Israel and the Church - My People Israel - Chuck Missler

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[Music] now where we've been asked to talk about two topics and neither one will lend itself to just even an hour pricey and we have an hour to spend on Israel and we're also - tomorrow we'll have a session on the church and I used to count Brian Hughes as a friend but this assignment was a bit sneaky there's no way there's no way you can talk about the church in Israel in just two one-hour segments and do any justice to it without a whole host of presuppositions and so you need to understand some time ago we had published a pair of studies on Israel in the church and we labeled that study The Prodigal airs because both of them although they have different origins and they have different destinies so they're very different but they oh they both fail one of the things we're going to look at are the failures of each and and learn from that because they're not total failures obviously but the point is we're going to get into that a little bit so let's take a look at this my people Israel I love that title because it's astonishing to me as you mature in dealing in Christian circles is to discover how few churches recognize that there are his people and I want to deal with that a little bit we're gonna focus tonight obviously on Israel but you're going to quickly discover it's not an isolated Opik because they're very distinct from and yet entangled with each other here in this introduction I want to simply make a few assertions and we'll move on they have different origins Israel they had seventy of a family go down to Egypt they went down as a family and they came out as a nation was born in Exodus 3 and 4 and will discover the same things true the church the church has a different origin it was born in Acts chapter 2 they have similar but different missions they have totally different destinies although they commingle at the end so I want to deal with we're gonna explore a little bit about the history of Israel and we're gonna talk about the history of the history before Christ BC as we would call it and we're gonna just we're gonna look at that not from our judgments we're gonna look at it from the scripture what does the scripture conclude about their behavior and are there things we can learn from their misbehaviors we'll also take a look at their history after the Messiah came and I call that area the betrayals of the chosen the history of Israel since Christ's resurrection and so forth is a interesting thing what we don't want to lose sight of is the coming kingdom and so we'll touch upon that and then the other thing I want to do I had that made I made a list of popular myths that I have intended to attack and I realized very quickly I could on I'd be at best dealing with one or two of those and so we'll be dealing with replacement theology and we'll be dealing with another myth that's perhaps almost as injurious as that first one and that is the idea that the main problem the Middle East is Israel that without Israel you would have peace in the Middle East and that's utter nonsense and I want to hit that head-on with some surprises for you tonight I believe so I want to talk a little bit about the fourteen hundred year war that's about to explode before us but I want to let's step back a minute if you go to seminary or if you go into any pastors study you'll find a set of books called systematic theology the books themselves will differ quite a bit depending on what denominational background lies behind them but you'll discover something interesting is the table of contents of any of them are almost the same they'll deal with Biblio lagea the study of the Bible no surprise they'll have a section called theology proper the attributes of God in a seminary no surprise they'll have a section on Christology the Lord Jesus Christ no surprise there I'm a section on pneumatology we do my from the spirit and so forth it's about the Holy Spirit you'll have a section on in geology and they'll have a section about angels fall in another wise and they'll have this section on anthropology which is their term for the study of man that's a segment of study in the seminary a soteriology which is a fancy word for salvation and ecclesiology is a study of the church itself and there's a usually a climactic session at the end called eschatology which is a study of the last things or the end times what's interesting almost any library or book or on this theology will have roughly these same divisions what's the interesting about this observation is that it misses a topic that involves 5/6 of the Bible and that is Israel adji and I'm not being facetious here or trying to be cute studying Israel as an instrument of God's plan of redemption is not only a valid topic it's it is that God's center of his plan for mankind and you won't find it taught in seminary not that way not normally and so I want to get that in front of us Israel the church I like to call them the prodigal errors because we're not here to sugarcoat them we're not here to to sweep something under the carpet we want to look at candle II and the way we get look look at it candle is to look at it the way the scripture looks at their history here they have both different origins missions and destinies right in the middle of all this we'll discover there is a four verse pass when that when four disciples came to Jesus at night he pointed them to those four verses as the key to all prophecy and we know it is Daniel at the 70 week prophecy of Daniel Gabriel gave Daniel a four verse prophecy that is the most fantastic passage in the entire Bible I've studied it by the Bible for about 65 years and I still to this day cannot get over the fantastic aspects of what we know as the last four verses of Daniel 9 we're talking about a little bit I want to highlight something else too we don't want to lose sight of Paul's trichotomy draw he divides people today he would divide them in three categories there are of course Jews and Gentiles no surprise that was true in the Old Testament and it's going to be true again after the harpazo but right now there are three categories that Paul hammers that the Jews Gentiles and the church they are distinct separate group with benefits and privileges that are absolutely unique in the history of eternity we want to understand that and that's to really tomorrow subject now one of the things I want you to be conscious of because you might be taking notes tonight a summary of Israel's past present and future is laid out for you in Paul's definitive work on the gospel which we know is the book of Romans and Romans chapter 9 10 and 11 profile by Paul himself Israel's past its present and its future and I could have easily filled the hour just covering any one of those three from Paul's writings but you can get that from any confidence commentary and I'll just let you run with that one and I am going to take a look at a assessment by the Lord Himself of the purpose of all history the tragedy of all history that's quite a statement and yet the triumph of all history that will emerge we're gonna look at that but first of all let's take a quick look at the history of Israel from the scriptures and there's very there's a very convenient summary for us by a deacon a guy by the name of Stephen an Acts chapter seven is one of my favorite chapters I was quite delighted my friend Hal Lindsey shared the same thing I can remember when I was teaching that in Calvary Chapel in the early years that Hal would come to our Monday night study with his notebook I would bloom it disturbed the class to have hell and because there's no friend and he was doing partly to kid me a little bit but I discovered he didn't want to miss acts 7 because acts 7 Steven goes through the history of Israel from a very interesting point of view and what it summarizes what Steven summarizes is how throughout their history they have been unresponsive to God's requests and yet in spite of that he has persistent purpose to