It happened! Elon Musk Unveiled HUGE Upgrade 2025 Tesla Semi: Price, REAL Specs & 5 Hidden Features!

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we will do a sleeper cab where we can send drivers out for multiple days at a time as we expand the charging Network according to the Federal Motor Carrier safety administration fatigue ranks seventh in frequency as a factor contributing to Long Haul truck accidents prompting manufacturers of these heavyduty vehicles to pay more attention to building a sleeper Gap behind the driver's seat for convenience Tesla's come to understand this gradually as Dan Priestley the company's head of engineering inadvertently revealed in an interview so why does Tesla need to produce a big rig sleeper cab currently Tesla offers two versions of the semi for widespread use and testing the 300 mile and 500 miile variants which do not meet the standard of a Long Haul truck designed for overnight operations this aligns perfectly with Tesla's previous statements regarding their product being a daycab model rather than a sleeper capab according to statistics from 2023 there are 1.2 million Long Haul trucks operating in the United States equipped with sleeper births including some models with full amenities accounting for 67% of the total Long Haul truck volume Nationwide surely there must be something that's made him increasingly popular in recent times indeed according to a report from the US National Library of Medicine Long Haul truck drivers in their study slept less than necessary to remain Alert in their work the most vulnerable time for sleep or sleep-like states is during late night and early morning hours therefore fatigue and lack of sleep are significant safety issues for Long Haul truck drivers it is crucial that the Tesla semi with its unique design featuring only two seats one for the center driving position in the spaceship and one behind for a backup driver it seems to have a surplus of rear passenger seating this is an excellent time for a sleeper birth design rather than an unused seat because traffic regulations prohibit drivers from waiting for cargo for extended periods without resting in the United States after eight consecutive hours of driving drivers must take a 30-minute break before continuing operations during this rest period a birth would be an ideal place for drivers to relax when they cannot find a suitable place to stop and significantly save money on accommodation expenses imagine you're a truck driver not just an ordinary person you earn good money you're paid by the mile and go out on the road for two weeks at a time home for a few days then repeat you earn 1,500 bucks a week that's really good money 78 Grand a year but you're never home home you have four to 5 days out of the month at home you drive until you can't legally drive anymore or have to stop because there's not a rest stop within 200 miles you can still drive for 3 and 1 half hours but when you get there there's no sleeping spot so you're stuck if you find a hotel they might not have truck parking so you might have to park somewhere else and walk or hit your ride then you got to pay for an overnight room that could be $80 to $150 and if you do that for 2 weeks straight half your checks gone now you're gone for weeks at a time and only making $39,000 maybe they'd rather sleep on a comfortable bed at night but that's money out of their pocket and they might be watching over their truck and cargo furthermore the 30 minute break or 15 minutes if drivers can split their rest time is negligible to encourage them to leave the driver's cabin although some argue that adding and choosing a sleeper birth is a futile decision within a driver's 30-minute rest period the Tesla semi confidently can recharge 70% of its battery to enable it to operate on longer Journeys exceeding 500 Miles especially as Tesla May release a long range version in the future for this bullet-shaped truck the ability to rest and recharge the battery while resting would truly benefit the health of truck drivers although not necessary for most shorter trips that don't extend beyond a few days this option is still essential if Telsa wants to make a mark with this product in the transportation Market besides Tesla semi with a 500 mile range is currently advertised with a selling price of $180,000 although in reality their prices could go up to $250,000 so what would the cost of the Tesla semi be with the addition of the sleeper cap similar to Tesla's new released models where everything's at the highest price point in the initial days of launch and doesn't adhere to the original claim prices will gradually decrease over time to establish stability in the market therefore the price of a Tesla semi equipped with a sleeper birth in the future will shift significantly conversely Tesla's plans to expand production facilities and scale up charging infrastructure in the future will make the cost of a semi increasingly cheaper you could even save up to $200,000 according to Tesla cost analysis for a truck to travel 300,000 Mi on average consumers would spend a total of $250,000 on maintenance and fuel costs which would be saved due to electrification electricity is readily available at a price lower than half of fuel and since electric vehicles have fewer components maintenance cost would be much lower compared to diesel engines really great driver feedback and then we're going to take that time to do a bunch of improvements and bring that into a high volume Tesla began the production of the Tesla semi in late 2022 after several years of delay shortly after commencing production the company announc the expansion of gigafactory Nevada to manufacture this vehicle in large quantities a plan that we're witnessing being executed to date this automotive manufacturer has collaborated with Panasonic to deploy new battery production capabilities at the facility and Tesla has utilized these Sals to manufacture battery packs for its vehicles and energy storage products when initially announcing the Factory construction plan Tesla was talking about the plant producing 105 gwatt hours of batteries per year and 150 gwatt hours