Thieves steal elderly man's antique Corvette from Oakland home

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information is asked to contact Piedmont Police. >> An Oakland man who is about to turn 80 years old is dealing with the theft of his beloved 1959 Corvette. Thieves stole it from a garage, and as you might imagine, he is heartbroken. Our crime reporter, Henry Lee is here now. After speaking with the victim. I can't even imagine. Henry. Yeah. >> This little red Corvette has been a big part of his life. He loves cars and hot rods and says this convertible means everything to him. >> There's no consequences in this city. People can steal and rob Dave, like Taylor has been robbed of his pride and joy. >> His bright red 1959 Corvette that he's had for 18 years. >> Oh, God, it's like a stab in the heart. >> He turns 80 on Saturday, but he doesn't feel much like celebrating. Surveillance video shows two guys breaking into a garage near East 22nd Street and Fifth Avenue in Oakland on April 15th. One of them scoots into the garage and the door shuts. Less than three minutes later, one of the burglars opens the door and runs off as the other guy pulls out of the garage in the Corvette. He eases out onto the street. Here, the Corvette rolls back a bit and hits the curb because it's on an incline. >> So they knew how to drive the car because it was a stick and they just went right out. >> Like Taylor hasn't seen his $200,000 car ever since. >> It hurts. It's because it's my life. My whole life has been the hot rod cars my since I was 14 years old. >> He's the ultimate car and racing enthusiast. His apartment's full of memories and photos from his racing days. This is like Taylor in the red jacket when he bought the Corvette back in 2006, he gave the convertible all his love. He rebuilt the engine, repainted the car re-upholstered it, restored the car factory perfect, only to be ripped off. He thinks he could have been followed from a car show in Pleasanton with scofflaws learning where he keeps his car and simply returning in broad daylight to make off with it. At this undisclosed location. Like Taylor keeps this 1932 Ford roadster he calls Hi-boy next to a Harley named Fat Boy, building little model cars back in the days we'd build little models. >> Here's pictures of me racing. Here's a picture of me right there. This is you here. Yeah. >> He may be older now. And his corvettes insured, but he has only one message for the thieves. >> I want my car back now. >> After all this time he spent restoring this car to its full glory. He hopes anyone who happens to see the car on the street, or maybe stashed somewhere to give police a call. Live in studio Henry Lee KTVU, Fox two news. >> Yeah. Henry. My dad had a 64 old Cutlass convertible, and it was like his fourth kid. I can only imagine how this man feels. And I would think they would have to stash that car, because if you're out driving around the Bay area, they're going to say, I know that car. >> Yeah, it's bright red, it's hot. And, you know, it's wanted car. So most likely, unfortunately, hopefully it's not in a container somewhere bound for some far off location. And they probably hidden it. But anyone who
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 174,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oakland crime, true crime, true crime stories, brazen robberies, auto burglaries, grand theft auto, gta, robberies, bay area crime, true crime news, corvette, chevrolet corvette, chevy corvette, chevy cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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