their benefit what you want to do and I'm not going to try to do it too much here just give you some highlights what you need to do is go to acts 7 with a pad of paper and build an outline of you know as if you were Steven writing from notes how would you outline is talk and you'll make a discovery that most people don't notice and that is his whole pattern whether he's talking about Abraham Moses Joseph whatever they all blow it the first time and they make it the second time and he leads up to the fact that they blew it by not recognizing their Messiah they don't let him finish they stole him but if you understand his outline you know what he was about to point out they will get it the second time that's really what he's saying they always reject it whatever it is the first time and he get it the second time and so now Steven by this young deacon is before the Sanhedrin itself the the most Augusta body in dealing with and so he of course starts with Abraham which would arguably be the first Jew what's also interesting about acts 7 as you go through it you'll discover that in acts 7 there are discoveries you won't notice on your own through the rest of the Bible the from the Bible but they're hidden did you realize that eight we always talk about Abram the call of Abraham Genesis 12 do you realize he didn't obey he waited 25 years before he followed the instructions he's supposed to leave his family he moved upriver until his dad died took 25 years then he did then he was of course our sins are blotted out that's hidden but you can find it if you're steady share friends and Stephen points that out and so Abraham's an example but Joseph is another example he was hated by his brothers they don't recognize him until the second visit Stephens picking the second time thing all the way through his thing that he was finally recognized and so so if history is any guide and Stevens hypothesis is correct they will riously see him in the second time I'll also footnote this for you Arthur pink in his commentary highlights that there are many ways that Joseph is regarded as a type of Christ you have any idea how many examples Arthur paint highlights over a hundred details of the record of Joseph points to Jesus Christ but we'll move on here and of course the stone which the builders rejected has become the head stone of the corner and Jesus is going to talk about that here in a minute - and of course Moses was rejected the first time we missed that in their act but Stephen picks up on that and they rejected him the first time he spends 40 years in Midian and then they accept him the second time which we know we all know about that but he goes on that way but I'll just pick one verse out of Acts 7 I want to just put the first out here this is Steven talking he says to the Sanhedrin which of the prophets have not your father's persecuted and they have slamed them which showed before the coming of the just one and of whom he have been now the betrayers and the murderers I want you to notice the tact and caution this young deacon has before the August body of the Sanhedrin my kind of guy what he's really saying to them and he doesn't in a way by the way that he venerates Moses even higher than they do and this is a kid in front of the Sanhedrin and highlight their national trait is deadly hostility to the messengers of God so while we're not here to sugarcoat any of this now as presentation of course was interrupted by his martyrdom that's why it's interesting to outline it and predict what we see where he was headed with his presentation and so they would accept their Messiah the second time as the implied climax of our friend Steven well let's take a look if you think you think I'm being a little harsh perhaps on this let's take a look at what the Messiah himself assesses the situation in his own summary and he draws his idiom from Isaiah 5 it talks about the vineyard owner who let it out and and it was a husband men were not diligent and this his use of that idiom is recorded in mark 12 and Luke 20 so you find it in there twice and the the narrative there describes how the husband and the lessee if you will the gang there every time he sent servants there they'd only beat him up they murdered him so he finally figures he'll send his own son right and they kill him too in the idiom that Jesus talks about and then he poses the question what do you think the landowner is gonna do when he goes personally and so that's where we find twice this verse quoted the stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner that's and by the way I encourage you did you know I'm convinced that every number every place name every detail in the biblical text is there by deliberate design glibly said but you need to discover it for yourself because you don't got because I say so you find you dig it out when you discover that that every number every detail in the text is there deliberately even though it's written by 40 different guys over several felt one was 2,000 years in 66 different books it's designed the integrity that design is breathtaking and once you discover it for yourself it changes your attitude about the Word of God but you need to scar it for yourself take the word stone Iraq and discover that from Genesis 1 through revelation 22 it's used consistently to speak of Christ in the strangest race but consistently interesting well the summary there occurs in Matthew 23 he's going to talk about the purpose of all history the tragedy of all history and the triumph of all history that's a pretty breathtaking assignment can you describe the purpose of all history in a sentence can you describe the tragedy of all history in a sentence or the triumph well Jesus did in Matthew 23 verse 37 he describes the purpose of all history he's writing that donkey into Jerusalem we call it the day the triumphal entry he has an upbeat for a lot of good reasons and yet what does Jesus do he's weeping he's writing that donkey is weeping he's saying o Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings is that a great isn't it a graphic word picture you can hear even in the translation realized they obviously his translation even in the translation you can feel his anxiety his grief is concerned Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem how often would I have gathered the children together but the tragedy of all history is the next phrase and she would not from the commitment of God to Adam in in Genesis 3 was a promise of a messiah amplified and illuminated for thousands of years and Gabriel tells Daniel the exact day that the King would present himself as king to Jerusalem in on that very day he does and they miss it they don't understand it sometime to a study of Luke 19 and recognize that not only did they not recognize it that Daniel had predicted that day Jesus held them accountable to know that check it out behold your house is left unto you desolate Wow Luke 19 account Jesus says but now these things are hidden from your sight forever no fortunately Paul in Romans 11 verse 25 says Israel's blinded until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in the term for the church where the church is complete screens are good like that blindness is going to be lifted and one of the most exciting things for you prophecy buff today aren't route wars and rumors of wars and all those other things that everybody likes to list but they're wrong cuz those are non signs the end is not yet known oh one of the most interesting sign is that they're there what if we when we first were here in this church say 1314 years ago if you were Jewish and a Christian believer a Jewish and we're planning to go to Israel your friends would warn you keep it a secret if you're a Gentile you go to Israel no problem if your June you can go to Israel no problem but if you're a Jew that's mmm is it what we call a Messianic Jew believing in Christ you're heading for trouble and they counsel you don't get on any lists because it was you were heading into troubled waters I was shocked to discover