Mossad: Israel's Secret Warriors | Ep 4 | Full Documentary

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Dubai 2010 these men are no tourists their secret agents out to kill they follow their clueless victim into the elevator shortly afterwards the man is found dead in his room murdered the victim is Mahmoud al-mabu a leader of the Palestinian Terror organization Hamas evidence points to Israel to its Secret Service [Music] the Assassins managed to leave Dubai just in time are they more sad yet there's no official proof for what seems obvious ly looks like whoever planned it did a good enough job and took that into account it excites the imagination don't you think surrounded by enemies Israel has taken to spectacular clandestine operations since its earliest days making more sad renowned and feared the world over major incident in this region for the past 50 years the conspiracy Outlook is very much deeply embedded within the Arab world time and again you see this aspect of glorification demonization using it for you know political purposes I don't know if it will surprise you but there are many people in the Arab world who seriously argue that Mossad was beyond 9 11. the Israeli intelligence did not aim to create a myth this was a byproduct of their strict policy of clandestine Secret Espionage in operational work now in time they saw that it serves them very well any action ascribed to Mossad serves the myth around the organization it's said to employ a mere 3 000 people their exact number is a state secret yet the daring operations of Mossad have impressed and deterred Israel's enemies ever since when you have the horrors of the Holocaust and the current security challenges which are perceived as existential your mindset is left with one choice rise and kill first and the ones who are keeping you safe risking their own lives are the people from the Mossad and the rest of the Israeli intelligence even prior to the foundation of the state of Israel Jewish underground groups in Palestine make full use of the impact of precisely targeted secret operations by assaults of the Arab majority and the British mandatory power they aim at establishing a Jewish state in the Middle East in 1947 the UN decides on the partition the Palestine the resolution or polystack was adopted by 33 boots David Ben-Gurion becomes first prime minister and Secretary of Defense on May 14 1948 he proclaims the independence of Israel the conflict in the Middle East escalates at once that same night Israel comes under attack an alliance of six Arab states intends to crush the Jewish state in its infancy however the Israelis win the war and the young country survives Ben Gurion wants an early warning system against further attacks this calls for Effective intelligence services they set up headquarters in Tel Aviv he becomes the center of a worldwide Network a man Israel's Military Intelligence comes first in terms of staff and budget its brief is to spy on the enemy's armies Inland security service shinbad is responsible for counter-espionage and anti-terror operations the smallest yet best known of the three is more sad it's tasked with secret activities abroad with a view to protecting not only the citizens of Israel the Jews throughout the world it operates successfully behind the curtain until a spectacular operation reveals its prowess to the world Adolf Eichmann who's one of the key organizers of the Holocaust after the war he manages to escape to Buenos Aires where he lives a shouted existence under a false identity but then the Israelis are tipped off about his whereabouts and send a Mossad team to Argentina operation Iceman is underway Mossad operative Rafi item is in charge we were in a hideout close to his home yet can item be sure that the man who returns home from work each day by bus really is Adolf Eichmann I went up to him saying momentito Senor and double Nelson him to the ground then we pushed him into the car our first question was what's your name Ricardo Clement he replied that was the name by which he lived in Argentina [Music] a few seconds later he said I've been expecting this moment day and night I knew you Israelis would find me someday the agents have orders to put Eichmann on a secret flight to Israel prime minister Ben-Gurion has grasped the immense implications of the case for the people of Israel he wants the Nazi war criminal to be prosecuted at a trial that was stunned the public [Music] entering the bulletproof prisoners boxes a man charged Justice not Revenge while the world looks on it's a coup for Israel and for Mossad Iceman is sentenced to death of modern times [Music] [Music] however Mossad director Issa Harrell could have gotten hold of Eichmann years before though receiving information didn't see the potential of um you know looking and hunting and bringing to Justice or killing Nazi war criminals he had other things to deal with and he didn't see it only afterwards did realized the magnitude of the publicity and the myth that such an operation can create by the Abduction of Eichmann Mossad has laid the foundations of its own myth the message to Israel's enemies is clear our agents May strike anywhere [Music] it made us proud of ourselves we the Jews had shown to the world you tried to annihilate us and now what we are here the Jewish people lives and exists yet