How This Man Scammed An Entire Town....

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others about Harvey I don't know about Harvey either and so today that's why we're gonna marry the town's doctor we're gonna go for our checkup with Harvey and he's gonna check into our heart Harvey makes that Dr bank and I'm really sick of living in this tiny little rundown Shack that I got for free hey let us in will ya oh wait this is the wrong house I forgot that's P.S all right Harvey's Shack is the little why is it attached to Piers Harvey Shack is the tiny hospital that's next to the real money maker of the Town Pierre apparently he's into his uh he's into his coffee Harvey does look like a man that would be way too into coffee what else has he got pickles I didn't realize there were so many pickles in this game to say pickled potatoes what what are pickled potatoes Evelyn what are you doing in here oh it could get to be my age you have to see the doctor more often I break my bone every morning Harvey said our two hearts already wait does that mean we can go into his room [Music] okay you know what I was I thought he had might have a bit more than a TV from 1964. you know what I mean I thought he might have a little bit of something with his doctor salary you know oh it's too hard events all right George I want you to take a deep breath for me yeah you just just turn around for me please George I'll be honest with you you need to make some changes to your lifestyle if you want to stay healthy yeah I'm not gonna lie George you better start listening to the doctor george you're not looking in the best shape I'd like you to reduce your sodium intake and try to get some moderate exercise with your arms who do you think you are telling me now to live my life and you're just like I've seen the videos on Facebook I don't need that vaccine Harvey I'm your doctor george that's who I am and I went to school for eight years so I could learn how to help people stay healthy I'm sorry but you shouldn't be here these checkups are supposed to be private well then why didn't you lock the door Harvey I like to get a second opinion from this young lady I always forget I'm a woman what do you think George should do George George okay George you're like 98 George all right I'm gonna be honest you with you at Best you've got another year and a half Max you're already living in God's waiting room George you might as well just listen to the doctor's advice thanks chicken no no no worries I'm I'm always one for the Sciences Harvey you see George I'm just trying to help you I'll do what you say doctor thanks for your help chicken I really appreciate it today I'm making bacon cookies I'm gonna put a little bit of rat poison and George's one speed up the process a bit hey what do these actually say the clinic is licensed for medical practice by the ferngill Republic health authority authority he's just forged one up and chucked it up man it's just written in crayon up there Louis looked at it he's like wow this is perfect I'm sure this is completely legal didn't this quiet Clinic violate the Geneva Convention oh my God Harvey did violate the Geneva Convention so not only is he a false doctor he's also a war criminal it's my liver isn't a doctor I can see it on your face I mean I'm he's like wow Gus there's only one way to answer it we're gonna have to cut out your liver don't worry what I'm gonna do with it afterwards possibly sell it away it's a rainy day let's go see what he does during the rain Harvey my life I've got hypothermia please let me in hey Avi so like I'm Javi I have hypothermia you can't just leave me like that is the clinic not open oh when it's raining they're so bad Evelyn's outside having a [ __ ] heart attack and he's like sorry can't do anything there's great clouds out there what is he doing he's listening to His Radio Harvey looks busy right now you're too busy for pickles oh [ __ ] there did you say it door just opened by itself I was just about to write you a letter you see my records indicate that you're due for your annual checkup oh God have you ever have you ever worked on a chicken person before now now there's no need to worry it'll be quick and painless chicken human anatomy is a bit different Harvey do we know this I just need to check your vitals so yeah there's some healthy looking kidneys your pulse is high I'm out of breath I'm a little nervous are you really a doctor are we really sure he's a doctor um okay if you say so I feel bad doing it are you so sad looking I'm sorry Harvey I didn't mean to it was just a bit it was for the bit Harvey it was for the bit well then you seem very healthy chicken just make sure not to overwork yourself on that farm eating a farmer's brunch will give you the nutrition you need to water and harvest crops better as Harvey's whole dialogue he just gives you like nutritional facts the entire time I'm hoping it gets a little bit deeper oh the girlies are having their little yoga session oh cute wait Pam's there oh I've decided to get back into me exercise I don't even know how I got here Harvey's there yes are you breaking a sweat yes Emily I was wondering if you could give me a birth chart reading sometime chicken were you were you watching me yes I was my future male wife how embarrassing I didn't want anyone to know least of all you hey you looked good out there Harvey I won't lie I'm just trying to stay healthy as you get older it requires more effort I'm not in very good shape though I can hardly keep