not many months ago that there is today over 350 Messianic fellowships in Israel Wow I'm gonna cautiously suggest is it possible that blindness is beginning to get lifted that's the most exciting prediction or aspiration of the harpazo coming I'm gonna show you a better one even tonight before we go through let's move on here but you would not behold your house is left unto you that's the tragedy of Allah see the thing isn't Jesus not finished because he then gives us the triumph of all history says for I say unto you ye shall not see me henceforth until he shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord you see what I suggest you do sometimes get a notebook and track down all the untilled in the scripture because each one is a not all of them but most of them are a marker of some kind this until that see there it's a boundary condition okay you shall not see me until something happens what then you shield you shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord it's an allusion to the second coming Wow we talk more about that as we go here many people talk about the tribulation we will to in a little bit but there is a verse at the end of Hosea 5 that will really that will clarify in my mind a lot of confusion it sure did in my mind I always used to wonder well let me back up Jesus God says in Hosea 5:15 I will go and return to my place that must mean he left it you can't return to your place unless you've left your place right I will rego and return to my place until there's another one of those until they acknowledge their offense and seek my face in their affliction they will seek me earnestly until they acknowledge their offence that singular and specific is the rejection of their Messiah and seek my face in their affliction they will seek me earnestly so that obviously is going to take place and what what Daniel 12 calls the Great Tribulation and Jesus even quotes that and we'll see that here in a minute but I used to always wonder why is Satan so busy I can understand him doing that up until the cross but as I understand the cross that was it it was nailed if he said I'm not trying to make create a pun that I that should have ended you know you would think that determined the outcome wouldn't you why then is he so busy especially harassing Israel and specifically the believers in Israel why and this first clarified it to me because there is there is no precondition prerequisite conditions for The Hobbit so but there is a prerequisite condition for the second coming of Christ and that is for Israel to petition him and that's what Hosea 6 is all about here he says I will go and return my place until they acknowledge their offense and seek my face in their affliction they will seek me earnestly that's the prerequisite yes to be invited and it's my suspicion I didn't want to teach this I just it's my suspicion that that's Satan's strategy if he can wipe out the believing remnant that he can thwart the plan of God that's why he's so intense in that direction well let's shift after the glory came and look at Ahnold Domini as we sometimes call it and see their history since then and we could say we have in fact summarized that in a several hour study called betrayals of the chosen and I quickly realized if I even tried to summarize that with some checkpoints it'll use up most of our time even in summary from the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD of course that changed Judaism because the Torah says without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins now they have no place to shed the blood because the temple is gone they got a gigantic problem especially if they don't recognize the Messiah had come they have a council of yamir about 90 ad where they redefined Jerusalem Judaism to a work strip what we would call a work strip they redefine it they had no choice they have to do something but the other thing we need to understand and I'll detail this more in the next in the next session tomorrow one of the things that will astound you is to discover how anti-semitic the early church was most of us have done enough study probably to realize yes it was it was it had some problems most of us unless you've studied it you have no idea how intensely anti-semitic the church became and so the and that led to a heresy that we call replacement theology the idea that the church has somehow replaced Israel now we're not here to get into doctrine or disputes but there one the reason that is such a touchy one is because by embracing that you inadvertently call God a liar there's almost 2,000 places in the Bible where God talks about Jesus ruling on the earth on David's throne and you got to dismiss those or allegorize them or whatever he got with problems we'll talk a little bit but you can you can map when origin who is a very church father that look that lean towards allegorize encryptor it doesn't didn't take it literally use it allegorically and Augustine picked up on that and agustín's writings he did a lot of good for the early church he wrote some fantasy resolves some important disputes but the tragedy is that he embraced he created an eschatology it's a millennial now you have to understand the pastor's in his day were on the salary of the state and it wasn't very popular to preach how say that that Jesus is going to return to rid the world of its evil rulers that wasn't very well received by the world's evil rulers okay so a Gustin developed an eschatology well he's going to rule but in our hearts and out of that came what we know today is amillennialism and you say well okay different people have different views and eschatology fine except that leads to a number of things you can trace a path from Augustine to Auschwitz it's a form of anti-semitism it's a denial of Israel's role in God's program and the problem is he's laid that program out not only in the Old Testament in the new we talked some about that tomorrow too when you get to nation 1940 there's another barrier in trying to partition their history I thought well gee I'll just take the history from nation Iran the reason why we consider recent history even that you can't summarize except with a couple of sentences a continual chain of betrayals deceits libel and slander it's astonishing to examine the diplomatic history since Israel became a nation to today and discover the lies and the deceits that that populate everything happen to Israel we could we could spend an hour just on the UN and how anti-semitic it is and so forth but I want to shift here at this point let's return to a core pivot in the text Daniels seventy weeks and I'm dealing with four versus the last four verses of Daniel 9 the first verse of the four is verse 24 which is the scope of the whole package then there's sixty-nine weeks laid out weeks of years and I won't get into the detail here because I assume this should be old news for most of you if if this is new to you I encourage you to get the materials and and study this because Jesus pointed to this as the key to endtime prophecy there's an interval you won't understand unless you realize that verse 26 is a verse between verse 25 and verse 27 verse 27 is the last the 70th of the 70 weeks so when you get to verse 25 you got 69 of them when you get to 27 you'll have the last one but you've got verse 26 between those two which talks about some things after the 69th week but before the 73 which tips you off see they're not contiguous there's an interval if you don't if sensitive that it'll be a jumble if you understand these four verses everything else in the Bible will fall into place if you're confused about this you'll be confused trying to marry a number of other texts so the SKA let's talk about the scope I'm not getting the detail but just be aware of it here seventy sevens are determined upon thy people and thy holy city notice it's not about the church it's about Israel seventy sevens are termed upon the thigh people this is Daniels this is Israel and upon my holy city to do a number of things to finish the transgressions