FNATIC with the L9 PAUSE HACK?! (ft. Jiizuke & Febiven) | MSF vs FNC | IWD LEC Co-Stream

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get into it all right so fanatic with the zyracon blind they don't care what they're playing into is it really just an uncountable lane i mean i think in general this series is going to be how hard can upset and hilly carry the world um i think misfits uh just matches up better top side specifically top lane i expect here to really just take it to adam to adam um and i'm really surprised that with the first pick camille there was no renekton from adam to counter pick it so we'll see how it goes all right so they're connected as picked but i think we'll win i think this is a win but i want fnatic to win i'm close with fnatic uh players in general like upset and nisky now i've had football a couple of times um yamato obviously the coach comes to the co streams quite a bit he's been on the crackdown three times really like just talking to yamato in general seems like a very very based individual does have the dragon's rage and vito is currently forming in the mid lane so he's gonna use that oh this is pretty bad from from here right here teleport comes down here oh my god that that was uh that was a rough one okay maybe you know what maybe here it is not as good as i thought he was double chain two chains misfits we're still not done goldbalk as herod teleports back into the top lane the sweep tactical okay they're just they have the tp advantage top end up using it i mean that was just tp advantage for misfits like they ended up having two tp's up even though the initial fight was played well by fnatic i think fanatic just they're kind of like some resources they're kind of screwed here because if they make a bot play then the enemy team has two tps to match it but if they make the top play then they have to do it super quick or the tvs are going to come in as well oh man this is going to be all oh my god fnatic is just doomed off this to push into the enemy jungle towards the bottom oh my god here what are you doing nah here what did i just see he just eased into the turn and kills himself for what that all right mid lane was pushed into fnatic by misfits once oh my god what was that kick flash i don't know if that was it man i really don't know if that one was it oh life two full razor just through literally the entire game if you combine these two teams to make the best team which five are you taking they just have more time i'm thinking here it upset hillary for sure yeah true then i'm taking probably nisky razor i mean if i'm going for the future i think video is like really talented but if i'm going for right now i i still think nisk is good man i respect nesquik i mean here it's going in with the camille but it seems a little strange oh niski is dead never mind i take here all right never mind i take a video i i meant video i meant video i i don't think that guy i don't take that guy i take video damn bro not even kebab can save that man all of a sudden upset is now delivering a huge impact how many times did upset otto in this fight damn smurf thought in a moment the teleport is being committed remember side lanes picking off solo members oh that guy is uh getting camille altered here it throws down the ultimatum here comes the rest that's quick four of them on top and disengage with a kick and that is teleporting in it's a five versus four pto on the flank looking for upset but he's caught he's stunned he's jumped on top of okay video's sending it that was crazy it was well played from from hilly punishing it but man there's ah god it's so painful to watch you know what this makes the uh the the um we series look a little bit better somehow it makes it look noticeable honestly i love it set this whole play up he had the vision he knew that if he got picked at that moment misfits would be stupid and start barron and then based off that he was going to be able to respond with the camilo and then kill them that's that's how you know that nisky's a veteran these are the types of things you have to plan out to be at the top of timeout europe is up adam jumps forward not going to be able to kill him just yet and results running for his life fanatic anyone want to help this guy with baron or what's happening upset just flashed over the wall what's happening oh my god it's a wedding tree oh my god my ball is so bad wimbo is so bad man why all of a sudden i can't i can't i can't i can't no no no no no no no no no no no man's down why are you still hitting it when you don't have smite so why is he the only one that's staying on the baron like shouldn't he be the one like shouldn't he be the one trying to flash over this wall and kill people the rest of the team i don't know man how are you ever getting this what is this you have no smite you have no smite maybe he's audience might 37 hp maybe he thought he ends might i don't know it was so close but dude that's because razor missed this fight like you should lose baron 100 of the time there i think fanatic i don't know what's going on i mean apparently misfits is just giving their entire nexus or what's happening oh this is so low quality okay wait what is upset third item qss i don't know i just feel like it's unnecessary like he already has decent amount of peel with urakon and then he has his old because he's playing ziya still really like the mercurial scimitar he's just done exactly what his team needs him to do and now nisky's going to initiate this fight what is this why do we need to see this what's happening why are why are they doing this are they trolling what is production doing into the red buff razor left alone split