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watch this 1 2 3 welcome to the video yo what's up guys and welcome back hope you guys enjoy that intro that that lovely piece of visual magic is actually from a friend of mine named Katelyn Morelli [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're not familiar with Kela Morelli he basically exploded on the magic scene years ago Kayla then started producing an absurd amount of original magic before eventually he got picked up to consult he's consulted for the likes of David Blaine David Copperfield dynamo you name it anybody that's done something cool and visual on TV probably in the last 10-15 years Kaelin probably had a hand in it I came the friend of mine and he's it's hard to describe Kaelin okay he's uh by every definition I think he's a genius he thinks about magic more than most people and he thinks about magic in a different way well he tries to he really tries to look at it from another perspective of a perspective that you and I might not even imagine it look exactly like whatever you do please do not open that bomb there's that saying there are things you know there are things you don't know and there are things you don't know you don't know right he followed me that's kind of where Kaylin lives he lives in this place that anything he creates blows all proportion and perspective of what magic currently is out of the water for those of you who are new to magic you may not know if Kalyan is he's been off the scene for quite a while well he's kind of making a comeback right now now when I was in LA a couple years ago he he gave me a bunch of these are users packaging for his methods these are original tricks that Kalin's never released the one that you just saw in the intro was actually one of those tricks highly visual completely impossible and he's got some real gems in here that I will not share that I won't share however today I thought it'd be really cool if we take a look at what Caitlin's up to because everything this guy does in some form or another will inspire you will frighten you or will straight-up make you become a fan of magic so he's got this new Instagram that we're gonna check out absolutely insane Caitlyn is also starting to release some of his material which is very rare for him he does not do this very often and one of the visual pieces of magic that we're going to be looking at is actually released today as a download and you guys can go get it I left the link below but we'll get into that I'll show you trick its I mean strap your eyeballs in ladies and gentlemen we're taking a look Kaela Morelli here we go this is the Instagram page that Caitlin has put up it's called the nothing experiment you guys should definitely go links below definitely go subscribe to this cuz you're gonna be blown away by what you see I'm actually very excited to look into this so first of all this I have seen this is the melting cart illusion this is what's available right now for download if you want to purchase it so here's how it looks like and they make it look like it just melts through the deck it looks really cool and most people know that this is done with a cut card or you just take the card you place it up against the edge of the deck and then you just move it up and down right on the edge and it kind of makes a little quickest melting and that's cool but I really think this is how it was meant to be seen if you take a card obviously no cuts and you just start with the corner you can kind of get it to more hides like it's melting we can try it a bit more like this how good does that look my goodness and it's just a really cool illusion like hey he's down playing who's just a cool it's insane that's insane illusion so that's available for download if you guys want to do it I'm gonna tell you right now that that is something you can do for camera it's not something you do in person but because we're self isolating you want to put up a cool video and press your friends definitely check us out next up this is probably probably my favorite thing that he's done this one blew my head in about five times over check this out experiences where we make assumptions and they're just proved wrong and it's extremely upsetting what's interesting is the magician can use these assumptions to kind of play with your mind in a pleasurable way like if you pick the seven of clubs you could say watch I will make it vanish and appear in between these two cards and this is a trick that we know and love and then it happens right but there's so much more to be played with you see seen that the box is empty makes you assume that what you think should come from it came from they're seeing a card printed and a card printed makes you assume that this card is from the same deck and also printed which it's not printed and it's not even from the same deck this is not even a real deck this is just a piece of paper and that's very hard to trust your eyes Thanks so answers what what I really love about this specific illusion it is an optical illusion that does play like a magic trick but what he's saying I think is very cool because he is saying that yes this is a trick that we all know however you're taking so many things for granted you're taking you're assuming so many things by just looking at the placement of the cards because we're so used to seeing things that we're assuming that that's a deck of cards we're assuming that those cards are normal were all these other things and and he starts to decompose your reality bit by bit piece by piece and that's just a really beautiful piece right there check this one out this one this one's going to do you're headed at get ready they follow me on this first second the ink on this card is 2d and we know it's flat the card itself looks flat but you know there's a little bit of depth so it's 3d our limited human perception makes it very hard to understand the fourth dimension but that's okay because we can kind of imagine it what it might look like oh and that's a very cool thing why is this kind of is even that but I know that's different to everyone else what is that even science fiction movies have used tech and concepts that did not exist at the time and these ideas have inspired really smart