chase you through here it wouldn't be able to fit through that spot so decor wise we're gonna have to really keep that stuff in mind that it doesn't break any game mechanics of course tangle will go through after me and check all of that out but i think we're gonna start in this one room back here get going on this and let's see how it turns out [Music] [Applause] okay we're all done perfect wonderful i don't know if there's a time lapse or not because it's all pretty tight quarters and i think i forgot to record uh one of the segments uh but here is the uh room where all the drinks and kind of a kitchen room and stuff is prepared so there's something squeezing some grapes out and here's some stuff soaking a little bit of sugar over here and some wheat there and a bunch of barrels and stuff kind of just uh dresses it up a little bit here is uh an area that i was talking about game mechanic wow wonderful noise that's uh impulse is collecting withers for the lamp store perfect every every time you hear that that's more money in our pockets but uh this kind of lines the opening a little bit but in a two wide space like this which i'd like to have it in the ravager can't fit through there so we can't have that game mechanic wise uh it's not gonna work although look good so here we can do that which is nice out here in the hall i kind of dressed this hallway up a little bit ah more money wonderful a little mural space there and this is a little tight but it should be able to get through all of this tango i'll have him test that here's a little statue in the corner holding a lamp and watching over the night time with a staff or a spear or something like that i think that's cool and then a little more mural just stuff to kind of add some interest here is a diorite statue holding a little uh flower hanging basket and a flower pot up there oh more money for us wonderful oh i didn't know about that i'm going to put a painting there i'm just going to cover a painting there you'll see what that is in just a second but over here now then there's another statue and i was gonna have a bell here there was gonna be a bell but apparently if he was holding a bell that's part of the game mechanic that like kind of controls the ravager that would break things a little bit so and those clicking sounds those are player detectors i believe so just ignore that for the moment um ah more money flawless wonderful down here i only added a little bit of like this is the dungeon area where some people are being stored impulse is in here um but i just added a little bit of a an archway here and a key and a little area for a guy to sit so just so the small bit of visual interest there and then over here i added this little shelf out here to kind of more things to look at more things to distract the eye and here is the chapel this is an area right outside ah more money perfect right outside the throne room this is an area where you know minecraft lore a little bit of a wither statue there and some candles and flowers and stuff just this is all decorations some areas to you know wash your hands and douse them off and place to sit right here and a cool little ceiling as well i think that works out really nice but then up here is the throne room back there's a bedroom and there's not much else that i could do back there but over here it's the last thing that i did and this is the oh another more i wonder if that is not going to be tall enough we might need to change this to be something else what if we just did this for the moment just this will make sure the ravager could get up here if need be this is a sleeping quarters area and that's where that plank is it's probably these two right here um so they're just like helping it indicate that this is a bunk bed you know about a little campfire in here as well cool spot i like it oh more money as well but tango is going to be releasing this thing very soon uh this game is going to be ready for launch really really quickly so i needed to get this done today to make sure and as far as this was the most empty space the space that needed the most work it needed the most work but um it there are some other areas in the castle that are in this dungeon that need some some work but they're not as necessary as the spots we just worked on so maybe we'll do that later as a dlc pack so keep an eye on tango's stuff all this is going to be coming out very very soon i'm excited to see people play it but now we have to head to the upside down because we have more interiors to do that's a sign for me to let me know where i need to go more interiors to do but this one is going to be super large and super grand and aha we have arrived at the upside down so you know what that means time to put on our upside down skin perfect and now we're ready to proceed through the gate and into the upside down these are the rules i make them and i enforce them so let's head on over today we're going to work on the mansion and the interior there in now this is a massive space a humongous space so big so much space it's crazy uh and apparently some gas have been doing some things but this is what we're going to be doing the interior for now first precaution let's block this off so nobody can look inside nobody meaning guests we don't want any of that action but we've got two main things we've got a drop spot for the gold farm right here and that's going to be i don't know i mean it looks like it should be here wait drop spot for gold farm i don't know why this obsidian is here i don't know maybe we'll have to move it over but then we're gonna have big huge fireplace portal right here as well so i'm excited gonna have some other things as well some other things up in here and over here i think too big project huge project will we get it done today i don't know come on i don't think so oh look at all these goodies have to clear all these out first thing we're going to do is probably get the floor installed here it's all going to be everything that i'm going to build in here this entire interior not only does it need to look good it needs to be spawn proof every single block that i place cannot allow a mob to spawn on it we don't want any gas popping up in here and i think we'll be able to accomplish that but it's going to be difficult first of all half slab floors that's going to be number one and then a bunch of other goodies but i'm ready to get started and tackle this [Music] interior [Music] all right