"Is This a Toy?" - Your Questions Answered

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in my most recent how it's actually made i played a perfect flawless trick on my incredibly gullible fan base by coercing them to spot the dinosaur within the video it's over there the next day i made a follow-up video explaining that the how it's actually made episode in fact didn't contain any dinosaurs because all the dinosaurs on screen were toys three times now i've opened up email hotlines to help confused viewers solve their issues the first time i opened a viewer support email i received 731 emails the second time i received 3892 emails i left the video showcasing the email hotline up for a week and then promptly unlisted it to effectively close the hotline from the time i began reading emails until the end it took me about a full week to read every single one because i received five thousand seven hundred and twelve [ __ ] emails this is painful [Music] this is not a toy this is a scientifically accurate dinosaur now you can see why the ones in my video weren't scientifically accurate this one includes their anatomically correct projectile launchers which are very good for warding off predators and shooting a seven-year-old's eye out this isn't a toy this is sports equipment it's what we call in the business the thing that lets the umpire know that our runner was safe i will not waste your time mr bees i just want to know if this is or is not a toy simple as well i just want to know what the [ __ ] i'm looking at this is not a toy this is the reason that japan's public transportation kicks us right in the ass 34 emails it only took about 34 emails for the first filling machine to show up and here i thought it'd come sooner this is america's next top model i must request is this a toy if you play with your food no cause you the toy is the food you play with your food you don't play with the spoon but you hear the old american idiom yeah let's all go down to the playground and play with our spoons that's that's oddly sexual oh well that's just a delicious boy toy probably the most handsome man who's ever lived i can't tell a lie this is the world's most effective alarm clock i think this guy put the question mark in the wrong place so let me read the sentence as intended are you a toy sent from my ass and yes i am thanks to the people at bad dragon hello i just wanted to make sure that this is a toy is it that's the word toy do you read the word building and think it's a building that's just dexter boy genius planting another scheme to get his stupid sister out of his laboratory alright this one was already classified in the filling and rinsing machine email video which i'll link in the description but i just want to remind all of you watching that as much as i want you to you can't keep sending me emails of the atomic bomb we dropped on nagasaki this is what your mother sees when i get home from work this is a fun toy if you're trying to kill time while waiting through airport security legally is this a toy or not a toy depends on how much money you have this is a lot more than just a toy this is a life-saving medical device for most american college students this is absolutely a toy according to the republican party if plastic is made from crude oil wouldn't the plastic dinosaurs be made of real dinosaurs i don't know if you were made from your parents [ __ ] does that make you a dick or a [ __ ] what the hell is this thing and why won't it stop following me well it's because you're holding its sun in your fingers look at him i really need to know if this warbs warbs warbs for creamer sauce is actually sauce or just a toy i really need wurba kramser sauce to marinate my warming screamer steak thank you for answering all my whirlpool krimsar you have the wrong email but the right attitude it is a dinosaur they are like life-size i am sure it is a real dinosaur i work as a paleontologist yeah okay what's a foot doctor gonna know about dinosaurs i'm not exactly sure what toy this is but i can tell you for sure that it's absolutely dominating the youtube algorithm this is a modern day dinosaur my parents said i couldn't run with these but i can i've done it before so i just want to make sure moving forward whether or not those are a toy okay hang on hello police i want to report a crime this is the most unstoppable force the world has ever seen hello i would like to ask you one single question why would you lie to us about such an important topic do you understand how d-a-ray this is d-ray oh diarrhea he meant to put diarrhea i think i understand how diarrhea this is yeah i found this under my mom's bed do you know what type of toy it is all i'm gonna say is that the barrel length of those guns is about 800 inches [Music] i mean not bother or inconvenience you but i am at a i pass with a college on the classification of the below picture there's no picture attached god help you if you get a degree you are a toy is that a zoid i think that's a zoid i mean i haven't heard of zoid since i was a kid probably because zoids [ __ ] sucks the cool thing about this toy is you're going to play with it whether you want to or not my father spent my life saving on this are these toys what kind of toys are they these are toys that are somehow in only three months going to have more semen on them than your mother ever has greetings i email in regards to your video i'm afraid i have been staring at this video for around 10 hours now to see the green dinosaur however i only see red dinosaurs i'm very concerned as to when the green dinosaur is going to appear what do you mean you made my video on red dinosaurs they were there the whole time this guy sent me a very passionate rant over whether