Israel-Hamas war: Aid delivery from temporary pier begins in Gaza | LiveNOW from FOX

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though. I do want to get the latest on the Israel Hamas war and for that let's bring in Dr. Asafra as always Assaf, soft. It's good to see you. Let's get straight into the news here. So these really military said Friday that its troops in Gaza found the bodies of 3 Israeli hostages that were killed by Hamas during its October 7th attack. all 3 were killed by Hamas while fleeing the Nova Music Festival, which was an outdoor. dance party near the Gaza border where Hamas militants killed hundreds of people Israeli military spoke with in rear Admiral Daniel hagari said at a news conference. Assaf this is such. sad news obviously What more do we know about the remaining hostages that are unaccounted for do we? know anything at all Is it possible that a number of them are already dead as it says in this tweet on the screen here. Well, we don't we don't know we don't know yet. and what this proves is. and you might remember that. um sheni Luke, uh 1 of the bodies that was found now dead. uh became the symbol of the Nova Film festival for her body was the 1 in the uh, GoPro videos that commas was putting out when she was abducted from the Phil from the from the Nova Festival. uh at the beginning of the war itself. Um, what this proves in general, because of course that Israeli intelligence works and works well. uh the data that's come out now is that the whereabouts of these bodies came out as a result of interrogations of Hamas members and Israeli Intel and so the Israelis are cracking down on Hamas. Uh, and in a it's a very tragic day that was of course. uh, where families are being validated or revealed that you know, now we have uh confirmation about the whereabouts and the uh circumstances of their loved ones. Um, on a positive side again as much as you can turn this around, um from the positive is of course that as Hamas is making threats. about playing the game with the hostages. the more the more individuals are discovered whether dead or alive. commas is REM is Israel is removing the capability of Hamas the threat Israel. uh when it comes to the host and that's obviously something that they are. to their benefit tactically militarily, but the concern of course is what about the rest of the 129? uh hostages that we don't know about their whereabouts or their conditions. I saw thank you. We will continue. Uh, we always hate. listening to these types of reports, Obviously We do want to move on. to the other big story of the day as well. Aid deliveries began arriving at a us-built pier off the Gaza Strip on Friday. as Israel remains Under Pressure to allow more supplies into the enclave. temporary floating pure was preassembled at the Israeli Port of ashdod and moved into place on Thursday on the shore of Gaza Gaza does lack a port infrastructure of any kind of its own. a soft we've seen Aid deliveries via ground. air and now by sea how significant is this new port for the Palestinians? It's significant in the sense that we that aid needs to come in. Um making sure again the ongoing. challenge has been disentangling. the citizen. population the civilian population as much as possible. from Hamas itself. However, uh, the what has been discovered and the is of course that all the aid that has been going into Gaza has been indeed A lot of it has been hijacked by Hamas. It's also the lifeline when Hamas takes the HCL Z8 We are also funding Hamas by in a backwards way because they are be able to control that. So the control of ensuring the fact that the aid actually gets the people who need the aid that is indeed The Challenge and of course all these mechanisms that have been created now. these will be these ports that are coming in. ensuring the fact that Aid is going in and it's important to note that of course more Aid is coming into Gaza today. than even pre October 7th. And so 8 is coming in just about the making sure that the aid actually stays the Integrity of the aid maintains itself and gets to the right people. and securing the aid and that's of course the ongoing challenge. uh that the IDF has as they're continuing the military operation because nobody else is ensuring that and of course the concern is um, Hamas and its Affiliates are they stealing the aid of the abusing the aid, uh, and of course we did see over the past few days. were 8 Convoy. been fired upon uh by commas itself. with the clear intention of trying to maintain the imagery of the so-called starvation inside of Gaza, which indeed of course is a fallacy. I want to ask a little bit about some news that came out earlier in the week you and I haven't spoken since this story came out. So I wanted to ask you about it. this week Israeli defense minister yoav Galant criticized the Israeli government warning. in a speech that prime minister Benjamin. Netanyahu's inaction on a post-war plan for Gaza is pushing Israel toward having to impose. military and civilian rule over the Enclave Assaf. We're used to outside actors discussing concerns of this nature, but Did we feel this? kind of? scent sentiment percolating within Israel's own top ranks or did something of this nature? sort of come out of nowhere? It's not coming out of nowhere. We've heard a lot about. uh people trying to I mean you have to understand the politics that is playing into the conversation here. the war