So Am I A Fraud?

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well the other day we filmed a video kind of like this except it was just me literally signing in so this is kind of like the pre no songs that's a Preakness on the free it's the post post post hmm anyway it's this video after that one pretty much - uh I gotta get some Loctite I gotta get sick some Loctite in those uh those little screws in the front of the scope I kind of forgot the D yet but I don't want unscrew it anyway this is the post video to see if we could tag some targets now at a farther distance now that we actually have a dialed in and we know that it's dialed in I think it was shooting I don't remember I think it was three three minutes right and three minutes higher or something got a hundred so that's three inches I think is what it was I recall anyway which is really really really good I need I need to get some uneasy with a little I need to get some trail cameras so if you guys have some good suggestions on a couple trail cameras I don't know I feel like I bought so many trail cameras the last couple years and the ones I bought last year were absolute just Shh they were so bad and I need some new ones for this year I like to have a couple cell cans for here in my land and then when I go in July to go do my scouting for elk don't think we're gonna get sell camps because we probably won't have service in the mountains but I'll need some lock boxes and stuff like that search some of you guys got some experience in the old camera industry let me know oh yeah ken's oh no he scans well we're at Batman's place he's got the smaller version I've got the smaller version of his truck because he's a bigger man and I've got a bigger nether region Monday they're doing bed liner my mats come in tomorrow they're doing the windows you're gonna love why I got so much off of it so tell me you said it's hail damage yeah look at this yeah and they're fixing it on Monday I got it for $8,000 off because of that dent I was like okay let's go ahead and just do that let's just go ahead and seal that one up yeah so look at this feature so this is for people I can't not try this you know so it's literally you turn it which way you want that right there's a trailer okay thank you sir I'll turn it which way you want the trailer to go it automatically turns the wheel when you're backing up good probably everything else your trucks gone yeah which is awesome and if you jumped it you know are you done I'm gonna start feeding again typically I mean we feed the in the high fence all the time all the time but out here a probably around October for whitetail but for you and you take one of those feeders and you pick corn in it and you'll have hogs come up to the rig well the tractors use charge another no clear I just noticed that the this might look good Toby Toby sits up there in his little rocking chair on his little phone doesn't he does all business everybody's eyes was Toby does he does business constantly he's he's on the board of how many companies yeah too many he doesn't really matter he gets paid to direct people and tell them how to run a business correctly where'd you where'd you Jack it up oh I see it no whales huh yeah told me till we had to buy a truck so I had to get a black one now I just got a game like 40 pounds and shave my head yeah I guess uh by some chunk trying to talk him into by that side by side now he didn't stand on right there yeah how much you want for that one 20% more good 10% more hey this is like the last time he's like hey you're gonna buy those those bats were total dollars a piece so that way I was like 13 5 yeah that's [ __ ] I can get those new for 20 how about 5 14 pounds so he's talking about the protein feeders yeah how do you think since he doesn't have a Augie what do you think I mean a ladder would be highly inappropriate because it'd be more cost effective to do you what do you think it needs like what do you think I should just not get them yeah of course I make protein feeders that's shorter than yeah I got a whole bunch of them in they are a little expensive so just kind of a tan like 400 bucks thing is a 1/1 hog runs and the legged thing is gonna fall over those you're not gonna knock over yeah they're solid yeah you know you buy that side by side and you put a primer those yeah throw the bags on your back get work out to you think about coming over here he's like hey I want to hang on somebody's like hey yeah so we're selling this you want it's a good deal also you want to buy those over there I'm selling my bass for $12 a piece we'd never do you only are you going up at all this is a lot bigger than I thought this would be good just that I wouldn't have to fill it every month no I mean this is it what a 500 pounds yeah if you have a couple of them actually still watermelon will come out and kill them for you I would still suggest buying a side-by-side the ladder to stand on top yeah no absolutely I have the worst friends ever on this we may have to adjust the neck a little bit and close it down on that corner because that could possibly free flow out through it look at it because the thing would be way cheaper than buying those corn ones is a cotton that's free no I'll give you a hundred bucks piece farm I mean I was thinking more like oh I just pay you in beer what if we do just bring over a couple hundred dollars in beer for hey that's a good chain you're getting a bunch of those targets out here we just call it there no that doesn't cost me anything whoa but seriously I don't want you to pass I want you to use them you can have them the kids I can't tell you that it's gonna work perfect games isn't little so I trust Gabe Gabe told me they would work perfect for me they did not they'll be fine for corn right that's that's all mutters just grab one unscrews carpenter yeah probably gonna come get that thing here comes Toby dude trying to fill in my shorts my shoes I'm in pain that's a homemade there I don't you can't do this on a non-public