off from carby and vto the teleports from fnatic i'm gonna be able to i really don't like trolling like that during playoffs the ultimate use so weird to me now in the replay also grouping for the late game team fights having someone to play from behind offset completely untouched i mean it's just a full-on chase i guess compliment this guy i think video can't even do damage he can get the supers i mean this is just ushering in minions mid literally i mean this is weird i think fnatic can just do nothing here and then nisky ends the game like do they even need nisky for this i honestly feel like they don't even need nisky to be in this fight needs to lock up a key target and allow copy to put the damage you've got a whole production team doing this bro kind of crazy whatever find another kill we'll take out the nexus turret as well as copy and as they take down the nexus hey upset hilly they did work what is this what is this upset build no i.e is i.e just this bad dispatch i'm so confused why would he go storm razor then silas all right nisky that's that's an lpl move right there that's what lpl mid laners like doing don't just pick silas into orianna these days seraphine what the i forgot this champion existed multiple gangs even behind towers early on so we'll be able to at least dissuade we're both for now ellisank jumps into the middle lane the stun will land at the vto he's low on mana flashes over the wall and razor will be able to knock away fnatic for the time being fnatic very early applying a pressure here onto misfits with so many summoner spells down who will be the first time this is pretty good all right it's just the support first blood secured turns himself into the support cap gg he's very very thin a cul de meek should be able to thin it relatively quickly the hair mist comes out and razor is going to be the target he goes so low flashing hey razor countered here bubba's having a much better game than the first one first game was like pretty sketchy this game was good so far a little bit of a mishap yeah it did not work out in their favor and now copy summon a spell list against his ec you have to give hillary credit too it's hilly and burpo they're playing well this game he's coming off towards the mid lane here okay it's got the shock wave available to him we'll be able to uh nest quick oh no neski nisky why oh he missed the r uh it's tragedy it's actually such a tragedy oh well played from from uh from hilly and by there okay well played well played well played i like to see it i like to see it oh golf clap right there nice advice mvp of the mvp is a regular season award and what can you criticize about inspired regular season okay all right adam's getting roamed on by the seraphine and it ends up working okay and they could try and look for something around it well they're not gonna get the time to do so well played from upside here he gets the double jump he's got to jump oh i guess he doesn't have the jump i mean he has the jump reset but he doesn't think that he'll kill with his uh he's got the ultimate available w ford looking for the dragon's range kick and he holds on to the trigger flash available oh nice and razor well played from razor that's big that's big that's two kills hilly's dead two and that's a 600 gold shutdown you take these you take those okay i like that misfits battling back they're not just gonna can roll over and die although that is in the pocket of whipple and he's moving up towards the top side where the rest of misfits is i think adam's just dead oh we'll see qrq i mean he doesn't even have to kick his life pretty pretty well played man pretty well played by misfits here they're actually doing it they battled back i respect this a lot i respect that that misters aren't just gonna roll over and die right there as well trevor that's a very good example of what we talked about oh my god wait this is pretty and no i mean upset just sent it holy they just sent it what the did i just watch they've been very adaptive in this series they realize they can't go for attention towards the bottom so they're trying to do here oh they canceled it big big big but you should give that kill to nisky but big unless they find this chill this is a little bit brave here nisky walked in front of a ward resort landed the sonic wave the rest of fnatic can jump forward teleport is now being channeled from adam uh bubble still is old that's a really good seraphine but do they just does vander just die here is the question hey adam needs to chill i don't know what adam's doing on this side going so hard from upside down it ended up working though kind of yeah they get two kills here as well as resort but are relatively untouched maybe not continues to chase bro hilly just went back in he just doesn't care what trying to get another back all of a sudden taken out misky the last man standing for fnatic and that's gonna be the flash away champions on the board phantom dancing crack kraken slayer there for upset on tristana i want to keep a close eye on him is now here it will once again be the target hey the five man but oh my god jesus here it's just trying to trying to live a little like that that was quite a quite a play on to him he was inside the dragon pit i think he did have his flash available oh my god what are you doing bro what is this got no ultimate available but the route comes up from the concussive flows teleporting oh my god three-man child okay it's gg can he do the damage goes golden next hourglasses adam finds one back onto vito coffee remains uh bubble just uh inside the jungle fanatic let's ruin things and you burn here you probably can you have damage that could be gigantic from