or not dinosaurs are toys and he sent me a dinosaur word search to help evaluate his point and the most important part about this is the first word i found in this is oh are the toys shown in the video chocolate or mint flavored are they chocolate and mint flavored please this is urgent i ate one but i'm allergic to mint if there is no chocolate present and i have to figure this out soon you eat toys why don't you eat the standard american dinner of a rinsing machine you are so goddamn late with this one or maybe you're just really early you can't keep sending me pictures of the atomic bomb we dropped on nagasaki so i accidentally broke my brother's gaming computer and he wants me to put my hand into this so i just wanted to know if this is a toy because he said it will be fun thank you ps i rally don't f bad for brocking his computer because i am beater than him and probably utu well how do i come back from this he's definitely beater than i am friend called this a toy but can't see the battery hole how else could it move also i stole one to check for solar panels no luck so i gave it to my four-year-old nephew ask your four-year-old nephew to toy how the [ __ ] should i know imagine you're minding your own business all suddenly a mint decided to rob you the mint shot your white chocolate dog additional the mint is holding a pistol at your heart and he tells you if you move you will get shot then the mint tells you where is the milk chocolates what would you do in this situation i would pray to god that my acid wears off soon holy [ __ ] they have filling machines in japan they really are advanced this is an anal exploration toy is paper a toy i bet you're the [ __ ] who asked if mayonnaise is an instrument too hello mr higby spell my name right this is an incestuous machine oh look someone knew that i loved honey so much they signed me up for a website where i could buy honey straight to my door how thoughtful [Music] [Laughter] uh oh boy it's been a long time since i've seen a good japanese man suffering toy oh let me tell you not only can this guy tell you more about toys than i can because he's an expert slot car racer but he's also a professional karaoke singer and a real estate tycoon i hope your day is going well and they don't send you poop again oh don't you worry when you're me you're scent poop every day what's the difference between a toy filling machine and an action figure filling machine the amount of muscles the bottom has i'm pretty impressed you managed to find the tamest picture of sonic porn on the internet to send to me this is the most popular toy with kids from third world countries you know i have seen toy story countless times and i still don't know what the [ __ ] this thing is this isn't a toy this is a clock and this is why matches are most definitely not a toy some of the house is still standing next time use a can of gasoline and a lighter hello mr actually made oh please call me mister i've seen this in a children's game but i can't tell if it's a toy for kids or a full-length novel i appreciate your help this is very important ah well obviously endymion the mighty master of magic dark type you can remove six spell counters from your field special summon this card from the pendulum zone then count the number of cards you control that can have a spell counter destroy up to that many cards on the field and if you do place spell counters on this card equal to the number of cards destroyed you can only use this effect of enmion the mighty master of magic once per turn spellcaster pendulum effect once per turn when a spell trap card or effect is activated quick effect you can return one card you control with a spell counter to the hand and if you do negate the activation and if you do destroy it then you can place the same number of spell counters on this card that the return card had while this card has a spell counter your opponent cannot target it with card effects also it cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects when this card with a spell counter is destroyed by battle you can add one normal spell from your deck to your hand attack 2 800 defense 1 700 monster card is obviously a toy hey andrew i've been waiting a couple years and i need to know if this is a toy or not yeah this is a toy you push the little teeth down and the alligator chomps on you if you're unlucky thanks for your question official kurt cobain so that's how you died this poodle oh well that's very obvious i mean no one would ever think that a poodle was a toy let me read the rest of the email now see i'm confused because if i look up toy poodle this comes up it seems to be a very lifelike toy huh oh god i that that this is who said this was a thing this is a thing since when was this a thing what the [ __ ] oh oh no no no no that can't this can't be this you almost thought you had me had a little i had a little bit of a freak out there a little bit of a panic attack but i figured it out this is a filling machine this is the man i strive to be a nice man in a coat gave me this i asked my sister about it she flip out like crazy are you in a [ __ ] looney tunes cartoon you are a toy this is the toy i'm saving for when i'm done recording this video i don't want to insult obama yeah me neither he's one of my best friends does bluetooth take away from the toy experience should i go analog most pet rocks are fine utilizing bluetooth but you're going to want to be careful about wi-fi signals they're not entirely compatible with 5 gigahertz band yet but if you use the standard 2.4 gigahertz you should be able to have consistent signal although i think is internet cut out because if you look the email kind of keeps going with these [ __ ] god dammit if you were