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hello welcome over here to longer tv today's today's gonna be a nice juicy circular son of a gun what is that what is that right look at that well hello there welcome over here to longer tv i want to say thank you to every single person who has pre-ordered the new book that is coming out on august 24th we added i actually added no i added two more chapters on saturday i sat down and i hammered them out i the the stuff that's going to be inside this book is stuff i've never talked about that that no one really has ever heard me talk about my mom doesn't even know sarah doesn't even know something like the the people that were the closest to me in my life i never even spoke about this i'm putting it all in this book and i want to say thank you to everybody who has pre-ordered it we launched on thursday and we were in the top 100 by thursday night i think we were like 75 in the world and then from thursday night till now which is now monday we are now still 50 we're number 50 in the world i woke up this morning we were 47 so we are 50th in the world we have been in the top 50 from thursday to monday that's like what are we four and a half almost five days deep that is we topped that at number 17 in the world and then we topped out at number five in the world on new releases so i want to say thank you to every single person who has pre-ordered a book this one's going to be wild we did not hold back i went loose more military stories a bunch of stuff about sniper school a bunch of stuff pre-military like all the bull i went through it's it's gonna it's it's really good i feel like it's a really good book if you guys haven't pre-ordered it you guys can check the link on top of the bio make sure to screenshot screenshot your entry to earnedbook at a link in the top of the description as well screenshot your entry i'm going to fly you and your buddy down one person is going to get selected and then you can select your buddy you want to fly down in october and you can shoot my rifles along with nickel deservings we'll shoot out really long range out to a thousand yards uh we'll put you up we're going to feed you and then you'll send you back on home but it'll be a good time if you guys like to do that that's how you guys get entered in that little cone test that's pretty much the deal there but yeah i want to say thank you guys this is [ __ ] wild we're talking day number five and we're still in the top 50 books sold in the world me what any actual is going on and i guess there is a virus that's probably why cam would agree with that i think yeah yeah i would agree but today today's gonna be good i'm gonna show you something cam look at this this is gonna this is gonna blow your mind i gotta i got we got a serious problem hold on i haven't told you about this yet i haven't told cam about this so i'm gonna i'm gonna let you look at my shoulders real quick take a gander take again just look at him what do you see different oh yeah you see that yeah i'm kind of worried about it do you see that thing look at the other one yeah definitely a difference is it is it just as bad as it was yesterday hold on oh i can't really tell my truck because it's all wavy does it look like a giant knot yeah feel it oh man it's like bone heart i know it's made me a little nervous um i don't know oh damn i need to buy another one of these leashes look at this broken what in the world happened there must have got caught on something anyway i say thank the vortex you guys you guys don't know how much vortex has helped me out they sent me all this stuff send me all these range finders these binos like look at that i never i never give them enough love i don't think but they make some of the best [ __ ] in the world looking at this thing and i think i'm going to have to i don't know if i like this dangle nugget up here i don't know we'll roll it today for right there let me get me another one actually i'll stick some 550 cord that's what i'll do i'll stick some 550 cord loop on here cause this ain't gonna work me having to do this every time stays on there though oh this one's a little tangle nugget i gotta shoot him through some grass i thought i'd come out and do a little bit of the 3d target shooting cinnamon creek ranch over here in this north fort worth they got a really really badass setup it's like yeah i mean look at that pig i got to shoot it through grass right there i mean it's not that far oh we got sunglasses on normally see i need i need to put that oh actually stayed on pretty easy all right oh this is probably not smart probably should go see a doctor but you know i'm a hard-headed the body's gonna fix itself so what happened when i got my back it fixed itself i'm gonna pull back my shoulder all right who wants an oak tag all right so 40's gonna be no 40's gonna be yellow oh that hurt oh my god that didn't feel good oh gotta give a little stretch action me i think he's dead or no he don't i think my 40 pins on oh i think we're fine it's official i'm gonna go see if a doctor would call him right now finally they can't there's no way it's a tumor or a cancer issue there's no way it's