NOT A HOODIE ORG… POG (ft. Guilhoto) | C9 vs 100T | IWD LCS Semi-Finals Co-Stream

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hey zin let's get a rise right here like just screw it bro zin rise one two why not there it is there it is let's go perfect i mean irelia and jace what does that mean that means that 100 thieves wants gp i think i think that's what that means and c9 is going to deny the gp okay i like this so i think that these bands signify that 100 thieves wanted gp and then c9 took it away from them so now the question is what is what is someday actually going to play blocked off i mean this is not normally what you wanted to gp the reconnaissance of brahms i mean i like c9's comp here 69 got pretty much what they wanted but when you look at where 100 thieves are at there's not a whole lot never mind they walk well that's pretty good and they're ready to go first blood over the perk none of the n.a teams that ever are like we're gonna do nothing and then just scale champions there's a lot none of those teams ever do well vulcan's probably dead by the way i'm gonna stay safe in the side lane potentially the problem is just that c9 doesn't do anything like think about how insane their bot lane play is think about how insane their bot lane plays affilios had no flash no heel good reactions the support is a bra they have gp old and they're set rizzo and they couldn't make anything happen with those cooldowns being down that's just like that's just not a good punishment another pick let's talk about forcing cloud9 to you well that's not the way and then he just runs it down again in the same spot that he ran it down the first time nice and now abu dhabi can't walk to this wave because they have to just respect the rakan and zen that has no inherent this is actually really good from c9 or it should be really good i don't see how abu dhabi can live this abu dhabi has no flash like they just should go on this guy man just commit on to the orianna nice but it won't hit the target and now you turn the kill in the hundred thieves so fbi is here way before varus they need to chill for a second that was a good flash because closer had already flashed too so the longer this fight goes the better for c9 so right now this is going really well for c9 because ferris is is getting here right now he's got about one third hp and his fans ready to go change the corruption find one and they'll look to bring down someday oh my god so low he lives through the piercing arrow 100 thieves are hurting so low they want to have these front to back team fights where they're finding big pictures okay the punish ons then having no flash i like it they do have the extra set up time oh they can actually kill abu dhabi here abu dhabi is dead i think okay perks is already in position to get the rune prison oh wait he failed he failed as ever frost no he actually trolled it so hard cloud9 still seeing it oh they griefed it so hard i mean maybe they can still kill him oh my god this is rough they know he has no shockwave after the kill this was rough man hit the q and then you get another eq so this is actually kind of weird from c9 because varys is disconnected from the team so it's pretty hard to get varus to them i think that in general this is pretty hundred thieves to them and bad engage okay who he gets away they need to just dip this is like i i really don't like this play from c9 staying alive just a moment still walking it off someday okay they ended up getting the kill on someday we have kebab in la yeah not real kabob not good kebab you have n a kebab oh they're punishing closer so closer got knocked out of his uh w by the zen q that leads to this bear now i think that this is actually a much better baron because the varus is actually connected oh my god what are they what are they pausing for bro tomorrow is free actually i believe actually i i still don't believe i've just been a fanaticator the entire time not even like hater i just think that like without closer i thought that they would get third half hp someday and who he will lead the charge and like still i think matt is probably better but who knows we're going for the flash has ulti here i mean someday it's committing really hard oh my god the fbi old dude our barons are so not clean off the escape cloud has a chase going fbi's got plenty of hp to work bro that's it's such a horrible thing to watch as an n a fan whoever starts baron loses from gpb up and farm against it or i mean this is 27 minutes it's not lane phase like there's a bunch of other factors like where the junglers are people are hovering and forcing gp off waves like all that stuff matters i feel like fudge's gp combos are just kind of whatever though doesn't seem the most comfortable one doing it oh okay they're going directly on to fbi this is really good i like this except they don't have any damage and they just only got his ga wait perks kind of smurf that perks is in the back line and everybody on cloud nine is dropping dead closer needs a little bit more damage it doesn't matter i mean c9s just got to be more proactive in the early game they want to win or they have to just draft pure scaling and we could get one of those classic n a series where it's just like orianna and azir 75 minute games please put on the boy stuff oh man stupid stupid jokes like that actually people love them so much i mean they got the phillios but their whole team died for it like i don't know if it's worth no this is a c9 has them right where they want them because look at the the ravenous hydra value on the minions with gp out here