Is This Combo BROKEN in Terraria?

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the flamethrower recently received an update giving it the Hellfire debuff as well as the ability to bypass enemy defenses coupled with the frost Armor high critical chance and stacking debuffs is this weapon now completely broken Hal's going crew this is Happy Days and welcome back to our Master mode Ranger challenge I start things off by Smashing some Crimson altars to unlock hard Motors now that we're in hard mode there's a ton of powerful upgrades available to us so let's start with an armor set I'm really excited to use the frost armor has a special ability that applies the frostbite debuff to any ranged attack oh my gosh silly June Spicer oh my goodness the frostbite debuff deals a whopping 25 HP per second and as an added bonus not many enemies are immune to it I need almost 300 Adamantite ore to craft all the upgrades in the safest place to find it is in a non-corrupted area just above the underworld this allows me to farm the Aur I need in relative safety well kind of oh my goodness Dead Man's chested back at basicraft Forge and after forging Adam anti-bars I make a set of frost armor Frozen wings and Adamantite repeater if we're going to deal with the upcoming boss fights we're going to need to increase our damage as well after making a spawn point in the Kevin layer I start preparing a basic mob farm no mimic I'm sorry oh my goodness is it mimic I should be okay maybe oh no oh my gosh it's the wizard ah get away from me slimy crazy thing oh wow this is awesome I really wanted to get the crystal ball because we're going to need to make the endless quiver very soon uh for use with my special bows that don't really need any particular Arrow uh I've never heard of The Artisan loaf before but uh it increases crafting station range so why not I guess a lot of you have recommended I get the magic quiver and the marrow both of these items drop from skeleton archers which spawn fairly often so it's just a matter of time until I get them oh my gosh I got the marrow and I didn't even notice ah this is what happens when you've been farming for too long oh my gosh I'm getting banners I've got all this loot oh my gosh guys it is almost boss time but first we finally get to get some upgrades happening which I am excited about so I was so happy we bumped into that wizard so now I can make the endless quiver so let's just grapple here beautiful beautiful and that's going to work really well with our marrow and Shadow flame bows because they need normal arrows uh then I went to the demolitionist and he sold exploding powder so I'm gonna try explosive bullets oh wow 1700 that's uh and 50. uh so let's put those there and then I can Chuck my silver bullets in the ammo box for now that's coming along nicely and I think that's I've got my gun parts ready for the flamethrower and all that farming got me quite a few of the mech boss tokens that's kind of nice and then we can even upgrade I think I've got everything to make lightning boots so let's grab a pair of those okay we're looking good so I'll get some Buffs and then oh the goblin are you gonna give me some nice free forges on our new stuff oh my gosh this could go anywhere people oh anyway I'll get this all sorted and then we are ready for Skeletron okay the night time is here and we are ready for our boss fight and I've added a few more platforms to our Arena we've got some okay modifiers on our stuff so I'm gonna go with the cursed flames and the shadow flame for our debuffs and then we've just got normal stuff for our other weapons got lucky on most my uh accessories and we're getting up around 50 crit strike so that is very nice indeed that should be higher with Buffs on yeah looking good guys all right hopefully we do okay three two one let's get this fight started oh my gosh how's this gonna go people hopefully better than our first attempts uh when I was just yoloing it so yeah we'll get the curse flames on the appendages okay that's very fast all right so we'll keep shooting a bit of that and then we can use our marrow a lot of people are recommending this I kind of like it I think I like it um and this damage over the time oh and also we've got the set bonus from our Frost armor which I have really used this stuff so we have got so many debuffs on oh no happy out oh my gosh that's kind of crazy also I need to try the exploding bullets from our shotgun that's probably actually going to work a bit nicer against Destroyer I reckon uh but it's still kind of cool I think it does a little area of effect attack and all that good stuff actually you know how old um budget Daedalus stormbow is probably pretty nice here too they're doing some okay damage yeah it's doing a little bit there but uh we'll stick with our hard mode stuff I also made the repeater um a few people want to be into band repeaters I just wanted a bow that could shoot normal arrows uh just for when I get toxic uh toxic arrows because I need something that can shoot um yeah uh normal arrows so that'd be kind of cool because if you didn't know the shadow flame bow and the marrow