It ACTUALLY WORKED For Helldivers 2! SONY Retreats From PSN Requirement...

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it's a Monumental day for hell divers as we have now successfully liberated Sony HQ and who knew this would go from great to terrible and back to Great again in the span of just 48 hours but it has and there's lots coming in concerning what went down and also what we might expect in the near future welcome to the channel it's wios lightbeer and we have absolutely earned that extra 2 minutes of lunch break as especially after we were taking on two major orders at the exact same time but you know for a hell diver that's all in a day's work thank you so much for your continued and awesome support from my channel and my content in case you haven't done so already please take just a moment to hit subscribe and to ring that notifications Bell to get my recent upload alerts and away we dive once more into hell divers [Music] fure very quickly and mostly forgotten in the midst of our epic Sony battle but we have a 2-day reset currently going on the superstore featuring repeats like the sc37 legionaire light armor with Servo assisted the sc37 legionaire helmet the sc15 Drone Master helmet AKA Cades helmet from Destiny and the sc15 Drone Master medium body armor with engineering kit also kind of lost in this and I covered this in yesterday's video but we managed to knock out the mutant bug TCS major order early and so at the time of this upload we currently do not have a new major order to take on which you know is to be expected after what went down over this past weekend Meridia is still off limits and all three of the planets in the Draco sector are currently out of play unless we can liberate a planet like Helm to get access to those supply lines and that is where the concentration of our diver forces seem to be right now also today's daily order is to kill 10 enemies with the eat which should not be an issue for this s tier strategy and it's still a one-hot kill to the head of a charger which makes it extremely valuable net those 10 kills bag those 15 medals and you were that much richer for this Thursday when the new war bond goes live now onto the shot herd round the hell diver Galaxy hell you could even say the shot her round the gaming Universe Sony has now resented their decree to require PSN accounts for the PC portion of the player base which to be honest I did not think would happen so fast now I was always remaining positive that surely PlayStation would come to its censes right there was no no way they would essentially make a huge bonfire out of $100 bills and just light it all up on fire just to make a dramatic point but when you're dealing with corpos you never know what's going to happen Up Is Down dark is light you know that sort of thing the laws of logic cease to exist when the suits get involved hell divers fans we've heard your feedback on the hell divers 2 account linking update the May 6th update which would have required Steam and Playstation network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30th will not be moving forward we're still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable thanks again for your continued support of Hell divers 2 and we'll keep you updated on future plans now luckily for all of us I have a rare corpo translator available to use on the statement you know to better understand what they are truly saying and here it is our brazen attempt to go full Aragorn and storm the black gates with a frontal attack has failed for now you may have won this round but make no mistake next time we won't be so obvious You Haven't Seen the Last of Us love your friends at Sony now I happen to find this response from Gamers Nexus that kind of Echoes what I just spelled out albeit their response has much better flow to it but you can bet this is just round one when it comes to the future of Hell divers Sony is not used to getting their teeth kicked Ked in they're used to getting their way and they won't be silent for long now in terms of the endg game because with a corpo it's always about the end game the conversion of PC players to PSN accounts was just the appetizer Arrowhead is and will continue to be the main course that coveted prize behind door number one especially now that hell divers has proven to be such a commercial Smash Hit if you can't beat them buy them and for sure Sony wants to be far more than just the publisher of this game we're going to need to stay hyper Vigilant against any future sneak attacks which I expect to begin almost immediately of course Johan arrowhead's CEO was a bit more diplomatic about all of this praising The Willpower of the hell divers community and especially our ability to collaborate he thanked their Partners over at PlayStation for making a swift decision to leave the PSN linking optional which if you step back and think about it if Sony had really been pigheaded about all of this we could have been in the trenches for much longer but the question is how much a reparable damage have they done with this 48h hour stunt Johan finished up with a pseudo plea to improve the developer publisher relations between Arrowhead and PlayStation now in terms of the grand scheme of things this Fiasco touched all the far reaching corners of Hell divers and not just number two but the OG title as well divers were so pissed off at Sony they went full space Uzi on anything hell divers which included review bombing number one which came out in 2015 now in terms of some of the leadup to this final result with Sony eventually backing down this past weekend saw a lot flying in from Every Which Way Johan actually hearkened back to that disastrous Diablo Immortal BlizzCon what you guys don't have phones response when the crowd booed the braz enters as he tried to give us a brief rundown on what was going on kind of behind the scenes throughout the weekend they were speaking with PlayStation especially when it came to the PSN login requirements and how countries that did not have PSN would be directly affected I believe this tweet was actually posted on Saturday and looking