per year upon completion in an interview with Jay Leno Dan Priestley revealed that Tesla's created 70 Tesla semi trucks to carry out the user experience Gathering plan to prepare for improvements in 2024 we are increasingly seeing more of these big rigs outside of Giga Nevada indicating an increasing production rate it's been 5 months since we knew exactly what was happening at the plant which is said to be capable of producing five semi trucks per week until Tesla fulfills half of Elon musk's expectation of producing 100,000 semi units per year the Tesla semi needs a breakthrough change to complete the remaining Journey that change is a sleeper birth version to serve the millions of needs of truck drivers in the United States and Beyond particularly in Europe where there are stricter regulations regarding truck driers rest periods with drivers allowed to operate on the road for 4 and 1/2 hours and then rest for 45 before continuing their long journey what makes the sleeper cab version possible firstly the Tesla semi-tractor has a weight of 25,000 lb mainly due to the massive battery pack located directly beneath the floor of the truck therefore increasing a sleeper birth during this time frame would significantly increase the overall weight resulting in a loss of some operating range moreover the Tesla semi has a 500 M operating range which is relatively low compared to diesel trucks with ranges from 900 to, 1400 miles hence a sleeper birth is quite feasible here if it reduces a few hundred miles of operating range which would be negligible however according to Elon Musk over 80% of routes in the US are currently less than 250 Mi long therefore truck drivers May accept the possibility of sacrificing some range to gain the essential comfort for their back furthermore Tesla has expanded its plan to build a new Factory in Germany with gigafactory Berlin where there will be a presence of many models with sleeper cab cabins according to musk the presence of the factory here is a sensible decision to assert its position against major automakers in Europe where ambitious climate goals aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% compared to 1990 Levels by 2030 with a clear focus on emission reduction and elimination thus transitioning to zero emission Vehicles like the Tesla semi will be closely aligned with the policies of European countries the new Tesla semi was first introduced in 2017 and is currently undergoing trial production in Nevada after making a big splash with PepsiCo the first company to pre-order semis news about the big rig has been relatively quiet however initial reports touted impressive features such as Superior operating range charging efficiency and performance all demonstrated in test and real world operations by early adopters these features make the Tesla semi an attractive option for companies looking to reduce carbon emissions and operating costs the semi is not the only new being discussed in Germany during the visit to this facility musk revealed that the nextg vehicle currently dubbed Redwood will be manufactured at Giga Berlin however it's challenging to determine a timeline for this development as Tesla recently stated that everything's ready to bring the vehicle to production at the Austin plant Elon musk's recent visit to Giga Berlin occurred after a temporary arson attack disrupted the Factory's operations highlighting the CEO's Hands-On approach and steering the company through challenges despite the setback caused by the attack Tesla swiftly recovered Tesla employees rallied outside the facility to support the company against environmental terrorism attacks Giga Berlin is evidence of the company's strong reactive mechanism to unforeseen events ensuring that its ambitious production goals remain on track as part of the expansion plan Miga Berlin aims to construct another facility to increase the Factor's production capacity from 500,000 units to 1 million units a year although the Tesla semi may not significantly contribute to Giga Berlin's 1 million unit Target it's still a step in the right direction furthermore Tesla continues to relentlessly research and improve their Battery Technology showcasing new battery generations with higher capacity while significantly reducing the weight of the battery pack over time Tesla's battery supplier Panasonic energy is considering investing up to $4 billion doar in its Kansas plant to produce 4680 batteries for the Tesla cybertruck and Tesla's Next Generation Vehicles this plan internally dubbed as the new phase involves constructing additional production lines at the plant with Panasonic's $4 billion investment already underway Tesla being the primary customer co-own a plant with Panasonic in Nevada Panasonic May utilize this additional capacity to produce Advanced 4680 batteries a type of cylindrical lithium ion battery with five times the capacity of conventional 2170 batteries in general higher capacity means fewer batteries required per vehicle and reduced weight what will happen to the size of Tesla semi trailer in its current version the semi tractor's wheelbase measures at 13 ft in length 8.6 ft in width and 13 ft in height slightly shorter than the freight liner Cascadia 126 which is equipped with a sleeper birth therefore if equipped with a compact birth the semi would need to extend the length of its tractor or utilize the space behind the tractor cab as a sleeping compartment additionally when entering the European market the dimensions of the truck need to undergo minor adjust to comply with the standards there in the United States the minimum length limit allowed for tractor trailer combinations is 48 ft or specific state regulations however the maximum length limit according to regulations in Europe is 61 1/2 ft which seemingly requires Tesla to reconsider its prominent bullet shape designed to enter the market indeed expanding into markets outside North America may post several challenges for Tesla operating efficiently in Europe with stringent requirements regarding weight size has presented a challenge for Tesla's electric truck as it needs to increase load capacity significantly reduce emissions