Is this the end for us?!? - Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey | PART 13 | HD

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it's not looking good to me haha I have become a new thing oh so hello and welcome back everybody this is of course ancestors it's been a while it's been a hot minute since I last levers mainly because I've been ill and then I had to fly away for about a week and then I came back and finally we are here as now uncanny valley ape-man where are we now oh we've moved over here do I want to be over here it'll come to the state where I'll all be demonetized because they'll be naked women on the screen that's when you know you've got to close to humanity though yes in fact actually to this episode you're watching right now will be the freaking last episode do you want to know why because as much as I love this games I do it's so much fun it kind of is the same thing over and over again would you believe yes an adult male become you and now we need another female there we go so yeah I think I'd am as you can see our adrenaline bar is so much bigger now I'd pretty much maxed up everything that I could have done from our previous species so of course once we make symbolise and do we even have a bed maybe think we have a bed how is this species being working you put the bed there you'll make them then we need one more and put you down runo add to the pile and now that I know how to skip things it will immensely speed everything up there is however a few things I wanted to do before we ended this series because don't worry I will show you the end cutscene it's nothing too crazy there's literally some man like looking ape walking off into the distance while the credits roll so there is no real big payoff this thing or we got to genetic modifications there looks pretty impressive but there are some creatures in this game that I have not seen yet I think there there's definitely wand and fitness too I think there is a rhino and there is some sort of elephant because we saw oh god the the berries are together they're fused can I just put them on my back oh yes there we go now I've got babies and I can do things well I guess granite rocks is what we're gonna have to use for now you grab both of them say that but all I've done is made a grinder and you want the gray I'll take a stick oh I'll tell you what say what we'll do what we'll do we'll do the classic and switch hands and we'll take the branches off there ya go yes now I have two amazing stick Isis but before we go I'll just make sure that everybody is following moi and we all eat a drink there should be is that the host and it's drinkable water or get everybody to drink some water first okay okay so I'm just gonna go to the bed now I tell you what yep go on then if you can why not grab some berries too but just don't grab the ones that make you sick land expedition yeah that's that and no no no no no no no no no no no no you need sticks there we go let's go explore shall we on the road again can't wait to get on the road again do not want to fight those you've already discovered what hyenas can do pretty terrifying oh I'm in the unknown oh no that's no good I did also notice that there was like a pro always Oh snail nothing Oh hold on no there was something there we go discover their branches oh we're right next to a spot we've never disconnected two spots we've never discovered before that's good oh did not see him did not see him he maybe talk oh no I didn't meet other stick ha there it is come here you I will conquer my fear rock the baby with the stick put him on this stick make him a weapon hold on that looks like a termite mound it's not a new thing oh we can be an aardvark get the ants out what termites sorry I should say but before we do that num-nums the leaves of life Wow already I've like got as much brain power as I can have whoa we could inspect we can poke it with a stick termite mound can I poke her with a stick Oh what are these oh these are the Buffalo Zippo phone oh hello I haven't killed you guys yet but what I really want oh hold on yes there it is there is go hello hyena oh I did not see that ah - how you knew is too much for that Sabretooth I don't even see that he is oh that's why he's over here hey buddy hope you don't mind just go discover this place wherever it is fair enough oh there's another one over there another saber-tooth cat yeah what is that though how's that gonna as well chronic granite granite I said don't bite me dammit alright there you go I got him away yeah good stroked let's check our brain power oh stuff new things life expectancy increased that's good the ability to synthesize neurotransmitters has increased so it's more adrenaline load all this stuff getting full okay protection berries my god is so much Oh long-term memory oh that's good breaking bones very good frog cross okay lethal blow or and go probabilities of a lethal blow or increase that's good willpower all threats induce less terror ah well there you go I think we only have enough for a few though all right there you go some stuff taking my card whack it damn it well amazed well take a rock you never know ya never know onwards to the Smoky place Wow Jesus that it fills your whole brain I didn't even realize that I think I had comets pointed out though Beaver vibe when you can't cook ba fills your brain capacity you should do stuff well I actually don't have anything to max out I think I've pretty much got everything oh you don't you say are you my baby are you my baby's result yes done and done give me that stick wait what's that behind me is that snake that's a freaking you're a snake on you what kind of snake are you you a black mamba what are you it is a Black Mamba I thought so I don't have to waste any Joe here we go oh you're gonna oh that's it that's all that happened just run it off fine I'll kill him then oh there's another