back on it at that time I think I was a bit concerned with the last part of his statement I don't have the final say which I guess is obvious it was Sony that could either allow or deny that request and at that point when I read that tweet I did start to get a bit concerned I started to question how much pull did Johan actually have how much effect did all of the media coverage and the negative reviews have on the outcome of this debate I mean we now know the results but 24 hours ago everything was still in flux there's also been a bit more of the development timeline spelled out in a further response again from Johan saying that hell divers 2 was actually signed 8 years ago without details such as account linking however during development it was deemed to be important for PlayStation to have it implemented and it was just a few months prior to release now when all hell broke loose at launch the decision was made to turn it off or just risk the servers melting down and that was met with negative feedback not the game itself just the general technical state of the game at launch Play station wanted it re-enabled as he says to help with moderation and again they knew there would be backlash here and as a Friday and the mandatory PSN announcement there was backlash and of course we now know it has turned in favor of the players and again GG to all the divers that aided in the campaign to push back against Sony this fact was also confirmed by evil boss one of the arrowhead team with this post and I do agree we are great at working together I mean automatons 2 billion bug major orders unwinable major orders they've all kind of prepared the hell divers for what took place over the last 48 hours and that slogan down below we dive together or we don't dive is really indicative of the community Mantra I also wanted to just loop back around and I cannot stress enough how much of a huge how much of a massive how much of a let's make up a word ginormous deal this really is this is something that's going to be discussed in video game history 5 10 20 years from now hey do you remember how bad that hell diver Sony thing was back in 2024 how quickly it went from hero to zero and back to Hero I mean the fact that the players the media and all the social channels kind of ried around us and pushed back that hard and with that much coordination this really is is a Monumental achievement in terms of gaming in general and how consumers and corporations perceive who's in control Johan actually jumped into this moment and weighed in on this experience mentioning The Accidental Cape design posted by a Community member which apparently is now in the concept phase over at Arrowhead to serve as an everlasting memory of the player's Victory and in case you don't know it mimics the negative review trend lines shown over on the steam review section but alas hell divers our work is never through and we've got a new major order which by the way is entirely optional it's up to you mission accomplished for now and if you feel so inclined Mosey on over to your negative steam review and turn that frown upside down by the way this is only worth 45 medals I mean come on we just liberated the entire freaking game in real life I mean that's got to be worth at least a couple hundred medals right anyways again GG's and huge congrats all the round divers I mean let's get back to spreading managed democracy without all of that extra BS and here we go good thing I checked on this breaking news we just got the new major order it is once again over in termined controlled zones the current briefing says the termined threat continues to evolve massive bug outbreaks have suddenly erupted on multiple planets the spores that caused these outbreaks originated from the Meridian super Colony this is a new manifestation of termicide induced adaptation the super Colony appears to be producing far more spores than other infested planets leading to unpredictable outbreaks within its vicinity the super colony is too thoroughly Infested by any conventional operations there to have any effect our top scientists are researching effective countermeasures for now the hell divers and this doesn't really make sense I guess it's missing some words but must be contained these outbreaks immediately before they spread out of control anyways let's check out what the current major order is and through the power of the Galaxy map we're now over to the actual major order this is a 4day major order for 40 medals and we've got to liberate four planets and these should look familiar to you Heath veld and Angel's venture we've all been on before and then we're going to add into the Mix aamar 4 so we've got four planets over in bugville that all need Liberation again Heath veld Angels Venture and aamar 4 and also I wanted to make one final amendment to this video it just came to me I just checked over on the steam page right now PlayStation has only made that announcement that they're resending the PSN linked accounts requirements over on Twitter if you take a look at the steam page and I just took this screenshot they haven't changed the verbiage over here it still says exactly as it said the other day requires third-party account PlayStation Network supports linking to steam accounts so I wanted to make note of that they haven't changed anything on the steam page yet remember to hit subscribe and to ring that notifications Bell to receive my latest upload alert all my socials including an open invite link to my fast growing hell divers Discord Community can be found found in the video description below shout out to the nearly 224,000 of you Legends out there your continued support is just the best and I count on it day in and day out until the next one this is Lieutenant Buzz lightbeer signing off [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: LtBuzzLitebeer
Views: 64,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HELLDIVERS 2, ltbuzzlitebeer, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: d1P7vkT8idc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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