and most importantly incorporate those sleeper compartments what if Tesla full self-driving made greater progress in the transportation industry like all AI products such as Chad GPT and grock AI programs that Tesla's developing observers are looking at the future to consider the purchase rate or the percentage of Tesla buyers who would purchase Tesla FSD those looking outward are focusing on Robo taxi but we see something not only more valuable than Robo taxi but also with a faster transition process that is robot truck stock analyst Gene muster estimates that only 5% of new Tesla buyers purchase or subscrib to FST if that figure increases to 20% by 2026 then the additional 15% of subscribers will add about $1.1 billion to revenue and nearly $1 billion to net income roughly the increasing adoption is expected to add about 8% to net income by 2026 by 2027 the benefits to net income would be around 15% and 21% by 2028 another aspect of FSD software's rapid learning is that Tesla will have a clear introduction to China Asia and Europe additionally Tesla May attract more previous Tesla owners to apply for FSD therefore if its software continues to improve and become safer than most human drivers combining it with insurance could achieve an acceptance rate of 50% or more Tesla succeed with full self-driving in Tesla bot it may still take two or three more years to achieve full autonomous driving level this autonomous driving system and FSD have improved the driving experience and enhanced safety while still requiring drivers to pay attention and occasionally intervene however FSD and autopilot are being used across the United States Canada Europe and Asia autopilot has been used for over 10 billion miles and FSD beta has been used for over 320 million miles Tesla's FSD beta is currently adding about 5050 million mes per month it seems that both the speed of travel and the computational power to train AI are increasing exponentially Robo Trucking will have a more significant impact than Robo taxi in many aspects if truck drivers were replaced for all 30 million large trucks worldwide this would change the global supply chain however this is only a comfortable estimate if everyone's heading in that direction Transportation costs in the supply chain could ultimately decrease by over 80% the driving speed for transporting goods could increase from 55 mph to 110 mph or more additionally robot trucks could drive for 23 hours a day and only stop to recharge as mentioned earlier Tesla's AI team recently announced that this software can be trained using driving videos on YouTube this means the system is independent a camera location a Tesla semi worth $180,000 could be supplemented with additional cameras and self-driving computers at a cost of around $20,000 to30 ,000 or $5,000 per year plus Hardware this means that existing fleets could quickly be converted to remove drivers to provide investment returns in 4 to 12 months and $5,000 per year applied to all 30 million trucks would be $150 billion per year this figure would be over 10 times Tesla's current profit furthermore Fleet owners will not hesitate to replace human drivers once the system is sufficiently robust and 70% of drivers can be replaced when there's a safe truck truck driving system in place this will indeed happen but at least until we fully achieve Global electrification truck drivers will still be very much needed and a 1,000 horsepower electric truck equipped with a sleeper cab remains a top priority what do you think about this design plan of Tesla how will robot truck replacement be a key to the Future too insane Tesla semi- is likely to undergo a complete cabin redesign after musk's latest announcement regarding the big rig the total weight of 82,000 lb could also disappear along with the old Dimensions Elon Musk officially brings the Tesla semi to Giga Berlin with an ambition that couldn't be crazier however a leaked information suggests that the big rig is heavily stuck at gig Nevada due to a supply chain issue overcoming this challenge would be a significant step forward for the semi TR so how is the Tesla semi fairing in the real world welcome to Tesla car world please show your support by subscribing and ringing the bell now let's get started with today's content content it couldn't be more accurate Tesla has officially decided to build electric trucks in Europe we think this is great news and can't wait to see electric semi- trucks on the road and not just Teslas but other trucks around the world instead of heavy black smoke diesel trucks make up 1% but contribute to 18% of atmospheric CO2 imagine what it would be like if they were all electric trucks that could actually conquer Hills with almost zero emissions why was Tesla's semi brought to Europe during a visit to Tesla's gig Giga Factory Elon Musk discussed plans to produce semi-rs in Germany to cater to the European Transportation Market this visit comes amid recent arson incidents at Giga Berlin forcing Tesla to temporarily halt automobile production with repair costs reported to be up to1 million EUR or $ 1.1 million US based on a recording Elon Musk said during a visit to the Berlin gigafactory that in his opinion the production of semi trcks in Europe at the Berlin gigafactory is a reasonable decision previously around November last year also during a visit to a European Factory Elon Musk directly announced that Giga Berlin would begin participating in the production of the $25,000 Tesla Model along with Giga Texas the reason for musk's bold decision actually has one main reason so what is the secret behind musk bringing Tesla semi and $25,000 Tesla EVS to Giga Berlin's production line by producing the Tesla semi at Giga Berlin this demonstrates that Tesla is truly committed to Europe not just as an automotive Factory but we believe they're expanding their presence in Europe more accurately asserting a strong position ahead of a slew of other automakers recently the emergence of electric trucks such as the mercedesbenz yatro 600 Volvo FH electric and Renault trucks th High electric has been extremely noticeable part of the reason for this surge is due to increasingly