Israel-Palestine War: "There Is No Deal With The Devil!" Cenk Uygur vs Mosab Hassan Yousef On Hamas

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welcome back John sensor demands for a full ceasefire are now growing across the world one of my next guest Jen Yuga has been among the loudest voices calling for one his name was written on an Israeli bomb to be dropped on Gaza along with that of Andrew Tate Muhammad hijab all previous po Palestinian guests on this show well I'm joined Now by Democratic presidential candid Jen you got masab Hassan yusf the son of the Hamas co-founder shik Hassan yusf masab is opposed of Terror groups as defecting in the 90s and the former Chelsea at Israel manager abam Grant joins me live in the studio I'm great to see you and I'll come to you in just a moment uh Jen I want to start with you because pretty extraordinary to see your name scrolled on a IDF bomb just first of all what was your response to that yeah uh it's of course disheartening to see it it's sick uh they're going to drop those bombs on Palestinian civilians they're probably going to murder babies and and grandmothers with those bombs that's why if I'm president I won't send Israel a single dollar not only the $4 billion they're considering now but I would end all funding to Israel as they have massacred civilian after civilian 19,000 dead 9,000 children butchered I do not want a single American Tax dollar going to help Israel commit war crimes and if they think they're going to intimidate me by putting my name on on their bombs they've got another thought coming to them we're at a state in this war where Hamas is believed to have around 35,000 uh terrorists uh at best estimate 7 to 8,000 if you accept the Ida figures have been killed that's not been confirmed at all but if that is the case that's only 20% of the total that means that 80% of herass terrorists have not been killed yet uh again I'm staying with you Jen for this I mean if your Israel and your mission statement is to eradicate Hamas the calls for ceasefire are going to fall on deaf ears aren't they because they're determined as we can hear from all the rhetoric to finish the job as they see it yeah so let's be clear I mean I saw the uh mark regab on before me uh the propagandist for Israel that you had on and uh first of all he thought it was funny that my name was on the bombs I don't think that the children that they're murdering uh think it's funny uh and the idea that they are not indiscriminately killing civilians is absurd so they dropped 2,000 pound bombs in residential areas America never Dropped a Bomb larger than 500 PBS in residential area in Iraq and we did great damage in Iraq four times larger the area is the size of Las Vegas and they've dropped 29,000 bombs nearly half of which are unguided missiles then they shoot three hostages uh dead without even checking when they had a white flag and no shirt on at all and if those three hostages were Palestinians instead of Israelis no one would have even noticed cuz now at this point one more devastating fact Hamas and what the did on October 7th was terrible and they killed 846 civilians the rest Were Soldiers now Israel has even if you take the IDF numbers of saying that there's they K of the 19,000 they killed is 5,000 they claim is Hamas it's an absurd number a total and utter lie not backed up by any evidence but even if you accepted it that means Israel has now killed 16 times as many civilians as the terrorist group Hamas so what does that make is should Israel leave Hamas 80% intact is that good for anybody so no so now we get to the absurdity of what Israel says we are going to stay there until all of Hamas is uh Gone how how do we know if they're all gone how do we know if they've surrendered how do we know if the Palestinians have turned on Hamas these these are all impossible standards meant to eradicate uh Gaza entirely and in fact they've almost done it already 90% of the people in Gaza are home homeless we're picking out the body parts of family members every single day in Gaza it is one of and now that even the New York Times and every Human Rights group acknowledges this is one of the worst massacres the biggest war crimes committed in our lifetimes America in 20 years in Afghanistan did not kill as many civilians isra has killed two months but should they leave so now let me give you an answer let me give you a productive way to do this how to drive Hamas out you make a peace deal with the Palestinian Authority that buys them the credibil ability to be able to say to the Palestinian people we have delivered a state for you the thing that we have been looking for our entire lives and now because we have delivered that for you we are going to run Gaza that can drive Hamas out in a way that is organic and driven by the Palestinians themselves if you just try to murder as many civilians as possible in Gaza that is not an answer for actually getting Hamas and by the way the bombs have shown that they do not affect the tunnels so all they're doing is killing civilians let me bring in m YF you're the son of the one of the Hamas co-founders of course and renounced that back in the the '90s you believe uh that uh Israel should finish the job they should eradicate Hamas well absolutely because all the calling for a ceas fire is calling for surrender they want Israel to surrender to the terrorist Savages and sit down at the table and negotiate with them and this is absolutely rejected is there any deal to ever be done with Hamas you know Hamas very well obviously through your father is there any deal to be done with a group like this now there is no deal with the devil there is no deal with Hamas as long as they pose a threat uh