born in the 90s then this toy was also your worst nightmare this isn't really as much of a toy as it is microsoft's new play thing this is an endangered species of crab while this is definitely not a toy this is american flavor in a bottle french's since 1904 classic yellow mustard no artificial flavors net weight 14 ounces notice how i didn't say 396 grams because that's not the american flavor way is there any way possible for a grand toy maker yourself to have a miniature replica of a rinsing and filling machine this way you can teach kids the difference between the two hands-on without having to adhere to child labor laws what the hell does this have to do with chocolate mints question i thought you ate the toys that's not technically a question but yes i do this isn't a toy this is a dangerous gateway drug to a sad sad life this is a toy that i originally was thinking of copying and distributing to all my friends but it says right there on the disc do not make illegal copies so yes i won't they really they really got me with that now this is a toy but you got to be careful it has mild themes stop sending me the atomic bomb we dropped on nagasaki heyo just popping in wanted to ask you if the secret ingredient in andy's mints green is a toy no it is not a toy because green is not a creative color hello mr hugbies i was having a conversation with my why are you yelling at me now how am i supposed to classify this toy if you didn't even focus your camera you really need to take a sharper image the only thing i'm going to say about this toy is if you change the caption from what to harder it takes on an entirely different meaning i've obviously censored this because i'm not going to dox anybody but this man sent me an email from his public school account and he attached a picture of a gun maybe this is a stupid question but is this a toy what are the implications of that if so are you worried that you're having sex with your cat or with your toys i remember these you'd always lube up one of the ends and have sex with it right my childhood was normal oh my god toy or not that's got to be the most attractive thing i've ever seen stop sending me pictures of the atomic bomb we dropped on nagasaki is this a dinosaur is this toy is the is a mammal like platypus r-r-r-r-r-r-rrr i feel like i'm an aurator's twitch chat is this a dinosaur or is it denmark i don't know maybe that'll be the next video is what the object you're looking at a dinosaur or the entire country of denmark it would fill me with great pleasure if you click this link know that it's rick roll thank you for saving me the time of shifting my eyes down about 10 pixels are the five nights at freddy's characters toys are they angry robots or robots animatronic toys or both at the same time they're genuine [ __ ] sleeves oh bad dragon i've heard of them i hear they make a lot of fun toys and someone went ahead and signed this email up for their uh services so that's cool that's really nice of them maybe it's it's like a d kind of role playing website you know you get medieval toys like the bad dragon so you you dress up as a knight in your chain mail and you fight the dragon with your sword and then after a long battle you shove his [ __ ] up your ass this man took the time to write an entire message to me in leetspeak and thankfully i'm fluent so i guess i'll go ahead and read it hi hugbys tv longtime listener slash watcher here just want to say love your videos they are very funny keep it up and hope you get mint chocolate email back love you oh thank you so much and look he included a picture of a gourd it's got a bud now propane is not a toy it's a clean burning fuel i tell you what is this plastic bag a toy yes this email has a lot to unpack subject help name [ __ ] you email hello hugbees gmail.com excuse for name but toy and then he sent me what i believe is a training urinal is this a toy for dogs my wife wanted me to purchase one of these for our dog but she had a weird look in her eye oh oh i see you got it backwards it's not a toy that you put in the dog it's a toy that lets you put the dog in you stop sending me pictures of the standing here i realize that this man is a toy you know people keep sending me pictures of this toy and it just looks like the most fun entertaining thing i've ever seen is the dead cat outside my house a toy the dead cat outside of your house is not a toy but the one inside your house is fun for the whole family is this a regular toy or a sex toy please help me ah now that's a woman that's a toy but they're only fun for the first three months hi i need to know if this is a toy this is not a toy this is just sad why do you have a gun i take it back this is just sad you remember how growing up your teachers would always say oh you need to learn to do these math problems you won't always have a calculator in your pocket well now we got smartphones [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] take that mrs funkelton god idiot what this do this joke doesn't work but why am i this is not funny because most people watching this are under the age of 14 they're not gonna get what i'm talking about this is my wildest fantasy then again i just noticed they're in what appears to be a hospital yeah still my wildest fantasy this toy is somehow simultaneously cooler and cringier than you are at the same time i mean this could be anything i have no idea it's got latin scripture written underneath it and i don't think anyone can translate well this isn't a toy at all this is just duncan takahashi my favorite transfer student over at the university are you implying there's something unusual about mr takahashi i need to know if this is a toy collection or a problem i have a lot of money riding