stringent environmental policies governments and environmental agencies are issuing regulations and Emissions laws that could escalate the production cost of electric drivetrain and diesel engines furthermore Road tools can cost Transporters up to €25,000 per truck annually transitioning to emission free Vehicles like the Tesla semi could significantly reduce those overall costs bringing Tesla trucks to such a lucrative Market has been part of elon's plan as part of its expansion plans gigafactory Berlin aims to construct another facility of similar size to the current gigafactory to increase production capacity from 500 ,000 to 1 million units if the production of Tesla semi is expanded Beyond Giga Nevada in North America releasing a larger quantity of this electric truck could potentially accelerate its growth compared to the current 100 units although it may not contribute significantly to the 1 million unit Target at Giga Berlin in fact the only model that has the potential to help Elon achieve this figure is clearly Tesla's model too a cheap Tesla of only $25,000 of course Tesla semi will also contribute in part an extremely small part however in some respects we also consider that Tesla may not produce a million vehicles per year perhaps only a small portion of that number around 20,000 electric semi- trucks per year at its peak could be feasible this could be equivalent to a similar amount of battery capacity as you see in around 150,000 electric cars this indicates that Tesla is aiming to use batteries from cattle the new lfp battery type that's very costeffective Tesla has shipped battery production equipment 4680 from Germany to the US so so we believe that's the direction Tesla's planning this suggests that Tesla's considering producing various types of semi- trucks in Europe so what details will Tesla semi change to suit European traffic indeed in Europe we have restrictions on Dimensions so the tractor length must be as short as possible for this reason the Tesla semi may need to be redesigned to European standards limiting the maximum height of trucks to 61 1/2 ft with a maximum weight of 80,000 lb or 40 tons typic Al standard trucks in the US are 72 ft long 8 1/2 ft wide 13 1/2 ft tall and electric trucks can have a total weight of up to 82,000 lb with an additional 2,000 lb encouraged in electric truck priority policies this means Tesla will have to ditch the aerodynamic tractor inspired by the Japanese shank kanin and switch to a cabover design with a flat nose on the other hand they could absolutely have a way to maintain the Tesla semi bullet shaped design but shrinking the Tesla semi Hood should necessary what do you think about making a new cabin for the Tesla semi if it has to comply with European standards to operate in Europe with customers demanding meticulous weight requirements this poses a challenge for the Tesla semi TR as it'll also need to increase its loadbearing capacity this may require stronger brakes and slightly more metal at the rear of the tractor we suspect that the Tesla big rig will require a stronger engine as the semi already has a torque ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 NM and a power output that could reach 1500 horsepower but of course Tesla's reduced it to around 1200 horsepower to protect the tires the EU standards for trucks could soon change primarily in at least some aspects the goal is to facilitate the adoption of electric trucks relaxing these regulations will go hand inhand with stricter CO2 emission standards the coming years are the perfect time for Tesla to launch a European version of the semi-truck in reality when it comes to trucking sometimes the cost of diesel fuel is not crucial and the cost of electricity is not factored into prices and is tax deductible what matters is the distance traveled each day and the amount of cargo transport for electric trucks to become a reality they must be able to cover a distance equivalent to one diesel trucks Journey without needing to recharge if a truck had to sit idle for 2 hours while charging during the day it'll lose money if you're wondering whether producing semi- trucks in Europe would be profitable for Tesla based on the current or at least anticipated battery cost by the end of this year the reality is slowly approaching equivalence although we haven't achieved to complete equivalence for a semi- TR yet because the battery size in a semi- TR is indeed very large the operating costs are much lower the difference between operating an electric semi Tru and a diesel one is enormous you can recoup the investment costs in less than two years just through the difference in fuel costs so what's the reason why Tesla semi is known as an economical rig the price of kilowatt hours at Tesla supercharges in Europe ranges from 13 cents at night to to 40 cents during peak hours it's worth noting that this is for superchargers and the difference in cost isn't too significant compared to the mega chargers that Tesla semi uses of course trucks certainly plan their trips to avoid having to charge their vehicles during peak hours in contrast the average diesel fuel price for a truck drive in Europe is around 59 cents per kilometer equivalent to approximately 64 us cents per kilometer including vat in the United States the average electricity price is currently 15 73 per kilowatt hour when applied to the transportation sector especially with Tesla semi the electricity consumption needs to be meticulously calculated with Tesla semis announced consumption of 1.7 kwatt hour per mile driven a simple calculation shows that for each mile of operation the electricity consumption cost of the Tesla semi would approximately 26 this is a significant figure to consider regarding operational costs and the potential energy cost Savings of electric vehicles in the trans a industry on the other hand in the US using the current average retail price of diesel at $4 per gallon and assuming a fuel consumption rate of 6 m per gallon when fully loaded we can easily determine that the fuel cost of a typical diesel truck Falls at around 66 us cents per mile therefore the production of Tesla semi trucks