he's just gonna farm this entire wave reset and then he's gonna freeze right here you remember what you were saying about the rakan priority in nna yeah yeah or in a in eu it's those things happen for the same reason that gp started to have a lot of prior in an a hilly sank is insane so then he stomps some kids in scrims so like then rakan is broken and everyone needs to pick it up alfari is sick on gp he stomps every kid in scrims with it so now every team has to pick it up yeah that's true i mean it makes sense i mean i feel like renekton is pretty terrible here i mean it's going to be uh wait is it actually going to be trundle jungle what happened here well i mean so here's the question like i actually think viego i mean people like viego and to renekton randomly but i feel like trundle doesn't try to beat the shot of her neck in lane yeah allegedly i mean licorice did it right so top tier n a players do it okay so it should work that's what i'm getting from this i think licorice did it versus huni if i'm not mistaken god damn and huni is one of the best top leaders in the world so and he's korean and he's korean which means he's one of the best top players in the world just like someday so i love that they forced the teepee off of perks this early wait they can kill mid yeah mid is dead i think oh he's sick but he's still dead he's very dead stuns him up here fudge doing the chain cc oh my god that was scary for a second because renekton almost got his q off that you know you can take away from fudge was when perks teleported up topside and took some of it this is funding df remember gets extra gold from the passive on that cs so it really means actually maybe holy actually nice return to fight these guys closer's going for the kick they want to focus down blabber but wow wait she lives there's no way he lives there wait that's that's a game that's game three right there are ready to go on the side of c9 i mean it's too good here are we checking bushes i i'm surprised that 100 thieves just walked in like that there's no way that you're just allowed to walk in as the focus finds its way into someday i mean what is closer doing like this is not worth i mean even if you kill him it's not worth you just wasted your flash fudgely it's back coming in here with the gold card he's going oh wait what was that our fudge goes right back in oh he wasn't this is what we were saying man 100 thieves don't have to contest this it's just people yeah they just love contesting oh he didn't actually get over the wall week mid to contest but now getting collapsed and somehow they have to win the fight before might be waiting is going where is he going cp fetch pcp after they won the 4v5 just have fudge push bottom they're allergic to sideways earned his name on viego even when the enemy team takes it he's ready on the lead and he's been so closer is actually griefing here i think he's getting caught out and they get oriole i mean under thieves have to leave now and they're chasing pretty hard with the viego viego has uh ga here but he has no ulti a good turn from 100 for thieves closer goes for the kick and knocks vulcan out perks into the fight as we've got the ophelia assault but it doesn't do a whole lot closer again with a re-engage onto perks perks again separated from cloud9 fbi again going forward and blabbering actually wait it's actually such a big various era hold on this is really good for c9 yeah oh his gold card expired here oh it's a free reset okay yeah they're all done now wait why is fbi flashing this is slammed into the ground broken and his oh fudge actually played it pretty well by not uh catching the fielder [Music] well this is soul yeah yeah they get tall off this huge top side using the extra boost they're hitting it again they're insane i think it's kind of scary when viego doesn't have old though because you have to have like a pretty clean turn with other people they're taxing the resources here from under thieves and someday i mean i just think that it's not good good that was really nice yeah i really like that i i think that 50 50 versus lee's is incredibly hard for some sort of a counter kill perks is thrown up into the air oh my god perks is dead just like that i mean they could just walk to bear in here now they griefed it they griefed it's so hard they got the kill on on uh closer and they just need to back off and do baron and then they just trolled it mid lane tier three okay respect oh closer showing off his mechanics that's so big holy hundred thieves can they get any better is the question do they want to go [Music] i don't think they can do much about it that is super depressing if you're cloud9 are you matching dom's epic 82-minute game today don't remind me i played an 82-minute game please oh oh oh a little bit more damage coming through again i mean i think this is really fine for c9 and i think c9 could just kite back oh paris ah thieves they may just win the game off of this someday continues charging for the man has no wait did you see the orion tell me you thought oh my god again [Music] to maybe make something happen here cloud9 falling back nice fbi uh had the stun blocked by the by huhi you know okay it's not even that bad it's actually not even that bad in it but like i don't know closer is like actually smurfing in pistol but i mean you gotta be able to flash that if you're spending like that was such a janky kick like closer i had to do so much to get that kick caught out here yet again coming out from the bar glacial fissure throws them up into the air oh my god no way oh it's lost no it's