Is this the best texture plug-in for SketchUp?

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foreign [Music] texturing apps that I've ever come across it's also an incredible plugin for SketchUp and it comes complete with a full PBR workflow so this video is all about these guys architectures and what they do is they provide two ways of building textures when it comes to us SketchUp users so number one is there is a plugin for SketchUp and it's an amazing plugin all you need to do is go on extensions extension warehouse and it is actually a featured a extension you click on it you hit install and you'll mess with a very neat and tidy little ear little menu there before we hop into that I just want to give a little shout out to this Creator here and because we're using this iconic piece of architecture by the big man himself so one problem that I often find is basically figuring out finding sourcing textures that are precise we often work with interior designers or it could be um it could be a developer with a very particular taste or something like that or it could be a private home and you're trying to find a really precise texture that's of a certain size and all that sort of stuff and setting holes and one thing that sets architectures a pause is the fact that you can change so if I just jump into any random material you can change the pattern to what pretty much whatever you like like look look at that that is absolutely amazing so you've got an unbelievable level of control there if I just go back to stack just because it's an easy I want to explain over you've also got the ability to change the size you've also got the option to create high resolution textures or we can go ten thousand but you can you know you've got the option to create huge resolution textures as well and you've also got the ability to produce book Maps displacements roughness and so on it it's got to be one of the most powerful texture tools I've I've ever come across to be honest and I love that it's a plug-in for SketchUp so if we just go back to the the main menu here what what I want to do here is I want to recreate this tile and it's 150 by 150. so let's put it to the test we've got tiles here so if we choose a simple math stack let's just use that one there hit edit right first things first what we can do is we we've measured this there that it's 150 by 150. so we can set that and that's the correct joint let's get that resolution sources let's just do two thousand and then what we want to do is we want to change the material and you've got a huge amount of like base materials to go on so I'm going to go to concrete and just use that color there let's just get these sliders to the middle and you can see that if we just slide the so it looks like yeah there we go see so there we go so we're getting there and this this level of control is just insane to me I'm not quite getting the result there let's let's move on let's see if there's anything else does that does that wake for us we can use the tint option that's yeah that's getting a little right there we go let's do something something along the lines of that that'll do for now then we've obviously got a dark joint as well which is very important that's as simple as that the edges as well you can make fine as we can see fine they're handmade rough there's just all kinds of different options I'm going to stick to fine I think that looks about right you've got variation where you can then just reduce that variation or something like that and I think that is pretty reasonable let's just again just set the resolution there and then import and by the way I should say some of the features that I'm using and some of the features I will be demonstrating are for the um for a pro license user they do have a free version which is still excellent but I will aim I'd say I would encourage you to use the the um the full version really because obviously you get you get the most from it and um I am glad to say that we've partnered with these guys and we will be providing a 10 discount code so um that that's all in the in the information below in the description below and I will just revisit that towards the end of the video as well so we've imported it I like to just hit the little settings wheel make sure I've got the resolution right tell its commercial use import and then there we are with it automatically assigned it to our little Paint Bucket and if we then just measure joint house it's it's just over the 150 Mark but you get the idea that it's a 150 mil as measured so that is a fantastic way of establishing a bespoke texture there are other ways of using this you can just what what's great about it is it does just come with a load of standard materials as well so if we just use a let's just go for a textured [Music] does that effect not interact that's just for the joints you just brighten it here we go so just by brightening it you you're just reducing the effects a little bit same again let's get that resolution to 2000 import and then paint away I'm just holding Ctrl a just to fill liner slightly controlled way now in order to use the at the roughness map and all that sort of stuff right what you need to do is go to the little three dots there let me just go to the main texture go to the three little dots and hit save you then come back to the architectures website login and then you'll have a saved area and then you can see there at the top it automatically loaded that you then open it in the web version of the app and then you can simply click on bump download remember we have the left one set to 2000 so download that roughness same again download that and then you're creating this basically a texture stack that you can then use a proper PBR workflow with now I've made I just stopped a video they have made a little a little error in this I didn't save the the texture for the flow so let me just stupidly let me just go through that that process again so apologies [Music] the reason I'm doing this is there we go I want to just demonstrate how you can then use this there we are in a rendering program so for this example I'm going to use Lumin we're going to take advantage of the lovely new Ray tracing technology so again 150 150 patent