Women's Bra Holster | Flashbang Review

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what's up America this is Kim with geography arms Academy thanks for watching today we got a really fun video after a lot of requests I decided to finally check out the flashbang brothel stir so let's get started [Music] so when I started doing my research the first thing I noticed as I watched several videos and there was probably I watched at least a half dozen and there's just a lot of girls just scared holding it on top of their shirts and it didn't really explain how it worked and I was confused so hopefully this video will help you out have a little fun with us I'm gonna say boobs a lot we're gonna make a lot of jokes and I'm gonna show you how to safely use it all right guys this is obviously the serious portion of this review as you guys know we're not known to be unboxers where I just show you something here's out of the box we extensively use our equipment to make sure that the reviews that we give you are as accurate as possible now I can tell you that I've been wearing this extensively I've been using around town one of the things with the success of YouTube that we've been so honored to have we get a lot more attention I don't want to tell you but it seems as though I'm being recognized in more places now with this particular setup a lot of people kind of point in talking and whatnot I've had it in in the beach environment I've trained many classes this way I find it it's a maybe perhaps a bit distracting for the students but as a concealment holster I think the key that we need to take away is that it conceals and you know as I look at myself here in the in the reflection from the from the camera I don't know I'm gonna say the word I think it prints I really do I mean to me it just seems like you can tell at this moment that perhaps I have a fire mommy and that's kind of a deal breaker guys I do find that it is very comfortable though you know I've been wearing it for again many days all day long I like the fact that it kind of mirrors that of a tactical set up on a MOLLE vest you know where I can go ahead and access my firearm so that I do like and of course it does have a solid trigger guard okay now I also want to go over some pairings and I would say that a type of tactical shirt like this one where you can tear it away and then you have access that is I think really complements the wear of this but again guys I just feel that there's a printing issue but besides that a solid holster from my experience now let's look at how you put it on there are three different ways you can wear it when it comes it comes with this really short strap on which which is the they call the high carry this is for custom carry you can put kind of moving around a little bit and then the longer ones are for the bottom carry are low carry when it comes it comes with the high carry the shorter strap already put on which I don't know who the heck wants to wear that one because either you have to put it like under your boobs or it goes like on top of your boobs and it just makes like this really weird shaped boob and it was it was not comfortable at all I in order to change it you actually have to get a screwdriver out and take it off and then I put on the longer one and that made it a lot more comfortable the first thing you want to do when you get it is that you're gonna want to take the strap off altogether and just kind of figure out where you're gonna wear it so you're gonna put it in your shirt and see what feels most comfortable to put it in the low position you're gonna pull your shirt up and you're gonna take this holster and you're gonna tuck it into your bra and take the strap and wrap it around and connect it with the bottom and now you're able to put your gun in putting the gun in is a little tricky and I'm just gonna do it on camera because I want you to see that I'm struggling to do it so it's not something that's really easy to do or simple what you want to do is obviously keep your finger off the trigger and you're gonna want to push the butt of the gun in first and then it's a really tight fit I found the best way to put it on is to actually take it out of your bra for a moment because it's just so hard to see over your body to see what you're doing so you're gonna take the butt of the gun and you're gonna put it in there make sure your fingers off the trigger guard and now you're able to tuck it into your bra it does change the way your bra fits because your broyles not meant to have a big gun and holster in it so you're gonna notice you have like a gap in the front so it's a little awkward especially if you're wearing like a lower cut shirt you'd have to be really careful when you're bending over you didn't flash everybody so besides you're my awkwardly shaped boobs they actually is concealing really well I mean you can't really tell I'm wearing it so contrary to Neil experience you can't really sell I'm wearing it so dry and take some practice just like we teach with every other draw you want always use your your shooting hand to clear your garment because who knows what where those hands going to be hopefully it's a bonus hand it can help hold up your garment so we're gonna draw up hold it with the other support hand if it's available and then you're gonna wipe it off so drawing is really difficult they make this thing so tight and it's like just a folded piece of Kydex oh there's no way to adjust the upper tension or anything and it's really tight in there which makes sense because you know you have to think the gun is just hanging there and the pressure of your you know if it being pressed against your body but they want to make sure it doesn't come out but it also makes drawing really difficult it almost feels like you're gonna like rip your bra I'd be curious to know if there are people who've worn it for like quite a while like months and it doesn't wear your bras out because it's it's you really got to use some force to rip it out of there I found that wearing it was a nicer bra that was more sturdy worked a lot better I had some like little cheap target bras I tried it with and it just it wouldn't hold it in place very well and it mayn't drawing really difficult so you do need a really nice bra but like I said you might spend a lot of money on a nice bra than it you know it might not hold up very long the things I like about it I like that it's Kydex and it has that nice trigger guard so it is safe and it's giving women another option so they don't have to carry off body if you do it right it does conceal really well and I like the fact that it comes with all the different adjustment straps because you can change it you could even wear it with a sportswear I don't know how that well that would hold up but you know it gives you lots of options overall it was a really interesting product I like that it does have a nice trigger guard and it gives women different options but it wasn't very comfortable for me wearing it the whole day the grip that the gun would poke into your abdomen which wasn't very comfortable I would love to hear from if there are any women out there who do use it and carry it everyday and find it it comfortable what do you do how do you like it what makes it comfortable that's it guys I hope you had some fun with us today some laughs if you like this video please like share comment we always love hearing from you guys if you haven't already make sure you subscribe here on you you click that little bells you get notified every time we put a video out you can find us on Instagram on Facebook and we put all of our premium content on patreon until next time remember it's always better to be judged by 12 than carried by six this is the right way the other way all right so I will tell you this from my experience when I went to purchase this this bra just like all gear don't chintz on your equipment definitely I want to echo what Kim said that having a quality bra is definitely a benefit when you're carrying this when you're carrying your gun this way chief bras is not going to cut it so put your shirt back okay you ready it's still recording oh this is like the funniest video ever it's a really tight fit I can't see oops obviously I've extensively worn this particular holster setup um you can't wait
Channel: Geauga Firearms Academy
Views: 236,896
Rating: 4.8811812 out of 5
Keywords: Geauga Firearms Academy, Firearms training in Ohio, how to ccw, How to carry a pistol, kim geauga, bra holster, flashbang, flashbang holster, flashbang holster review, how to carry in a dress, womens ccw, bra holster review, female carry, female conceal carry, girls and guns, hot girls with guns, humor, how to carry in a skirt, how to carry a gun, bra, daily carry, womens carry, womens conceal carry, holster review, womens fashion
Id: -f9CxTmz76Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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