soon Mossad spies must focus on other more recent threats in the summer of 1962 the regime in Egypt Israel's Arch Enemy proudly presents its new missile program his president Kamal Abdul NASA aims at uniting the Arab countries against the Jewish state NASA triumphantly announces that his Rockets are capable of reaching Israel it's a shock for Mossad the reaction may not have been our right panic but it wasn't far from that the Egyptian government and NASA were boasting day in day out we will chase the Jews once particularly sensitive NASA's missile program relies heavily on German experts who have been involved in the development of Hitler's V2 Rockets in Egypt then Nazi past doesn't speak against them 17 years after the war fears of another Holocaust still Loom large in Israel Mossad must take urgent action to stop NASA's Rocky program foreign Krug a German lawyer and arms dealer is part of the setup in Egypt his brief is to take care of the logistics of the project in the early 60s he left Germany and settled in Cairo bringing his family along let's have a good few old comrades from the Nazi era overall 35 Germans are working for NASA's missile program [Music] despite this was in no way a hush-hush affair of some people secretly passing over to Egypt to build Rockets there those involved spoke quite openly about it and were even proud of it and nobody told us you're not allowed to mention what dad's up to definitely not Barney the German government too knows about the presence of his citizens in Cairo and so does Mossad [Music] they had some knowledge about the missile project but the truth was that all the different bits and pieces did not created an intelligence picture this is why they have done nothing because they didn't realize that it happens it was a huge intelligence Fiasco [Music] Mossad soon finds out that NASA's missile program won't get far without the German's expertise key figures of the program are targeted with parcel bombs they kill five Egyptian custom officials a German secretary loses her eyesight yet the rocky program gathers momentum however Mossad then decides on a different approach it's easier to conduct operations against the missile specialists in West Germany meanwhile Heinz Krug and his family have returned to Munich [Music] they probably picked him out because he was in charge of the logistics organized the Manpower the material and kept the whole thing running he was the one who always tried to get them to work as a team so he was practically the boss on the morning of September 23 1962 Heinz Krug leaves the family flat for his office it's the last time his daughter beata will ever see her dad her mother later told her that he'd received threats what had happened according to a Mossad agent the scheme ran as follows he alert Krug into a trap using the cover of an Egyptian businessman together with some fellow agents he had overwhelmed Krug and abducted him to Israel where so The Story Goes Kruger been subjected to extensive interrogation at the same time Masada tried to put the blame on the Egyptians there really wasn't any actual motive for the Egyptians since my father got along quite well with them so this Egyptian angle didn't make any sense at all at least not for us later on it became ever clearer that like it or not everything pointed to Israel where they denied it of course in the beginning [Music] and her brother look into it for themselves once they are old enough they publish a book on their findings about The Disappearance of their father officially the case of Heinz Krug has never been solved and it seems it was not only more sad where the vested interest in keeping matters this way foreign there were two gentlemen who according to their service cards were German Federal intelligence they told us to refrain from digging up all sorts of things and to stop chasing Phantoms that I should rather keep a low profile since then several versions of Heinz krug's disappearance have turned up according to the latest research from Israel Krug was finally killed by Mossad after a series of interrogations yet even the most drastic measures cannot stop the missile program at Mossad they decided to join hands with the Devil Otto scottsany [Music] the former SS man is widely connected and has access to the most important figures of the rocket program thank you scorsani is one of the most prominent old Nazis still alive enjoying the protection of fascist dictator Francisco Franco he leads the good life in Spain when I suggested recruiting to our head of operations he said may I hear Sprout from the palm of my hand if you manage to do it [Music] as you probably know there have been some recent news stories that the people who kidnap Aikman are also looking for you they can come and power will receive some jewelry how do you mean Julie oh how's it deserve it scored Sani poses self-assuredly to the camera yet when he's approached by Mossad he's only too well aware of the capabilities of the service no it's Nazi anywhere in the world could be sure of whether or not he was a Target the idea was to office God's any freedom from such fears we said we wouldn't touch him on the contrary we'd protect him therefore it was a positive step that helped us reach every technician and every German official in Egypt Germany time scotseni accepts the deal he delivers a