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right muckers something a little bit different this week now i've been busy working on the transmission on the major and i've been over at max working on the aec77 engine on the on matador engine um but as you're all aware we've had a bit of a major decision to come to this week as to what we're going to do with the massey 175. um now in the last video we asked you guys what you thought and some people sort of said yeah just scrap it others said yeah just restore it both have fairly big implications and so um what we did was just set up a camera and let it roll and me and the fudd weasel just went through everything went through prices and whatever and just you know to come to a conclusion and uh that's what we did so you guys will get as i said like fly on the wall uh view on us coming to uh yeah our decision so roll the titles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right so i'm up here now it's very windy outside extremely windy in fact it's pretty windy in here too yeah probably um so like i said basically just to keep everybody up to speed um we've been chatting since we saw this the last time when i filmed it and the old fud's done a bit more taking stuff off so we can get to and looking at it that's right i know we said to you what do you reckon we should do when we first saw it should we scrap it or should we you know do it and whatever and there's literally a question because we hadn't made a decision and we to this point as you're watching me filming this we haven't but we're going to show you everything and then we'll make a decision i think i'd like to think so today we need to at some point it's just taking up space so now if i'm completely honest markers there's no two ways about it you know all joking aside and you know this is where i thought doing the whole point is doing this videos i'll sort of bring you along with a little bit so you can see the decisions we make and how we make them because there's a lot of stuff on youtube which has done yet to be honest it's set up okay for entertainment value there's nothing wrong with that you know we all watch stuff we'll get entertained but there comes a point i think sometimes it's nice to be educated and and shown and involved with not only you know how you repair something or you you know build something but how you come to make that decision and we both said that's what we'll do tonight is we will we'll show you that that process and we'll be brutally honest um with i think some of these mistakes and stuff but but you know to be honest um right the 165 was bought it didn't sell in the auction hasn't sold several times in the auction didn't meet the reserve and the old fedwies will put in a price an offer but well below the reserve and on some other stuff but he got that and as we know as it turned out we got it running and it was seized so you know as you do you think you're on a bit of a roll the 175 which you've watered 175 you know for a long time i have one seven five for a very long time yeah and one came up which is this one again hadn't sold didn't meet the reserve he didn't offer the reserve just put in a low flying bid and it was accepted no we were both fairly confident i'd say that because what we've done with the 165 would probably happen with this we could get this freed up and you know hasn't turned out like that and that's just what happens but again look the reality of it is it was bought at the right money so i think whatever happened to it um and i found a lot of water in places that not even a shepherd could get water in it washing it down really yeah i found water in the air cleaner right full to the top right water in the inlet manifold a lot of water not just a splash right a lot of water in the inlet manifold water under the rocker cover um i haven't looked anymore with that so i think that it's either been in a flood yeah or it's been completely underwater for some yeah yeah now i was gonna ask you the other day is this the right engine for this tractor no no it's not that's not um i've checked the serial number on it yeah and it's actually a two four eight this is a two four eight yeah and it should have a two three six and what would a two four eight go in that's 290 uh what do you think about that okay okay so it's not in the right engine so he's bugging one engine out probably yeah and then the second one yeah okay um now one thing which we have already done um the other day when before we left here we did jack the back end up and um we know that the transmission is actually okay it shows in and out again yeah yeah yeah so we've got a good transmission and i think it's got a reasonably new clutch in it some old toggles from there okay so it's head from clutch yeah okay now markers this is the other thing the 175 is a fairly rare tractor and a lot of people already pointed that out so when people sort of said oh just scrap that and go and get another one this ain't no one three five they just need an abundance you just gonna pick them up you know that with this is a rare tractor you know for the the 100 series you know the 165 there's more of those about than there are the 175s this is where the decision has to be made and i'm quite happy and i think you are as well we just said that we'll we'll sit down in a minute have a drink and just i think we can chat about it and i'm happy to film if you are and then that way i think you'll be able to see it's a genuine decision we'll come to hopefully uh and then how we calculate you know the pros and the cons right so what we're gonna do we're gonna sit down and i'll set the camera up and as i said you can just be like fly on the wall and we'll hopefully get to some sort of decision get an idea yeah okay as we do this i'll just you know i'm not going to do you know complete episodes on doing the 175. but if everyone let's just say i'm doing something on the 8100 we'll have a five minute sniffer each time there's an update on where things are progressing all right and each time we'll look at what's been done what has been bought in parts you know costs we'll put them on a whiteboard so you can see the tally as it grows all right but at the end i might put all the little bits into one feature episode