in Europe will indeed be a highly sought-after product due to its flexibility and cost savings if musk has publicly announced the production of this Electric truck in Europe then the question of concern now is how does the Tesla semi develop in Giga Nevada to delve deeper into the production line of Tesla semi at this first factory is entirely insufficient so most of the updates we've come through the sharing of Henrik Zayn a notorious Tesla semi Advocate through Giga Nevada drone coverage in his post on X he recently updated that Tesla are building a separate building at the North End of the Giga Nevada property for high volume type production line for and get low volume deliveries to customers he also predicts that Tesla will produce and distribute between 500 and 1,000 units before the high volume product line begins to ramp up the product entering mass production line may be the Tesla semi sleeper cab as Tesla's confirmed not stopping there Henrik Zayn also provided the audience with many interesting insights regarding the production progress and the reasons for delays in launching this big rig for the North American Market specifically the production lines for the semi run from east to west at the 550 Milan Avenue building which is adjacent to and unrelated to the construction of the gigafactory Nevada there are two production lines extending through the narrow length of this building one of which is a relatively short assembly line comprising of about five or six stations dedicated to the electric truck talk further about the electric truck supply chain the supply chain for the Tesla semi is currently largely produced with parts from suppliers what's even more surprising is when he revealed that Tesla's price in is when he revealed that Tesla currently assembles at least the Plaid Motors accompanying inverters World leading temperature pumps battery packs possibly 2170 supplied by Panasonic or LG and two screens that we are familiar with in every Tesla and of course in the semi there's two screens Tesla May assemble wiring harnesses seats steering wheels and some other parts while all the rest rely on suppliers in the supply chain which could have been a major reason for the overall delay in electric truck production from assembly line bottlenecks to the number already delivered to pepsic co into Tesla in essence Tesla's top suppliers may have overlooked providing small scale orders as demanded by the small number of Tesla semis produced to date Tesla surely placed only a small quantity because they don't want to order large quantities until the final Design's decided and until Mass production's been ramped up they can't store all those parts at the factory hence Tesla's likely stuck with component suppliers the semi- production line might offer some opportunities for automation currently it's still being assembled ually by experienced engineering teams in the event that Tesla semi could be introduced to a line similar to other models like cybertruck model Y and model 3 you can observe such images here in theory we assemble the frame to form a box structure then it'll be assembled with a main shaft and gearbox then we install the wheels and tires electric cables hydraulic lines battery pack cabin assembled separately and then its completion it sounds simple and straightforward but of course that's just Theory and in practice there will inevitably be some comp applications you can see that it's a fairly short assembly line and the reason it's important is that from now until mass production we think it's very possible that Tesla could initiate additional production lines and instead of having two they could easily add three four or five more production lines to have a total of five production lines and then produce a small number of Tesla semis before the mass prodution facilities is ready and ramped up finally the challenges facing Tesla are quite diverse although the expansion of gigafactory Nevada to produce the Tesla semi was announced in January 2023 the project has been delayed multiple times Tesla only began Construction in January of this year and it's still unclear when production of this electric pickup truck will actually commence all information still pending confirmation from Elon Musk Tesla may not invest in production at other factories until the vehicle's mass-produced at the Nevada Giga Factory and bringing the Tesla semi to Europe ultimately poses many constraints that Tesla needs to address the significant Market that Tesla's currently overlooking is Asian the demand for electric trucks in China is quite substantial but there's a lot of competition we speculate Tesla sees more business opportunities in Europe where there's much less competition compared to China but Europe has many environmental regulations driving their Market traditional truck manufacturers have yet to introduce a longrange electric truck on the contrary Tesla faces competition from niola in North America although the specifications of their pickup trucks are significantly inferior byd and traditional truck manufacturers like Volvo damler truck Freightliner Peter build aren't even attempting to compete in the Long Haul road transport sector we can't imagine how impactful it'll be when Tesla semi overcomes all production related challenges and is rolled out in large numbers for many fleets of companies Beyond just PepsiCo a prime example is how PepsiCo praises the electric Fleet and considers it an indispensable part of the company's transport Fleet Miss Amanda devau Pepsi's strategic Fleet director mentioned that Tesla semis are consistently used for 12 each day with a large number of vehicles traveling routes under 200 km with high-capacity charging at these stations Tesla semi drivers only need to take 20 to 30 minutes to charge their vehicles from 5 to 95% battery she also notes that thanks to regenerative energy technology Tesla semis can overcome complex routes with some routes seemingly not draining energy as the vehicle regenerates it helping Pepsi save those fuel costs Mr dejon aranovich Pepsi's electric vehicle department head believes that what Tesla semi brings is of Great Value to