one there's another one no he just walked straight over him no he didn't like me apparently alright then son come on there we go yep that was definitely not a Miss now we can inspect the carcass and you were thinking discovered so there's a new species not what I was expecting but hey I'll take it dawn of the next day just had a little nap apparently I need food now so I'm gonna have somebody although that didn't really give me Oh God wow I didn't even know who's coming from that direction all right buddy well have a nice trip there we go dexterity fear conquered or brain cells wasted really who cares cuz I can't do anything with it unless I go through generations and then do more stuff this is gonna be the last video I just want to find out like the last few creatures I know that round here somewhere I know they are Oh what was that oh it's a water buffalo never mind drink out of this stagnant pool of yummies yes oh there it is there's the sickness oh not so good Oh hold on hold on over this way I think ice Oh God good Oh lor we're doing it again we're doing something there's another snake here oh oh oh you got him that time all right okay let's tell me not something I wanted wait where's my things you made me drop them how could you I was going this way oh for God's sake more fear really god damn it I'm ill there they are yes yes the biggest bees oh no you're not see not Oh God I've dropped everything I've dropped everything once your elephant could you please healthy he'll be poor beep in now not good elephant elephant why don't you help me why are you running away it's not looking good two of them on me what are we supposed to do nor I can go come on oh my god sake oh stop let me get on the tree dammit oh yeah no looking so oh there's a frigate titanoboa down here where are those is he down there whoo maybe that could help is there anything in this tree that could help me with we're bleeding and Iike pox horsetail might be good it might be down by the water should we give that a shot oh there we go okay get rid of this there we go and drink that drink the good water yes is it getting it down yes it's getting it down slowly but surely Oh what an adventure this is Pete good god cured sickness okay now we're we're done drop me sticks Oh God just saw about there Jesus do you have to I was just having a nice time we found our hunting ground guys we're gonna take on Zee olifants can we can we take on an olifant I would be pretty amazed or look at them I don't know what that is oh yeah are you doing why did why why why why did they just charge towards me ya buggers you what new wildlife discovered a now hostile aggressive and I hate them okay I'm gonna get this one then you're right buddy you're right this time son 1 8 kale here we got ensued strike strike one again memorize that one oh wait there's a snake okay can you charge towards me go on get the snake get the snake yeah there we go oh Christ oh yes beautiful thank you what to do it to sweat did I make it but what oh it's a web my choppa go beautiful snake meat for all give me some yeah yeah okay mr. elephant just ignore me all right ignore me it's gonna grab this this is gonna be inside you in a second oh whoa whoa what's that what's that other thing Oh let's go investigate what oh is it a rhino yes the last two creatures I needed LR mr. Rhyne up are you doing stabby Oh God oh did I just kill him what let's just kill the Rhino one it how on earth okay there you go I'm terrified throughout the whole process we'll inspect him as well kill the Miocene white rhino oh that's so sad because Rhino is a basically extinct now white rhinos northern white rhinos there's only two left in existence but this is how it started it was this monkey he chopped Duvall up that's what Bigfoot is he's killing a little white right big and butchered them take some meat and eat it there you go ate some white rhino meat or does something on the side of that tree as well or all this stuff things they don't recognize oh that's enough and there we go that's the ticket that's what I needed few devil or you're a strange fruit who discovery monkey bread ah can I eat monkey bread can I bash it with a rock oh I can it's inspected a basalt chopper could alter monkey bread can I eat it now what is it cracked monkey bread eat yes what does it give me anything in particular no apparently not is it just some like weird coconut okay I'm oh there's elephant there's the one okay well what I want to do is just quickly make a bed oh I got one guys I got one mmm the success rate of counter-attack is increased beautiful oh that Oh already another one ooh wow I got three that are basically yeah when you dodge things you woke and even forced you you won't drop stuff so that's really good now time to sleep all right there we go oh god I'm being attacked what is it what is it oh he's already got thingy in him Wow die go away oh hold on oh boy he's gone [Music] woman oh my god I listen to my friends right okay so that elephant managed to kill him because yet is sticking him right okay mr. elephant you may be in a herd oh is this the dead rhino still company might kill the thing and why didn't you barely look at it ah hey ya go got him time to run don't run don't run don't run down run back to the tree bug to the tree now we we might a looker with the the Rhino but this guy you might be like a hippo you know that hippo Wow Oh God he's so big took so many stabs there we go again straight through oh I can't tell what's a tusk of what's a stick I don't support animal hunting or cruelty but it's you kind of need to do that in this game you need to so big so beautiful that's right son scratch your head why we do this I don't know you so big another one wow he is taken such a beating it's so bad though no you can't see me don't lie this one Oh still not gone Early's definitely four there's definitely four i buddy yes that's right