the hijacking okay i don't know if that works from this game i mean adam's in there but he gets exhausted uh it's a good shock wave too misfits even the series one to one just like that that came out of nowhere well seems like for the whole series misfits is going to be open to playing camille internet i mean are we just going to see camille renekton the entire series or what all right let's see okay so jace band by fnatic i guess they're just going to have to ban here's chase the entire series i mean i think that this shows that fnatic is not willing to like go for a potential counter to jace match up top because jace is not like the most i mean jace is pretty blind pickleball but there are things that people play into jace so here's the question what do you pick do you does people have confidence playing lisa i thought bubbles lee sin was like pretty shaky yesterday i don't know i think you just take a renekt in here and you let them ban out junglers because bubble can probably play more junglers than adam can play top laners i i think you still just take renekton here take renekton here support here right it's like a leona here i think yeah leona okay i'm down with the leona what does fnatic end up playing oh so it is the trundle it's the trundle jungle and if you pick rai's videos just picking oreo here right like i don't see there's a i don't think there's a reason for video to not pick ori yeah and then he just picks the ori all right sounds flash available to him and i think this is a tad optimistic but nisky's joining as well hook shot oh here he got him the tactical sweep doesn't find the kill but just oh okay adam ends up getting the kill i mean adam got his flash red like a buck and then he ended up just getting the kill because razor over committed remember adam from the lfo with support took over games hillary once again with a fantastic roam there's some damage on the shock wave and [ __ ] okay oh that's well played well played from fnatic there fnatics early games have looked clean in general just as they ended up massively throwing i mean they pretty much had this lead they had essentially like a 2k gold lead in game two and they ended up just throwing it ahead wave available teleport as well as that sheen has a small level advantage overall still not okay he just had sex there is looking for adam the tower turns his attention to nisky and that will be a kill for razor heartbreak is just used oh oh man i think if razer was quicker on the ulti maybe he gets out going on it there saying he's going to be waiting here in the wings the shockwave will only catch nisky quickness is thrown down and that's an airborne bto purple pixel arriving to the fanatic just read misfits walks away with denying that buff and now fnatic between two towers managed to find the route onto vanda he's still got the flash available i mean this one's just getting ran this game getting ran all over the map we'll just about get fnatic to safety and because of this doesn't go too over aggressive as soon as the bot lane is recalled for misfit opset is doing exactly what he talked about oh copy gets jumped on gets rooted and does get chomped he's able to flash and arcane shift away to safety and now vanda got the solar flare available to him has not pulled the trigger yet has fnatic bit it off more than they can chew they find themselves to kill onto fandom but here comes nisky finds the root down onto here this is just complete fanatic stomp here what do i say is the weakest rolling in lec well i mean it might be top lane but i don't think that lacy top lane is that it's that bad i mean it's definitely not mid lane i don't think it's jungle either i mean probably not 80 cabbies probably top lane honestly but i don't think it's like it's bad it's weaker compared to the other roles top lane is probably the weakest role in lec we're a minute and a half away from the next dragon there's the flash i don't think player wise though like lec has any egregiously bad players outside of like but they will at least you guys know what i'm gonna say right except for that that one guy who catches some strays on my stream this is a complete slot dude it's a 10k gold lead in 19 minutes that's pretty crazy on band game four i mean they did it game three or sorry they did the game two and then this game they tried to pan out uh morgana and then they were gonna like one two recon and then uh hilly got it so that's the only one pretty sure that like they looked i mean they looked pretty tilted from draft like go back to draft and see how vander looked when they locked in that recon first pick it was a little bit insane before the shock wave can even come out finally razor gets himself one back onto nisky now trying to put the damage on to helicopter not going to be enough to find the kill just yet and upset we'll close it up with it work beforehand but i feel like right now you can see the rest of the members of flying just in the mid lane but the rest of memphis mississippi i mean yeah adam just eps and i'm pretty sure they just get absolutely destroyed here good flash from nisky razer didn't get the reset happening in the back line adam's just 1v3 in them okay we'll take this engage rather and now here it hops off the wall who else died in the back line taken out it's just a crocodile diff hey probably just shifted in and then insta flashed out nice that's what i like to see missing out on all these because as you said with the wallet fnatic so far ahead but midfield they're not done no not just yet oh my god the flash from whippo okay it's just touches over the permanent wait that pillar kind of uh turns it back around the realm of continues the fight once