Pepsi's future with the advancement of electric vehicles Battery Technology and charging technology the regular routes of diesel trucks May soon be converted to environmentally friendly vehicles ushering in a new era for the transportation industry despite comprising only 4% of the total number of vehicles on the road large freight trucks account for up to 25% of total fuel consumption and emit 30% of the total emissions from all vehicles in the United States implement implenting environmentally friendly Tesla rigs will help improve the environment and save cost for operating companies length restrictions on US highways were relaxed significantly in the 1970s the need for complex steering and cabin lifting mechanisms disappeared and little has been done in the United States since after leading truck manufacturers have eliminated cabover truck from their plans this has caused a lot of controversy and questions about why they stopped producing this type of car that's considered to have many advantages welcome to Tesla car world please show yourself support by subscribing and ringing that Bell icon now let's get started with today's content the first truck produced in the United States in 1899 utilized an under cabin engine format while not strictly cabover they essentially pioneered the transportation industry both cabover and conventional long noos trucks have their pros and cons however the reason Europe and America once favored flat fronted cabs and diverged primarily in their Road choices was largely due to Legal regulations especially those concerning the overall length of vehicles in Europe trucks must adhere to regulations governing the maximum overall length of combined trucks and trailers throughout much of the 20th century this flat front design was popular due to length regulations previous regulations stipulated a maximum length of 65 ft encompassing both the truck and the trailer this under cabin engine design quickly became popular due to its compact size and excellent maneuverability making it ideal for both Urban environments and narrower roads the ability to easily turn and maneuver made them particularly suitable for tight spaces this lasted from 1956 to 1976 with an additional 10 ft allow resulting in a maximum allowance of 75 ft however after a regulatory change in the late 1970s maximum length regulations for American Trucks Only related to the length of the trailer not the entire vehicle truck manufacturers and Road transport companies began to shift toward larger long-nosed trucks while both Europe and America once favored similar flat fronted cabs regulations regarding the overall length of vehicles became a decisive Factor leading to a combination of both cabin and engine design in Europe trucks must meet strict regulations regarding the maximum overall length of trucks and trailers while the American Trucking industry focused more on longer noose designs to optimize driver comfort and infrastructure in 1982 a new law eliminated regulations for trucks in the United States among other things it was DET in all states that the length limit was measured only for the trailer the length of the tractor unit was no longer included making long-nosed trucks in the United States more liberated as a result truck cabins became longer and better equipped however some trucks in the United States are actually flat no models particularly used for City driving for garbage collection or package delivery where smaller turning circles are more important than a luxurious Longnose why are Longnose trucks more popular in the US market visit visibility and improved maneuverability which is another reason they perform well in Europe where roads are narrower however this isn't as significant of an issue in the US where transitioning to long-nosed trucks allows drivers to have more sleeping space in the cabin where they practically live in it for months on end with a longer wider and lower design it provides drivers with a driving compartment and a living space right behind the seat with various features like refrigerators microwaves wardrobes and even separate bathrooms and the overall lower cabin height makes boarding easier for them a Tesla semi even offers an additional two large 15-in control screens for the entertainment system this is less common in Europe and due to the limited size of cab over trucks it's been rated lower to access the sleeping birth a truck driver needs to stand on the truck seat and crawl over the engine placed between the seats whenever they need anything from the bunk the procedure Remains the Same and it's impossible to reach under the bed to grab items while sitting in the driver's seat the increasing demand for Comfort on Long Haul Journeys has become evident cabover trucks with their limited cabin space placing drivers close to the windshield and lacking suitable personal cargo space contradict the exhausting schedules of truck drivers who travel thousands of miles per year and sometimes spend days away from home longer no trucks have provided a solution to these convenience issues with larger cabin spaces allowing for more comfortable long-distance Journeys furthermore transitioning to Longnose trucks has helped manufacturers relocate engines out of the cabin reducing noise and vibration this enables drivers to move more smoothly and quietly improving their overall experience on the road moreover in terms of maintaining cabover trucks one needs to tidy up everything arranged on the cabin before maintenance to ensure that magazines or fast food items don't tumble when the cabin needs to be fully tilted to access the engine Longnose trucks have helped drivers address this issue repairing the engine or motor and a Longnose truck becomes easier simply need to open the frunk flip the Shields and carry out the task the design and production of longnose trucks are somewhat less complicated compared to producing cabover trucks this is closely related to the technical challenges that designing and producing Coe trucks bring unlike conventional truck models Engineers have to work within a more restricted space when building a Coe truck this limited space poses numerous