convert arrows so it doesn't matter what ammo you use that'll change them so it looks like we're going okay I don't have tons of damage by the looks of it but our debuffs are kinda nice I wonder should I be focusing on the skull instead yeah maybe I should stop worrying about everything else and go for damage although we are getting one of those hands down a fair bit Skeletron Prime can be a bit of an endurance battle this is a longer battle so I'll speed up this middle part now I'm in the rhythm of mostly dodging its attacks if I can defeat Skeletron we can unlock the flamethrower which I'm dying to try out as it inflicts two more debuffs on fire and hellfire for loads of extra damage well guys we've got this poor skull debuffed to all craziness look at all those numbers ticking away on it this is kind of nice I'm liking this debuff play style I think I'll use my shotgun a bit here to speed things up so we do actually pretty nice damage and then with all these debuffs we can just focus on uh dodging and defending a bit true sniper style I'm not used to playing without a Cobalt Shield which is kind of cool usually that's my must-have accessory but yeah you can do it without it I'm liking this so anyway this skull come on just go down already right more shotgun it's down to 2000 uh this fight not too bad although a few of you were telling me that Skeletron Prime is considered one of the easier of the mech bosses there we go beautiful took it down oh my God look at my house it's covered in flares oh is there flares like everywhere oh my gosh there's four players but we have another Relic to add to our collection beautiful indeed and whoa we got the pet and let's see how many Souls of fright we get three two one boom ah beautiful got more than enough and beautiful and star that means we can make our next weapon but I'll wait for till morning for it what on Earth are you doing you crazy slime I don't even know but what we're going to do guys is I am about to need a very much big amount of gel and was that even a sentence I don't even know but what I'm actually going to do is set myself up a nice little gel farm so I visited the mechanic uh and I bought some wire from her and a timer and we found a slime statue earlier which was quite handy and all we need to do is put the lava in there and then I can well those slimes are tanky holy moly and I should just be able to stand underneath Angel is going to fall on my head uh because I assume the flamethrower is going to need a lot of ammo uh so yeah this is going to come in very handy indeed so that's going to be kind of useful I might even get a slime stuff which I don't really need but that would be fun so with our gun parts we've got some lead bars and then now we've got ourselves a fried I should be able to Where is the a flamethrow yes we've got it oh my gosh I'm so excited okay listen whoa check this out this is crazy wow how much gel does it use oh it's not too bad check it out that gel's going down pretty slowly and if I use my ammo box that yes I think I forgot to use it versus Skeletron uh that should help out a bit as well so I think we need to get some revenge on some bosses I still have some boss tokens here so let's Zoom ahead and fight some more enemies okay painter I hope you're ready for our rematch against the crazies or wow that does a lot of damage that does a lot of damage oh lucky ladybugs yes okay oh no I killed the ladybug I think that's bad isn't it and we got a car and so much is happening oh my goodness anyway we've got our Buffs on here I managed to get unreal on our flamethrower 60 crit strike I am excited to try this out got all our Buffs on all that good stuff we're gonna take out this pink blob three two one so what I've actually done is I've got my flamethrower off with my debuff weapons because it's a debuff weapon as well so okay there we go beautiful got some whoa okay that's awesome let's get Shadow flame on it and let's see what sort of depth whoa are you kidding me look at that damage bar going down I mean the health bar you know what I mean guys this is crazy okay I still have to be careful I'm a bit of glass Cannon but yeah wow that's nuts okay having wings is helping a lot too okay don't say okay this is the tricky part I've got to get close to it to use the flamethrower but oh I can't wait to use this on the Destroyer holy moly look at this guys this is insane oh my God yes okay okay we can just keep flying this way beautiful yes run into the Flames okay there's my little NPC prison I still haven't got houses for them yet okay there we go oh no don't fly into it happy okay we're going on a jungle tour now and oh no the crimson's in my jungle but we're gonna take this out yes yes down you go slime down you go oh my gosh we got revenge beautiful oh no look at all my jungles all Crimson oh no I'm gonna have to save it okay that was kind of nice all right let's just get rid of a few of these mobs beautiful there we go all right we got our Relic and we got our treasure three two one boom why'd you get the whole armor set or did I just get two pieces okay I got two bits of it beautiful we got all