people too and then just casually hold it with the deccan operate them in real life so sometimes just imagining what might be possible can start the ball rolling into making it a real reality you're gonna you're probably rewinding this video to see if that card was protruded the entire time or when it happened like I yeah same okay next video this one's great so even when someone doesn't want to see something they can make you see it you see it's really funny how once we see something that's hard to unsee it this piece of paper makes this card look like a deck card correct if I hold it with two hands like I would at a poker table and that increases and strengthens the illusion so much so that it makes it hard to see the difference between come on and reality even though we know we saw a piece of paper and a card that's again it's so great because we've used that premise so many times with that piece of paper we've seen gimmicks created with this piece of paper attached to the box already but having it out there and and explaining that this creates an illusion and then bringing it home with with the actual deck appearing is so great so great so great so he's got he's got a few videos he doesn't have many videos we're gonna take and everyone because they're all really interesting like look at this one quick meditation on creativity my goal is with my I should come out what's great about that again is the the he's swiping I mean clearly it's a phone and it's not so much because normally when we look at a phone floating or an object floating Howard power magicians normally floating it they're floating it like this right and then they're letting it go so you know you assume anyways that there's something holding it up for it to to maintain that position by changing that position to this I mean that is a really powerful subtlety it's it's such a small subtlety but it sells the illusion so well and again that's just another testament to his creativity he's looking at things differently we create illusions based on the method we justify the effect based on the method so whatever the method is that we build the effect around that he has taken this and there's like no this is what the effect has to be and that's it and and that's that's a really really cool thing so I've played with this idea using this pyramid so you can take a pyramid you can build this online and you can you can create a hologram with your phone and I did it once in a video where I had like Drake dancing and then I plucked him out and I plucked a little lego man out so that I knew there was something there but the way he uses this is really cool because he does it upside down anyways take take a look so we know what he's getting at we know what's gonna happen here is that the coins gonna eventually melt through so the vanish is great this part's phenomenal you can start to see the coin melt here look at that and watch I mean I mean that is just great not only is the illusion great the idea is great but then the just the melting of the coin through was for me enough but he's gone so far as to have the coin actually appear in real life through this through this augmented reality of this virtual reality now Kalin's not only known for his gimmicks and his way of thinking he's also a great car magician has great shops great hands whether it's cardistry for card magic in here he's just going to demonstrate some work on his double lift while he talks about it so check us out I remember back when I was like 18 and I was like working on single card switches you know things that look like they they switch and obviously we we all know a few but I remember I was at this this restaurant and I was like ah man like getting into a double like handling a card as a double is is a little like weird and it was hard for me at the time so I remember like thinking okay like I start with a single card and then I show it I place it in the middle and it's like that contest how smooth is that we're gonna stop there if your heads not done in by now then I don't know what you're waiting for Kalin as you can see is on a whole different level when it comes to creativity when it comes to thinking about magic and I think that's just a great thing for you guys to take from this don't don't sit here and be like I'm gonna recreate those effects I'm gonna try and figure out how he does it what I want you to take from all this is just his perception and his angle on how he approaches a magic effect he looks at it differently than most people and that allows him to further present a greater illusion there are things that we perceive and that we take for granted as magicians that we see every day and he's just been able to really dissect that and to re-engineer the way we look at a deck of cards with our assumptions and I think that that's just a great great great lesson to be learned for any of you out there is ask yourself questions I really ask yourself questions about everything you're doing say why am I doing this why do people do this how can I do this differently how can I make this make sense more don't be held back by the method really allow yourself to transcend through that point where you get stopped by a method and think about the effect think about what it is you want to convey and why it is you want to convey that and why do people do it this way and how you can come up with a way to do it differently or more justifiably I just I really wanted to chime in because this was brought to my attention two days ago and kaylynn's always been so low-key I thought he deserves a video dedicated to his creativity if you guys want to go check them out definitely check them out I highly recommend it support this guy you won't regret it and and stay tuned for more of what Kalin's got coming up so guys that's it for me just a quick video if you did enjoy this leave a like below subscribe if you're new here and we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 485,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, REACTING, reacting to, reacting to magic, magic, magician, trick, cards, card trick, tricks, illusion, optical illusion
Id: 5y5VUs1cRXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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