lost and it looks lost it's over it's over oh my god they just lost the game off [Music] wow how do you come back from this though that's a monster tilter that is so crazy i don't even know what c9 can take away from that last game like i i feel like c9 is playing super bad compared to what oh he put the hat on it's over they lose yeah i mean here we have to see if hundred thieves is actually able to play early game better because now they're playing literally the opposite side of the matchup the bottom line ryzen versus lisa guys please i put my life savings you put you put the life savings where you never put your life savings i mean i don't know like i would say just generally that i would rather have 100 thieves draft but the way the series has been going with like no team being able to really execute early game i guess c9 draft is better for like this series i guess i mean you're just chilling i feel like sometimes it's just solo kill here yeah why are they walking up how do they not know this is a free kill like what is going on [Music] [Music] [Music] okay wait this is so big perks gets the free kill too all right we got a series like this to be honest we haven't seen that after every game yeah it's true it's true it's true we've been saying that after every like early game but i mean here like i don't know what bot lanes are thinking when they when they walk up like this do they really not know that verse heal and and and uh flash on zven that that's not a free kill well you know what what's extra bad about this uh this play that that hundred thieves made is that they they walked up to the turret and then who he wasted the pillar just like ons then under the turret for no reason so then he didn't even have it to knock him out of the jump later on and do the same it's crazy how much more proactive abu dhabi was in [Music] god it's so troll man it's so cringe oh my god we're gonna get a re-run right here and then he just walks to this wave uh it's just ff it's a half it's a fab you're just you're just the worst team cloud9 you're just significantly worse i mean but how do you throw the game like this like this is crazy way to throw a game man i'm gonna vomit almost even with all this action baby cloud9 and look at what vulcan is able to do with the swifties oh then he takes the kill again and even though both cloud9 bottom lane members died on the last one they're going for another okay cloud9 is committing to this the exhaust from who he to keep himself alive oh my god sven is here nah bro like all right we're getting some kills here as fbi and who here both at about 100 hp cloud9 want to finish these kills sonic wave resonating wait blabber nah bro this is so gross i can't i can't it gets paid here to join in on the fun vulcan's got no way out of this one you would think can he do perks is gonna die to a turret seven to seven at seven minutes bro the game was fought like the first two games i thought were pretty decent but like this is just horrific game quality all right so what did i miss oh my god it just just rewind man it's like some of the most disgusting cringe worthy you'll ever see in your life bro it's so terrible we got another player again oh man it's so terrible [Music] imagine if c9 win this series like come back from this then they're on a mountain yeah okay but they're going for this clouds are trying to get this kill exhaust was huge not [Music] enough trading at least they're having fun hey they might not win the game they might not be able to perform that well at worlds but at least they're enjoying it and that's what matters dude at the end of the day it's a game people take this way too seriously but just because you're paid millions of dollars and their sponsors and people's like entire livelihoods relying on this game you have to suddenly like care about the results kind of cringe to be honest blabber steals away the enemy red buff and now safeguards out can he continue ben is on the run where's the ulti there's the ulti oh vulcan missed the combo but sven's already down hundred and five just has nowhere to tp okay wait he didn't he didn't go for the flash i guess he just figured he thought it was better to hold it for the uh i think he would be dead for um wow this is just a horrific way what were you saying about cloud9 playing well i didn't i didn't it was because like out of internet you know so it came with two minutes two minutes delay okay that's what it was oh i can feel it i can feel the tristana jump in here into the middle sterx is just not up here oh the the orianna ulti onto ash ash at the flash this is all c9 i mean the carries can't do damage so he's actually clean i mean that's soul and baron okay we got game four remember which one that was oh wait that one i don't remember i thought it was because he was with sabadagan memento the one that i was talking they're looking to turn it right about around i mean but like what's happening here oh that's so big from fudge and say goodbye hundred thieves cloud nine will pick up two okay game four perks comfort zone fbi cloud nine continues [Music] fbi ain't getting away from this one any further zena played again not gonna find the mark but blabbers ready to pick it up where they left off wait can you actually feel the reverse sweep in here i actually can can you can you yeah it's i don't know it's something something going on we have to look at how smug perks's smile is in the post game depending on how smug perks looks the better he's gonna play in the next game it's just if he looks like he's if he knows something it's about to happen then