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all right first pick rise for mad lions i mean i think it should be pretty decent the tf van into ryze pick we'll see if nisky just brings out the casio on three so it was it was the casio for niski on three so there we go well i think it's like they're saving counter pick for top maybe they want a darius on five or something who knows that's what armor goes with i mean won't he just blind narc i feel like army's just gonna pick gnar but who knows it'll be like leona nar knowing mad lions but who knows yeah there's the gnar i mean bro like jesus christ like you're banning our moot's gp to give him nar i don't like that adam huge balls or what yeah i mean wukong is the pick here we'll see how it goes because i mean wukong versus versanar it seems like wasn't this matchup being played a decent amount at um msi it's either this or similar matchup but i remember it just being like wasn't the tech that if nar took halo blades he just hard wins the matchup i'm i'm not a fan of fnatic's draft though i mean fedex been playing well but i don't i don't like this draft that much it was interesting hearing from this yesterday as you see hey our move flashed wait armor has no w he's just dead that's probably not the best for the top matchup but he won't take it in the right direction has the smite to use it on the blue tries to heal himself up humanoids on the way as well invade here is really good he should just be able to kill oh yeah oh maybe he was too low in the cooldowns i mean bubba's punishing this at least so it's not like the end of the world for yeah it's not the end of the world for fnatic that adam died like that was such an alpha he invaded the guy that showed on the map i don't know if that's the definition of being an alpha for a jungler but you know what we'll take it he's gonna have to try and walk humanoid stepping forward as well stunned what was just one shot matt is doing really well in this early game and now they get the push out this is like the most crucial thing here is that they get the push out but bot lane is not in the best state they're sacrificing bot here to help mid not like his face mad got nothing in return it's pretty good for fnatic okay fnatic bot lanes performing way better in the first five minutes than they did in the like compared to the rogue series okay pretty good from humanoid on his way as well humanoid is able to flash before he gets cc'd here he returns some damage pretty nice he knows he has the petrifying gauge i mean nara is here but he doesn't have ulti oh adam's going in for it it's all about can they kill adam if they kill adam here and get a reset it's so good oh my god it's so good for mad now because the whole time ezreal is on the other side of the map just farming and niski is out of mana this this could be game winning for mad lions here this is really well played from mad this is super well played for mad and they kill this is going nisky be god damn yeah this is just crazy advantage for mad lions now i think our mood has been a lot better in playoffs than he was in regular season and has claims we'll look to try and get out of this one counter tp being used up at lower mana hey bubble going on to yoya tv coming in as well he's here too oh yeah holds out but he's going to die here this looks pretty good so far looks decent decent for uh for fnatic on the bot side it's two kills for football this is a nice like bush trap yeah this is like this is really good to invade on this side and matt thinks that they're stronger than they are because of tp once again with the hook he just continues to find mad lions players out of position who lives here would be really big though because kaiser are going behind this could be really bad for fnatic fnatic overreached here this is generally like the biggest issue with fanatic is when they make a play a lot of the times they end up like staying too long and they're not willing to like cut their losses really so we'll see if this this if they end up getting away with this sentence goes wide okay they actually this is actually a really good turn from whippo but this this actually ended up they just ended up out playing like they were down numbers here but they they outplayed so this was a good solution to the problem at hand so right now i think the biggest issue is that even though the gold is even the kills are on rise for mad and the kills are on zinn for fnatic and zin will eventually fall off i mean it will still be like useful in team fights but it's not going to do what a rise will do with kills like playing the sideline is much better than just going for these scrappy team fights they're keeping in here if wibble dies would be absolutely huge but bubble can't really die here i don't think little starex like i don't think they okay never mind he can die and it went to the ezreal that's absolutely the worst person that could have got it that is the that was the worst person that it could have gone to the shutdown humanoid has tp so i don't even think that matt needs to be that scared here i think nisky is griefing i'm pretty sure nisky is just hinting here no yeah he just gave a free kill i don't know this looks pretty it from fnatic maybe you'll end up being okay uh it's not gonna end up being okay i don't think uh i mean i guess it's i guess it's two for