this nice stuff got a new hook hook of dissonance ah teleport you that's right okay that's kind of cool okay I'm not gonna forget this time I actually used it let's get our Buffs on and I'd like to apologize to all my NPCs who are likely about to die but I really want to fight the Destroyer three two one boom so the Destroyer is immune to all debuffs so I'm not even gonna bother trying to debumm it oh can I get it oh wow get some attacks in on his tail while it's all bunched up okay uh this is doing oh my gosh look at this weapon go is this broken this flame drawer I don't even know let me know in the comments guys have you used this much it is just melting the probes and my poor NPC is that dying again oh my gosh look at that damage I'm just standing here wow and it's still oh my I'm sorry what no don't get it by the head happy oh my gosh I think the head does like 400 damage in master mode it's something crazy so you got to watch out for it oh my gosh yeah this is pretty sweet I wonder if the elf melter is even better than well obviously it's stronger but oh I can't wait to use it okay this is going pretty nicely and our heart reach potion because we looted all those Shadow chairs I've got a nice supply of heart reach and this is just go oh get out of here possessed armor what are you doing how did that even spawn wow okay are we gonna have time to do the twins as well I think we might okay let's just get rid of all these probes beautiful keep me healed up all right thrown on the heel there we go it's down to seven thousand we've almost got it and we yes come on come on yes oh my gosh this is cleaning out these probes got a rave isn't that oh gosh there's Armor's everywhere okay get all those we've got another Relic beautiful let's put that down three two one boom Oh I got details um Dev set that's kind of cool and some more Hallowed Bars all right let's get our twin fight going on three two one boom and uh now I know this one can be debuff so actually I should get uh let's just quickly move those here nice sorting uh sorting my Buffs during a boss fight because I'm pretty sure you can poison uh can you poison the twins I'm not sure uh yeah nice happy what are you doing oh just use the flamethrower anyway same strategy as always we're gonna Target one eye at a time but I don't actually know if I can Target one at a time oh gosh actually I'm taking a fair bit of damage but what we need to do is make sure we keep those curse Flames going keep the shadow Flames keep the poison I like I can't tell if I'm poisoning it or not all right we gotta heal on it beautiful oh wow this is so nice indeed I am loving this playthrough guys it's so fun using other weapons and a lot of you are asking me in the comments would I try this with the other classes and I would be up for it I think it's kind of fun to like experiment with oh no it's a flamethrower battle it's kind of fun to experiment with weapons that like people don't use that much um I'm not sure if the twins get immune to debuffs in their second form no it looks like it's still on fire nicely that's kind of cool all right there we go we've almost got oh no no I died I can't believe it that's so embarrassing putting my embarrassment aside I summon the twins again and start toasting them with my new favorite weapons soon enough spasmatism Falls and now we can put all our attention on poor red nasal yeah okay that went slightly better that time I just had to stop messing around so much and focus on the eyeballs oh my goodness but uh now there is only retinasa left I can turn this into a flaming ball of dead eyeballs I don't even know what I'm talking about today I can't put words together I don't even know but uh yeah this is going pretty nicely indeed but uh yeah make sure to keep those weapon and item suggestions coming in the comments guys because yeah I wasn't even going don't die happy don't die we did it oh my gosh that's so crazy yeah I would I don't think I was even gonna try the flamethrower but yeah it's been buffed pretty crazily oh my gosh I'm gonna have to go to my slime farm soon but we are getting a nice supply of relics we've got lots of awesome Buffs and we a few people have been asking me to try out launches too which I think I post Plantera so looking forward to that guys but make sure to leave a like make sure you subscribed hope you're hyped for these daily videos and here's the most important part as always you will stay happy and all see you soon this is Happy Days signing out see ya
Channel: HappyDays
Views: 108,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terraria, terraria 1.4, terraria 1.4 journey’s end, terraria 1.4 happydays, terraria 1.4 happy days, terraria master mode, terraria 1.4 master mode, terraria let’s play, terraria 1.4 let’s play, terraria 1.4 master mode lets play, terraria OP, terraria op ban, terraria master mode ranger, terraria op ranger, terraria ranger playthrough, terraria funny, terraria 1.4 funny, terraria, terraria challenges, flamethrower, terraria broken
Id: Z2iwCsNpKDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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