on this and you better not disappoint is it funko pops yeah it's funko pops uh yeah you got a problem my co-worker says this is the height of computing sophistication i think otherwise oh god this is the laptop they had aboard the challenger no wonder that space shuttle went down hey so i know this isn't the right address for this specific question but since i think that particular helpline isn't active anymore could you help me out is this chocolate mint or both oh i can see the confusion here this is actually the next iteration of an american godzilla movie how do you know because look at it they obviously [ __ ] it up this is not a toy and it's the primary reason japan is gonna pull way ahead of us in the next 10 years this is and i [ __ ] you not about the 30th time people have sent me this exact image and i don't understand at all what the problem is it is so obviously from left to right a series of earring and jewelry holders a robot wearing blue jeans dispensing candy a greedy raccoon a startled mouse and a copy of the bible next to a playstation 3. how is this confusing you are a toy tell me where all of them are and then he copy and pasted the list of every u.s county the see a toy piegoyam whole help me help me too this is a surrender machine hello my little sister was playing with the toy pictured above and now she stopped moving is this a normal reaction to this toy or not if it helps she put it firmly around her head to be an astronaut thank you yeah you know why she died because you took it off she's an astronaut she needs that to breathe in space you [ __ ] idiot this is a 40 year old's wife now you know why i'm friends with obama ah it just gets better and better every time i see it this is a second place toy stop sending me pictures of the atomic bomb another image i was sent about 50 times you would think that this is a toy but it's actually not because no one in their right mind would have the patience to put this thing together the more i stare at this the more i'm being convinced it's not a toy but is in fact instructions for genocide there's a lot to comment on here you initially would think i'd say something about the knife but i don't care about an ordinary kitchen knife if you were subversive like me you'd think i'd comment on the rick and morty wallpaper but you're not thinking as deeply as i do what i really want to mention is why is there a man trapped inside your computer let him out what is this thing it has ripped my family apart well of course it did you let a gorilla in your house this [ __ ] doesn't even own a game station 5. imagine having to ask whether or not a game station 5 is a toy when it's the hottest toy of the entire last year i've got two of them therefore i technically own the game station 10. a picture of the rock yep that's the rock all right i mean you can't you can't classify perfection you know don't worry i haven't forgotten i'm so i'm saving it don't worry this is a toy only for russia this is what i gave your girlfriend last night but we didn't need this toy to do it this is the first search result of my internet history i was also sent these images a bunch and i had no idea what it was but this helpful lad told me it's called the demon core and after doing a quick wikipedia read i might have a future video in mind is this psalm toy ass [ __ ] or what my guy yes this is probably some toy ass [ __ ] after all it came out of my toy butthole now this isn't a toy this is just the king of the netherlands hi i'm confused is this plaster bust of communist vietnamese dictator liberator of the french ho chi minh renamed michael by a subway name tag priced 499 by a grocery store rotisserie price tag a toy you know sometimes when you do what i do you read out sentences you would never expect to be written but even more delightful is when they manifest themselves into reality our video game consoles are handheld's toys no because gamers are an entirely different breed oh i've seen this hentai my friend told me this is a toy is it oh thank you for the big red arrow i couldn't tell what i was looking at without it anyway there's about four toys in this picture and i don't want to play with any of them wait wait this is a kids toy oh my god me and your father have been using this for something really different this is a toy but for adults you wanna know how i know look at his [ __ ] that's not a toy you dummy thanks toy not a toy toy not a toy toy not a toy toy not a while this animal isn't a toy it's dressed the same way my step-sister was when she got stuck in the washing machine and uh well that didn't end too well this is absolutely a toy according to drug companies i mean have you seen the price of these things they're almost as expensive as legos this is hopefully me when i retire my friends and family have isolated me and most have completely cut me off due to my inability to distinguish what kind of toy this is it's not because you couldn't distinguish what toy this is because you couldn't read look a normal horse this isn't a toy this is a horse go back to elementary school get some books i recommend arthur he does a lot of cool stuff he's got a cartoon you can watch for follow-up literature is this a toy i found it in a drawer in my house and spotted a similar thing at the store my wife keeps insisting it's icy hot let me let me explain some to you all right this is not a toy more importantly it's not icy hot because you ever rub icy hot on your genitals go try it and find out you'll see what kind of toy it is you are a toy i'm not sure if this one's a toy but i know this one is a cousin that is a toy because in terms of human pokemon breeding holy [ __ ] we've combined it all into one this is a scam question how many people