one but not the best results pretty much if fnatic wants to do the same strategy like canada could run the same bands potentially and then just uh be won the rise as well going on to him humanoid there with the room as well but the lantern will get over to safety this time i mean can't turn this there's no way oh he almost got it if he hit his w he would have killed so close humanoid has ulti this could turn into a baron situation the problem is that zin died and zin is super strong strongest one on um fnatic right now here's the tp okay maybe it's fine maybe it's fine if armor gets off although it's bad okay yeah there's no way they win it anymore don't think i think carson can return damage crazy needs to start autoing yep there it is that i think he got adam's flash from the back end this is very good for game four thousand matter lead for the mad lines and they will start up this key objective fnatic trying to step in with no flash no blaster for him to get in either armor stepping forward looking for the gnar who's going to land onto him okay they're on to whipple if they kill whipple he would be huge niski is over the wall though okay good from fnatic so far humanoid is just doing way too much here oh my god armour sniped him wow uh matt is just playing pretty well like honestly fnatic is not even playing better or sorry fnatic's not even playing um like bad it's just that matt is playing slightly better like fnatic is playing pretty well and then matt is playing very well in these fights just mechanics wise there was definitely mistakes in terms of macro like don't get me wrong like the the early game like just not respecting other people's strong side whatever like just the standard mistakes that every region makes like we saw those in this game but in terms of just like the mechanical gameplay like this has been pretty close but this like i don't like fnatic starting it here i really don't like this because they don't have whipple's ulti so i feel like they're not that strong kaiser went in and just did work there adam's in but he's gonna insta die he's so weak right now oh but it was a good ulti from nisky so maybe it's okay it was actually a really good ulti from nisky so the fact that adam died was was not that bad but karzi can do this alone you can win this fight alone actually close game of inches honestly i think uh i don't know i i feel like mad just had weird positioning there hey they're but let's see if they can rush it down 6k i mean people are gonna die here from fnatic it's about how many people you can save because this is definitely not going to be like like the the barons theirs but the question is like yeah what else happens oh man humanoids gonna kill everyone oh no it's too many deaths it's too many deaths it's not good at all they could potentially even end through top they can maybe end through top here yeah it was just too greedy maybe they can't end but they're gonna get a lot here okay this is a huge play this is a huge play from nesquik is massive and mad lions is going to be dead he's going to be dead for seoul this is massive from this from from nisky here in a second they have some deep vision on the bot side of the map already but cars he's not going to let them walk into this room oh crazy i mean this is this is like pretty bad for mad lions if they fight right now they can throw the whole game here i mean obviously mad lions like they're jumping away they're in the driver's seat but fanatic they're they're forcing super hard because they understand the situation like as soon as humanoid respawns they lose the game so they have to play as hard as they can right now and the thing is they didn't get enough so now humanoid just tp's in and it's doomed for a fanatic yeah it's just it's doomed for a fanatic it doesn't even matter like adam flashed onto karzi but there's no damage to follow up so it should be completely fine yeah humanoid is here ggg he will take him down and then yeah gg they can descend they can just end mid they don't even need soul they can just end mid oh got the little little stabby stab going on just go mid everyone go mid adam is anything out of his mind nah he's the best or technically what did the community think the community said he was second best that was the evaluation of his gameplay why the community shouldn't vote for anything man it's just so reactionary and so crazy and not even like dude honestly if it was second best based off playoffs i would be like i would give it more of a pass because he's played better in playoffs like adam has definitely gotten better over the course of playoffs but this was after regular season he was voted second that's crazy okay wait i don't like the mad lions band rise and gave over tf unless they feel like they have a counter i mean i guess they're gonna play silas into it knowing humanoids champion pool but i i don't like this response in general into tf obviously a lot of teams do this right edg did this today but there's the silas okay silas viego maybe okay so it's viego i thought it was going to be zinra khan but i guess it was trend or con and the gp already picked i mean arnold's gp looked really sus the first uh yeah last week versus rogue he was like zero six or something from the pick so so i think carson's i think that that uh mad lions want ezreal here on four okay so there's the ezreal