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everybody stogie farts here two things really quick first off and second most importantly a few weeks ago I actually posted a video on I did a card trick actually was like a coin trick and today I actually want to show you a quick card trick that I'd like to do it's really easy and it actually fools a lot of people so check this out okay everybody this is called the ultimate three-card Monte many of you are familiar with the three-card Monte that's where you have two black cards and one red card and the object is to keep your eye on the red car that's the money card that's the card you want to follow the reason why this is called the ultimate three-card Monte as well you'll see in a second so you'll see we have only three cards here we have the three of clubs the Ace of Hearts and of course the two of clubs now remember what I said the object of this was you always want to keep your eye on the red card so let me tell you what I'm gonna do first I'm gonna actually go really really slow a lot of people like the claim that I do slide a hand and I don't want you to be one of those people so very very slowly I'm gonna put the three cards on to the table and now what I want you to do just as a simple test where would you say the Aces now people that haven't been paying attention might say the ACE is over here but those of you who are really keen on detail will notice I did a little magic move right there in the beginning where I switched the cards around I know it's really hard to believe but honestly see this is the three clubs there's the two over there the ACE is right there in the center just as I said it would be so here's what we'll do I'm gonna take the cards and we're gonna do something a little bit different this time I am going to go ahead and I'll put the ace down first right there in the center of course leaving the two black cards on either side now I want you to pay attention because I'm actually really gonna physically move the cards this time and I just want you to keep track of where you think the ACE is okay you guys got it I'm done now how many of you think the ACE is over here yeah nobody not too many people ever pick that what about over here yeah no one ever picks that either actually a lot of people think the ACE is here but remember I said we got to pay attention I did a little switcheroo right there and actually I move the ACE over here I can already tell you don't believe me but see there's the three there's the two and there's the ace right there so you can see I'm actually being upfront and honest I'm not really I'm really not doing anything sneaky you know I'm just just doing it as slow and as easy as I can I know what it is I think a lot of people have trouble following the three cards for some reason they can follow two but when you add that third card in there it's very hard to follow so I'm just gonna remove one card all together we're only gonna focus on two cards this time so what I want you to do is keep track of the ACE okay just keep track of where that ace is and where would you say it is most people actually I would say probably 80% think the ACE is right here they're only about 20% of the people will actually point to this card but and actually it honestly doesn't matter because you see the ACE isn't even one of these cards over here the entire time when I had it sit on the table that was actually the ACE so that is called the ultimate three-card Monte well there it is hopefully you guys like it I look forward to all your comments and hopefully you were entertained we'll talk to you later bye bye
Channel: StogieFarts
Views: 7,192,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pipe, smoking, best, card, trick, in, the, world, ultimate, monte, ace, change, follow, stogiefarts, farting
Id: 811jqTz4puQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2011
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