challenges for arranging mechanical components and enhancing efficiency furthermore addressing these challenges often requires significant investment from Automotive companies from the initial development phase to mass production Longnose truck models with their wider spaces are typically less complex to design and manufacture reducing the financial burden and time for manufacturers as a result the popularity of Coe trucks has gradually declined and fewer manufacturers are interested in developing and producing these models instead they're shifting their focus to Conventional truck models without facing such Technical and financial challenges increased transport capability certainly one of the most important features of along those trucks a more powerful engine typically means that the rig can carry a larger payload and although regulations limit the length of trailers they do not dictate the overall length of the truck this means a truck can haul multiple trailers conversely European regulations allow for a maximum trailer L thus limiting the need for trucks capable of carrying extremely heavy loads however another important factor is physics conventional trucks have longer wheelbases and while this affects their maneuverability and turning radius significantly it also allows for the safe manufacturer of trucks capable of carrying larger loads thanks to the longer wheelbase trucks are more stable on highways and can distribute weight more effectively safety considerations also play a crucial role in the transition from cabover trucks to long-nosed trucks in Europe trucks are typically limited to speeds of 55 mph making driving safer on narrower roads however American trucks can travel much faster at speeds of 80 mph or more this raises concerns for Road transport companies regarding the safety of drivers as any cabover or Longnose truck could face the risk of high-speed collisions with the driver's compartment positioned farther from the point of impact truck drivers can minimize the potential for injuries to the maximum extent another notable aspect to consider when comparing these two types of trucks is aerodynamics it's one of the seemingly endless Pursuits of cabin designers a much greater challenge due to the inherent need to transform a large metal and glass sheet into a sleek and efficient hor like structure globally cabover trucks still seem to dominate The Heavy Truck Market accounting for about 70% of the market share there's also a straightforward commercial reality that the highly competitive brands in Europe are all cab over designs in the United States after freight liners Argy cab over truck retired the only American competitor in this segment against Australia's k200 with a substantial durability is Kenworth and all signs indicate it will persist for many years to come during a small simulation we found that a damler actros tractor equipped with a cabin deflector and a standard trailer with a maximum height of 13 ft has a drag coition of521 there are some ways to improve this adding cabin deflectors may increase weight and reduce operational efficiency therefore when removing these deflectors the drag coefficient increases by 25% to 651 Additionally you might be surprised to hear that Tesla's designers claim that their Tesla semi has the lowest drag coefficient in the electric truck market today at 0. 22 the main factor aiding this impressive capability is the bullet-shaped front design lastly a short wheel-based design simply isn't ideal for high-speed highway driving while Coe trucks are certainly more maneuverable and suitable for tight spaces like City Driving conventional designs are simply better for highways stability is crucial here especially when carrying heavy loads moreover a longer wheelbase provides more comfort for the driver as the captain's chair positions shift from Over the front axle to between the axles currently some drivers May argue that Coe trucks offer Superior visibility but it seems that's not enough to convince drivers or Fleet owners to invest in them in addition to stability on highways a long-nosed truck with a longer wheel base and a sturdy structure will be better suited for rough terrain when considering construction purposes a sturdier truck is always the best choice how impressive has Tesla been in building an all electric truck so far the era of self-driving car as being merely a science fiction concept is long gone thanks to companies like Tesla Motors the once far-fetched dream of driving an autonomous vehicle is gradually becoming reality Tesla semi boasts a maximum operating range of 500 miles with maximum towing weight included and a constant speed of 60 MPH it also boasts an impressive drag coefficient making it more aerodynamically efficient than the Bugatti chyon Supercar and conventional diesel trucks with its completely flat floor design and a pair of adjustable flaps on the side that can automatically adjust to the shape of the trailer being towed it flattens the gap between the cabin and the trailer hitch point in Tesla's plan the company aims to build nine truck charging stations along the 1,800m long route from California to Texas which will be the deciding factor in efficiency and feasibility of transitioning to this all electric vehicle the infrastructure promises to help reduce fuel costs by an impressive 23% compared to traditional diesel cap over trucks furthermore evaluating the efficiency of Tesla's electric trucks doesn't just stop at efforts to reduce carbon emissions it also significantly contributes to cost savings for businesses compared to traditional diesel trucks even Tesla itself has committed to savings with Promises of saving up to $200,000 in the first three years with its semi model however Mercedes-Benz has rolled out its own electric truck lineup to following the footsteps of the Tesla semi into the market according to the automaker Mercedes has unveiled the E actro 600 a direct competitor of the electric truck in Tesla semi with a range of 300 M per charge while carrying 35,000 lb of cargo meanwhile the semi Bose Superior capacity with 48,000 lb of cargo hauling capability let's dive straight into the