land by the way just so breeze we're just here where you saw me here though yeah I'm a him back up the water is a huge chiropractor well then I'll just come back through whatever yeah I'll just do that I just realized something I didn't grab the other targets so there's only one two three we gotta run back grab the other targets so we got some of my older targets we have some actually new ones coming here maybe the next week or so maybe hopefully they're gonna be the proper size these when they're a little small I mean they're kind of their mid size or more of a small human I guess you'd say but I've got all these are did you fix them all they all work okay well take some of the circle targets so we got one two three four five Circle Circle one two three four we'll put a circle circle and human humans already there yeah you got this I'll sit here and I'll just I'll I'll I'll relay to you like just look at me I'll tell you where to go just turn around like this Hey huh the what there there's two nine eight two eight you know you come down that hill and you've turned right anyone ever put the eight yeah basically the bottom of that thing is like seven okay is this more not saving okay I think there's a seven out there how got covered in ticks is driving a big ass one right there thank you one I'm taking my shirt off um have you guys checked everywhere oh so we've been building this range out here a third time out here we just got the he's got the steel set up gay back she had to fix a couple of them I am more coming here in the next week or so but I'll show you guys some footage you guys are not seen if you guys knew the channel we've been working on it just a little bit I'll roll some of that footage right now alright do you have it you have it saved right now yeah okay so I just try to pull it up in Ohio first so we want one this was like 550 so we need one in the fours okay but we need to go by the way I would assume right yeah I would say we can say don't freakin stare Stefan because you know that one's further to the yeah so this one's five so I was almost thing you can do another one by the way so as it goes four or five oh we go this way even oh yeah I guess they could any go see actually college things myself right now it goes from three four or five six seven eight and nine they're off just a little bit like nine is actually nine twenty five in the wind at nine twenty five right now is actually blowing really really like a full value wind left to right down here it's coming out of my back so it's not going to bother me but what I need to get out there still is I need to get long stakes with wind flags on them so I can show you guys the difference from like the wind here to the wind down there but we're just gonna walk it out and see if we can uh touch targets today to show you I'm not a fraud remember I'm not a fraud and Rob was a fraud or am i fraud I'm a fraud because this is where I either embarrass myself or I go home and half a bottle of whiskey was myself alright I didn't I didn't run out to that for yeah I think I think I think I forgot to do something he's also worked up over the screws and the front being loose I think I something up and forgot to forgot to set it back to zero so which is done a big deal because now if that's the case in others Reesie row and I'll put Loctite in those nuts in the front or the screws in the front but I still think I can get it done like I just had to dial back to one and a half know one plus one right yeah that you get on four okay these are pistol targets I'm shooting by the way but I'm gonna tell you right now that the or headshot target isn't where these are I need to okay so she's she's fine but the thing is I forgot the reset my windage back to zero which is not a big deal but knowing me I'm going to be soaking paranoid that I didn't do it correctly that I'm gonna want to read zero which is not a big deal I know what I'm gonna do alright so let's go to five now what was that one you see you know how they hit on low yeah I thought the first one was low okay I'm still I'm shooting right into the target it's fine so I'm actually at that distance is on the phone but I need you to write this down because these numbers matter or put it in your phone your phone file plus if I want you to write five plus three four just put five plus three four five for me so I have an understanding because I don't I don't I don't remember it's 500 it's actually on my phone what you're using right now so it might be like five twenty ish but just put five plus three for me and then the next one is around six ish so I'm gonna go if that one's shooting low I'm gonna go six plus I'm gonna do six plus three on this one as well get you up to six yeah I'll do six plus three on that and then that was a good you like you like that you like that sumbitch hit that hit that mother right in the stomach so six plus three is gonna be the six one two one two three over six plus three on six in first round hit on 600 through the seven this is this is how I know I can tell people to [ __ ] off oh let's go for seven just gonna do that right out the gate again tell me when you're good on seven I want to be on see that seven hundred targets actually small holy I bet you that's a 12 inch wide target at 700 no it is I can see because the wandering behind it 216 at eight whatever miss I mean having a minute gun you should be able to shouldn't be a problem [Music] ya see the wind down there is actually going left to right up here it's out uh directly from the back yeah I left it right all right you ready I don't thought all hit this on first round girl Wow I hold right though I know her exact words that I held right there shooting left to right so now let's hold off so the winds blowing left though now when you guys can see it's a 12 inch wide target so my cross I mean it really is very it's not very wide to look at this go but at 700 the first round I held left edge and the round went directly right past the right shoulder of the target which