charge again that must be five or six now right oh they do it I got a neuron dexterity I guess what we could do now as well is if we wanted to we could have the hyena take it on or something like that also I need to get some dodges against the elephants so I'll dodge this one there we go they're successful Dodgers attack the least twice I thinking you do it five times I think okay here we go here we go here's the one we want he's already got six ticks in him seven now why is he not too high in forgot stand up please okay this one this one charge me jarred me I got him I got him war claim up Oh stubby stubby on the back there we go whoa we're floatin there you go a memorization has been forgotten whoa all right calm down did you make me drop it or you didn't very good okay can I inspect carcass yeah another thing to add to the list but we've got to make sure Oh there I'm sick again made myself sick just put it all down now time to drink from the stream it's a huge carcass behind us you all right with that buddies I killed your friend you should be is there titanoboa what what's it titanoboa to doing to the elephant they were just so walking together snake still after me though there we go would have got him ah well I didn't really want to wait to see you find out how that happened they've both vanished or is this the snake yeah there we go that's the snake beautiful pretty and there's the eggs whoa look an egg I Oh have a never inspected it before whoa inspect the egg Oh God there's no some oh there we go got the dodge but can I can I please you know inspect the egg thank you BAM nom nom OOP made myself very sick eat all of it though there we go now to drop drop that get rid of sickness by drinking lots of water whoa there we go omnivore done and done now all I need to do is go all the way home yeah look at that cuz you're stopping her up straight away okay I think this is a thing oh god I'm so far away whew dear there anything else I could discover along the way maybe on the way back possibly let's go explore that's a lot of hyenas can they now go in the water do I have to go over that way right yeah you guys run that way I'm gonna conquer my find you it knew that was gonna happen Wow be afraid born with like I don't know what what are you hyenas oh god there's like five of them there's like five of them Oh God Oh No well not good dog good dog good like this time I didn't drop my thing to the drop a thing Tommy did it bug is you that is that's not cool you oh my god he jumped all right then see you suckers later I'm gonna go grab me thing in one drop it where is it there it is there it is there it is go time to go oh I can't forget you another thing you have to hold a dobro and then when you run and like let go to jump it's it can sort of like mess you up royally right here alright then I just want to go oh is that snake Oh God Oh a new wildlife a black mamba okay well I thought it already discovered that but what Evers I've still got my tool that's all I care about just get the hell out of here hello guys can I steal a little bit of horse tail oh for God's sake there's nothing I can do is a Oh what whoa is it - why is that - oh no move allows of a gun safe freeze buffaloes oh let me climb let me climb it god damn it Oh Brigham Buffalo's go kill it look at them they're both there what am I supposed to do bleed out appear stupid eh I bugger off all right my clans over there over this way oh god I got low dopamine I need to get going [Music] no no no no no no no no [Music] come on come on just go just go don't look back don't look back Oh water yes horsetail please oh he's not following me he's not following me that's good horse tail what's tail Oh crocodile did not see that okay oh there's one right there your buggy yep I knew it why are you still chasing me oh there you go that's better that's more like it what would you kill them whoa all right then well he's found his victim okay uh uh can I just take this thank you you don't touch me though apply please for love god yes clan mooska practical and oh my god whoo you guys it's dangerous world out there I like how you're still stuck where you were last inning Barry's very nice Oh so if you want this series to continue on um I'm quite happy to leave it there I think we've seen pretty much everything that this game has to offer but if you really want us to get all the way to the end get all the evolutionary things I'll leave it up to you if you can get this video up to 10,000 likes I'm happy to continue it otherwise for me personally a bit like with Assassin's Creed Odyssey I'm happy to leave it the way it is because from here on out it's pretty much the same thing like you just you gather you make sticks you kill things you get more brain cells you do more generations until you get that final cutscene which I've probably already put in on my monkeys very tired so I'm gonna leave it here but like I said choice is up to you if this gets over 10,000 likes I'm happy to continue it but apart from that I'm gonna use the time that I would dedicate normally to ancestors to other syriza's like the aisle or minecraft or something like that but I've enjoyed playing this game it had lots of potential it's been loads of fun if not in some places slightly repetitive or hard to find out what to do but I know I've enjoyed my time with it and if you have to thank you again for joining me on this series and until next time I'll see you later buh-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 230,011
Rating: 4.971097 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, ancestors, ancestors the human kind odyssey, ancestors walkthrough, ancestors death animations, ancestors kill animation, ancestors cutscenes, ancestors full game, ancestors gameplay, part 1, episode 1, thegamingbeaver
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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