IS THIS SOLO QUEUE? πŸ€” (ft. RatIRL) | FNC vs VIT | IWD LEC Co-Stream

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yep i'm predicting a 3-1 vitality meanwhile a 3-1 vitality okay potentially they drafted diana yasuo combo yeah and leading us to that's the only thing they draft doesn't olaf just get stopped by get reacted this is all just run down right next i think olaf wins level one but i think that good renekton's a level three just win we do have insane okay this could be the draft for vitality this could be the winning draft oh this is this should be good they should kill him right he kills him oh he oh wait they saw they saw they pinged it they saw the god damn it no they saw the game disrespecting okay he or said it's coming in this one here we go the interpretation is coming in this one gets caught knocked up okay then a company's coming in as well nobody dies okay here we go wait so fanatic literally saw self made there and they were spamming it on the map and then they still took the fight that's from crown shot crazy as they know that the bot lane is threatened it was just a random weapon what did he block it oh my god people flashed except he flashes the relegates running against closing against isis that was oh no self-made is super triggered right now this could be the combo here we go oh three-man combo and but leader leader was cc'd leader couldn't follow oh he did just wait i think leader was out of range wait what what's happening happened what is going on wait it's a 5-0 what oh come on man don't walk to this wave he did this in my game as well he walked out mid enemy flashlight and killed him no this could be good you have to kill the guys in here if they die they nash no it's all from the mid crowd they play you know they're all dying okay everyone wants a piece of the action this could be good stealth might have to kill them here yes the river as well coney also wasted all some stops i mean this is not gonna go well for fnatic by the way [Music] oh oh man we're losing this game so hard [Laughter] [Music] sending it into the next game respect oh and upset save the kda so he's got mental edge all right who wins game guarantees um i need to see drafts first they're banning out the same stuff they're just doing it they're just letting them do this but they don't have their both like what are they right i mean they can draft literally anything to counter desire i mean they have insane combo but you know wait leader didn't have to die like uh well again it's same as last game it's really the same as that game is fed uh this is called the solo queue yeah what was it this is good for okay oh okay play that insane somebody just die okay double kill gives you the upset that's the one player that's right but it's good this will be good another 100 subscribers so if when i have to pay wait do you hear this here comes the shutdown no we flashed into it what oh yes so if vitality win i give you 200 and a fanatic win you give me 100. i'm gonna try and give this kill over to well adam who has claimed it for his own by lockheed no how close you don't trust them at all anymore you have no faith in your body correctly versus vitality they can't wait you know no matter what what vitality is you mentioned earlier that you think mordekaiser will start to win out this matchup happening look more guys doesn't even take damage oh never mind no renekton got it this could be good leader is coming in as well here we go oh this would be a huge shutdown of leader yeah this could be good this could be huge has adam contributed anything in those two games so far i have not seen one thing contributed by adam so far yeah but it's not like it's expected either from a music i think i don't know i randomly have people come into my chat um and tell me that he's like the best top laner in lec but those people are always french so i'm not sure yeah who watched the uh exactly yeah like he's the best player in the world you shut up you pieces oh oh oh the combo maybe you have to kill here i mean zayas is completely fine though okay he randomly kicked oh the flash into the pillow oh they lost [Music] you either know if they're gonna win or lose in the first like three minutes of the game yeah because if they get a lead they just use it like used well and if they fall behind they just can't yeah and if they're even they also lose yeah there's no like okay here we go again oh death okay he hit the i really like okay vitality won't disrupt by far would you agree by far um i just feel like it's kind of scary that they they only have the uh but always and lucian right so they're full price yeah they have a lot of physical damage oh yeah he's steeping behind here we go hamster doesn't [Music] why isn't anybody covering this okay this has to be good for vitality this is good no way this is come on no he missed everyone i mean it would have mattered too much but what did you tell me that dive work yeah i mean it's 4v2 probably [Music] what the just happened yeah there was some oh flash okay on the lulu i mean this is just free kill here's the thing i'm so surprised doesn't have the slicing wait so lulu didn't stop anything that the alistar did oh my god he killed oh he failed it again okay he ordered it you're telling me this time is working oh like hard work i mean it is 4v3 like they need to start matching dives where is everybody who are we missing look at him it's like full of mute great splitting yeah connor used to play for [Music] uh here we go they engage can they ultimately where's kendall he missed everybody with the ulti what see they can't win if they're just getting a good title we can actually win this it's just you by god the way the spread was so big from nisky and