up with him you couldn't keep up with the Raging alcoholic don't tell everyone in town that I'm doing a dance aerobics okay I can't promise that listen it's it's pretty funny there's nothing wrong with it Harvey but it would be pretty funny to tell everyone we'll keep this little secret I appreciate that oh I like how we was like can we keep a secret but like half the town was there anyway wait you don't think Carolyn's already told Pierre you don't think like mani's told Lewis oh God I died I was trying to clear my farm to get an owl statue and I died Harvey someone found you unconscious embedded I had to perform an emergency surgery on you ignore the scar that was around by your kidney that's not uh it was important be a little more careful next time okay listen we don't want to harm any of your organs Dr Harvey charged me a thousand G for the hospital visit Harvey doesn't believe in free healthcare just saying that just putting that out there and he stole my maple seeds and my liver imagine having a patient's life completely in your hands and failing to keep them alive that's something that will haunt you forever Javi went from make sure to eat your breakfast every morning for good nutritional to I had a patient die in my arms that was a quick switch up Harvey [Music] oh for God's sakes I didn't think it would hit me did you take my spleen this time oh his eight heart event hello has anyone out there hello all right apparently he's a 1920s radio broadcaster now hello this is Dr hedden 50 tone off four three point five East don't give them your location Harvey the CIA is probably listening in right now copy Dr Harvey on the ground this is Blackbird 505 Isuzu anything to report no he actually he he's the CIA responded to him someone's there uh I mean standard ground report when they're three clicks Thirty takes to raise north and west Grand temperature with 42 Crags Dr H out yikes pulse is soaring it's a very interesting portrait I won't lie hey Harvey heard you're confessing to war crimes chicken ask Harvey why he's all flustered you see it's just on the radio here and uh I made contact with her but the real pilot God I hope the FBI wasn't listening in they might find the 57 Hearts I've got stored in my fridge as a matter of fact we could probably see him flying overhead now click get over here yeah wow look at him go as a kid my dream was to always be a pilot with my bad eyesight and a crippling fear of heights that dream started to fade away don't be sad I've grown to accept my station in life not everyone can change their dreams that's just the way the world is the [ __ ] that's depressing well let me show you my model airplanes I just finished the new TR star bed Deluxe set oh that's so sick model airplanes do you think we can play with them our male wife has a little bit of a personality he opened up very quickly about patients dying in his arms there's no real curve up to it it was just kind of straight into the deep end but we learned about his hopes and dreams we learned about what he wanted to be in life Harvey will you be my male wife I feel the same way I'm kind of nervous aren't you no I've done this like eight times already I'd like to stay in stardew Valley for a while I'm finally starting to feel involved in the community interesting so Harvey saw himself as an outsider I guess that would make sense why you don't really see him or what like around and stuff as much it feels good to know that you're useful can't be my male wife you can be useful you just know Evelyn's tempted to push George into the icy water she's in her mind she's like I can do it just one push no one would mind no one would know and it'd all be over oh wait we can marry him now at least take me on a date first before we get married chicken I have a surprise for you meet me by the railroad tracks oh no he's gonna rip my heart out isn't he this is how he gets to you he gets close to you and then he meets you on the railroad track and then just it's all gone I'm gonna wake up at an ice bath in a motel somewhere hey Javi why do you think no one's ever moved that Boulder over there ah there you are just in time here it comes oh my God where did you come from marcelo's balloon rentals at your service oh we just jumped out I saw an ad in the paper for these balloon rides no I knew I had to surprise you with one dude does this meet health and safety regulations Javi aren't you afraid of heights I am yeah but I'm determined to not let that stop me from doing what I want and experiencing this with you I'll try not to get scared whoa Jesus Christ how do we jump there high oh he's covering his eyes wait that's really cute oh he's actually so low bisexual sky like I can't make that joke because I've already done it in the past videos rehashing content it's lazy I'm I'm sure I'm a trembling coward you've got more than enough courage to make up for me chicken that's that's part of why I like you I'm gonna open my eyes and look down don't don't let go of my hand he's so male wife for real oh he's so scared this is incredible I think I can see Milo standing in the Town Square yeah you can see Marty and Lewis in the bush she's like what are they doing oh dear our time's almost up we've known each other for a while now and I uh I would really appreciate it if I could take your spleen and sell it on the back Market cute our time is out half an hour ago would better touchdown you're paying for that extra half hour not me that's not coming out of my paycheck stop by my place