on four all right is it gonna be kaiser for upset i feel like kaiser would be the pick here playable like there's a lot of 80 carry bands oh they go vayne okay kaiser and vayner like kind of similar in terms of like what you play them into and then set set verse gp i mean this is this looks like a much better draft from fnatic and the question what does kaiser pick into the rakan i mean i assume it will be nautilus but not unless it's not that great here karma karma into a con i'm not a fan of madeline's steam comp really i think they can win but i think that it's pretty hard to play their comp so i would say this would be the game the fnatic wins is he going to be able to get there but first goes to the vein first blood upset gets a second or two humanoid there was no way it was even a full minute we dropped we dropped in school we saw it all coming through and this all comes down to israel karma lanes estral karma wants to ward the bush level one and get full control of it and i think that's what both teams wanted to do mad lions wanted control of this second brush and interesting oh there was a replay oh it's a replay i didn't even realize it was a replay man what's happening oh my god what wait what is happening wow what a great start it's just 2-0 just like that i mean fanatic just win the game i guess nice it is too crazy i cannot handle it this is really bad from kaiser kaiser's omega griefing here wait the nisky just flashed in though does it actually end up working i mean there's no way that they live right oh cars you got two maybe it's fine but he's in the invisibility peninsula [Music] this was good for a fanatic but in a way it could have been better because they end up having to use like tp and like flashes and where mad lions is getting something back wait what's happening now upset has the flash but it's a tp in with adam here adam has no flash though so this is just it's unfortunate for adam to have to tp to save and they're just five-man diving bot time lane anyone tp here humanoid can tp karzia's heal he uses it it looks like everyone is dead here this game is over this game is so over it's so crazy over just go to the next one game was lost level one i mean i just feel like you just don't do this like i hated the idea of banning rides and then giving tf like i'm just not a fan of it and they have this like ridiculous level one where they're like hard forcing a level one when they have the karma ezreal team comp which is fine if you get to poke people but like karma ezreal is better in like a late invade type situation than just a direct 5v5 fight together adam was never the selfless in erl feels like he was influenced a ton by pueblo i mean maybe he's influenced by but maybe he just has better teammates than he had in prls so he's willing to be selfless to get his teammates ahead or maybe his teammates are calling for stuff that his old teammates used to not call for now they're gonna get adam gonna get a dragon they're gonna get a kill flashing from hillary clinton realizes he's dead as a doornail upset now on a killing this was such a tragic draft though oh my god please instead of dumping over the wall i guess he's dead either because of course he way he is the guy he's the mastermind he's the genius behind a lot of what fanatic adam has no flash i think he's just hinting for crab here he's pulling the blabber or what now the question is is he so strong they can't kill him doesn't look like it all right adam pulled the blabber it's not that good to give shutdowns like that when you're super far ahead but overall i don't think it will change the game that much i don't know how you do it see if they can assume it looks for the trade here final hours upset going in oh that's so big that they're collecting shutdowns okay fanatic needs to just chill with the shutdowns because not only do they trade one for one and give a shutdown here but they also um have to use tfo to clear it up like they just need to chill out and just play consistently and just make plays with numbers and they're fine this key has two items at 12 minutes this game holy towards the top lane as humanoid looks for adam adam of course no flash no stopper on him either the parley will get him dude fnatic needs to chill like you don't want to throw leads like this or like give free kills to team like um that team like uh mad lions mad lions is the type of team that can come back so like they need to really chill out okay he got the cannon mental edge my god we're calling the one hp there okay so get the shield they're making a bot lane play onto the set but it doesn't look like it's gonna do anything oh adam flashed away from his turret okay adam is like kind of hinting his lead he's kind of into this lead but i think it's it's going to be fine everywhere else is fine coming out there's the destiny as well they're looking for humanoid he's going to jump up to this keeper here is this could be pretty bad okay never mind it looks fine they killed nisky and they get the shutdown but it still should be good for fnatic no i wouldn't say that i would just say that like mad needs to either opt into the trade of tf for rise they play either side of it or they ban both has been used being used as well humanoids trying to get ultimate human vision in here but i mean this looks really rough okay that's the michael's target adam