Incredible Story: Swedish man Converts to Islam Overnight!

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assalamualaikum or allahi wa barakato peace be upon you and god's mercy and his blessings my name is Mohammad Muslim I'm going to tell you how I came into Islam I grew up in Sweden I was born in the late 50s I grew up as most people which means really without much thought of religion but as I got older about twenty twenty-one I started thinking about what's happening around in the world everything seems to be just working for their own immediate gain and no thought about the future and I I started getting very concerned about how things are in the world and without really having been particularly interested in religion or rather I used to say that I was actively disinterested in religion I started pondering over what is the meaning of life what happens after death etc all these big existential questions I started wondering and pondering and during this process I suppose III became aloof from my friends and the things that they like to do and after a lot of thinking I came to a few conclusions one was that there has to be one truth it cannot be as some philosophers say that what every person thinks that's true for him or herself there has to be one reality what this reality is I had no idea but I knew that as much that there has to be one maybe no one in the whole world realizes it maybe some people realize and some don't I certainly did not and also I thought that all these questions that are going round in my mind they have only one answer and this one answer will be so simple that one and one makes two it has to be simpler than that but after this it was as if there was a barrier I could not get any further just by thinking and pondering and wandering by myself as if I needed some outside assistance there was like there was a wall that I could not scale anyway during this process I also quit college for the fourth time and I went to the north of Sweden where my sister and brother-in-law had a farm they were trying to live original lifestyle they used to call them the the green waver it's like the Green Wave there was a green waving in the 70s people trying to get back to a more natural way of life so they had this goat farm in the north of Sweden living a very traditional old-fashioned life I went there to live with them and found a little cottage up in the forest on a mountain and started living there all by my own never so often I'd come to my sister for some company and some food and one day when I was sitting in my sister's house this man walked in through the door and he had big beard an enormous turban on his head and he was something I'd never seen the like of I had never really heard about Islam if some would have asked me what is Islam or who is Muhammad what is the Quran I would have had no idea what to answer anyway his man came in and we started talking and chatting a bit and to make a rather long story short when I was going up to my little cottage in the evening he followed me now this was near midsummer in the north of Sweden in 1980 and through this very short and bright summer's night this man started telling me about Islam I don't really remember what you said but I do remember the impression that he left me with I got this impression that this man who was rather older than I was at that time I was 21 he was in his maybe early or even late 40s I was almost compelled to ask him that you have lived in this country for such a long time how come you can have such a soft heart now that this must be rather a strange question to ask someone that you have known for a total of a few hours but his answer was even more strange because he said I don't know if I can explain it but maybe I can show you and he stood out there in my little there was only one room really in the cottage he stood up there in my cottage and without any hesitation said the Islamic call to prayer the athan and then he started saying his prayers I realized now it must have been the morning prayers having talked through the night this was time for the morning prayers and as I was sitting there on my little kitchen Swedish traditional Swedish kitchen city of a wooden City I was sitting there cross-legged in the corner of the city and he was now praying in front of me showing me how to keep your heart soft in this harsh and cold world but it was so powerful it was over owing I out of all I was not even able to watch I had to glow in my gaze so I'm sitting there in the settee with my gaze lowered and he is praying that in front of me after praying off these prayers he sat down and did some some meditation you can call it some vicar we call it in Islam some remembrance of God and I do not honestly remember now if it was during the prayers or after the prayers during the remembrance that I it was like there was a many sounds of it almost a bit funny but as there was a ray of light from the heavens straight into my heart that there is only one God suddenly I just knew there is only one God and I realized that this person this man has he has what I'm looking after you know this is the thing at least for me so I decided there and then to follow him he had mentioned through the night when we were talking that he was going to Pakistani had his I think he used the term his guru meaning his spiritual leader in Pakistan we do not use the term guru in Islam but to make me understand what he meant I think he used that term and I'm going to visit him so if you dare you can come with me not if you have time or if you can afford it or something as worldly as that but if you if you have the courage you can come with me so I decided there and then I'm going to go with him to Pakistan so within a week or 10 days we got our passports and these ours and everything too and we went to Pakistan but it was really this this night this night somewhere very near midsummer in the north of Sweden that it happened to me I can honestly say that I in the evening I had never heard about Islam and in the morning I was a Muslim already the same day he taught me the prayer as he taught me the ablutions in a very beautiful way and and that's the way it went I went with him to Pakistan spent my first Ramadan my first fasting month in Pakistan traveled with him to Morocco spent three months in Morocco and both with him and on my own traveled around Europe visited a lot of places where Muslims live and ended up after a couple of years as a student and then in a Muslim what you call a theological school I studied basically to become an imam but the story of my conversion or my falling into Islam as I prefer to call it was this one night in the north of Sweden so at the moment I'm working as the Imam in Massud Ayesha in the city centre of Stockholm and I'm also working as a teacher of Islamic studies and Arabic language among other things in a Muslim adult education college or a community college also situated in Stockholm in Sweden you
Channel: Raya Shokat
Views: 192,099
Rating: 4.8500214 out of 5
Keywords: convert to Islam, Reverts, Raya Shokat, Raya4Islam
Id: -9iqMgeqBpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 09 2014
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