I Made A Tiny ESP32

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hey guys for those of you who have been following my channel for any length of time you know I like to make custom electronic Hardware some of it has a unique purpose Like My Data Logger boards and other times I make stuff just for fun of it like the time I made a smart coaster because you know why not and then there are other times I like to make stuff just for the challenge of it and that's what this video is about today a challenge what is that challenge well I wanted to see how small could you make an esp32 now there are some design considerations I had to factor in which I'll get into in a little bit but let's go back a few weeks when I decided to take on this challenge live on a live stream and needless to say I thought it went pretty well so I ordered the pcbs and assembled the first one on stream and that's when I learned I had made a mistake in my design morning Mike am I winning uh that depends it it kind of got it to work but it has some issues and now we've got solder paste on the chip itself which is fantastic um so right now the computer recognizes it but um it doesn't want to program for some reason this is where I decided to throw caution to the win and go even smaller for the second revision now speaking of those design considerations I mentioned earlier I set out to make a tiny esp32 but when you go this small you have to forego a lot of the bells and whistles of a normal esp32 like I've only got one gpio pin broken out there's no battery charging on this thing and the biggest Bell that I had to throw out was any sort of Wi-Fi antenna to add an antenna the design would be much bigger and I just wanted to see how small I could possibly make this thing it's essentially a microscopic microcontroller at this point so with the second revision design and the pcbs in hand it was time to assemble it cue the build montage [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] sort of I put an RGB LED on this thing to make it fancy but in my haste of making this thing smaller for rep 2 I put the RGB LED on the back of the board and when I did that kaikad mirrored the footprint which meant the pads were not in their correct orientation so in any case the core functionality of this thing works which is awesome I'm really happy with that it's an itty bitty esp32 that if I ever have a project where space is an absolute consideration I have that option now which is pretty cool the only way I could see making it even smaller is if I was to use 0201 components I used 0401 components for this project and I could probably find some smaller buttons so if that's something you'd want to see leave a comment below I may do that and make sure you subscribe that way you don't miss any of my future nonsense that I put out any case thanks for watching and I will see you guys in the next video later
Channel: Paul's Projects
Views: 104,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esp32, kicad
Id: pgvJ-Z2olTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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