self-made is sending it and upset his full life for gg what happened cannon didn't hit anybody [Music] here we go let's see it oh wait oh my god continues is it that hard to stop a alistar combo really oh my god the damage is the mystic oh my god the damage what the members i guess you didn't kill him i mean fanatic has to be also here right or do they just not care i think they let it no i mean the block is ready but i feel like there's no reason to let it if you don't have to there's only yo nakali left unless they've prepared something i mean they'll just play lucian man well they can ban it right they have them oh yeah that's about it okay let's see yeah they can ban it he can no we will not see a leader wait i've never seen him play that oh wait where's your neck on me but this was unexpected yeah or something hey jace is also up for cs no but with like a million creeps right in front of the turret so it's actually down right if he can cancel it i mean he's just gonna be back no no no he's gonna die oh no no it doesn't have a way wait wonder's actually playing solo queue there's no way this works okay this is so good oh he took it whipple literally needs to be reported his lee sin is just like next level bro holy crap okay so he can kill the solo right but if he dies here i think he solos i don't know how much healing he has to once again oh i think there's a issue because it showed 11 as well so they're having uh a million solo kills for adam it feels like that they're just finding advantages oh wait this is free kills when crowney's mid you know it's doomed beneficiaries there's still a isn't it it looks pretty balanced when people have been playing it wait why do you do three bets again unlike you i care for my stream oh my god self made zhonya's and he uses all he grief is so hard wait what is hilly doing by the way i guess he i guess he got to engage kind of on the longest flank i mean i guess it's winning what the is happening i just tapped up on being eight yeah they're i don't know so somebody just oh my god i don't know i don't know i don't know what to do in this game like i can't focus on this game i really have no faith in these teams like i mean what is this like self-made is just ending the whole baron like there's no commentary it doesn't matter he lost his flash for no reason this is good right jace kills everybody i mean win this now if fnatic tries to fight yeah it's like they just don't know when they can fight and when they can't fight against died [Music] the team that wins this is going fast at least it's 2-2 this is gonna be a bad year of the game no fanatics winning the draft i think right alistar into braum isn't that like self-counter no not the hamster no no no wait the hamster into mundo is bad isn't it and then tf actually could pour wait i feel like vitality just griefed their draft so hard wait bumbus is here they're on the bravo this is so good for oh this has to be killed right i mean they have you want to give up that space because you know a coordinator died uh this is rough for them i mean they should just go on crowning too connie's just a hundred percent dead yeah it's always they can't land yes if that guy lives either though yeah it's just they got so drafted as well and it's just them dying to that level one thing and they lose sums because i'm trying to be positive and be like they can win but get out of their heads from coming out okay actually up under his heel here i think it might have been up because because after he healed it was it was immediately up afterwards so he might have actually grieved listen he's saving his flash for this because if they win this fight it's the dragon fight now so he needs to look here we go stepping forward once again three there starting it now hillerson going in there's the destiny as well they're looking to catch up lebron who has the unbreakable will pops on to the blue buff leader dodging away there's the stun there's the true shot brush hit his hand caught with the chain of grubbing before low off towards the top side leader trying to dive on to him keeping self made busy adam now steps forward as that front line leader dives in but immediately is stunned the other cross goes out as well and leader has nowhere to go upset goes on around pages adam tanks up four members of vitality and you just can't kill off this mundo he's gonna chase them down fnatic find two more kills and that's enough to take cheers to take down fanatic adam still alone by himself on the bottom side stun goes out oh no misfits set up a chance at worlds once again they've only missed it once they will not be stopped by vitality the flash kick comes out but self made just can't do anything leader on the back line still can't get the damage down niski pops the stopwatch and leader goes up immediately afterwards has a stopwatch of his own but upset doesn't mind waiting around jigenda diving in with a slicing mouse drum cannot do anything and fnatic will clean it up in the base it took them five games but fnatic will fight misfits next week [Music]
Channel: IWDominate
Views: 83,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iwd, iwilldominate, christian rivera, iwdominate, how to jungle, jungle main, pentakill, outplay, LEAGUE plays, diy, best jungler na, lol best jungler, LEAGUE highlights, LOL HIGHLIGHTS, graves, pantheon, kha'zix, jungle, kindred, rengar, gragas, jungler, LEE SIN, best of, best plays, pathing, path, best path, how to gank, gank, teaching, tutorial, how to climb, funny, HOW TO DOMINATE, LEAGUE PRO, TEAM LIQUID, EUW, TOXIC, IWD Unbanned, IWD Reddit, fnc, vit, fnc vs vit, solo queue, solo q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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