you know it's doomed all right let's see let's see oh there it is oh my maybe someday pulls out the lucian he used to play this matchup all the time maybe he plays it again he's actually he's actually just gonna pick lucian i mean it's not a bed or an angle yeah i think you know you think they're having a conversation right now do we want to actually play lucian here yeah we trust you man okay i mean we'll see how well somebody plays respectable i respect it bro larson is like so hated now it's so crazy i feel like he's like i mean yeah he definitely chokes but like he's not bad at all people just think he's like terrible they're threatening the rome here they even [Music] you just can't flash the rest of the game for the damage and they go in and get it done someday is already down wait who here even more now wait what did who he just do by the way fudge still looking to stay alive here who goes underneath the turret i mean he lives i guess good enough doing the same barely getting away abu dhaba gonna be taking low power is about to die closer gets the kill hey i guess it's kind of weird this looks so like i mean i think either way who he could have just like waited a second for ryze to be closer but i mean i guess it works they will need a bit of follow-up as now closer has found vulcan in the top side river dredge line to get himself away keeps vulcan alive abu dhabi coming in might be able to find some damage over the wall here roon prison into the heartbreaker and vulcan is down closer picking up the kill here two for him this game and hundred thieves is going even further they got almost perfect game by clg yeah of course i mean this is really good for them wait what was that that cleanse from sven come on this is just the game losing play isn't it yeah the game manager yeah they don't have like the best baron taking team in the world though like the issue with what they're saying here why man they need this uh award they have to deny that word right there oh that's gg through the hail mary from cloud9 can they get a miracle let's see if haunted thieves does their classic baron throw here just pouring some damage yeah they might lose drake because of this how did this end up so bad wait they lose mid-turn off this and they lose drake like it's oh actually maybe they don't difficult someday actually ends up being fine here you just kill somebody oh so sad for north america man i mean some days camille looks awful like if there's a game five i would not go back to the sunday camille just put them on or in regardless of matchup they're going in after vulcan here yet again hey i mean this is pretty bad engage from 100 thieves first kill goes on to blabber fbi's the one to claim it can't keep the varus out of the fight that easily some good barrels i mean the barrels have been much better this game than they were in the last one and they take down the mid lane tier two wait there was an arrow mid there's an arrow mid on the fbi let's look at mid let's look at mid what the are they doing oh my god the observers are actually triggering me so hard how are they not looking mid when you see the arrow land and the kick oh my god whatever it's fine it's fine because the three million player was both i was just uh overreacting but you'll never see them oh it's still really good though i think oh maybe not it's almost dead oh never mind it's a win wow they actually won off this holy that looked like a really janky engage to be honest reload of that 2018 spring final 100 thieves and team liquid we'll see you tomorrow that means some roster changes think so all right i'm pretty sure so i wonder who it is i mean this is the thing is like if you do end up changing a player like blabber like i don't know it seems kind of risky i think they do need to change i think they need a more like like a more cerebral jungler that's the best way to say it would you say a more cerebral jungler would be someone that has a lot of experience and maybe some previous synergy with other team members uh i would say that maybe you know like some guy that potentially understood you know the struggle not winning for a while but has been on top up until extremely recently potentially speaks polish i think that could be pretty nice who knows or hey you're boy hey i'm only a young six years retired now so yeah i mean myself the old mouse and keyboard and bring it back i think that as per usual uh g2 um c9 will probably have to um get someone from the same school as their previous acquisitions my guess is like someone from g2 will go to their academy okay c9 all right okay it's mithy zven and perks so far right yep you know what they say there's no tree without the force has anyone ever said that no step inside the cloud9 360 experience powered by microsoft see where we work live and play meet the team visit the scrim room learn how to prepare for matches check it out at [Music] you
Channel: IWDominate
Views: 58,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iwd, iwilldominate, christian rivera, iwdominate, how to jungle, jungle main, pentakill, outplay, LEAGUE plays, diy, best jungler na, lol best jungler, LEAGUE highlights, LOL HIGHLIGHTS, graves, pantheon, kha'zix, jungle, kindred, rengar, gragas, jungler, LEE SIN, best of, best plays, pathing, path, best path, how to gank, gank, teaching, tutorial, how to climb, climbing the ladder, gain elo, funny, LEAGUE PRO, TEAM LIQUID, EUW, TOXIC, IWD Unbanned, IWD Reddit, c9, 100t, c9 vs 100t, josedeodo
Id: 1At7js0Ymx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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