to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up the vision in the prophecy and to anoint the most holy place have those all happened yet no of course not this is not finished yet those are very comprehensive there in terms of Israel not the church let's understand that so let's go from the scope to the most fantastic prophecy in the entire Bible that's quite a statement I think I know most of the prophecies in the Bible to some extent I know none that is breathtaking as this one Gabriel tells Daniel know therefore and understand this isn't cryptic you're gonna I want you to understand this Gabriel says Daniel that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the King the Messiah maajid the word neguin is first used of salt bazaar the king shall be seven weeks and threescore in two weeks the street shall be built again and the wall even in troublous and he mentions the street in the wall so you don't confuse this with other decrees that have to do with the temple this is the one that occurs in the mih Apter - so it's a mathematical prophecy and I won't take you through all this because we got other things to do but you want to understand that what Gabler was telling Daniel that there would be a hundred and seventy three thousand eight hundred eighty days from that commandment which is the calendar unto the Messiah the king presenting himself as king and when you go through the background of all of this you discover that Gabriel's margin for error was the very day that he pins down is the day that Jesus not only allows himself to be worshipped he arranges it with a donkey with a password he rides it in and you all know the story what you miss unless you look at Luke 19 carefully not only did he point that out that this was your day he held him accountable for it why did Jerusalem fall in 70ad is a good question in the class obviously the big milestone on Jewish calendar is the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD that's why they break glass at weddings did you know that a Jewish wedding you take your glass and crush it you know that celebrate her to commemorate the fall of Jerusalem why did you rusul fall in 70 AD lots of good answers Jesus's answer in Luke 19 verse 44 because you did not recognize the day of your visitation he held them accountable to know Daniel 9 check it out don't take my word for it let's move from this to this strange interval before we get to the 70th week and this interval and after there's seven weeks and there's threescore and two weeks shall the Messiah be cut off but not for himself the word and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city in sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with a flood and unto the end of the war desolations are determined now he's executed the word qalaat means to be executed the Messiah is going to be executed says so in Daniel it's detailed enough to do a medical appraisal Psalm 22 it's astonishing to realize how throughout the Old Testament the Messiah was destined for death and here's one of those places he's gonna get cut off or executed but not for himself and then it says the people of the prince that shall come the prince that shall come is one of 33 titles of the Antichrist in the Old Testament there's 13 in the new and 33 in the old this is the people of the Antichrist and everybody thinks they're Romans but they that doesn't mean they're Italian the people that destroyed the temple was the tenth cohort and they had their the definitely they had the four cohorts and three of the four were Syria Syrians they were a Syrian and there's and that's that's in anyway and we know that the first world dictator was in a Syrian and we knew that the Pharaoh of Egypt was a of the Exodus was in a Syrian and apparently the Antichrist will be an Assyrian and as Walid Shoebat and some other scholars believe they believe he'll be among other things a Muslim so we'll see so we have this seven plus sixty two weeks since after the sixty-two weeks we have this peculiar interval in this interval the Messiah is executed after the 69th before the seventh in that interval is when he's executed when did the 69th end with the entry in Jerusalem four days later he is executed they had four days to examine the Lambs and he was we have Passover and that's also where the temple was destroyed all that occurs and so we know that's at least thirty eight years in there we discover it's almost 2,000 years in there but there is a day coming there is the 70th week hasn't started yet but it looks like it's not far away so you want to understand that and so we'll go from that because that's going to also include the church obviously and we'll just take a quick glimpse of the 70th week because there's volumes on this one but basically the 70th week is not defined by the rapture we have reasons other texts to cause us to believe the raptures all record by then but we do know it's defined by a covenant being enforced is that the covenant of the land could be if any of it doesn't it's what a scion treaty maybe he will maybe he won't we do know that it's defined by the this world leader enforcing a covenant now in the middle of this week there's an event that has a technical definition as much known about it I don't want to get into it here but it's it's the most documented spot in the entire Bible because and it's it's from that event to the end of the thing that is though is the Great Tribulation the tribulation is not seven years that's one thing you want to do in your Bible studies is be precise I don't believe there's synonyms there to words can be synonymous almost the same thing but be careful that word almost strive to be precise in your studies the Great Tribulation is a three and a half year period the two halves of that seven-year period are labeled every which way you can think of through the three and a half years 42 months 1260 days the Holy Spirit did everything but put it in nanoseconds for you okay it's it is the most documented period of time in the Old Testament it is the most documented period of time in the New Testament it should get our attention but I'll do want to highlight a detail that the Great Tribulation is three and a half years it's the climactic three and a half years of that period why is this also important because at the end of that period cut is Armageddon which is interrupted by the second coming of Christ and the establishment of his kingdom now for our purposes this morning this evening whatever is our purposes here are to focus on Israel that Kingdom is on the earth it's a fulfillment of the Davidic covenant okay so we're going to talk a little bit about Ezekiel 38 and 39 that's probably the most studied among prophecy buffs the most studied passage in the scripture in fact many Christians are astonished to discover there are other chapters in Ezekiel too did you know that yeah okay we're gonna explore briefly maybe not too briefly Psalm 83 because there's some reasons why that should be part of your awareness these days and we'll talk a little bit about the Davidic Kingdom okay now most of you if you haven't Steve most of you I'm sure have studied is equal 38 and that deals with a group of Nations LED and armed by Magog which is a son of Japheth that that has a history and you can get the identities and deals with the tribal descriptions Old Testament tribal descriptions but basically what they what big organ is gang do they align themselves to take spoil in Israel important to understand two things I'm not going to get into the whole thing I'm assuming you this is old news for you if not you can quickly dig in because party materials around the point is is I want you to notice two things when you study the text you'll notice that therefore spoil cattle and goods gold and silver is their objective they're trying to invade Israel forever spoil it's very famous for two reasons because God intervenes and doesn't let it happen that's kind of exciting and secondly apparently nuclear weapons are involved so I won't get into those here that's