is stacked that's right and we want the style of the pattern to be fine and we want the joined to be the dark more set like so right so before I then move away what I should have done the first time so let's just set that too thousand as well is hit save that then saves to my accounts own library and then it's from the web-based app that you can then use that and use your own user library to then generate the the um the other Maps for the proper PBR workflow so let's import that let's just make sure we're working with the the right textures okay so slightly different but you know you get the idea if we then jump back to our admin area saved and a negative open texture bump download again make sure you imagine the resolution roughness download perfect how powerful is that one last one a little texture [Music] um so we'll text you the cheers so in here we could you could say it through Fabric or actually if we go all and just type in leather [Music] edit that's okay so just drop on the brightness making sure to save that off import and here we are there are other tools [Music] I'll show you there are other tools that you can use to map I just there's a great one in V right there called um wailed projection but that's obviously dependent on you having a v-ray license so let me just see if I can but there are other tools out there we'll probably cover that as well for now I think it's it's mapping reasonably well [Music] and because that one was quite a simple one I didn't I didn't actually didn't change anything I can just go ahead save that and then same again let's go back to save textures and then Same Again download now I have just thought of something that that's just to hold as well I may need the normal map to create my bumps so let's download that as well normal download save for the plaster foreign [Music] the reason you have to come back to the web app is just because SketchUp inherently doesn't have a place for those additional maps to live and for me that's absolutely no issue whatsoever again the key thing here is having all the textures in one very convenient place you can obviously place them in SketchUp and again I'll show you how to then use the other maps and we're going to use lumium but it applies to pretty much every rendering software and then this has got to be one of the most bespoke ways I've come across of creating textures you can literally match textures from The Real World so I think that is incredibly powerful so let's save that off we've got all our Maps let's just make a little folder [Music] [Music] like so [Music] now the leather let us come in a little oh no no that's a decent resolution apologies [Music] nope that's spot-on okay so in lumion let's impose yeah oh that's all that mean pause what's the [Music] or something it's just saying us [Music] I'm going to Civil War something to note import [Music] okay so we're in and look how well does that texture has translated and all we need to now do is go in the settings of this material and then in relief we then just want to load the normal map and roughness same again this should improve that reflectivity foreign [Music] see how that's following the texture perfectly now the roughness one isn't isn't quite demonstrating um in as successful away as as the relief one is just because the actual material itself is quite flat but it's still it's still working it is it is still picking up the highlights definitely working if I just bring in a completely little reflection control by the way I have just finished or um lumion Advanced and Ray tracing course as well that's gonna go live very soon to access that and head over to little Shameless plug there for him but now we can really see I think you can see a little bit of variation as well in the reflection there that is that's coming through lovely and then same again here just to repeat that process relief is the normal map [Music] and then there's your awfulness map there do you all see that relief kicking in you can also invade it sometimes it faces the the wrong way and again look look how that reflection is following the map that is exactly we'll get after in a texture and then last but not least the leather chairs [Music] you don't even need to mess with the map scale as well which is something to note because obviously it's it's loading it as it should be straight from SketchUp so that does save a little bit of a little bit of time and effort and then look at that look how that's following the the geometry and it's you know the the mapping of that texture is just absolutely effect so it's a proper proper way explore that and that is literally how you use what I think is one of the most powerful texture plugins for SketchUp and one of the most powerful texture websites for CGI full stop I think it's absolutely brilliant and um yeah as I say we um we've been really impressed by this we were already a user of this um before we we got speaking with the guys at architectures and then just say just before I do finish the video off we've got a few links below you need to use the links below depending on the currency and a lot of stuff and then when you hit on those links you will then have the ability to insert a coupon code and I provided our coupon code in the description below you enter that and you get 10 off the pro license and it's the pro license that gives you all the additional options that I've gone through today so I hope you've enjoyed the video I hope you've learned something from it as well and hope this plugin really speeds up your workflow thank you very much foreign
Channel: ArchAdemia
Views: 7,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sketchup tutorial, sketchup tutorials, sketchup lessons, the sketchup essentials, sketchup modeling, sketchup tutorial for beginners, sketchup 2021, how to use sketchup, sketchup for beginners, sketchup basics, sketchup free tutorial, lumion tutorial, lumion 3d, lumion render, render lumion, lumion tutorial for beginners, lumion architectural visualization, 3d rendering, archviz, 3d texturing, architectural visualization, architextures for sketchup, architextures
Id: JzTzg5WYnlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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