have sent you a dildo on a piston not that many actually but let me just say if you sent me a picture of the moby huge you're not exactly the most creative person on the planet oh my oh oh he's so perfect this is tony hawk's favorite toy this is a toy duck that doesn't give a [ __ ] this is live footage inside the back room of the catholic church this isn't a toy this is the night now wait a minute i didn't sign up for a pornhub account with this email if i didn't know any better i'd say some unscrupulous fans were trying to sign me up for internet pornography those scoundrels didn't take a moment to realize that there's plenty of internet pornography available without the need for an account what a waste of internet data this is a toy and also a lawsuit stop sending me the bomb we drop please note this email was sent using translate mail a service used to communicate across languages the language used in this email is yiddish please note translate mail is not responsible for any errors in translation between client lawyer communication business communication or personal communication also translate mail is entirely [ __ ] made up bravo you got you got one out of me you got one out of me my friend insist this is an instrument yeah but he thinks horseradish is an instrument too i guess this is a toy but for someone with too many fetishes even for me hello i have been told by my parents that this is a machine that makes toys but i have seen it also create clothes and siblings what the [ __ ] are you talking about that's a washing machine everyone knows toys are made in the dryer this is the tale of the lusty argonian maid obviously a toy it's pink is this a toy if so what kind i've never seen anything like it but it seems like something a kid would enjoy and then he followed up this email with i forgot the picture imma just cut my losses it was a vibrator lol if it makes you feel any better i have gotten plenty of those so far this is doing all sorts of things to me that i'm really not proud of this is a remote and if you call it a clicker i'm going to slap you in the [ __ ] mouth um [Music] oh it's a turkey i could tell because of the helpful arrow and circle oh and yeah turkeys are toys is this a toy i just don't know i can already tell by looking at this preview that it's gonna be one of the greatest toys ever made oh my god everyone should play with that 10 times a day why do they look like they just found out that the neighbor is [ __ ] their mom and now they get to tell their dad and finally have them get a divorce wait a minute enhance oh yeah i'm not clicking that i'm not i'm not clicking that you can't make me click that i'm not going to click that all right i'm clicking it god dammit this is a toy for people who just know is my boyfriend a toy there's no way gay people actually exist but here he is dating another man please explain my friend i've got troubling news for you i think you might be a toy would you poo rather have unlimited bacon but no more games or games unlimited games and no games or bacon but no games games initially i was going to answer this question but i can't believe you use an eye chuckle phone everyone knows laugh droids are way better the cool thing about the toys that richard simmons made like this one is he was looking to blast off as many men as possible and not particularly aiming for their pounds hello i saw this image online once the government says it's not a real image so i would like your advice on whether or not the tanks are toys and if the man is a toy or a really small man please help what do you mean what image i mean you can't take pictures of things that never happened i left my cat in the oven for three hours the scratching has stopped but i don't know if it's fully cooked yet do you have any suggestions on what i should do please send help alright i need you to listen to me very carefully a side dish of carrots with a white wine reduction sauce would go deliciously with that this is a toy but man is it not fun to play my grandfather gave me this whip a long time ago when i visited him from his home country of hungary i must ask is this whip a toy or not i've always wondered what its true purpose was so i hope you do clarify all i'm going to say is this there are a lot of intended purposes for whips and not a single one of them is good is this a toy please do not save or copy thanks bye [Laughter] this toy is making me very jealous hi there i saw this online and i wasn't sure if it was a toy or not perhaps you can help me with that thanks in advance is it another dildo it's probably another dildo isn't it oh even worse hello kind sir i've come to inquire about if this is a toy or not my dad says every time he gets mad he drinks and plays with these things to feel better but i hear screaming every time he does this so i was wondering if that was a function of them or something else going on normally i do something about this but this just looks like the happiest woman i've ever seen subject dino toys if dinosaurs were toys back then would humans be dinosaurs if so wolf we beat comb axe tinked yes unfortunately if we lived back in the jurassic period wolf would probably be a calm extinct ah yeah i see this is not a toy i'm very sorry for the confusion and i'm glad i could help you out stevie wonder this is a toy that everyone wanted to stop playing with about 20 years ago and yet it still finds its way into every british home this isn't a toy this was the world's first gender reveal party you're trying to pull a fast one on me now aren't you you [ __ ] dear hug bees i have watched your videos for multiple years by now and that caused me to turn into this what the [ __ ] am i you're looking cute that's what you're i can't say