why it studies so much and everybody there hobby people like that the primary hobby and perhaps to a fault so so I won't get into dismantling that thing but I want you to know there are four prerequisites to that that are in place the nations reestablished as a sovereign state well we've noticed that happens it's May of 14 to 48 is the nation militarily secure that's the way it's described in the Ezekiel passage people would hate that today the nation that apparent peace the Middle East we've got how many four super carriers in the Persia we got military things being sent to the Middle East in spades we watch it every day it's the tension between Israel and Iran is coming to a boil Iran is the major player of MIT one of the major players of Magog here so a lot of people think G is the Ezekiel 3839 think about to happen what did you there but hardly know it's a secure I wouldn't say so is the nation apparently at peace not really the way you'd expect and is it a nation of restored material fortunes well they just got a trillion dollars worth of gas discoveries that's not trivial but I wouldn't regard them as a rich nation yet but when that gets recovered and who knows that might be good are there current preparatory steps he well there is an arab-israeli conflict that we're all familiar with we have Iran emerging as a nuclear power that's got the attention of the entire world and we've got these major oil discoveries in the region literally a trillion dollars worth kind of stuff these all might be prepare a Tory steps for the big show right that's why people are starting to get concerned about Israel and everybody there's a huge huge tension brewing between Israel and the United States who is going to take Iran's nuclear capability out there's a big debate as to whether Israel can do it on their own they think they can at great expense lose 30% of their f-16s and we've seen the operating plans could they pull it off yes that but but with brutal cost and when they if and when they did that what's what Hezbollah and Hamas gonna do Hezbollah in the north and Hamas and you know they're not gonna be sit idly as it's so there's there's all kinds of issues so some people are hoping the US will step in and do something about it and and but the tension between Barack Obama and Netanyahu is not chummy very very very strained and is one gonna try to precipitate the other well we'll see there's something else though I want to call your attention to that everybody overlooks the nations involved in Ezekiel 38 are very distant from Israel there are there are some nations missing from the discussion that are puzzling and that's their immediate neighbors where the Lebanese where the Syrians where's the Iraq where the Jordanians where are the Egyptians and where are the Saudi Arabians okay and where are the Palestinians whatever they are that's another debate okay it's interesting if you take a look at the immediate neighbors of Israel you'll discover two things they're not mentioned in Ezekiel 38 I wonder why are they aligned with Magog they're not listed they're not in the list or are they wiped out somehow in advance possibly don't know okay okay in fact there's another verse back before Ezekiel 38 there's Ezekiel 37 the dry bones vision there is a verse there that isn't translated precisely enough inverse is equal 37 verse 10 that speaks so I prophesied as he commanded me and breath came into them remember the the dry bones vision breath came into them and they lived and stood up on their feet and exceedingly great army the word exceeding their is an adverb so it's they grow it'll be there not immediately they will become a great army there are four steps in the dry bones vision of Ezekiel 37 they were scattered originally they all came together with flesh and skin representing the dead bodies coming together they all came to life and then we have this strange verse they became exceedingly great army it's a it's a transitive structure there so I want to lay something on you as a speculation a suspicion is there a surprise on our horizon is there an overlooked event that may precede the ill-fated invasion attempt in Ezekiel 38 and 39 let's look at Psalm 83 verse 1 this is an a soft song and it's a part of the series 50 and then 71 to 83 are the ASF Psalms and this is a rather timely one the psalmist here is speaking to God he says keep not thou silent so God hol not by peace and be not still Oh God for lo of iron enemies make a tumult and they that hate thee have lifted up the head the psalmist is saying hey God are you paying attention do you realize what's going on so to speak right okay well they have it hate thee have lifted up the head what does that mean whoever these enemies are they obviously are hate they hate God and they're lifting the head they're getting to move here they have taken crafty counsel against thy people who are thy people in the psalm who's thy people the Israelis I love the International Standard Version Bible the King James says the children of Israel all through the Old Testament do you know how that's translated the International Standard Version Bible is coming out you call it some Israelis well they are that'll stir up some controversies one they have taken crafty counsel against thy people and consulted against thy hidden ones and by the way that's your problem for the evening to think about who are they he's talkin to God that these enemies of yours have taken counsel against Israel yes thy people and consulted against thy hidden ones who are they the word in the Hebrew really means against his hidden treasured ones who are they not angels make a list of candidates what could it be that's a interesting question I'll leave that to you for now we'll come back to it later verse 4 the psalmist continues they have said come let us cut them off from being a nation that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance for they have consulted together with one consent they are Confederate against thee o God really what's uniting these people are a hatred of God and a commitment collective commitment to wipe them off the map does that sound like anyone you know that's the very commitment of Islam to wipe Israel off the face than you could express it any better cut them off let's cut them off from being a nation that the name of Israel will be no more in remembrance for they have consulted together with one consent they are Confederate against thee what does that summarize Islam it summarized it better than most journalists have any grasp of today this is the primary basis of their Confederation this is spoil then after Goods cattle and goods and gold and silver thereafter wiping them out the Tabernacles of Edom and the Ishmaelites of Moab and the hag arena's and Gabala Ammon and Amalek and the Philistines which with inhabitants of Tyre Ashur also has joined with them they have hoping the children of lot Sayla here's a list of the people and when you unravel this it turns out to be their immediate neighbors the Tabernacles of Edom now that's another assignment you're going to pick up tonight I challenge you to find out who the are because I haven't probably found one Bible student in 10 that can tell me who the are you can find out very quickly for you if you do a little bit homework they're very very important they are the most judged of all the groups in the Bible interestingly enough how about you there are the tree obviously idiomatically if not specifically they are the traditional enemies of Israel and the tents of Edom I'm going to her for now that they are the Palestinians in the refugee camps not all of them are but the are among them and the Edomite history give you a little history see their ascent into the land officially began in 580 BC BC when the Babylon was taking the Jews captive the who are supposed to be cousins I mean they're Esau and Jacob where they started fighting in the womb they literally did so in 586 when when Babylon was taking the Jews captive the were on the perimeter cheering them on crushed the skulls of