against children against civilians and destabilize Security in the entire region if you if they get away with their crime and their crime is not just any crime it's a genocide if they get away with their crime what will they do tomorrow they have to be punished and they have to be held accountable all the calling for sees fire those are the people who want to give a Lifeline to Hamas and this is not acceptable masab you tweeted on Friday uh something that many people found in cury you said never trust anyone who identifies as a Muslim they may be may appear as a harmless sheep when they are alone but when they're in a pack they will begin to show their tusks I have zero respect for any individual who identifies as a Muslim and I may consider the use of force when it comes to islamist what did you mean by that many people say well why would you say that about you know over a billion people well I don't care how many there are any person who put the religious identity above the highest interest of human ity I have no respect for this people the majority of the mus Muslim people identified with Hamas supported Hamas show me how many Muslims out there who condemned Hamas genocide why because is it because Jewish blood this is what I meant that the Muslims as long as they give Hamas cover I have no respect for them as long as identify as Muslims I have no respect for them but I've interviewed a number of Muslims on this show who do not support Hamas and have renounced him Jen himself came on the show before and immediately denounced what her masteral with I am dealing with a majority of Muslim countries governments an entire nation don't tell me about an individual here or or there we're talking about a majority of Muslim talk I'm only saying that because who fail to take their moral resp responsibility to take their moral responsibility because it's Jewish people I understand but you did say literally every Muslim you said don't TR trust anyone who identifies as a Muslim that's all of them and what I'm saying to you is I've interviewed many Muslims on the show who are not extremists who do not support what Hamas did who believe what they did was a terrorist they still need but they still have the need for a religious identity which is a false identity individuality is something else freedom is something else a person who know who they are they are above all national and religious identities there is no need to pose as a Muslim in a critical time in the human history this is the time to take moreal responsibility what's the point of of identifying as a Muslim while people threatening to erase uh an entire Jewish community this is not acceptable this is why I want the Muslim to stand and be clear up to this point I haven't seen I haven't seen the Muslims taking a moral stand a a firm stand against Hamas you know why because they are Muslims because they are Muslims against the Jewish people and this is where I want the to push the Muslims to the point where they need to stand firmly and say it does matter if they are Jewish or Christians a genocide is a genocide and is rejected Hamas is rejected I want to see this clearly then after that I will have respect for the majority of the Muslim people as long as they fail their moral responsibility I have no respect for them okay um you made your point very firmly that me bringing abam AB look a lot of emotions run very high with this understandably a lot of people have been killed on both sides sides it's a horrific situation you were in Israel on October the 7th you've been back since you've spoken to IDF soldiers you've been to the kutes that were attacked you I think one of your daughter's friends was killed I mean you have it's personal for you you know your your father survived the Holocaust um what do you feel about all this I feel sad to be honest I feel sad but I want to tell you something I came to Israel few days before the atmosphere was very pic my my son is musician he's writing songs by the way he write a song about the world that he call it stoer I say why stoer I said because for me everything sto in the seventh of October and then I woke up and Saturday morning my friend called me say you don't believe it 23 people was murdered by the by the Hamas I said oh and he started to watch a television the there after uh my wife decided that we will took our daughter Romy because she was working in the in the television and you know I don't know if you know I think also you got all the videos horrible videos she didn't want to see it on the way back my daughter start to cry I say why I say we found the LIE our friend he was murdered in the in this party the way party for peace party for peace not only by the Jewish people so this how I exposed to this situation but I will tell you it's a traged it's a it's a tragedy all of this area is tragedy I'm not a politician I'm a football guy but I live in this area I have a lot of Muslim friends I have a lot and I want one thing to say two things first what would you do what England would do if this massacre happened in England what they would do what you would do they would be silence and not just this what do you would do if the people that did it said publicly we will do it again and we will do it again and they show the videos by the way all the videos was published by them was videos by them even the Nazis was hiding what they do what do you do of course you need to prevent the second time but are you comfortable Aram with the scale of the response by Israel do you feel comfortable now a lot of people are feeling increasingly uncomfortable and when you see three hostages being killed you see women being killed outside churches the pope calling it terrorism the president