but we'll actually have a proper breakdown at the end and look you know um because i think i don't know unless i'm totally wrong i'm gonna do it yeah yeah be totally honest i haven't seen anything on there that really makes me think oh my god so this is where my because you've got to balance up it's not for resale it's because you want more tell you what if you want one yourself at least everyone you know is a good tractor and it's been done correctly you've done it yeah rather than yes mate i know she looks really shiny done lovely bit of paint on that oh yeah we've done a clutch you know we've done this had it all rebuilt and they've literally just rubbed it down and painted them you'd never until something goes wrong you wouldn't know so that's right so that's this is a decision mark it's going to be done now with that that markers sausages thank you it's not all work you know now with that though and we'll look at the cost again in a minute all seriousness i know this is uh this will be good for the channel because people are obviously interested in seeing you know i don't think any doubt about that we're doing as i said little short segments on with other stuff so it's not you know because you just have to get on with this yep we'll do what we can i can i'll help you where it can and whatever but you've got the 165 to finish that's i want to get 165 finished the 165 has to be all up and running so once us runner that can be put with the other running stuff we can move this yeah on the telehandler put that across right over there again yeah so at least we can get through with the others here because we can start anything up and move so that's got to be done first some people were saying oh this would be a nice project for a long winter we ain't got time for this to be sat around and i know once you've got that done you'll just get on with it and do it yeah you got to because we've got we don't have the time to mess around with a long project and i might buy some names and you you won't be buying anything else seriously banned from buying an eagles um all right back to prices yeah ballpark at the moment yeah exact is when we do it 650 quid let's say 700 yeah front axle done done done right new rad 200 quid yeah other scenario go back the original engine yeah short block build one up short because you've got bits yeah i've got lots of stuff in stock anyway we've got loads of stuff so but short block for that from um one of the major suppliers uh it's about eleven twelve i believe i'll pay about 100 all right so we've got a bit sorry so then there's so we'll just just say now a bit of bugging about a few ancillaries things not charging turning and charging let's just do a ballpark on that 1500 quid right for another engine yeah but that would be a short basically new engine yeah right so we've got let's present again 500 if this is rebuildable yeah 1500 if we got put new engine in yeah we've got we said we're up to about a grand 900 well let's call it again let's get just a couple of hubs in this grand could be 1500 could be then a great two and a half brand we're at two and a half grams a deer yeah then we assume then as we said from what we've gathered jack up in the back end is actually right right yeah but it's going to need things like lift arms lift rods leveling blocks you'll need all that's going to need new pedals new linkages for the pedals another 500 quid yeah steering box rebuild couple hundred quid maximum that's as human if i replace the whole casting but if i could just put the units and reuse some of the insides it'll be quick all right instruments battery wiring loom electrics i'm gonna go with a worst-case scenario of a short engine rebuild we're gonna go with that one anything else is a bonus let's go i'm now hitting from front to up there coming back without any tin yeah i'm at about four grand yeah that's i'd say that's about right and then tin work on top what's teamwork going to be because i know people start saying i'll be nice leaving this working close no no no no that was hot that's working close yeah this ain't this is like naked there's a lot of victim yeah it honestly is terrible the only part i'll save off the that is the medallion the two medallions and the right panels just say again a couple of fits in the brackets like 250 we're now at four and a quarter what we're going to go for on a bit of tin work on the bonnet that is going to be in the region of 300 quick by the time so we're four and a half up five and that's six four six right so tell you where we're going to go with it right if it's got to be a short motor it's a rebuilt engine top to bottom we're talking to throw 5000 quid at this yeah no it's not with your time i know but with what you actually paid for it you're still in line well in life no labor i know that but if we're looking at just materials and the initial purchase price i would be in profit by yeah 500 right yeah now you get away though with rebuilding this then we're looking to lock up here yeah you say we say we can save a thousand quid strata you don't have four grand and we have pushed things up because there's there's no good market see what people always try and do they'll try and sit and convince themselves i can get an axle for 330 pound any carriage oh yeah right it's another 60 quid there 390 you're at four do i mean you try and convince yourself be realistic about it when you're doing this sort of thing yeah um yeah i mean as you say there there's you know people without you know that try i watch it myself with people on there oh great guys i got this tractor and i'm going to have it restored and it's only going to cost this and that language you're getting all your parts thrown at you for free you already said that you know and then you've got you don't get a true picture of what something is the other thing about it is you'll see the horrors of this as we do it because we'll we'll show you let's say we've got nothing to hide much at the end of the day i've got a ton of stuff to do with the channel as you know this is a bit of a surprise as you say dropped in the lap but didn't just say surprise i mean he's shocked i think but here's what it is you got one it's a 175 here um he's gonna i know what somebody's gonna say to be