cabinet is a makeup that came together as a result of the war. However, they represent different political parties. Benjamin Netanyahu is the longest sitting prime minister Israel was had and the other political parties were vying for power. are looking to poke at his leadership. So it's not a surprise that as a war progresses. there's a ready and this is not the first time Benny Gantz also. made demands a few weeks ago about calling for elections. in septembar. Uh, all of that is part of the cycle of the politics in Israel and how the war is being conducted. and how things are being. played out. are all amplifying the different political. parties inside of Israel. As it relates to Netanyahu and netanyahu's party And so these are all part of the conversation. and the internal criticism. It's also worth. noting of course that uh to your viewers to remind it up until the War Began We did see a great deal of protests in Israel about judicial reform and debate. So this is not a new Concept however the war did indeed bring Israelis together. for obvious reasons. given the time of the crisis that they're in as a result of the war. So the main points of the contention between Galant and Netanyahu seems to be whether the Palestinian Authority is Israel's partner. or whether it's an enemy in setting a new course for Gaza. Um, Assaf has the PA itself. given any sort of clarity as to how it would want to associate with the Israelis. and a post-war scenario. Look the Palestinian Authority is a weak and a very corrupt architecture to begin with. the leader of the of the PA is serving in his 20th year of a 4-year term. Uh, there is definitely a lot of Reform that needs to happen. and there's a lot of mistrust even by people like Galan. and Gantt about who is our partner for anything when it comes to the Palestinian Authority and there's a great deal of questioning about what is the next leadership going to look like I don't think that the the PA and its current configuration. is even capable. of governing the Gaza Strip nor I think are they able to even take they they're barely governing what they currently have. Hamas is rise to power all together was based on their superiority their popularity. Uh, in in in face of the in Authority, so there has to be something that comes about later on. Uh, and I'm not sure the, PA is really that outlet. a reformed, PA. could potentially be uh such an outlet for governance. We don't know who the elder group is going to be like and there's no doubt. There's going to be a great deal of Demands and infrastructure for funds support to make that happen And what kind of other Arab countries are going to be partners with this reform itself. the concern that gal raised in your earlier tweet there is of course. a a serious concern. because in absence of a actual functioning Palestinian Authority once you remove Hamas, then there is a question about Israel going to be able to leave the Gaza Strip and what is going to ensure which is the military concern the Safety and Security. of the Israeli citizens living in the southern part of Israel and Beyond if they are under constant threat 1 more thing before we go. We we've been talking about the humanitarian situation. We've been talking about some of the Israeli internal politics. all week. something I haven't been seeing making as many headlines as I'm used to is. ceasefire talks. negotiations things of this nature Have we been seeing any movement on that front as of late? a little bit but not much I think the military operations continue and the veils can. kind of been uh, revealed here as far as uh the whereabouts and the about the hostages that we spoke about now the fact that we're finding dead bodies. Uh, we're also is the Israelis revealed. in in Rapha. tunnels close to 70 tunnels where uh Egypt has turned the Blind Eye to the training the smuggling Uh, basically ensuring the economic value. of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, so, there's damning evidence. as to the fact that Gaza and Hamas is trying to continue to arm itself. all of that again, there is ongoing convers. that being said, they've been stymied. uh by the revelations of what we're seeing here in the fact that they're not honest Brokers and so with that being said, the Israelis are committed to continuing the campaign again, This is not a full campaign. It's important to note. These are surgical attacks. on strategic targets and they are indeed. proving to be fruitful given the amount of evidence and ammunition that they're finding their and the amount of arms and not to mention the fact that we're finding here. Of course. evidence of bodies and more intelligence about hostages and their whereabouts. All right, Dr. Sophomores is always we appreciate
Channel: LiveNOW from FOX
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Keywords: gaza war, israel war, israel hamas war updates, israeli war coverage, israel vs hamas today, yemen, israel defense minister, palestine, israel palestine, gaza, hamas israel, israel times, israel news, israeli hostages, israel, palestine israel, israel and palestine, israel iran, iran war, hamas, israeli news, israel today latest news live, Israel news today, gaza aid, gaza humanitarian aid, temporary pier gaza, UN, aid delivery gaza, gaza aid delivery, israel hamas war
Id: i_o6xYOL54A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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