just griefed on the side of this fight but it looks like he'll be okay anyway oh yo and then he stole it oh man this should have been free for mad lions adam griefed it's so hard man he actually griefed it so hard and now humanoid the next target here for fanatic they lost the ocean dragon but they will win the fight he just needs to be with his team and play front to back he just needs to chill out like his team's going to win this game earlier he wanted to join i mean someone could join at any point okay wait hold on what's happening in this fight upset is upset's dead upset's dead wait this is this is no no no no no no no this is actually the thrower don't tell me they're actually gonna lose this game wait i don't i really don't like uh fnatic doing baron here over trying to make this fight happen around seoul oh my god he stole it oh my god they're going to win the game no they're going to win the game they're going to win the game they're going to win the game it's so tragic man why are they doing bear why are they doing baron man why bro why why are they doing baron why are they doing baron nah bro nah it's too insane come on why don't they just play for seoul bro they like lost their minds jesus they wanted that recon oh cars he's dead cars he ran it upset cars the omega into this here's the play wow they just lost like this no okay okay okay at least at least we get a series can they end mid cars is up in five they really should i don't even think they should try to end are they really gonna try to do it he's playing for the pillar here to stop cars these drinks i don't i don't think this is a good play i think i think fnatic is kind of trolling here it looks fine for right now it actually looks okay okay they did it holy moly dude thank god they won this game if they lost this game it would have been so triggering okay tiepin i i think fnatic should just ban rise no reason to play into it you tried the casio it didn't work out ban ryze here yeah okay orianna wait they're not going syndra well i mean this is going to want to play silas here even though i don't think silas is like that insane don't hover zillion bjergsen we all know what happened last year just take silas like you always do jarvan i'm not that big of a fan of jarvan to be honest especially into lisa and i i don't really like it that much oh all right it's just set again i guess i'll just go set again oh cho'gath okay i mean i think draft is fine i don't think that mad lions have that much consistent 80 damage it's really relying on armor playing a good game i think fnatic can win this first rule battles this fanatic will start up on the first dragon of the game he's going to jump in of course he can't just jump i mean this is not that great from football not as perfectly placed perhaps did you like but and there's keeping in the ziggs oh that's actually huge such a huge queue um that's very bad from fnatic but it get it's still okay it's still salvageable because she doesn't have a huge amount of mobility [Music] good hit that's a kill on to kaiser meanwhile good play solid down towards the bottom and hilly trades flash with carsey here yahoo i think are the most successful lane swaps in the last several years what do you think i mean i think perks to 80 was absolutely insane like perks was actually performing as the best idea in the world in season nine and he had just swapped to the role like that is so crazy as well i mean nope that's actually the opinion that people that watched back in season nine should have like he actually like completely changed the meta of bot lane like no one was playing syndra no one was playing yasso these were not like highly prioritized picks or contested in any respect and he just started playing these champions and everyone just started picking them up humanoids the flash he's dead even knows the flash he's dead very dead oh maybe not maybe he ends up living here there's no way right oh well played from wiffle he got the stab [Music] nice nice nice good stuff from fnatic there i mean our mood is just so far ahead though the most damaging fights because everyone's building towards magic resist you can see upset first item wits end adam's on a ward sonic wave going in looking for the dragon's edge kick back from el yo yeah kaiser on the chase as well adam's gonna flash away because it blows one more order would be enough to lock him in place adam's just dead here and he just needed to not walk anywhere close to that niski is behind they know nisky is behind orianna has the tp kaiser is just dead this is pretty good for fnatic i mean kaiser is just dead here right so i think you take that chase with the shockwave is the flash available upset from across the world out of bolly there's the ammo flashed away from humanoid survives the shotgun goes wide oh man they're everyone's missing everything here it's okay everyone back away we'll just forget this fight happened okay they're chilling this is pretty good and that lion's looking a little flustered honestly though so the longer this goes on the worse it gets the hook finds his mark oh into the turret uh he's dead anyway oh this was too much this is the classic too much from fnatic uh they oh they always overreach like this so they're a little bit late they might get tired he's going to try and get away the volley not close enough the knock-up does