detailed list of all firms and scientists engaged in the missile project scored seni's Contacts Plus diplomatic pressure on the German government pay off one after another the German scientists leave Egypt by 1965 NASA's missile program has come to a halt it's an unsung success for a Jewish Secret Service made possible by a Nazi Khrushchev in Egypt in the mid-60s the Soviets are arming their Cold War allies those in the Middle East too the mig-21 the combat jet is considered reliable and potent apart from that the West knows little about the Soviet fighter NATO is eager for information so as to be ready just in case the new jets in the hands of its Arab neighbors pose a serious threat to Israel Mossad is called into action its agents are looking for an Arab Defector the idea to abduct a MIG to Israel and have experts evaluate the plane in Iraq they come across a prospective candidate munir redfer is a fighter pilot with the Iraqi Air Force the Mossad agents figure that redfur may be frustrated by being discriminated in Iraq because of his Christian faith I asked him did you ever think of defecting with a plane your wife and children must of course be extracted before then well with one of your latest Jets wherever I fly they'll hang me beard in Jordan or in Syria or they'll send me back and then they'll hang me here I said there is a country trust me what about flying to Israel Israel they'll hang me right away yet in the end redfur agrees on one condition first his family must be smuggled out of Iraq to protect them from reprisals firstly again what the Mossad agents hadn't realized the meaning of family is a bit different in Iraq than to us in the West [Music] they thought okay wife and children they hadn't reckoned with 32 people nephews nieces cousins and so on um they all had to be extracted by a secret operation by mid-summer 1966 everything is settled red fur peels off during a training flight and steers his fully armed plane on a low-level run to Israel the risky scheme proves an outstanding success for the first time a mig-21 is in Western hands other secret Services stand in line to partake in the results of operation diamond [Music] after Operation Diamond Mossad is finally established as a major player in the western intelligence community twelve months later the benefits become even more obvious as a new war ignites the Middle East Israel decides on a preemptive strike against Egypt Jordan and Syria to forestall an imminent attack by its Arab Neighbors during the Six-Day War Israeli pilots make full use of the evaluation of redfo's MiG in less than a week the Arab armies are beaten a victory made possible not least by the intelligence from a Mossad spy in Damascus in the early 60s the Israelis managed to plant a top Source in the Syrian capital Ellie Cohen posing as a wealthy Arab businessman infiltrates the highest Circles of the regime in Damascus [Music] for years he provides Mossad with war relevant data on the Syrian military until in 1965 he's caught Ellie Cohan pays with his life yet his reports were a major factor in helping Israel to win the Six-Day War because they were changed everything he changed Israeli Society he changed the Arab world that created or Amplified the myth of Israeli intelligence created or Amplified the myth and the uh the legend of the strength of Israel but also projected on the Israeli sense of self-security Israel has enlarged its territory ever since the foundation of the Jewish state after the Six-Day War Israel controls four times as much land as in 1948 and to Israel land equals protection the young country has become a regional power yet the new dominance sharpens the conflict between Arabs and Jews by now Israel has also occupied the last Arab controlled territories in former Palestine the Gaza Strip and the West Bank [Music] here tens of thousands of refugees have been sitting tight now all their hopes have returned to their Homeland are dashed Mossad realizes the implicit dangers only belatedly [Music] one foreign [Music] frustration in the refugee camps increases foremost among young Palestinians at Mossad they're worried by their mounting radicalization a new party becomes the rallying point for resistance Fighters fatah's goal is to completely free Palestine in other words to wipe Israel off the map more and more young Palestinians are joining the ranks of fatah along with its political arm the PLO led by yasa Arafat they want to enforce the rights of their people in the Middle East know the whole of the Israeli intelligence Community viewed the Palestinian resistance or Gathering or grouping as a challenge for very long time what Israel controlled the territories of course they had by far more more possibilities because they could recruit people from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and send them over to do terrorist operations so that has become a a threat the Palestinians respond to Israeli military power by Terror an altogether new challenge for Mossad Arafat becomes its prime target yet he evades every attempt on his life [Music] increasingly shifts his activities abroad especially to Europe where many Palestinians live in Exile they find allies among leftist circles the PLO makes full use of Western liberal ways to set up networks and to recruit followers Mossad is reluctant to strike in Europe