again we're gonna lock down two niski's not done the feathers fly and upset's looking to kill a few more members of misfits but vicio and they're back they're chasing out upset and adam is coming in from behind these team fights are never-ending and they never go well for misfits i don't know like the only thing you can say is that cancer smurfing and piccolo when i say that these teams look better than g2 did last week uh no i would not say that i would say that g2 should be the favorite coming into the next series regardless of what happens in like the fourth collapse while game coming in fnatic have already peeled out but they're now split three members of the south okay we'll get the command protect to stay alive does he have a ga all right that was uh that was interesting teleport available for vto he's on the bottom lane copy's making his way from base the channel is coming in quickness thrown out video wait upset flash oh no you hate to see it man [Music] i can't believe this is a 30-minute game for fnatic and what 10k gold lead in 18 minutes and ends at 30. do something double supers will now start to make their way forward that's the engage from hilly gets the charm and this time round bt's killed before he can use that shockwave and have any impact roshawk is trying to find a kill onto hillary but that is the least impactful member now that his initiation is done facing fanatics five super millions pushing into the base now as well as here it gets caught up throws up the heck step ultimatum and adam buys enough time with that stopwatch here it will fall in just a moment as vanderback okay he lives triumph and to be fair this is more on ray's work than it is on here though like if you're playing a matchup where you're already counter-picked and then you end up just having somebody run into your lane and just give that champion double buffs and a free kill it's normally pretty hard though i would blame razor more than hear it here hey jace this is gonna be a recon band by misfits on three it has to be there it is first pick viego then we see camille lee sin oh ashley sin okay not blinding the camille now there's the question for fnatic are they gonna blind the renekton do they blind rejected because this is the first time camila's not picked one too right they blind their neck man that is kind of crazy from do they go surfing here boom seraphine nice seraphine on three okay cool fanatic will most likely ban out gnar i would think wait hold up didn't end up banishing it's gonna be upset tristana i really think fnatic should ban gnar okay they take nar i'm i'm really surprised fanatic didn't ban it and then misfits like just get it on four for free because it's clearly what they want okay well i predicted four champions in a row for miss but it's not carrots and bad are trading that's a big stun on to here at this medium wave is helping out nisky will be backed up by whip that one's in here it doesn't get camped by razor i mean i don't know if razor has been helping at all oh my god razor is just so is griefing super hard wow razor just really griefed it now they got four people four members up towards the top side they can look for a dive trevor here it needs to gnar out but he doesn't have the bar just yet level five whip by stepping forward the hallowedness comes out to three there it has flash ends up flashing here videos back though i think fanatic might have overchased yeah fanatic over chase super hard oh god this is three overload deaths overload here it will not have the flashlight in there all of a sudden don't care wait this is so bad for fnatic holy finnec just greased the entire game right between adam and upset holy that over that's classic fanatic for you man that's just what they do oh this is so bad wait that's a 2k deficit off that play hole what an absolutely awful play all right adam come on man come on come on adam you gotta you gotta at least respect that they're still there come on will now be the next target looking to run and copy just lazy recall in the middle of the lane that's rough too probably not because this is just confirmed now all of a sudden misfits are on the hunt is nearby razor gets a free kill here wait wow they're just winning four three before wait this flasher from kobi is massive no oh wait it actually it ends up working okay they just know their limits so much work with the shields with the damage to close at the moment it will be up to uh no flash copy's just dead probably but both gonna use the heartbreaker to safety and resort continues the chase sonic they can do to commit and i think the timing on that also very very important um here it's very cool downstairs he died here i mean he does here tonight for sure that's a good play the comeback plays oh my god the flash from here he's out of there that's the flashes i like to see well played man well played you almost lived he was so close to living there it's just a better scenario for you but manic they're so good at fighting pigs well can they kill vanda he's able to flash away right now that uncle bought some time plus the exhaust we're both gonna try stand on oh what happened here what the hell instant pool is coming out there yeah that's a good pause the fanatic pause they did it okay we're jumping back and we're jumping back in cost them this time around well let's see if it's gonna cost someone else that like because here it is here it is dead wait hold on fanatic's just going to win this game they're just in their comfort zone after the pause oh it sucks that adam got that though you definitely want that kill on tristana i think there was a bug with viego's w not allowing him to take the realm warp and they