connect this is never going to work i don't think i don't think bubble should be going for this i really don't like this man that's not oh the satchel was so nice by karzi karzi holy wait that's a game-winning play that's a game-winning play hilly's dead too holy carzy that's a big play dude that opened up like a 4k gold lead they're getting mid turret they got top tier two three kills like jesus hp now on the battery okay orianna got it oh man that was a 50 50. almost got it adam and nisky are in a huge amount of trouble right now wait that's actually really good they can kill humanoid humanoids dead here no hp shut down as well good knock up from adam nisky doesn't really have anywhere to go flash has got to open armor chases him this key he was up with the king's player going in and was going to get the knockout once again dead too nope not dead i don't know about this one i really don't know about this one but i don't think you have the damage for this i think it's a mega grief ah it's super grief he's dead for sure upset is dead too it's super grief insane griefing from football here unfortunate though unfortunate but that was insane griefing from from football hey wait karzi is getting caught here oh no but too many people died oh it didn't end up working out it looked like a good angle but they're actually down 10k i don't think can they kill oh yeah here oh my god the other side is just completely dead everyone's trying to kill elioya they're just trying to get to yoya but they're just hinting as a result okay thank you bad lions for letting me use the restroom i respect that i respect everything man that's what i've realized i respect like in thing like i respect good play there's so much i respect the only thing that will make me not respect it is if you do it half-heartedly i don't care if you int i don't care if you run it down 0-15 i don't care if you go 15-0 i'm going to respect it just do it with your whole heart that's the lesson here the longer it takes for them to take them now the ultimate comes through these arrows seem so useless half the time it seems like just they keep on firing them they either hit our moot or humanoid to sidesteps and they're trying to hard engage here but there's no oh my god they're running dude they're doing the classic fanatic they're omega running it here just kicked that guy's face off well yoy is just one between them under the turret hello i mean oh yeah just pulled out the smooth 10-0 though that's got to be a confidence boost i mean it's been quite a top gap in the series we got to see i wonder if adam just brings out the renekton anyway because this cho'gath ended up being super useless i thought it was a decent pick but it ended up being really useless over the course of the game right let's see what fnatic does here so now it's up to mad lines do mad lions want to ban ryze and tf hey they're banning the ryze here okay so they're looking to band rise and tf they've already revealed their hand gragas wow gragas irelia okay hey i'm down they picked the renekton okay so let's see if adam could play gnar i feel like that is pretty decent pick here oh they've been olaf that's one of his counters are they gonna ban olaf olaf and darius bro if they go olaf darius and then leave up gnar that is so disrespectful to adam actually that's just saying like adam you you're you can't play even mordekaiser okay mordekaiser okay i'm down i'm down mordekaiser good internectin so i don't know because adam's going probably the tank build so maybe mordekaiser can deal with renekton if he goes the full tank build i am unsure oh man this is not going well towards the bottom of the first target cars are going to try and get away doesn't have the flash but does have the heal here to join the brave brawlers okay really good for nisky this guy has a free kill leblanc couldn't tp to match the problem here is that adam like missed a decent amount of farm yes the tp back top how well you're gonna dive oh they're diving with tp oh this is bad adam's just dead here i think it doesn't have the flash adam the first target okay he gets one back though it's not the end of the world somebody else should have tanked and not our mood though like let somebody who's on the edge of the turret that being said like this is a lot of farm to lose across the world and adam looking for some sort of semblance of hope in this fight is that another one oh bobo one for the q couldn't get it uh this mordekaiser is having a rough go of it he's only level four and now they can reassign the lanes and o yoyo gets top crab as well oh man he can't touch the minions oh he's dead i think he's dead he's just dead oh no it's a tragedy dude it's a tragedy oh this is like the worst experience of all time for him i feel bad oh my cam is frozen why is my cam frozen i have no idea adam getting the direct treatment yeah but this is the thing this is like you can tell that adam's the best top laner in lec because look it needs you need like five people to stop him you need three people perma camping in his lane have any chance of stopping this guy again we thought that humanoid was the roaming mastermind it turns out he was armed all along what a story for armored as well went from beating mad lions in planes last year to carrying mad lions perhaps to their second lec title now niska here looking for the fight