if you need a confidential checkup [Music] Javi what I thought you wish Yo I thought he was a shy boy okay also I think all doctor appointments are meant to be confidential so you're just like telling the town about like everyone else's health problems maybe that's his gossip and he'll just like talk to Gus and he's like you know Evelyn's only got four more years to live Abigail she got the weird cyst on her back biggest thing I've ever seen in my life I'm starting to feel kind of old they already get the more memories you're burned with it can be overwhelming are you okay Bobby do you think I'll stay younger with you around and now he's sweet about it Harvey where you at good thing I came with sunscreen I wonder if Mario could use some sunscreen on her shoulders you just said this to your girlfriend yeah that's my ex-wife and I'm your girlfriend all right let's marry him Harvey I've been I've been thinking and I want in an organ harvesting business no Harvey it will be a 50 50 split I promise it'll be just Libyan is that Dynamite sharp to his chest what is that do you like are you just not a doctor anymore because everyone else gave up their career paths but the town kind of needs a doctor oh his one's cute this one's nice I have to go to the cleaning today have a nice day okay okay so he doesn't just give up being a doctor so that's nice hi honey what are you doing at the clinic I was visiting you at work my dear I forgot to give you your pickles this morning and I thought oh I can't let my male wife go to work with Alice pickles George is always a little less Grumpy in the summer it makes me not want to kill him as much the warm weather softens his bones what the [ __ ] does that mean oh oh it's just saying like hard bones I thought I thought just being literal wait for the 14 Hearts the house needs to be upgraded twice what the kidney money better be good is he gonna ask me if I want to have a child I feel like that's where he's gonna go with this it was so incredibly lonely living by myself in the clinic I'm much happier now oh you're so sweet mate did I just miss it or did like Harvey has that like tiny bit more depth than meru had even though they're both nerds am I just being cruel to Maru he's male wifing it that's what I love to see it's but what are you doing what are you doing gonna sit the house on fire a little bit of human flesh yeah a little bit of cat's blood in there too an eyeball from my last patient and Presto it's done ah you're right on time chicken let me just sit the table oh is he cooking us a dinner this is so pure you've been working so hard on the farm I wanted to make you a special dinner it's my very own angel hair pasta primavera with clams and real human hair it tastes like your mustache leftover pickle juice slurping it out of his mustache it tastes Heavenly Heavenly huh I'm glad you like it you deserve the best so tell me about your day okay what is he doing what are you blowing into a straw what is that why is there so many options let's just go with a socialized in town having no active social life is good for the brain but remember I'm always here for you if you need someone to talk to I'm stuffed that was great I'll take care of the dishes oh he's such a good male wife don't feel bad I like to do nice things for you it makes me happy I know I say this a lot but marrying you was the best thing that ever happened to me [Music] lovely but now this is kind of ominous it's sadly got very horror Vibes all of a sudden that was filling I'm gonna sleep well no you are not I could promise you Harvey you're not gonna be sleeping much tonight wow he's really not going to be sleeping much tonight good morning chicken I made you a nutritious breakfast a complete complete breakfast oh my God that looks incredible where did he go where does he go on Saturdays is he reading in the garden that's the cutest thing I actually did not expect him to be this cute he's got a little bit more depth to him than I expected and he's actually quite sweet chicken you you mean the world to me case in point man case in point you know what Harvey character development I don't care that you're not making a doctor's salary you make up for it but because you make me eggs in the morning well will you dance with me at the festival tomorrow oh my God he's so oh whoa dude look at that face he's like a [ __ ] anime girl dude of course I will well actually I I I I I won't because um I need to get a divorce the Harvest business wasn't making as much money as I thought it was gonna be I've got a massive mortgage to pay off here and let's be honest you're not making the doctor's salary are you I don't want to do it don't follow me Harvey I don't want to do this but it's for the bit it's for the bit Harvey I can't forget the bit I'm don't look at me Lewis I don't want to do this one hi Harvey it's nice to see you here I can't look at you please spare me any more pain [Music] this isn't a very fun bit [Music]
Channel: Nino Kito
Views: 211,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, stardew valley, nino, ninokito, stardew 1.5, stardew valley mods, funny moments, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley challenge, stardew valley 1.5, stardew valley mod showcase, mods, stardew valley expanded, stardew valley nexus, stardew valley harvey heart events, stardew harvey, sdv harvey heart events, stardew villager mods
Id: 9NXiqFocjeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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