that i can't [ __ ] say that i'm joking i don't want anything to do with this person it's a joke because of the anime and the [ __ ] the way that the photo was taken but i can't say that i don't want to get cancelled thanks for watching my videos this is an urgent matter is this a toy or not this is a toy this is a prototype racing video game unfortunately it was called racial prejudice so no one really wanted to play it is your filling machine running well you better go catch it you son of a [ __ ] what is this what what is it what whatever feeling this email was typed by this picture oh you guys can play with this toy all you want if you keep that upward trend going well now this toy was just a waste of a purchase for the same money you could have been sucking on raffi's toes hi my friend claims this is a toy but that's impossible the level of detail is too high this is clearly a giant help us settle this debate you know i'm not entirely sure but this picture makes me feel like i've done something wrong you are a toy this is an educational toy that shows exactly where women love you to ram the head of your penis i'm confused and would like to be clarified on which of these is a dinosaur and which is a toy you are confused these are both images they call these toy fox terriers but is it really a toy it's not a fox so the name can't be trusted i've removed the part of the image that i've been told very strongly is not a toy okay i've been playing with my dog wrong all these years this is a patented immigrant kicker okay can you please stop sending me dildos whoa whoa look at that sexy thing get that dumb [ __ ] out of the way oh my god perfection this is not a toy this is a space capsule this is not a toy this is an after-school snack how would i describe my sense of humor perfection oh god damn it here we go everyone pause the video this is an accessory for grand theft auto role playing normally i wouldn't fall for this obvious fishing link but they had my legal first and last name oh god nah i don't really bother with this toy everyone knows the most fun root beer toys bangs hey man don't feel too bad about sending stuff through your school email you would not believe the number of people who dox themselves to me by using their school and work emails it's in the hundreds recently my mom left my family after my dad's cooking gambling addiction i'm going to stop you right there your mom left the family because you're playing stuff like this this is a toy that i could never really figure out if it was racist i don't understand what a dinosaur s helpo is dinosaura a hippo with a purple pill what do i do when i meet said dinosauro please help oh no hablo you're espanolo porvavoro okay what's the focus of this picture uh [ __ ] what do they want me to look at oh that guy the cool thing about this newsletter is you can never unsubscribe even if you really want to this is a really really good toy that even i enjoy playing with but man can the fans of it never shut the [ __ ] up about it this is me after one beer he says he found this set of cards in his dad's room and he's wondering if they're like pokemon cards or something i can't tell just based off this image i don't have enough info read me the collector's number on the front and back and that way i can verify where in the set they are if they're limited edition good fine though this is a toy that every year legitimately makes more money than certain countries hey now i don't have to pay for fortnite now this toy sucks dick to go to coleg not one not two but three emails saying i was signed up for an account on furaffinity i just want to know what your favorite toy is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is naughty machinima and why don't i have it bookmarked yet ah confirm instructions for my account to derpy booroo i you know i don't want to check that out all right fine are you stupid as a vietnamese also known as an asian toy are made of plastic plastic is made from oil oil made from dinosaurs of course it's a real dinosaur not a toy i think i think i better listen to him i think i better listen to him he is vietnamese and they're the masters of toys well that's a gun not a toy and now we're on multi-porn yes i would love some milk the only toy that stuffs more bears than this is piglet you have this man to thank for my toy expertise as well as my entire life is this a toy to be honest no it's a bean and he didn't attach any image i'm glad you were able to sort out your own issues this is the best thing i ever spent my stream donations on this is a canadian squirt gun could i [ __ ] the moon the moon has a [ __ ] ton of holes and a [ __ ] ton of point uppy bits right so hypothetically as long as i bring some lube i could [ __ ] the moon but then there's certain logistical issues like how do i get to the moon could i remove my spacesuit enough so i could expose myself to the moon would i have to bring a moon condom would i be the first because let's face it what's the point of going up to [ __ ] the moon if i'm not the first then it's not a feat instead it's just some weird [ __ ] fetish but i don't know whether neil armstrong [ __ ] the moon or not for science and nasa has stopped replying to my emails my only response to this is how did you get the script for my next video a manifesto of the communist party except with speak spliced into it how long have i been recording this [ __ ] how many hours have i hello just to confirm dr pepper has a higher liquid black to liquid green ratio than root beer needed for a chart i'm working on man maybe it's because of quarantine but they let 4th graders get away with any science experiment for the science fair huh this is definitely a toy because only children use