the kids against the rocks was one of the things they yelled out and as they got vacated they moved in to the real estate the did and so they took over took over have run which is about 19 miles south of Jerusalem gave them a new frontier your victims of the little maps in your Bible you always show south east of the Dead Sea you see Edom listed there originally that was true but the Nabataeans drove them west and they went around to the southwest side of the Dead Sea and took over the area around her Braun to create their own country called IDEO Maya that's the Greek for Edomite now you need to also understand that Esau to upset his parish deliberately married an Ishmaelite wife and from that point on commingle the Ishmaelites and the to a degree and so so we have Edom shown on your maps typically there and the Nabataeans are driving them westward they create a country that shows up on the early Roman maps as idiom eya and to the and when John archanis takes over from Rome and gets under the Hasmoneans then they forced the to become Jews so the two the Roman mind an idiom a n' is like an it's a family squabble there are kind of Jew so when the Romans picked Herod as a leader they assumed he was sort of a Jew they didn't really understand the hatred between and Jews that's a family law it's a family squabble and they're in the Roman mind saying you need to understand that to really understand what goes on here but the tents of Edom let me show you some pictures of the tents of Edom today these are pictures of the tents of Edom and there's lots of them in fact one of them have has 96 thousand occupants who keeps them there not Israel not Israel there are a wonderful wonderful political pawn of the adversaries of Israel but let's go on to the next we have the Ishmaelites who are the Ishmaelites and embittered Esau spitefully marries a daughter of an Ishmael named Mahal which continuing the hola me bah the everlasting hatred and that's another study you should take on to understand the what they call the hola my BA the everlasting hatred between Esau and Jacob all the way through history ancient hatred but just so I always get like they give you something you can use for your home Bible study by the way how many of you go to bed by home Bible studies Wow that's all my goodness let me see hands how many do I have a during the week steady group good okay well that's better okay we got more than half that's great when you're at your next Bible stand what you ask you ask your techie guy what's a kilobyte anyone tell me what a kilobyte is thousand bytes good okay what is a megabyte thousand kilobytes right how what is a gigabyte gigabyte thousand megabytes you're with me so far here's the question what's a Moabite you're laughing what is a Moabite it's a lot oh okay yeah you got it okay all right you guys I like to give you something you can use in these studies you see so anyway so we have of course Moab next that's why I had to had to work that in just for the fees and that of course is in a descendant of lot so and the palette this would include the Palestinian refugees in Central Jordan and then we have the hacker range which may not be a word familiar to you but who was the descendants of Hagar the Egyptians okay and so the descents Hagar were Egyptians and then we have give all Negi boats it could be one of two places it probably is 80-million south east south east of the Dead Sea we have a man who is eminent okay that's the northern Jordanians okay and in fact Amman is the capital of Jordan okay and so we have Amalek okay and that's the Arabs south of Israel remember a gag he was the king of the Amalekites and remember Haman of Esther was a descendant there and so forth there's a whole story about that and then of course we have the Philistines which today would be the Hamas of the Gaza Strip or whatever and we have them the inhabitants of Tyre which would be Hezbollah and the southern Lebanese if you will and then we have a shore which is Assyria today you'd look at it as Syria and North northern Iraq so that's the flavor flavor what's going on here and then there were hoping and the King James is one you might that really means to be an armed - now the psalmist having identified them asked to do the following do unto them as unto the Midianites as to Syria and Jabin and the brook of Kissin and and which perished at Endor they became as dung for the earth and all this is drawn from the book of Judges and he's asking God to do exactly to these enemies what he did in the past in in the book of Judges and so we have a Midianites which is an obviously Arabian tribe from Midian the fourth son of abraham by Keturah and a primarily in the desert north of the peninsula of Arabia and then we have Cicero and that's all through judges four and five after to develop all that detail here and and they perished at Endor and that's on that's a specific place in Israel that you're familiar with if you look at map and so on it is make their nobles like hora bands EEB yay all their princes like zebah and zalmunna and again he's drawing on that same passage there orbán zebra the prince generals of Midian and ziba and Zuma were their kings so you got the kings and their generals listed here in effect and they were defeated by Gideon as you may recall and the men of ephraim intercepted the Midianites and slew them with a great slaughter in and judges five and eight if you will oh my god make them like a wheel as the stubble forth before the wind as the fire burnt the wood as the flame said a thief mountains on fire so persecute them with a tempest make them afraid with thy storm fill their faces with shame that they may seek my name o Lord and so that's we hope being listened to by another guy we'll move on here let them be confounded and troubled forever so let them be put to shame and perish why why God here's why that men may know that thou whose name alone is Yehovah art the most high above all the earth that's the that's the request of the psalmist that they may know that you gotta guide that most hi you not a lot okay and by the way in Ezekiel 25 to 32 there's a list of seven nations that God that Jesus is going to judge when he returns in a second coming and the list of their em and Moab Edom and Felicia they're all Islamic today we have of course the judgment against Iman and I want you to be aware of the fact that judgment against Edom is mentioned in more Old Testament books than it is against in any other foreign nation and it's all through the Old Testament so you might want to familiarize yourself because the Romans thought the were Jewish and Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 and Revelation chapter 3 verse 9 to the letters of to the seven churches Jesus says speaking of those who say they are Jews in or not but are the synagogue of Satan we'd better figure out who they are they say they're a Jews it or not who are they that's your assignment check it out know right now as we meet here this evening Israel is surrounded by their immediate neighbors committed to wiping them off the map do you see a fit with Psalm 83 and by the way it's misleading to represent them as Arabs when you see them the press that demonstrates the ignorance the illiteracy of the journalists they're not Arabs Persians would be offended to be calling them Arabs and you can go through the whole list the word Arab is is not a descriptive term the term they should what they do have in common is their Muslim let's call it by what it is it would appear that there is a prerequisite victory for Israel that will set the stage for all subsequent for the subsequent ill-fated attempt of the outer ring nations that take spoil but get back to verse three the psalmist says they have taken crafty counsel against thy people and consulted against thy hidden ones I don't know who those hidden ones are I know the Hebrew implies they're hidden treasured ones who are they I don't know I don't think they're angels I can think of all kinds of things that I don't think they are there's one suggestion