just like an awkward protruding bone oh no this is in 35 these are really close i'm just kind of messing around right now cam thinks i might have lipoma what that means i am going to go see a doctor though i've decided 35 i can do that 35 with the awkward range this shot would be quick i did this thing is this thing's dialed [ __ ] dialed dude i'm telling can dial this i hit exactly where i wanted to each time die dial make you feel more confident oh yeah yeah yeah this here is going to be great all right let's take a d let's take a tougher shot here i know they just had the total archery challenge up north it's only 30 yards but i mean it's split between trees i think i should just do it just to do it as long as my shoulder doesn't blow out behind we looking at deer you're looking at it ah the first one a little right we're blowing the guts out of it just down right though kind of feels like colorado just walking aimlessly walking i have no idea where we're going we're just walking i have no idea where the targets are dump truck comes back here he's like what are you guys doing i don't know i'm just walking i got a bow there's target somewhere back here i'm sure we don't step on something it's got a couple things on it and everything's moving this is probably the biggest mountain in texas right here man-made i see him there's a big milk dude this is great look this is this one laying down oh look matilda look at her down there i've actually never shot an elk lane down yeah nope i've walked in on them bedded and shot i'm standing i see where there was that we killed her that arrow came out they're really funny oh we got some wind waster that wind was pushing pretty good i didn't need to come over that far fast mover all right frank is 72. now i haven't shot 70 with this thing yet by using the roller we're just going to give it a send good thing about it is these things are like 30 arrows so if i miss at 72 on i've never shot 70 yet so it's just going to go into the woods 72. hopefully she's on we'll see oh lots of wind dude when that arrow went in the air did you see it oh yeah that's not good i might i may have killed him still when that arrow came out it went the wind just pushed it that was kind of weird watching that thing it hit him in the neck now i gotta go down this hill it was enjoyable until i had to walk down the hill i'm gonna walk down and come back up i think i actually kind of like it up here look you hit it real quick yeah i think she might keep that i kind of like it that arrow flew straight you see that one didn't kick off and should probably look to see where that shot is oh he's dead that would have caught liver and lung all day this makes me feel good dude it's our first time shooting this thing out this far same spot i pulled that one it's gonna be liver long again caught long it was actually you know where i shot that one last year like 67 the exact same spot it was a tad right broadhead would have clipped them i'm gonna try to get this one down a little closer to the shoulder this wind's not affecting as much as i can i'm not gonna i was kind of doing a little bit of cause i'm a little right i'm not gonna aim right at all this time yeah so the la so the first three you're gonna see i was holding right so i thought maybe this wind coming off this hill was actually going to affect it this bow is slanging them like look how crazy so there's one bad shot you're going to see where i hit it hey oh oh wait whoa there's no tread on the bottom of these boots at all hey if i get any more chiggers i know where they came from that's the best part about going and hunting elk you know you walk through the you don't get sugars yeah you walk in high grass you're like you just mosquitoes mosquitos yeah okay so down here the wind's not like there ain't nothing down here when i was up top i was holding like way right because up there the wind's probably blowing like a sustained like 15 to 20. there ain't none down here yeah look at that so you can you tell which one was my last shot but these two well these three right here the one i just pulled i was holding right because i thought the wind because the wind up there is terrible i thought maybe it would do something but that's i said [ __ ] just sent it to where i'd so we're good i don't know if you got that on camera said i think i said something like i'm just going to aim above the shoulder the wind wasn't doing anything this is good i like this bow dude all right let's go back up there again there's a farther targets i think over here it's pretty far so on a good note we know that 70 is dialed i was like up here you guys i don't think i can hear the wind or not the wind up here is like a sustained 15. down there it's like zero good to keep in mind i don't need to do that that's one's [ __ ] out there that one's really out there holy okay what do you think think i can do this yeah you did it last year that was a different bow this one's better though you think so yeah okay that's far this is it's like zero in your rifle all right bubba let's see here a little bit of wind action heard it hit took like six years for the arrow to get there i think i should just