is kind of what I was expecting because it's blowing left to right down there and you don't care about what the wind is blowing where you're laying that doesn't matter you give where it's blowing down there if I held a little bit more and that last one actually the wind must have laid down just enough for the round the go right pass and I just held off I think I held I will say a half a minute left or so on that one like probably said half a minute left is all it was at seven okay so move up to eight and by the way go ahead and write that down for me it's gonna be 7 plus 3 again I mean okay so I'm gonna do this thing in first-round motherf---ing impact at 800 oh you know there's this times when I lay down and my other regions will literally make my my ascend rise off the off the floor that's what's going on right now a little bit of Anna Rosen going on is that Rosen or work word arousal I arousal myself that's good I go ahead and write down eight three four eight I never adjusted my windage it's nuts I'm actually gonna just I'm just gonna slip the ring I'm gonna slip the rings after this is what I'm gonna do and to be fine I'm slipping the rings I'm actually holding one one right right now we're not one one left so if I were to do all right if I slip this down to zero where it was dude I'd be shooting eight and a half inches to the right right now all right this is good so all that time telling me about wind I'm going to hold off on this one that's still right holy Sh alright ah ah my wall my elevations fine now my elevation was actually short I hit the pole do you see that I was a hit all right cool how was it all right so I was holding three and a half minutes left I 925 three and a half minutes left at 9:25 that bullet lost so much velocity from eight to 925 that's insane so I wasn't I was holding a half I was holding a half at eight and three and a half I 925 so I'd be another I need to go another what does that would be another was at 1300 and the four want to try to shoot out to a mile with this thing I think I can do it it's gonna be very hard to see impact even at 925 we barely saw in fact this this round just lost so much velocity and oh oh but you know what it is it's your turn Campbell you should do is turn into a whole nother video what's that teaching me how to shoot teaching you how to shoot teaching a person doesn't know how to shoot how to shoot shooting is easy part it's just breathing trigger squeeze and I don't know if you noticed I was laying down yeah I took on my boots for reason cuz their clunky when you lay down behind a rifle a lot of people do you see them for some reason they're just like you know what I want to lay down like this and they get off and cut it makes no sense you don't lay behind this you get behind it square that sumbitch up and see my look at my legs you think flat when was in school main house long time ago when if your feet weren't flat the instructions would literally come by and they would step on your feet to squish him to the ground it hurts like hell when 180 pound 200-pound man comes and squishes your ankles back kind of the dirt you're like that hurt you learn real quick not to do it all right but you're gonna shoot you wanna get in literally you want meat you wanna do an entire video just on teaching someone how to shoot far do you think people actually enjoy watching that yeah people one you know who I am for some reason so well you hold the camera yeah I feel like I gotta like check myself teaching you how to shoot far should we do that when we get to actual targets because some of these targets a little small like we got a 12-inch you're gonna 12-inch target at 700 for person who doesn't shoot you're looking like it's this big at 700 yards there's not a lot of room work especially when you're looking at us say this is a minute gun you're looking at a seven-inch shot group with this gun it's capable doing which means you're looking at this gun will shoot something like like that big of a shot group if it's held steady and the right person shooting behind it so it's all everything's always shooter dependent in the caliber the shooter depends really depends on the accuracy of the rifle I can hand any buddy quarter man a gun and they may not be able to hit it out to seven or eight hundred and it should be easy peasy lemon squeezy so if you guys want to see me teach came out of shoot which in turn will probably teach maybe a couple of you guys how to shoot long range how can we do this leave a comment below saying yes because if you made it this far in the video you give it you actually care about shooting at a distance so but when we get these other ones coming in here it's literally gonna be like I'll have them set up in iterations from like 3 - 350 - 4 - 425 to 475 - 525 500 we'll have so many all the way out there and they'll be colored differently and they'll have letters on them like a through Z and I'm gonna have range cards made up it's gonna be beautiful little thing here it's gonna be legit actual private range we should see if Toby wants to come out here with one of his now that we're golden I would say I would like to have a white Club but I'm done with those things I got the worst stomach pains for two days after drinking a bunch of them done with those carbonated piss piss water well that wouldn't starting to pick up you say Ted baby coming out of that direction that was actually gonna be the direction of never eat soggy waffles I hope you guys did enjoy this video over here on lunker's TV if you guys would like to see anything else just let me know come back over to Toby's maybe we might slice and dice up some some rattlesnake you know for you guys strange way to end it but I hope you guys did enjoy this video over here on lunker's TV I'll catch you guys on another of those sweet succulent [Music] [Music]
Channel: LunkersTV
Views: 777,845
Rating: 4.9296236 out of 5
Id: p20ddEsOzpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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