Female Israeli soldiers who defeated 100 Hamas terrorists tell their story

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all the terrorists that tried to attack my uh soldiers and my unit they are not with us today some of them uh was uh very close to me so probably they started I'm a woman and and probably uh they won't get their 72 virgins cuz I'm a woman this is Lieutenant Colonel or Ben Yehuda of the Israeli Defense Forces and she is describing how her all Fe fale unit killed more than 100 Hamas terrorists the mother of three is in charge of tank Crews at the caracal Battalion who have become legendary after they proved Beyond doubt on October the 7th that women can serve alongside men in Frontline combat are you married do you have a partner or yeah what does he and what do your children say so he's also right now at at Gaza H and the children they are with the grand grandfathers I think that they are very proud when I came home I since the beginning of the uh fight they uh they told me Mommy we saw you in TV you became famous so uh I hope that they are proud the unit is based in southern Israel and when Hamas Fighters streamed across the border from Gaza they were one of the first IDF units to respond in the early hours of October 7 as Hamas Fighters stormed into Israel using bulldozers to smash through fences many of the caracal Brigade were at home on well-earned leave but within minutes of getting alarm calls from commanding officers they raced into action and sped to their base knowing they had not a moment to lose at October 7th uh I got called from one of my commander in h the north he uh told me that they can hear uh red code aler and lots of bomb and Rockets everywhere some of them just bombed in in the base he he called me again and asked me to help him and his soldiers at sufa base it's a near kib sufa and we all knew our mission our mission is to defend the civilians over uh uh our area and uh we drove over there and when we came over there we saw and we also hear lots of bomb and Rockets and also uh guns and uh shooting everywhere and grenade and that's the moment I realized that this is something big lots of terrorists that uh attack this base and also uh all the Kim near nearby Gaza and our mission was to stop them over there once there they spotted the gaping holes in the fences and terrorists swarming through hundreds of them the unit had their orders and they followed them to the tea eliminating the terrorists with gunfire and tank rounds and in some cases even running over them with their 65 ton tanks through a 17-hour tank battle the women fought off terrorists at Kuts near sufa and hollit in southern Israel killing 100 of them and not staining any casualties amongst themselves the area was eventually cleared when members of the Navy Special Forces Unit arrived to join the battle but by then most of the bloody work had been done by the women we were stronger we were we we surprised them and the reason that uh there was a big success cuz none of them uh expect us to to came out from our bases with the tanks and also the Infantry soldiers um and the the drive from the south to the north uh that surprised them do you think they were surprised to see women soldiers I think that uh they were surprised uh we knew uh that uh there they got a plan to to attack also our bases but uh the fact that we came out uh from the bases from our bases uh definitely was a surprise from them and also I can say that uh some of them uh was uh very close to me so probably they saw that I'm a woman and and probably uh they won't get their 72 virgins cuz I'm a woman but uh in every uh point in the in that day that they try to attack us we win the caracal Battalion was founded in 2000 and women soldiers make up 70% of it the tank battle they fought in has been acknowledged by commanders of the Israeli Defense Forces to be the first of its kind in military history anywhere in the world prior to the battalion's formation women were barred from serving in direct combat but since they were formed they have been involved in several incidents mainly border skirmishes with SM and terrorists we were given a role um to have an opp take this opportunity in uh in the tanks um the first uh women in the tank unit um as a pilot they wanted to see if we were able to stand and have keep on the standards of um what it takes to be a leader in a tank commander um family and friends are in the UK uh I know that they know what what I do as a as a IDF soldier in the Army um however I don't believe that they know what it's like to be in such a amazing environment of protecting such borders with uh with terrorists um and protecting our our country especially where we have the Syrian border and Lebanon Egypt especially the Gaza Strip you're very proud to be fale tank driver in in the idea yes very proud um especially one of the first tank commanders that took place um is also very intimidating um to approach uh as a 20-year-old um but we overcome it and we learn so much more about um army about wars about um history uh especially Israel history if we have to we'll stay in there for a month there are people in Gaza who stay in the tanks for months um as much as they need to obviously they have everything that they need and everything that will uh be needed will be sent to them after all we're like sisters in a tank we're a family um and we know everything about each other cuz if we don't it's not going to be fun and easy um so there's definitely a great communication a good camaraderie yeah these are a goals these are my goals for life um and they know everything about me and I know everything about them and their families and they know everything about my families um and that's that's one way to make a war much easier together but after the epic battle against tamas on October the 7th they can now live up to their motto of the winning combination
Channel: Daily Mail
Views: 635,827
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Keywords: Daily Mail, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, IDF, school, tunnels, al shifa, Hamas militants, israel gaza, Gas, Israel Defense Force, Gaza strip, gaza strip, al shifa hospital, gaza hospital, middle east, israel hamas war, gaza strip tunnels, gaza news today live, hamas attack israel, israel news latest, israel hamas war news, israel hamas war news today, israel hamas war gaza, israel hamas war gaza today, breaking news today, gaza news, news today, hamas tunnels, breaking news, Surrender
Id: SWDIrOma5C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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