Abdallah al-franji later to become PLO resident in West Germany back then leads the Palestinian student movement in Frankfurt [Music] and the general feeling was actually in our favor when the demonstration started we helped organize them we handed out Palestinian scarves and passed on Palestinian slogans on Palestinians Logan and no matter where I held the speech we were supported Europe also becomes the stage for radical actions by the PLO [Music] Splinter groups carry out assaults with a view to drawing attention to the plight of the Palestinians the Olympic Games in Munich 1972. they're supposed to be Serene games presenting post-war Germany as a liberal and peaceful country [Music] matters take a back seat until the morning of September the 5th [Music] Palestinian Palestinian gorillas infiltrated the Olympic Village early on Tuesday morning and shot and killed two members of the Israeli Olympic team bavaria's interior Ministry have confirmed that the terrorists have taken at least 13 hostages Mossad is alarmed there are hints pointing to a planned assault however they are vague we had just a general idea that something is going to happen Okay what can you do you have to get the information accurate and in time and in the immunity case we had not we have to admit it if you don't have a good information you are suffering of a tragedy and Munich was a tragedy the Palestinians have taken nine athletes as hostages they demand the release of more than 200 of their comrades from Israeli prisons otherwise the hostages will die German Security forces are hopelessly inept there are no specially trained teams for an emergency like this other than in Israel the demands of the terrorists are rejected by prime minister Golda Meir yet she offers to send help for a rescue attempt [Music] prime minister said to me speaker I beg you I beg you go there so we at least know what's happening [Music] before I flew there the Germans unmistakably said that Israeli soldiers would not be permitted to free the athletes the Moss our director is forced to watch on helplessly ordinary placement in plain clothes try to move into position for a rescue attempt while TV cameras are running freely the terrorists get a live view of every step the police takes the operation is called off yet the hostage takers are getting nervous they demand to be flown out the crisis team pretends to comply with their demand two helicopters take the Palestinians and their hostages to a nearby Air Base this is where the police intend to strike yet none of their officers are trained snipers [Music] I was lying beside a German sniper they were using old rifles without telescopic sites without anything [Music] the rescue attempt fails the terrorists opened fire it broke my heart the Palestinians threw a hand grenade into the helicopter and it burst into flames all the Israelis and helicopter die the hostages in the second helicopter are shot and killed by the terrorists none of the athletes survives five of the eight terrorists die in the ensuing gunfight with the police 27 years after the Holocaust Jews are once again killed on German soil not even mossat could protect them a few weeks later a Palestinian Terror Commando tries to enforce the release of the three surviving hostage takers from Munich they hijack a Lufthansa jet the German government releases the assassins in the Arab world they're celebrated as Heroes it's a slap in the face for Israel it's obvious that the Jewish State can only rely on itself prime minister Golda Meir is under pressure it's election time and the country Wants Revenge Golda Meir gives Mossad the go-ahead for a crusade Against Terror [Music] Olympic game terrorist operation changed the Israeli policy for many years because after that Israeli cabinet allowed Mossad to kill Palestinian operatives in Europe even though it was in Blunt violation of any rule of any law but they came to the conclusion that if Israel doesn't do that job nobody would rise and kill first [Music] a small team codenamed kidon is activated its mission secret liquidations abroad the agents are sent after the masterminds of Terror their operations will shape the image of Mossad for decades [Music] unit is but the spearhead of an elaborate service mossad's inner structure is a state secret however this talk of eight departments [Music] izaria is one of them in charge of covert operations and assaults [Music] Tavel is responsible for cooperation with Allied secret services [Music] cachet collects information through wiretapping surveillance and burglaries foreign the largest department is Summit it collects information from Human sources and maintains a Global Network of informants the campaign against Palestinian terrorists begins in October 1972. of course it was a Revenge to have to admit it but it was to to Terror against us and to prevent Terror you have to take all the measures which are in your hands and you have to do it in a very clever means to do such a thing that they will not be able to ask you what are you doing here the killings are intended as a visible warning leading PLO members react by seeking refuge in Arab countries as a consequence Mossad extends its death list by adding Targets in Western Europe where Israeli agents can move freely student leader Abdallah al-franji is said to be in touch with the assassins from