so we are done holy smokes this has been an episode and a half so much building oh my goodness but uh i just put all the obsidian in behind this as you know and we'll take a further away look here as you know green was wanting a fireplace portal type of thing and i think we've kind of nailed it but i just did a test i thought we had something on the server that would allow us to make very large portals ah careful careful uh but apparently this is too large or it's not working or something i'm gonna guess we're right there it looks like we're getting a little shadow there yes okay and bring this straight across perfect now i've got a couple more uses left on this but if i hit this right here bang yes okay perfect so that's one portal and then if i climb down here oh blabber and light down here yes wonderful oh beautiful and then put two campfires here these look like burn charred logs or something like that we are done okay it's two portals i don't think that should cause a huge problem it should work fine uh but there's oh my goodness guys how much we but we built three episodes worth of building in one episode insane but this is it so you've got the fireplace down there and then the purple and that would go together so well plus in here hidden blue fires behind like some furnace vents and then the columns and up here is actually a dragon let's see if we can get a graceful look at it it's a dragon skull turn around quickly and there you can kind of see it he's got a big honking nose but i love him he looks awesome and then we'll have we have these pillars here which are nice i love these pillars they're going to work out really really nice that's sideways we gotta fix that and replace perfect okay so these pillars yeah they'll go all the way to the ceiling lots more to do here guys lots more to do got i've got a cool design worked out for this area here in that area and some cool entryways into these other wings the east and the west wing of the mansion but boy oh boy is it coming along doesn't this look cool the more i've worked on this the more i'm starting to realize this obsidian was here there was a sign there was a sign right here oh b dubs had a burp there was a sign right here that said drop spot and then obsidian here so i assumed that that sign was marking this obsidian i'm a little concerned that this is the drop spot because that really looks like it hopefully it can be moved because look at how perfectly centralized this fire pit drop spot is it's right dead center in these walkways it's right in the center and it also works so well with these pillars and stuff if we have to move this we've got to move pillars we've got to move the floor design we've got to move a lot of stuff so hopefully that'll work but anyway oh i think it is looking nice and i've also early in the building process i also built these stairways up to here that'll lead to like some gold trading spots these stairways are all mob proof the whole thing that whole fireplace is my proof everything in here is mob proof no places for mobs to spawn which i'm very happy about i think that's pretty nice um but and you'll see that here pressure plates stone buttons and all that stuff little things all over so there's not a single one block space for them to spawn but uh these stairways i built these early because in this corner and over in this corner over here were spots where the hoglands were there they are there they are sure enough we could make a farm out of this maybe um but they were spawning here like mad non-stop and every every time i turned around boom there was another one attacking me arrow after arrow so i built this up real quick and it blocked them off but it serves a great function of being a beautiful staircase as well unfortunately you know it looks a little strange in some spots no wool half slabs but it does the trick right a little bit of carpet here and there kind of stops the spawning so i'm happy about that so now we can take down the door actually what is this what is this prize hey beacons back in stock at lamps plus free sample courteous oh is one for me oh sure because i'm living here with green one of these is for me beacons back in stock at lamps plus fantastic oh and the item frame as well and this will actually come in very handy yes i will hold on to that forever thank you very much oh and these emeralds are free as well i'll leave that for oh impulse what a fine gift all this building out here i had no idea that he was here maybe i shouldn't open this should i uh it might be dangerous to open it with all this glory in here ah i'm gonna close it back up but now back at our base the one thing that i promised last episode i would get working on this episode did not get touched but we got to help some friends didn't we that's what's most important that's what i enjoy the most as well is helping some friends and of course doing perfect redstone but next episode come on this is this thing let's get this thing going let's get this livable i need to live in a big huge old house oh and i've been working on interior stuff as well you'll see it soon enough oh it's coming hopefully hopefully next episode right but it's coming along really really nice i love it and then we'll get the terrain working out as well it's gonna be beautiful oh baby it's a great one so guys i have no idea if this is a five-minute episode or a 40-minute episode it could be either or any but hopefully it was a long one for you i love giving you guys a long long nice episode give you a little more time to be have an excuse to be lazy right yes but ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching this episode of hermitcraft i had so much fun i hope you guys enjoyed it as well we got stargazers opened we got some great work done at the ravinger game decked out and we got the interior mansion worked out as well oh i'm gonna take a good night's rest and relax in my flower shop love you guys to death we'll see you in the next episode and fly and here we go i'll do this watch this and fly and fly okay that's it
Channel: BdoubleO100
Views: 771,799
Rating: 4.9785895 out of 5
Keywords: hermit craft, hermitcraft, bdoubleo, bdouble0, bdubs minecraft, bdubs hermitcraft, hermitcraft 7, hermit craft 7, bdoubleo100 hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft season 7, gaming, minecraft
Id: c-rnuAukDeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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