that haunts me it's a possibility I don't know could it be the raptured Saints after the harpazo there's going to be a bizarre period of time after the rapture before the Second Coming could this occur in that interval I don't know it says if that's true then this not only means that Psalm 83 may be about to happen but it would mean that the rapture is going to come even sooner wow that's good news you say that's because you're carrying as much debt as we are you'd like to get us out of here be careful with that one be careful with that one every day that Jesus Terry's is another day that you and I can repair our report cards because the first thing that what's the first thing that happens after the rapture the vemma see everyone there is saved sin is not the issue that was taken care of two thousand years ago on a cross what is there fruit bearing what have you done for him boy every day that's left is a day where I can improve my report card not buy anything I can do that doesn't count by the way but anything the spirit can do through me it counts so you want to take advantage of that so I considers might be it's possible this could be a post pot so the reference so we'll see but what's more to the point is the issue of covenants there are four unconditional covenants so you need to understand the Abrahamic covenant of course Genesis 12 roll from the the results of the land covenant some Bibles called the Palestinian covenant I think that's an archaic term because the in the days that was used they were Jewish the Palestinian Post was the newspaper because it was understood it was Jewish today it's got the word has a different connotation so I don't call this the Palestinian comes the land covered in Israel injustice 15 and 17 and then there's a covenant the Davidic covenant second Samuel 7 every Christian better understand that I'll show you why especially tomorrow and then the course is the everlasting covenant the Covenant from which the New Testament gets its name the New Covenant now the question is who is aligned against the Abrahamic covenant each one of these are challenged that's challenged by the world when use encounter anti-semitism that's a challenge to the Abrahamic covenant it anti-semitism in any of its forms it fascinates me to notice when I go to Yad Vashem in Israel and study a little bit that whole era I was fascinated to discover that near the end of the war norma invasion taken place clearly berlin was under assault there the Allies are closing in you would think that the German High Command would pull their best officers the best resources in to protect their headquarters do you know what they did they accelerated the schedule in the ovens right up to the end that tells me something very profound that the priority of exterminating Jews ranked higher than their own survival that tells me that that is demonic that was demonic we need to understand that that was demonic we need to also understand that anti-semitism has its roots in demonic behavior so the Abrahamic covenant is challenged by the world who is challenging the land covenant Islam Islam specifically Glenn who do you think is challenging the Davidic covenant today the church there are churches today and I think the out number of the others that don't ascribe to a reality of a Davidic covenant and we're gonna hit that head-on tomorrow morning Davidic covenant take a little bit of the Millennium that was promised to David predicted in the Psalms and the prophets we don't have to get all these now we'll talk about it another time but it was promised to marry Gabriel told Mary that her child would sit on the throne of David didn't exist in those days Rome we're in the place the the Lord's Prayer when you pray the Lord's Prayer thy kingdom come what are you praying for this probably maybe not one out of ten Christians that know what they're praying for when you say thy kingdom come what are you praying for and we'll deal with that tomorrow and there's got to be a rule he's gonna rule with the rod of iron every knee shall bow Jesus is going to run things on the earth and by the way another little footnote one of the things you want to get into is degree studies the Millennial temple don't confuse the temple with the palace there's two issues but the point is the Millennium the Millennial temple that you read about the last nine chapters in the Book of Ezekiel did you know that it's not open on Sunday Ezekiel 446 verse 1 it's only open on Shabbat and on the new moon wow that's kind of a Jewish thing isn't it by the way did you know the King that's going to be reigning is Jewish we need to understand that okay the return of Christ to rule on the earth there's eighteen hundred and forty-five references in the Old Testament alone there are seventeen books that give prominence to the event there are 318 references in the New Testament and you can't sweep those under the carpet 216 chapters and 23 the 27 books get to that event and for every prophecy of Christ's first coming I believe there's eight certainly seven or eight of his second coming with the same certainty and the same precision that the several hundred of the first ones were fulfilled to now there's another thing you all studied Daniel to you remember the metallic you know the metal image gold silver brass iron and clay and we know that was a sequence of the world empires right and there were four of them one in two phases if you will find and most people have studied this you're familiar with it and I won't get into the details here yet to see I assume you're familiar with this those are for Daniel deals with five empires in Daniel chapter 2 let's look at the fifth one that was not on that chart and in the days of these kings those four shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever that's a kingdom in the idiom of the previous ones for as much as thou sauce that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands that's an idiom further Messiah that it break in pieces the iron the brass the clay the silver and the gold that the great God have made known to the king what shall come to pass Hereafter the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof is sure Wow well I'm going to close now was just highlight I had a list of myths I wanted to puncture with evening I had here but I've just chosen two one is replacement theology you've probably figured out where I stand on that one and the other one is this theory that the Israel is the primary source of unrest in the Middle East now the replacement theology heresy is a non biblical outgrowth of anti-semitism in the early church it denies Israel's place in God's redemptive program that God himself specifies in both the Old and New Testament but the second myth that you hear promoted a great deal is that the problem in the Middle East is Israel if it wasn't for Israel they'd be peace in the Middle East that's a libel that's just not true do you remember the iran-iraq war had nothing to do with Israel it went on for eight years over a million people killed a non-trivial exchange had nothing to do with it and I could pick many others that's the most conspicuous one in our recent memory but I want to tell you about one that you may not know about and I want to talk about the fourteen hundred year war that's about to explode any day now fourteen hundred year war it's the most dominant threat on the near horizon in the minds of many intelligence analyst nobody in the Pentagon will really talk openly about it nobody in the White House knows what to do about it as many as eight key Islamic countries are presently heading toward a bloody new war with each other and that's been 14 centuries in the making now most people are ignorant about Islam in generics the even more ignorant of the specifics the threat is there it's large and it's not going away we need to be aware of the significant changes that are occurring in our horizon myopia can be very painful and realize as you put this in perspective that there is presently a Sunni Muslim in the White