LilyGO Sent Me a Mysterious Package - New Boards by LilyGO

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yesterday I received a package from Lily go sometimes they send me free products because I'm awesome and I have best bike in the village this time the box was really big it seems they really liked my bike in this video I will show you a few new Lilo boards and few upgrade ones this is not my usual format usually I talk about one board or project for the whole video but this time I I will show you eight boards and there is reason for that I noticed on their side that for example the T display S3 amulet can be bought in this shell version I notice the same for liligo T4 so I sent them a mail hello liligo I love your shell versions can you please send me one it doesn't matter which one I will make a speedometer and I will put it on my bike and they send me all of these and in this video I will show you these boards I will also talk about Square line studio and I will share this awesome clock and calendar project if you have Lio T4 you can upload this without any IDE libraries or settings I will also show you a few images of me and my bike if you want to buy any of these boards you can find affiliate links in the description last year I informed you that that my main goal is to become rich and buy a new car and that plan is not going well here is my the display S3 AMOLED board and I noticed that they have same board but in this plastic shell I already show you couple projects with this board people are always complaining how lily go boards are hard to install and mount somewhere and I think this shell is good approach now it's I think it's easier you can install this on any flat panel using these screws gpios are still available here a little different but they are still available and everything else is the same except now it really looks professional and cool this seems to be some kind of quality plastic this is not three the printed this this is molded plastic same stories with lilyo S3 D4 now have shell version difference is that now these gpios are female but header pins are also included in package in this video I will share this internet clock what is cool about it it is the fact that you don't need to put your SS ID and password in the code because I made this with square line studio and square line Studio have not Square line Studio lvgl have some cool buil-in buin controls which makes life easier for example I can set up my WiFi here so here I can write my SSID here I can write my password of course I can choose um numbers and other non-alpha numeric letters and when I click save also I need to set my time zone remember that is very important important and when I click save this will be stored in my eom and I can click connect and set my clock calendar here I can set brightness yes it is uh best esp32 internet clock ever best best like my bike so in description you will find code in binary files and you will so basically you will download this bin file firmware file from you will find Link in the description then you will visit this site you will connect your board to with USB cable you will connect your board you will put zero here flash address zero you will choose choose that bin file you downloaded and you will hit program so very easy without dealing with libraries and settings and IDs next board this is new board the encoder Pro esp32 S3 Lily go have also both board with rotary and coder and what you have what you see here is not my example uh this Smartwatch example from Square line Studio new Square line Studio but Nick theix spended many hours to get this working on this new board thank you Nick for this now all of us can use this and play with it and he also shared it his code so you can download it modify it and this is really impessive this this is professional looking user in interface you can find on smart watches remember the display S3 long here it is also in Shell version so liigo is putting everything in Shell very interesting you can find in description this project so you can you can download my code and play with it I also receive this and to be honest this board is something I was hoping to get one day this is the panel so it is very large 480 by 400 180 and it is for I still don't get it all but still it is used for some indust industrial protocols and connectors so we will check this later actually there are two versions and then they send me both this is in this shell version and uh this is version that can be mounted on panel Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell bike bike bike bike bike bike this is and here is uh smallest board I received but nice to push buttons on off GPI open pins DP for battery and touch screen I think now brightness will be brightness of of this is so high L go when they ship their Factor examples sometimes they forgot to lower brightness for so it is very hard to record this but I will soon make my own example and lower the brightness in the next videos you will will get more details about this board this is just like I still don't have many information about these new boards this is interesting this is new board why is that interesting because I I think this is still not on their site and here is box and on box I couldn't find anything about this board so all obviously it is little larger than AMOLED smaller than long but there was there wasn't any example on it nice G are here but I find that here is here said Pro so so if you remember my the display S3 Pro it is about same size so I try to so I tried one sketch I made for this board and it worked it is not completely same board because I noticed that that some sensor is not working but I'm not completely sure about that so we will see and last thing I reive is very interesting and this will be very hard to record this is tea glasses so images shown is this in this prism I will turn it on is it going to be shown very nice so this is really interesting and I already have few ideas which I will not tell you right now but this is very this is very I I feel like like a special agent when wearing this or alien I don't know we'll see yes and about Square line Studio I decided that we will [Music] use this board in our Square line stud but every example I'm showing you or this board will also work on D4 because it is same Library AMOLED series and um code will automatically detect are we using this board or this board I just need to make some preparations but I will start with square L Square LAN line Square line Studio tutorials next week thank you liigo for sending me this and yes I'm planning to make that bike speedometer project because I got lots of requests for bike speedometers so I need to learn to make goodbye for
Channel: Volos Projects
Views: 21,007
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Id: Vu2SpH5FzyM
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Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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