it this is the mascot for a furry convention i've had this luigi toy for many years and have loved and cherished it however upon learning the dinosaur in the video was in fact a toy i began to suspect that my luigi toy was the real luigi please answer this with the provided picture that can't be the real luigi look how tiny he is look at that small man look at the little tiny guy oh look at the little petite hero boy and green look at him know what he can you can't save the mushroom kingdom like that no it's toy it's not real luigi not one inch tie no he can reach top shelf normally uh-uh hi this is that country from that meme where people are like oh come to brazil it's such a terrifying and scary place no i don't want to go when really they're wasting their opportunity venezuela is right there this is just a man who's stealing the man who stole the crucifixion site of jesus christ this is the most disgusting food in human history this is mr bones wild ride this is the first call of duty quick scope lobby i hate dinosaurs well i guess we'll have to agree to disagree and not to mention i even hate dinosaurs as well you what this is arts and crafts for nerds dear huckabee my understanding of the bible is that god created us in his image but then was spit disgusted with what he created that he sent jesus to forgive us for being so pitiful with that being being said i think we don't really have to worry about ai because it will most likely be gay as hell i like your videos especially the crab destiny crayon one i gotta wake up early for pit so glue what this is the toy that ruined call of duty please send me a picture of bush's baked beans okay but only because i've got so many of them but i expect it back [Music] how many rubber snakes and fun things have you seen so far rubber snakes zero fun things also zero this is a toy but only for germany can you guys please stop sending me sex toys i don't know where this toy is from but it's probably trash this is mr krabs in the 15th spongebob spin-off that nickelodeon's gonna make now that steve hillenberg is finally dead are there toys in the video from this website i liked yeah nope i'm good nah i'm good i'm i'm good this man is somehow in every one of my dreams this is a toy powered by the aurora borealis is my girlfriend a toy if so could i return her as used or decommissioned buddy i gotta break it to you if you got her from me she was already used i've heard the phrase wonder woman scissors but i more assumed it was what she did with her girlfriend this is a toy that really really shitty people decide to hang on to during times of panic such as quarantines and think that they're gonna run out of it somehow even though there's plenty of it and it's relatively easy to make and you'll be able to get more if you didn't [ __ ] hoard it from other people and if you were just a little patient but no instead you could be smart and buy a bidet or i don't know use the sink i'm actually struggling to tell if this is a toy or the real john cena because from what i can see it's got that bizarrely strong connection to china intact this is a joke that will actually air on family guy by the year 2025 when khan were invented experts used those things to test condoms but a genius invented a machine for testing condoms the experts didn't want to throw the old ones away so they gave them to kids and told them that those are dinosaur toys those kids trusted them and now we all think that those old condom testers are dinosaur toys well there you have it dinosaur toys are old condom testers who would have known i could kill two birds with one stone with that and now i don't have to buy condom testers off of amazon anymore this man's internet plan only affords him six pixels per month and he wasn't gonna waste it on me if you slap a big streamer's name on this this is what you'll see advertised to you in the next two years thanks to targeted ads hello is this a toy it says ball on it and i'm pretty sure balls are toys but this doesn't look like a ball oh that's just a door that's slightly open this is something we could have had if star wars wasn't sold to disney because disney is for [ __ ] classification toy or lie boomerang i'm pretty sure boomerangs are telling the truth boomerang toy or upside down lie okay you really [ __ ] got me on this one hello mr hugsbees i'll let that slide i was wondering if this giant fluffy dinosaur that just walked into my house is a toy or not help i think it's hungry well taking a glance at it i think it's hungry for [ __ ] this is a toy but only for austria-hungary this pineapple has pizza underneath it is it a toy i've got a whole video explaining that one this isn't a toy it's a tool a tool used to solve all of your problems what kind of toy is this a doll or an action figure this was selected after guessing your recent search history okay i feel personally attacked and also humbled question about a toy yo mama ugh what a rude email let me fix it better seriously please stop sending me pictures of dildos this toy cookie monster plush [ __ ] my wife can you classify what demonic toy entity this thing is so i can use the correct holy gun and holy bat to beat it hey hey hey dude not everyone that [ __ ] your wife is a demon if you need someone to talk to i'm here maybe we could start by talking about how all those people [ __ ] your wife yes yes yes someone finally [ __ ] gets it i'm not sure but oh jagafoo yes no brownie face i'm going to go ahead and say yes to ooh jagafoo yeah this is a toy this is the launch title that came with the nintendo ds by definition a toy is anything that can be played with meaning that any object item or even person used for play could in fact be a toy ergo are you a toy i would respond