stats because of course that's why you're here Mercedes has utilized three separate lithium iron phosphate battery packs to deliver a total output of 621 KW hours sounds Hefty but it still falls short of of the 800 KW unit in the long range Tesla semi which can travel up to 500 mil more notably this new model falls into the cabover category with a motor located beneath the cabin which certainly seems out of step with the preference of truck drivers in the US the front of the eactros is equipped with an additional air foil above the cap helping the truck achieve 9% better aerodynamics than the actro MP3 diesel cabin which sits at47 CD this makes it challenging in for it to outperform the Tesla semi with the best aerodynamics in today's truck Market what damler calls predictive powertrain control uses data from satellite positioning and cameras to automatically adjust the output and transmission of the powertrain for the most efficient operation two optional power cut off systems have been developed for trucks one allows operation for hydraulic or mechanical equipment such as tipping sliding floors or Silo trailers the AC power cff system features a frequency converter that converts direct current from a high voltage power grid into alternating current to operate refrigerated containers on trailers the Tesla semile will accept charging rates of up to 750 kwatt hours from Tesla's special Mega charger meaning a 1,000 KW hour battery can be replenished from nearly empty to 80% in 30 minutes and fully charged in 90 minutes on the other hand the eatro 600 will only accept charging rates of up to 400 KW the battery of the eatro 600 can be boosted from 20 to 80% in 30 minutes if this model uses the MCS charging port dler stated that they'll manufacture and release it to the market by the end of 2024 meanwhile Pepsi Co has received its first large Rigs and Fredo the snack food division of the beverage and snack food conglomerate will play a central role in the company's Tesla truck deployment plan at its Modesto California plant Distribution Center although Tesla is known for keeping secrets about sharing its vehicle specifications they potentially could gather some detailed information from Tesla designers in interviews additionally some important details have been disclosed by the company's drivers the Tesla semis powertrain is the best place to start according to a Tesla spokesperson trained in communication boasting three times the power output of a conventional diesel pickup truck the electric Tesla semi efficiently utilizes the tri motor powertrain from the modified Model S plaid spinning backward the front motor of the model S drives the semis rear axle acting as a Drive Unit on the highway while the Dual rear Motors of the plat are mounted on the semi's mid- axle these motors feature a clutch similar to rivan allowing them to be used for acceleration and decoupling its speed to improve efficiency considered the bestselling truck in the US the freight liner Cascadia has a power output of 350 horsepower in its basic form and that triple figure is 1,50 we are quite confident in saying that the semi matches the 1020 horsepower of the model l in Model X plaid and it can even match its 150 LBT of torque an interesting aspect is that four Tesla Chargers are positioned in a way that the driver must attach the trailer and plug it into the charger of each set located near the driver's side just in front of the mid axle press into the port and it'll automatically open or close the motor while the charging cable is thicker than a soda Cannon easier to manage than the DC fast charging cable you'd find it a typical Electrify America station when pulling the electric door handles on both sides of the truck the rear door opens to reveal a staircase similar to a bus climb up and into the semis cabin and you'll find as our photographer put it more empty space a space about 3x 7 ft with a Subway like rubber floor Tesla fabric lining the walls a jump seat on the right side and ample Headroom for a 6ft tall person to walk around and stretch however notably absent is dedicated software for freeo light drivers such as what rivan provides for Amazon drivers in the edv Prime truck or what bright drop offers on the Zeo 600 for FedEx drivers instead drivers use their Tesla app on their phones as a key and rely on the mobile tablet provided by PepsiCo stored in the storage compartment on the right side of the cabin alongside two wireless chargers a cup holder and switches to alert of Hazards while the material quality and construction are typical of Tesla the alert of the Tesla semi- running electric cannot be entirely denied once this manufacturer can expand production lines for this electric truck model ultimately it's all worth exploring the differences between truck types and the necessary infrastructure that needs to be built is it possible for cabover trucks to return to the US market and what does Tesla need to do to overcome the challenges of electric trucks we appreciate your contributions and hope this video brought you relaxation if it did please support us by hitting the like button and becoming a part of the Tesla car World family through subscribing to our Channel don't miss out on our awesome content by enabling the Bell icon your feedback and time are highly valued thank you for watching and we'll be back soon stay safe and enjoy [Music] life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
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Keywords: Tesla Car world, 888999, 888999 tesla, 888999 evs, It happened! Elon Musk Unveiled HUGE Upgrade 2025 Tesla Semi: Price, REAL Specs & 5 Hidden Features!, It happened, Elon Musk Unveiled, Elon Musk Unveiled HUGE Upgrade, 2025 Tesla Semi, tesla semi 2025, tesla semi, tesla semi truck, tesla semi truck review, tesla truck semi, semi truck tesla, semi gigafactory, tesla semi software updates, tesla semi update, tesla semi upgrades, tesla semi sleeper cab, tesla semi battery
Id: C2_NXjjaodc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 20sec (3020 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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