Munich I remember him the name he was a student and he was one of our targets yet he's arrested by the German police along with hundreds of other Arabs and awaits expulsion since after the massacre in Munich the authorities have decided on a tough stance and the fact that he was in jail it saved his life if I may say so alfranji moves to Algeria to coordinate the plo's European sections from a remote position yet more sad it's hot on his tail [Music] my infront my friend the PLO representative there was holding a thick envelope and I said please don't open it you're serious and then he opened it I was thrown about six meters across the room on their head the finger all his fingers were gone on both hands and an eye too I was really lucky I wasn't severely injured like my friends and that I wasn't killed uh within a year Mossad kills 14 Palestinians the kid on assassinations are considered a success until an operation in lillahama Norway in July 1973 there's a fatal mix-up Israeli agents mistakenly kill a Moroccan waiter they took for Ali Hassan Salome the alleged Mastermind of the Munich attack foreign what's even worse the agents are caught by the Norwegian police [Music] all over Europe communication channels and agents hideouts are blown a disaster for the Secret Service the Vendetta against the PLO comes to a preliminary end [Music] the PLO leaders decide to focus their attacks on the occupied territories terrorist attacks in the west harm their image but not everybody sticks to the directive assaults and hostage taking in Europe continue some are sad it's hot on its enemies Tails again we had to to continue and we continue we do things that we did things that were published in the public and we did things which are not public 1987. almost two decades have passed during which Israel had proved unable to quell Palestinian violence on the country after 20 years of Israeli occupation the fury about any lack of perspective boils over in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip the so-called intifada the uprising of the people on the streets catches Israel unawares operations against the PLO are still focused on foreign countries where its leaders are in hiding a classic domain of Mossad in Tunis its agents and the Israeli military liquidate the alleged Mastermind behind the uprisings arafat's second in command Abu Jihad foreign however it becomes ever more evident that it's not the PLO in far away tune-ness which caused the shots striking at them doesn't end the interfada in Israel demands for a diplomatic solution are growing louder in 1993 Israelis and Palestinians finally meet on neutral ground in Oslo to negotiate peace proposals after Decades of mutual killing however Israel's secret services are left out in the cold it's the express decision that prime minister Yitzhak Rabin have more sad they feel snubbed its top brass only learn of the Oslo talks via their own channels of information and told him sir something's going on in Europe rabeen's answer was drop it I'm aware of it without sharing without telling him what was going on [Music] what did they know about Munich what did they know about Pearl Harbor therefore he thought he could do without their advice rabine concludes an agreement with the Palestinians the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are returned to Palestinian autonomy in turn the PLO agrees to stop the attacks on Israel yet the PLO is no longer the sole player when it comes to keeping the peace a new radical Force has gained in strength the Islamic Terror organization Hamas their goal a theocracy and the destruction of Israel imprisoning its founder Sheikh Ahmad Yasin hasn't weakened Hamas in Israel the hopes for peace now rest on the deal with the PLO the main approach was that the Hamas is a problem but as long as Yasser or fat and the Palestinian Authority want to continue and see an interest in continuing the peace process they'll take care of of the Hamas [Applause] her fatal error hamas's suicide attacks stun Israel cities the islamists want to undermine the peace process my sad has no remedy for dealing with a new threat of fanatic suicide attackers Israel's new prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in office since 1996 is expected by supporters to return to a policy of strength Mr Prime Minister it's my responsibility [Music] my power [Music] this terrorist evil [Music] the Prime Minister asked the leaders of the intelligence services to name persons they could Target and liquidate to stop Hamas attacks but the leaders of Hamas were in Amman Jordan and we couldn't get near them as there is peace between Israel and Jordan Mossad has largely retreated from the territory of its neighbor so as not to endanger the mutual relations is under pressure it must produce results against Hamas and stop the suicide attacks no matter how in the summer of 1997 moshad agents draw up a list of potential Hamas targets among them its leaders in Jordan to carry out a an act in Jordan and the Musa didn't want to do it and Nathaniel pressure the Mossad sometimes politicians need to show the public some results um and then the the easiest Outlet is is the Mossad or the idea of the Israeli military Netanyahu wants the strike at the heart of Hamas becomes the first Target nothing should suggest an Israeli strike Jordan's government