of the United States saying it's it's indiscriminate bombing and so on do you feel comfortable about this do you think that Israel should just carry on or do you think they should have a pause I'm not a general of all things I think one thing everybody know this Hamas don't need to be in this area if the Hamas is not here if the hostage will release by the way which hostage is 10 months years old four years old 85 years old your people that was in the party it's not the soldiers they didn't fight it's un I never I don't remember in the history hostages like this they need to release them immediately they need to put the weapon down one thing for sure I can say to you Pi if they would put their weapon down if they release the hostages and they put all their efforts instead to build tunnels instead to make missiles to the to the I should say to the quality of the people Gaza can be paradise I can assure you to this for sure do do you think Israel should continue fighting until they get rid of Hamas completely or that could mean many many months if not years at the rate they're going no I don't know people say six weeks I don't know I think this is need to be the target of the Free World and Israel to get rid of the Kamas because the Kamas I'm one of the that believe them not believe that the number they said we want to kill again we want yeah they did there's no question of that so you need to get rid of the Hamas you need to get rid how to do it how to do it I'm a football coach I'm not about the day after the war what do you think the future looks like here how do we get to peace I will tell you exactly not exactly I will tell you my opinion first I have a lot of Muslim friends I have a mus by the way I have a friends in Gaza my wife even did a program about family from Gaza I have a friends all the Muslim the world they condemn what's happened they don't like it I don't agree with this guy I agree with him that the Kamas is the devil but not all the Muslims are like this they didn't like what they do I think I think the people in Gaza deserve other government they deserve other leaders they need the leaders that who should that be they need to Le I don't know they need a leader that they from them leader that they take care of the quality of life they need a leaders that will lead them to the to this they need a leaders that their target is not to hate their target is to build something their target is to do something not to hate others this deserve one thing for sure you you know the song of M the speech I Have a Dream I also have a dream I have a dream that it will happen I would tell you something the leader that admire more than more than anybody I think is the number one leader on the 20th centur is Anar sadad anas Sadat was a guy that was the worst enemy of Israel in 25 years four Wars one of them he started it yes they killed each other many people died many people got injured and this guy came decided to come to Israel to the Parliament and say I know I want a peace and I will tell you something in these days to say I'm going to Israel it's more than belad will come to America you know and he came and what's happened this since then 50 years nobody died it's a cold peace I want the peace will be better nobody died I'm expect that this leaders these leaders now in the agent and I agree with the son of the father will take responsibility and they said let's make Gaza Paradise you know that I I try to do a project of football pites on the borders and I will do it by the way PES Israel is playing Palestinians yeah p and the people will come to p i I try to do this project I still believe in this but I expect this leader maybe it's Muhammad bin Salman maybe others I expect the leaders sit together and say instead to give them money for tunnels why they need the ters why didn't make money to the quality of the people like an Sadat came to Israel very brave men I expect them to do this and I will tell you I will tell you one thing I've got to I've got to go actually I think you're right I will put all the leaders together that want peace even from Iran even everybody that want peace and want to make a Gaza parad they can make it and you know how it started when Anar Sadat called to water concrete and say to him I'm ready to come to Israel so maybe they will call you pe and they say let's make peace let's make Gaza and let's stop the intention to killing other people because I agree with Mark the Israel never have intention to kill other people AB go leave it there fascinating to talk to you and great to see you thank you very much indeed and to my two other guests I really appreciate it uh U Jake I can see you wanted to jump in we will come back to this you're a powerful voice and I will come back to you about this I've just run out of time tonight but thank you all very 9,000 dead children in Gaza 9,000 dead horr children it's acts of terrorism I will get you back on again soon and we'll talk about it again I promise you that thank you all very much for joining me
Channel: Piers Morgan Uncensored
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Keywords: piers morgan, piers morgan uncensored, interview, debate, piers morgan debate, piers morgan interview, israel, palestine, israel news, israel war, palestine news, palestine war, palestine and israel, gaza, gaza news, gaza war, piers morgan palestine, piers morgan israel, piers morgan palestine interview, piers morgan israel hamas, hamas israel war, piers morgan palestine israel, cenk uygur, cenk uygur palestine, news, tv, piers morgan cenk uygur, mosab hassan yousef, avram grant
Id: u5_6mMV7Hc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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