Is this the most functional ESP32-S3 dev board EVER?

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how's it going fellas for almost a year now I've been wanting to make my own tiny esp32 S3 Dev board but unlike most designs of this form factor it would break out all available gpios I mean take a look at the CutiePie S3 from uit or the wave share esp32 s30 and you'll see exactly what I mean and not to mention the Len S3 Mini and the previously mentioned boards are capped out at 4 MB of flash which is pretty bad I'm sure someone out there is going to be like why does size matter so much why don't you just buy an unnecessarily large dev kit with everything broken out no I'm not going to do that I want something highly functional in a small package and honestly reading data sheets and studying schematics until 1:00 in the morning is my idea of fun so I fir up kead and spent the next few days not going outside or practicing basic hygiene just for this time laps you're about to see Oh and before I show it quick shout out to the guy who searched up breasts and found my video like it probably wasn't what you were searching for but thanks for the view while this is playing I wouldn't bore you with all the technical details but if you are into that kind of stuff comment down below and check out my GitHub in the description and just so you know it is e protected so if you rub it on something it won't discharge now that the board is done it's time for me to tell you about this Channel's sponsor PCB way PCB way was able to manufacture this board with some really small components and traces on it that would require thousands of dollars worth of equipment which as a 13-year-old I don't have on top of that they also worked with me to impede and smash some of the traces and as you'll see later the RF performance was better than even some commercial boards because of it and here it is it arrived 2 weeks earlier than quoted and was really nicely packed after stripping back all the bubble wrap and opening the ESD safe bag I present you the [Music] s3p all right let's let's plug it in now and see if it even works oh my God oh my God okay before I celebrate too early I need to do some testing most notably I need to establish if the program memory even works or not so to do this I just need to upload a blank sketch now that the program memory Works Let's test a few more built-in features of this board like the buzzer and neopixel led Let's test the buzzer first now we'll check the neopixel LED and because I couldn't really be bothered to search up the library docs I just asked my boy chat gbt for this one and it made me this cool rainbow sketch next I wanted to try seeing if any of my efforts in the RF section of this board worked so I decided to check the single strength of my local networks against espressive wrom module and the results are pretty surprising for that test my board actually performed two dbm better than expressives but I don't know if this is really a clear signal of whether my antenna performance is actually better or not another cool feature of the esp32 S3 chip is the Bluetooth low energy capabilities which allows it to emulate inputs to your computer and you could even use it to make a full-blown keyboard if you wanted for some reason I also thought it might be kind of fun funny to make a hardware Auto clicker with this board as well and I got it to do th000 CPS as you're about to see since I kind of already tested the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi there's one more protocol I'd like to see in action which is called ESP now it allows two ESP chips to communicate to each other directly without the need for a router so you can make remote controls custom radios and even things like this both esp32s are always in sync even if they're turned on at different times or turned off and on again during the sequence I also made the servo demonstration so that you can see the ESP now protocol more directly and the LED is flashing at the same time when I press this button hey guys I hope you enjoyed this video and if you'd like to win one of these s3p boards make sure to like subscribe and leave a nice comment down below and I'll pick one of you to win this board free of charge when I hit 500 subscribers and also make sure to stay tuned for our next videos because they'll be covering some pretty interesting stuff
Channel: Haase Industries
Views: 35,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esp32, arduino, internet of things, arduino project, arduino fun, arduino uno, arduino nano, esp32-s3, esp32-c3, esp32-s2, esp32-c2, esp32-p4, esp32-c6, esp32-c5, esp32-c61, PCB, PCB design, esp32 tutorial, esp32 tutorial step by step, arduino esp32 tutorial, esp32s3, electronics, esp32 project, esp32 projects, robotics, robot, robots, robotics engineer, arduino tutorial, arduino projects, espressif, esp32cam, esp32 cam, esp32 cam projects, esp32c3, esp32 s3, esp32 c3, esp32 s2, esp32 p4, esp
Id: SXqgnyEuY8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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