shoot one at it and then go to the hundred i think i should even send one at the 100 why not yeah why not it's just 30 risk yeah 30 oh here we go we had never shot him you've seen me gamble more though he said all right here's 100 yards 101 yards first time shooting past 60 today with this bow is the 70 we said it went from 70 to 90 to 100 with a little bit of facial wind off a mountain hill hill hill mountain didn't hear impact i saw that one did you where was it just like went straight into the ground almost really yeah probably not gonna find it are we it looked like it almost went in that ditch the ditch area no really are you even kidding me that's where it looked like it went i'm gonna send another one should i send another one yeah that actually felt really nice i don't know that one actually felt really good where the about a hundred i don't know let's go try to see what happened there look at that look at the trajectory of the arrow though it's like straight down there's 90. dude the penetration was like that it was only that far usually it's like that's as far as that so i don't think i'd shoot anything at 90 for sure i think we're gonna say about 70. i think i may have lost a couple errors at 100 apparently i'm going to say right now the max range for that bow max effective range is going to be probably 75 i'm going to say 75 is probably 75 maybe 80ish those both those shots felt really good at 100 by the way 90 was i mean we hit in a pretty decent spot for just a one-time send but i wonder if it can't be behind it that's the thing is you say it landed over here yeah that's what it looked like to land i would actually be happier if both of them were behind it but i'm never going to shoot at 100 yards anyway so probably shouldn't have sent that this reminds me that time in colorado we're gonna we might have to write those ones off huh there's definitely an animal right here in the grass hello i don't know what it is okay [ __ ] me i guess oh what's up i know what happened what my arrow hit my sight really holy [ __ ] oh man so it could have went low like really low it's probably oh my god i'll show you when i get down there that's why i say it sounded like it hit like super early [Music] see i gave myself a whatever like like this like i just booked out that hill got up there and my heart rate up and shot pretty quick all hunting situations generally not gonna be able to have time unless you're sitting in some blind well look let's see uh you'll see whenever i i'll put a arrow on there and dial down to 100 and the bottom of the rest talk about wasting 60 bucks yeah i see that i'll come shoot fast get out of there this this one right here is not very good but this other one's fine hold my butt itches okay you want to see what i'm talking about so i was telling you guys it's fine when it's like this and that's what actually happened is i went down and dialed to 100 90 is fine clearly because we hit 90. i'll do 100. okay that'll do 100. it's fine like this so that's all right though i feel comfortable for sure out to 75. good ain't bad just wasted two arrows it's actually a real chronograph huh yeah ink rollers i've actually never used one of these holy so this was sent to me by one of y'all is there like a is there like a thing here that says who it's from where no there's not there's not cool well this was sent to me a gentleman sent me a message on facebook i guess i can go look out on facebook i've got a chronograph now um i've actually never used one like this anyway i was gonna say i got a i got a chronograph now this was sent to me uh by gentleman go look up his name real quick so i don't sound like an ass uh no i mean i couldn't find the guy's name couldn't find her name i sound like her now there's just too many on facebook my thing automatically replies and we can't really search because every message has been replied to you by like an automatic thing that says hey don't send me an email please i love you and thanks but look what we got are these out i know these are not out what are these gonna be out great you know everything two to three weeks from now two to three weeks from now we got the grande clutch oh we got the mini clutches coming out two to three weeks from now lucky for me i get them uh right for elk season so i'll be doing a lot of [ __ ] just cranking with these things i heard elk really like those throw it at their body hit him real quick send it right back into him but seriously thank you for this we're gonna use this i'm gonna bring us out to toby's tomorrow and i'm gonna be like hey toby you're a lot smarter than i let's go get this summer set up thanks for hanging out with me over your lunch tv come up here if you guys want to say hello to gary if you would like to if you'd like to come up here and say hello to grant he's he's up here he's like i've been working here here [ __ ] me i set this entire thing up i love you guys who's going to roll that sweet so i get the [ __ ] out son what in the world
Channel: LunkersTV
Views: 217,693
Rating: 4.9426994 out of 5
Id: TbB8eypeaQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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