like triggers broom but at the end of the day you've got a starting point and there's a lot there's a lot to say so there we are that's it's a nice exhaust it is a nice exhaust not the right color but it's a nice little support so that's what we've got so they are this this is what we'll do then so for two reasons one because he wants a 175 he's got a starting point for the gawler yeah um he's going to do it um yeah agreed yeah he'll do it right so he's going to do it number two for me being a bit greedy and selfish oh whatever look in there so i can do a little bit you know if you like on the channel or the rest of your mother look what's actually how bad it is i assume they've had water i mean they've got it i'm pretty sure yeah quite a lot of water so we'll have a look at the horrors of that all right but moving forward we'll keep as i said just get this one done and that'll be nice we'll have a good look at that we'll get you know but then when we get on to this we will get a whiteboard and we will just keep a tally of cards right but there is one thing that there isn't yeah there was no bird's nest we always have a bird's nest with no bursts you know and you know what which is the only track that we can't actually get turning that's the person it's the bird nest turn the desk in a bird's nest you know you're there don't you not with this one no china destiny no bird's nest it's a yeah that's that's that's done it yeah so muggers there we are uh decision made and as i said as we go through it we'll put the costs up as we go on whiteboard and you'll be able to see what real world costs are and uh yeah i think we'll save here and there don't get me wrong but we always try and look at the worst case scenario and i think and yeah you're pleasantly surprised when things you know go your way but uh that has been submerged i'm pretty sure there's no two ways about that the water is everywhere in it but they are when some you lose some and i think at the end of this though we will win with it now another thing i'd like to mention markers is my old mate george saunders george uh he's got to a hundred thousand subscribers he's been doing it years and he's actually got her a hundred thousand subs so well done george congratulations and uh as i said it's brilliant it's a you know heck of a number to get to um but i was talking to george muggers and i said george what are you gonna do to celebrate what would you like you know for people how people could recognize you getting to your 100k and this is what he told me about because he said i'd like them to go with my latest video and i'll put a link in the description markers below this video right and that's the one with it with the truck on on the front there's a silver merc truck anyway and he said i'd like people to give me their fish and chip orders no straight up muggers that's what he said he said not to make big list but he sort of said like you know cotton chips twice or um battered sausage and chips uh place and chips and you know some fried onion rings something like that kind of coke but that's what he said marcus so go over to george's latest video and in the in the uh comment section there must put your fish and chip borders all right because he is what he said to me and don't be a big pansy about it lift your hem your dress and put oh maka told us to put no just grow a pair of balls go over there and just put your fish and chip with like say cotton chips twice whatever he'll love it can't get enough of it honestly muggers if we can get at least a hundred of you buggers over there to do that in his comment section i will buy george's big fish and chip tea all right next time i see him right question time muggers got a bit of sunshine today and that's really nice and like i said you know with the old restrictions and that hopefully lift and soon that gives you a bit of a just give you a bit of a lift you're sort of looking forward to stuff people are talking about one or two working days and a few shows later on in the year and that's there's a glimmering light now at the end of the tunnel muggers and that's that's really good now with that in mind i was thinking the other day you know some stuff you know kit that i've driven over the years or i've seen and been around whatever like i'm not saying i take it for granted but you know i'm like yeah i've seen them drive one of those and whatever but muckers be a vintage tractor a classic or even a modern one what tractor would you like me to go and have a look at and film there must be something as i said that you've always thought i'd love to have a look around and you know i said if i can go and find one we'll look around and get it going and whatever and have a good look around to give you a better idea but what would be the tractor that you want me to go and have a look at when uh you know when i say things uh things a little bit easier in the next few months put your answers in the old squid pit below muggers now as i said as we progress with the 175 um we'll keep taking you know little peak previews at it as we go along with the other videos just to keep ahead see where we are see what progress has been made see what parts we've had to buy and we'll put the costs up on the old whiteboard and then that way you'll get as i said get an actual real-world breakdown of what things can actually cost um but you know i mean we did have a got an idea of the day that maybe we could uh you know encourage you lot to buy all the merchandise offers you see we would raise our money to do our restoration that way um but luckily mike as you know because of the uh all the lat dancing clubs have been closed now for several months and uh so therefore me and the old fud weasel has saved a bit of money you know recently so you know every cloud and all that you know well looks like that's that time again mothers so until the next one do well
Channel: Lord Muck
Views: 47,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What did we decide ?, Lord muck, mucker, what did we decide tiem, farm, farming, tractors, massey ferguson175, will it start ?, will it run ?, lord muck ford 8100, lord muck 165
Id: 4oPTg9NytY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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