fears Palestinian uprisings in the refugee camps [Music] the idea is to poison Michelle in broad daylight but without anyone realizing it so it will look like he died of natural causes the unit experimented on unsuspecting people on the street true people approached the target from behind once praise him and the other just before shakes and opens a Cola can causing the cans contents to spray all over when the person who was sprayed turns around just sees a shaken up can of cola he thinks that's what sprayed him the team has little time to practice Netanyahu wants quick results [Music] the operation spirals out of control the agents run into martial unexpectedly he's in the company of his children and a bodyguard nevertheless they proceed with their scheme their escape however fails they're apprehended by Michelle's bodyguard Marshall is a mortal agony two Mossad agents are exposed and end up in custody Jordan's King Hussein is appalled Hussain said that if Michelle dies he'll have a Palestinian Uprising on his hands and he'll have no choice but to execute our two operatives so they decided to make a deal with Hussein we'd save machar's life using the antidote and the two captured agents would be released grudgingly Israel consents to save the terrorists life nevertheless diplomatic relations with Jordan are severely disrupted [Music] Israel pays a high price for peace Hamas founder Sheikh Rasin is released from prison to Jordan intended to appease the Palestinians living there Khalid martial becomes hamas's new leader in waiting the attacks in Israel continue in September 2000 the islamists unleashed the second interfada the number of suicide bombers Rises [Music] Mossad Israeli military intelligence and shin bed were suffering I think the lowest app of their history they were not capable to deal with the threat the Iran Fiasco plunges Mossad into its biggest crisis yet [Music] however there's a new threat that offers the opportunity to brush up the tarnished image Iran to its mothers Israel is Satan incarnate that's why they are excluded from any peace initiatives they were basically saying okay if we're not going to be part of this process don't expect us to support it and don't be surprised if we undermine it and that's basically what they did Iran sets up a network among Israel's enemies it maintains close contact to Basha Assad's regime in Syria it supports the Shiite Hezbollah militia in Lebanon with arms money and Fighters he had also the Hostile sonite islamists in the occupied territories receive aid from Tehran in 2002 mayor Degan becomes the new head of Mossad to him the main adversary is Iran mayor Dagan was characterized as a more robust director of the Mossad and was often seen as giving back teeth to the Mossad [Music] when Maya Degan takes office Mossad analysts estimate that Iran could possess nuclear weapons within a few years a mortal Danger for decades Israel has been fighting every nuclear ambition among its neighbors Mossad is ordered to stop the iranian's nuclear program cyber sabotage has opened up new possibilities to strike without contact and to achieve maximum damage at minimal risk a computer virus cripples Iran's uranium enrichment plant stuxnet presumably as a result of covert collaboration between the CIA and Mossad in addition to the digital possibilities Mossad also uses an age-old method scientists working on Iran's nuclear program are liquidated Israel buys time a Mossad finally can boasts another Triumph the program is delayed by years a definite success for Mossad there's progress in the war against Terror too yet it comes at a price Israel imures itself more than 700 kilometers of concrete and fences are raised to keep assassins out and indeed the number of assaults diminishes at the same time Mossad agents continue to liquidate high-ranking terrorists you don't kill unrelated people you kill your adversaries your enemies because by killing them you're saving the lives of others that's the rule a view that is highly controversial even in Israel no other Western country has ordered more extrajudicial killings since the end of World War II intelligence organizations can be quite effective in in combating terrorism but the problem is that they don't solve the problem the problem is political economic societal cultural education and you have to deal with the sources of the problem otherwise it will always be a war between intelligence organizations and terrorists it's a warm or sad can't win Mossad has achieved mythical status by spectacular operations there are new threats however which can't be counted by relying on past success [Music] foreign
Channel: criminals and crime fighters
Views: 7,260,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full documentaries, history doku, history, full documentary, mossad, secret service in action, israel doku, israeli, intelligence agencies, operation secret, foreign intelligence, Israeli intelligence services, israel vs palestine, middle east conflict, middle east conflict history, middle east war, six day war, Palestinian conflict, palestinian conflict history, israel vs arab countries, secret warriors, documentary, documentaries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 4sec (2944 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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