looking for the freight they're not back onto armor that'll give you the damage onto that next and the ignite goes down and goes out as well i have to kill nisky here and this is going to absolutely pop off maybe not oh eliot got the recon and then got the reset uh it's looking over we talked about how this is going to be skirmish focus game we see another skirmish there's no body slam for whippo here kaiser's gonna try and walk away upset on the chase yet got level six he'll available okay that's a good oh it sucks with bubble got it man because that'd be really good if uh upset got it very good around his own jungle forest direct coming out but he's stunned he's rooted in he is almost down flashes away adam is has a humanoid in the death realm but i don't think it will matter actually maybe it will matter maybe you can kill humanoid here that's really nice because whipple is waiting on the other side okay it's decent so the gold lead is only 2k for mad lions but it's actually more than 2k when you think about the fact that they still have herald and they're gonna use it mid soon and they're just assuming top turret is dead and look at all these waves being denied top by mad lions they're actually chilling like the fact that lipo is getting every kill the fact that humanoid just got a solo first turret especially on the block because the problem with leblanc is that he's gonna be able to go in and burn um upsets ulti pretty easily late game which can always be an issue in the death realm okay so mad lions need to leave here but they got turret anyway so it's like 4k gold lead at 13 minutes like it feels like it's kind of close based on how the fighting's going but based on like the waves and the turrets and everything 4k gold is massive for mad lions insane 4k golden 13 minutes is effectively a stump oh wow they're going for the pick on nisky they hit the chain he's dead oh i saw him just sink into the chair he's starting to realize it's okay though nesquik's a champion and that's what matters okay cars he's getting caught that's not do it upset bad to pick up the kill and now mad lions are on the chase heartbreaker coming out for the storm used tp was cancelled upset's dead adam got canceled by our moot but maybe he could win the fight adam trying to heal himself uh got adam's flash there as well so it's a traitor flashes and this is going to be a win andy counts with the tp it's not worth hilly flashing though he should really not they flash it to humanoid who's getting more dark seal stacks i mean the game looks pretty over from my perspective the confidence is continuing to build for man goes on to kaiser that's not the target coming out this is super good oh my god our mood and okay never mind the damage is kind of griefing oh never mind they got him they got a reset this is game winning adam can't even kill oh yeah can he kill oh yeah it doesn't look like it oh he didn't actually kill yoya it's doomed and they are looking for their second title oh humanoid he's going to get oh you and i are just they're just being disciplined by not going for it but they can actually win this fight before they'll they'll win it i mean maybe they don't win it because it's so scattered no it's one oh my god almost one shot at from him to champions mad lions showed us in spring all right this is the this is the last stand by fnatic here this is where they're whipping it out putting it on the table just seeing what happens [Music] damn a second championship for matt that's so insane man such like i got such respect for all these guys these guys were never supposed to be winning splits and they actually just got it done man they tryharded improved fixed most of their issues like you gotta respect bad lions man you really have to respect uh how much they've elevated their own and like even down to like th the coaching staff and like even like peter dunn back for like getting the original formation of this team this teams took such a risk they put a second year player with four rookies and then they ended up being one of the top three teams at lec iterated on that added two more rookies into it that they that seem to fit the mold of what they are trying to accomplish in mad lions and they're two-time champions like it's it's nothing but respect for this org honestly and they look good they look like a team you can legitimately be excited for at worlds so i'll be definitely watching man i'll be definitely watching i hope they do well step inside the cloud9 360 experience powered by microsoft see where we work live and play meet the team visit the scrim room learn how to prepare for matches check it out at microsoft.com [Music] you
Channel: IWDominate
Views: 94,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iwd, iwilldominate, christian rivera, iwdominate, how to jungle, jungle main, pentakill, outplay, LEAGUE plays, best jungler na, lol best jungler, LEAGUE highlights, LOL HIGHLIGHTS, graves, pantheon, kha'zix, jungle, kindred, rengar, gragas, jungler, LEE SIN, best of, best plays, pathing, path, best path, how to gank, gank, teaching, tutorial, how to climb, climbing the ladder, gain elo, funny, TEAM LIQUID, IWD Unbanned, lec, lec winner, summer lec 2021, league pro, fnc, mad, fnatic, mad lions
Id: eBIOnI_B5J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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