said it was fine but i don't know it seems wait this is this is baron they just win the game they actually win the game it's a positive it's a positive they win the game fanatic actually win the game holy it's actually a positive there's no way it's free baron it's literally free baron is available it's not even like contestable should give it i think there's no way here there's no way you turn this early oh my god not another pause please all right let's see let's see let's see the pause let's see if it's actually worth what happens hilly was in there kelly was in there to me i think hillary was in there from wolf will try to predict whether an ally is trying to run out of it or not and will not teleport allies that are very near the edge and move click outside of it that seems so strange why is that in the game the game will try to arbitrarily predict your your actions and decide based on a system that we will not explain whether or not you were taken by romer bernard that misfits have been picked off one at a time and after the realm warp has concluded here it will go down to adam upset nah nah nah nah nah nah nah i can't wait i can't wait to just read social media fanatic game pause hack insta winning every team fight l nine bug abuse nisky mechanics everywhere you win streak world exploit turbo boost illegal i like that from this place that's a good tweet okay they're keeping top very long pink to the the fight has got dogs encore available okay orianna got it managed to get the power to turn their attention oh my god orianna's dead ariana's dead that's huge he's melting the back line of flashes and stays oh maybe it's not huge so far it's a one for two in favor of misfits and they get the baron hops over the wall okay well played from adam overall misses get baron and they get three kills they're chilling and he's not even with the team right now [Music] what is cobby focuses down the nexus fnatic tried to take misfits down but we're going to game five oh man can we get a pause man please hello hello dude yo all right who wins who wins based off this draft wait wait wait wait wait let me see oh my god i think it's a misfit win yeah it's a misfit wait winner goes to a winner is done a winner is done what do you mean winner is done loser is done oh loser oh hilly okay hilly wait there no one is going to die no all right wait was this dead or what oh nevermind funny he said winner is done all caps come on bro i'm a retire we're just old retired people yeah we are actually like welcome to the club he's okay but he also lost he's not retired man what the [ __ ] he just lost yesterday that doesn't mean he's retired uh wait i saw the highlights actually holy night there was highlights in that game yeah it didn't seem good wait wait wait wait wait i i just saw perks you guys smurfing on you wait one second i was watching feby's stream man he was he was just flaming everyone and just losing implant it was really sad if you're playing oreo you're like oh like i'm if i get 25 i'm just getting dude that's all i'm not saying i get a lot of stuff if i get 20 kills so what do you do when someone says that you start playing aggro and then you get burma okay okay man sure which can't do would you like to play here yeah left one now i'd like to play i'd like to play or which one do you think has like it's like easier or like has higher chance i yeah i'm just worried of the tf because he's playing against the gp and that should cleanse and trash for doing this game yes exactly there is oh all i'm saying is if uh last year's mid laner was in this game for misfits they probably win this game dude this leblanc is so pushing this one it's like his team is like you're scaling we're fine and the blank is like looking inside each other guys i mean if you don't get kills in leblanc at least you need to have 10 cs per minute basically yeah like you should be 200 no you should be actually 290 or something my god it's a cho'gath game five go to nash and just eat it to step into the spirit of the visit from here stop using your spells on chocolate please this leblanc is so useless if i mean i'm just sitting oh my god the four man rupture adam okay game five player oh my god he's trying to focus okay all right all right so what about ash he's very he's not killable remember don't forget never split you will die perfect yeah it sounds really easy i guess leblanc will just play front to back and kill cho'gath first then perfect i mean he actually i mean he has he can actually not flank by the way he can't play the game he can't do anything this game what is he supposed to do oh they're killing him oh he's one shot they kicked them actually no way they can get the elder no if they cancel this guy's recall i mean to cancel his base by the way hello he's got himself the white and the purple guns oh my god no way they don't choke it right there's no way that they choke it oh my god oh my god adam okay [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] is you
Channel: IWDominate
Views: 71,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iwd, iwilldominate, christian rivera, iwdominate, how to jungle, jungle main, pentakill, outplay, LEAGUE plays, diy, best jungler na, lol best jungler, LEAGUE highlights, LOL HIGHLIGHTS, graves, pantheon, kha'zix, jungle, kindred, rengar, gragas, jungler, LEE SIN, best of, best plays, pathing, path, best path, how to gank, gank, teaching, tutorial, how to climb, climbing the ladder, gain elo, funny, LEAGUE PRO, EUW, TOXIC, IWD Unbanned, IWD Reddit, msf, fnc, msf vs fnc, fanatic pause, fnc pause
Id: 8aMX2StsMJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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