House many people are shocked because they find that surprising we just says they haven't done their homework there's no secret it's well understood well known but by the people who want to know didn't want to know and so so here's a basic challenge we're gonna put a ribbon on this I'm going to put something on the screen and if you accept I'm gonna put it on there sincerely but if you accept what I put on the screen you flunk the course I'm going to put something on this preposterous so if you accept this you flunk what I want you to is challenge the following I sincerely believe that you and I are being plunged into a period of time about which the Bible says more that it does about any other period of time in all of history including the time that Jesus walked the shores of Galilee or climb the mountains of Judea that's a preposterous statement that we're moving into a period of time about which the Bible says more than it even does of the gospel period you've got to be kidding I'm not kidding but if you accept that you flunk I hope you have enough depth for critical thinking to take this on as a challenge what do you got I give you two challenges here not just one - first you've got to find out what the Bible says not what chuck Missler or your pastor or your favorite whatever no you need to find out yourself what the Bible says your eternity depends on it I'm not here to teach you a - - to suggest a specific belief I'll share what mine are and why I have them if it's a help to your own study I want you to come to your own conclusions through your own study they're the only ones that matter parroting some catechism or whatever ain't gonna get you there it's going to get you there's a personal relationship with our King that's coming so find out what the Bible says that's too important to be delegated to others now you and I have a unique advantage over all people before us the Word of God is more available today than it's ever been in the history of mankind you can go to the original text the original Hebrew and Greek without knowing Hebrew a Greek with modern software you puts a little cursor on any English word and it'll tell you what lies behind it in the Greek or the Hebrew or whatever relevant and that software to do that is free the ability to do that is free if you haven't discovered the blue letter Bible on the internet and there's other examples they're free if you have a computer and you want a package go get the e-sword it's Rick Mayer I'll give it to you you give them a donation if something be kind of nice but it's available for free there are some very powerful packages around and you can spend a lot of money if you want to I do but you don't have to the packages they're available for free are phenomenal and worth exploring and the advanced information appliances with it's astonishing that we carry in our phones several Bibles so where pause 50 minutes early for a moment you get in there and you can pick up a sambar something just incredible and the internet do you realize that all of man's knowledge is a couple of clicks away on any subject right anything that comes up what that word means what's going on in that field of study you can find out anything in today's incredible resource rich environment the other thing I want to share with you comes from 65 years of experience in this area the place that I have seen people grow personally is in small groups I'm not disparaging local church quite the contrary that's important I'm not disparaging mega churches they each have their roles but where people grow is when they're in a group of probably twelve or less that's what our Lord used and small enough group where you can ask questions without embarrassment a smaller group that'll hold you accountable to some extent that's where people grow that's where the Holy Spirit can have freedom move not hemmed in by some presumptions or traditional histories or whatever so the second channel that's a channel and find out what the Bible says the second challenge isn't simple find out what's going on and you won't on the 10 o'clock news as you hear as we in the United States our victims of a press establishment that takes pride in shaping opinions and not informing you of the truth it's a disturbing form of treason that's going on that the media takes pride in shaping opinions they have their own agenda and it's it's just rampant with lies and deceit and there's shocking examples I won't waste our time here with just everybody and anybody in public life knows that the media has always have been biased you may underestimate the degree to which it's managed to the degree to which it has out to deceive you who is the Prince of the power of the air look it up find out who he is that'll tell you volume pilots so Seneca said what is truth that's your challenge find out what's really true now what chuck Missler says not what no find out what's really true we do live in the age of deceit that's Satan's primary weapon is to see so now all of this if it if it doesn't do anything else the question is what is God calling you how many of you are saved I see your hands praise God virtually every hand is up and if your hand isn't up and what you see Brian or Ron before you leave let me ask you a different question and I think before you answer how many of you know what your calling is you notice the difference yeah there's a few hands and praise God for that I want you to think about that Peter was saved before he was called what did god I believe God has saved you for a purpose why did he save you there's some collective reasons I think there's also a specific individual one and the great adventure in life the greatest adventure in life is to discover what it is that God has called you to it might be very modest that might be very demanding be presumptuous tough to even guess what it might be but your pursuit to discover what his calling is is the most exciting thing in your life and I suggest you check it out all of us are works-in-progress me included we all are and we should raise the bar on our spiritual welcome what do we do to just as just as if you're competing anything else and we suggest we commit to it's great it should include committing to a systematic program to really learn your Bible whatever else it involves fine I know it should include deepening your understanding of the word of God that's the commitment of what we do with our with our think tank the coin Institute we're committed to try to help help prepare the Saints for the ministry and our commitment is to help you prepare for whatever you think your call to we don't we wouldn't presume to guess that's up to you but whatever it is we wanted there to help you what you I encourage you to do is join or if you don't if you can't you know find one start one will help you a small group that meets during the week but whatever it is my challenge to you from from the evening is to to respond to his calling now and so with that let's bow our hearts for a moment father we thank you for who you are we thank you for this time that you brought us together we know that in your kingdom they're no accidents no coincidences we're all here by your divine appointment and it's our prayer father that your purpose would be accomplished in each of our lives we would ask father through your Holy Spirit and through your word you would reveal to each of us that calling you have for us that we each might be more responsive to your will in our lives that we each might grow in grace and knowledge of our coming king that we each might be more pleasing your sight as we commit ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our coming King indeed amen [Music] you
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 115,495
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Keywords: jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: 0cP3qd29umA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 47sec (4607 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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