Israeli Video Shows The Webbed World of Hamas's Terror Tunnels Underneath Gaza

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the tunnel entrance was bigger than any entrance I've seen before 2 months into the war we revealed that tunnel although it has standard Hamas architecture cement walls and arches on the ceiling wiring on the side and tubes for air conditioning it is bigger than anything we've seen I was going down that tunnel just not comprehending the sheer size of it on the days before October 7th over 15,000 people would enter Israel through that Crossing every day the IDF wanted to keep that place open and it was operating every day to allow for that flow of work and money in and out of Gaza until October 7th the AIS Crossing was a lifeline and Hamas chose to cut that Lifeline for all the Palestinians living in Gaza this is why the IDF keeps operating inside Gaza because this is not the only tunnel there are more there are kilometers of underground tunnels all throughout Gaza Square you can see behind me the Community College you can see there the alpha alpal Lon soci Society for death children you can see government buildings you can see civilian buildings from outside everything looks normal everything looks like a regular City when you go inside you can see on the left side a garage which is not a garage it's a workshop our troops arrived here before a few days we found the place booby trapped we neutralized the the threat and entered inside I want to I want to show you what's inside again a college a healthc care for children citizens civilians and more come with me you enter inside you see a workshop for tunnels they're been building tunnels here come with me you can see inside here deep down a tunnel which was built for the last few month you can see here the lift heavy duty lift you can see the phone there with commun communication down to the tunnel there are posters of instructions of how to build for what to do when to do you can see all around here cement and concrete an equipment for building the tunnel inside all of these are the the walls for the tunnel which which are are taken down with the high lift down proximately a few tens of meters continue with me this is the head of the tunnels you you put you put the those uh walls on the sides these on the top and this is the tunnel that runs for miles and miles we've seen these inside we know these were meant for for tunnels we've seen them inside we know exactly what they're made for again look from the outside palestin Square Community uh hotels colleges everything as as normal You Take 5 m to the left and regular garage is a workshop a workshop for tunnels this is the place where they build tunnels this is how they build tunnels they use civilian infrastructure to build Terror this is a terror place there's no other explanation look inside again try to explain what the reason is to build these things here so deep so hidden and so well planned again when our troops arrived here all the place was boob traft because our speciality of seeing these things we saw the threat before neutralized it and entered this place and started studying it and this is all the things we saw this is one of of tens of sites we found all around this uh neighborhood as our forces continue the thorough operations against Hamas in Gaza there's something worth acknowledging hamas's use of civilians as human Shields forces the idef to fight under circumstances that few militaries if any have faced in the history of Modern urban Warfare we are defending ourselves from Hamas a Savage enemy that intentionally Blends itself within the civilian population in Gaza and is hiding our hostages among them too so are we fulfill our press our pressing mission of pursuing Hamas terrorists with Force we do so while operating with caution and care to minimize harm to the civilians that Hamas is hiding behind all while urgently looking for our hostages being held in Hamas captivity in those same areas the complexity posed by such a mission was evident on Friday December 15th when our soldiers found themselves in the devastating situation of mistakenly shooting the very hostages they were meant to save the IDF chief of the general staff Lieutenant General herti Levi said that shooting those waving a white flag trying to surrender is against the rules of engagement hostages and civilians alike we cannot lose sight of how we got here who put us in this situation in the first place Hamas seeks to blur the very lines that Humanity dictates the lines that distinguish between terrorists and the civilians that should be protected it's sometimes difficult to comprehend end difficult to fully fathom the lengths at which Hamas is willing to go in order to kill Israelis they will use any and every tool at their disposal whether it is a hospital a mosque a child's bedroom or even their own civilians this is Kamas this is who we're dealing with and at the same time Kamas knows who they're dealing with they know very well that the IDF is committed to international law and values so Hamas goes to Great Lengths to use this against us Hamas is weaponizing international law Hamas is using our Humanity to wage war here are just a few examples from the last few days alone mid days before the tragic incident which our hostages were mistakenly shot Kamas tried to lure IDF soldiers into a trap they placed dolls in baby clothes in an Alleyway next to Children's school bags full of explosives while playing recordings of the words save me in Hebrew Kamas hoped to use our Humanity against us but our soldiers our soldiers fold the Ambush before they could here's another example from the last week an example that we documented and distributed to the world when our troops entered the Kamal adwan hospital after dozens of Hamas terrorists surrendered from inside idea forces discovered that Hamas had been using incubators incubators to hide weapons and explosives they literally turned the very machines that were supposed to sustain life into an instrument for death here's another example from the last week an example that we documented and distributed distributed to the world just yesterday the IDF exposed a massive tunnel at least 4 kilometers long and wide enough to drive a car through tunnels in Gaza are not new but this one is notable not just for its sheer size but because of its location Kamas dug this attack tunnel just 400 m from the era's humanitarian crossing a Crossing that had been buil been built to benefit the people of Gaza where gazans used to cross into Israel to work receive medical treatment or visit family the Eris humanitarian Crossing was a source of prosperity and hope until the horrific Massacre of October 7th when Hamas destroyed it and killed and kidnapped some of the very people who were stationed there to provide humanitarian Aid and assistance to gazans the same day we exposed hamas's Massive Attack tunnel next to the humanitarian Crossing that Hamas destroyed Israel reopened another major Crossing with Gaza the Karam Shalom Crossing in order to facilitate the entry of more Aid to the people of Gaza because our war is against Hamas not against the people of Gaza our intent is to defeat Hamas and secure the release of our hostages Hamas hamas's intent is the tragic suffering of civilians in Gaza and Israel in this war that Hamas started indeed there are vast challenges when fighting an enemy like Kamas Within These excruciatingly complex circumstances we do our best to conduct our operations as carefully and as Prof professionally as possible and while our our policies and procedures are in line with the law and our values we are aware that when fighting on such a scale there may be deviations that require further examination the IDF has a robust system for doing so and it starts with the idf's general staff's fact finding and assessment mechanism the mechanism is independent from the forces involved in the fighting and has already started working on impartial examinations the findings of this mechanism serve the relevant bodies when deciding the necessary steps that are required per case when misconduct is ident is identified the IDF will take action it also serves our lessons learned process and its recommendations help mitigate the risk of exceptional incidents occurring in the future our goal Remains the Same to dismantle Kamas and secure the release of our hostages while this mission is urgent we will continue to fulfill it with care and with a commitment to the sanctity of Life both Israeli and Palestinian thank you
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, israel hamas war, israel war, israel vs hamas today, hamas tunnel attack, hamas tunnels, hamas tunnels destroyed, hamas tunnels in gaza hospital, hamas tunnels in gaza, israel hamas tunnels, israel hamas tunnel attack, israel hamas tunnel war, hamas secret tunnels, hamas underground tunnels, hamas underground tunnels video, hamas underground tunnel, biggest hamas tunnel, hamas terror tunnels, inside hamas terrorist tunnels, hamas underground tunnels in gaza
Id: x6EIK7p8Uj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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