to this question but that would make your expectations a toy this is what i see when i step onto my balcony every morning i can is this a rinsing machine filling machine chocolate mint a toy or all huh mega man yep hello sorry huggies but i really need your help with this one my wife says that this is in fact a toy but having watched your videos i have tried to enlighten her and have insisted that it is in fact a rinsing machine she says she is fed up with my insanity and has filed for a divorce she's even taking the kids this is why i say that you are my only hope if you convince her that it is a rinsing machine and maybe things can go back to the way they once were thank you sincerely or dad is this a toy please help i don't know if i should play with it eat it or just straight up [ __ ] it whoa how do you do that every time i say that it sounds like this [ __ ] it teach me how you do that i had to translate this one from russian it is a toy i'm confused maybe this is also an american attack we are winning the culture war russia and there's nothing you can do about it you had a whole cold war to figure that [ __ ] out uh excuse me sir she's not wearing a mask sir i didn't know i could simultaneously love and hate something this is not a toy this is how you shake hands with danger i still can't believe they had the balls to publish a board game about domestic abuse dearest sir or madam hug beast that's doctor i would like to inquire if the following image attached below is one of the following a filling machine a rinsing machine mint chocolate a dinosaur a toy a mint flavored filling machine a chocolate favorite rinsing machine a mint flavored rinsing machine a chocolate flavored filling machine a mint chocolate flavored rinsing machine a mint chocolate flavored filling machine a chocolate mint flavored rinsing machine a chocolate mint flavored filling machine a dinosaur filling machine a dinosaur rinsing machine a toy filling machine a toy rinsing machine a mint flavored toy a chocolate flavored toy a mint flavored dinosaur chocolate flavored dinosaur a mint chocolate toy a mint chocolate dinosaur a chocolate mint toy a chocolate mint dinosaur kindest regards this is currently on the highway to deliver to hawaii right now a lot of people sent me a picture of this toy of the punisher but this email in particular got me to stop because they labeled it as favorite not gay toy and i can't stop from wondering what's your favorite gay toy well i think i just found my favorite gay toy thankfully some generous soul knew that i'd have to balance it out with some [ __ ] eventually is this a toy is my mind a toy of my own machinations is it a toy i have control over should it be a toy no make it stop coffee is just beaten soup close coffee is actually just bean broth pictures like this really make me take a moment look at the beauty look at the colors the fact that it's a juxtaposition between waste trash by-products of human society that we deem worthless counterplayed by the incredible use of hue and color form and shape it's pleasing to the eye but unpleasing to the memory and that's what really gives this piece life but then you remember it smells like poopy this is most likely not actual cheese no really look that up my teenage daughter was adamant about getting it for christmas but i can't find it in stores this doesn't seem like a toy to me but she insists it is and i can't find any other rooms with vibration functions you know i had a joke prepared going into this but then i read the whole sentence and you took it good job i'm gonna move on awkwardly now and pretend i never read this so uh how many adult toys have you been sent so far can we get a counter stay tuned to the end of the video my mommy keeps asking my daddy to play with a toy i think i found it on the internet is this a toy um a ps this is a joke oh i think it's a little too clever for me now this is a toy but from san francisco this isn't a toy this is an abacus what like those monks use in tibet rate this toy what do you think of this monster high spectra vondergeist picture day version still mint in the box i'm not usually in the business of raiding toys i'm more into classifying them but i think i can give it a lo my god what is that this is the employee of a sandwich making factory is this a toy and can i fit this toy in my ass you can but why would you want more [ __ ] up there this is a toy that somehow made something soulless into something even more soulless this toy has a better ass than 99 of its contemporaries this is the most fearsome toy duck in all of japan this is the game that my ex-wife used to play every single day ah evie finally gets to evolve into a rock type okay come on now furburu was the furry porn website or the furry sex toy website or the my little pony sex image website or the video game sex website or the multiple hentai website not enough for you recently i have been confronted by this red vehicle and 50 cent euro coin i am unsure if this is a toy or perhaps a real albeit very small car oh that you're close it's actually a really large euro this is a boss in the upcoming sequel to conker's bad fur day this is just a certified [ __ ] deflector i'm fairly confident this is a sex toy i think i found who kept signing me up for those websites notice the trailer park i went through my whole house with my boyfriend labeling things as toys and not toys to which i myself was labeled a toy am i a toy how do i know well let me ask you a question do you pretend to be dead when children enter the room because if so you're either a toy or a bad parent this is the future of uber eats i shat my pants should i be worried i had just recently shot my pants and i'm looking for a milf you have the wrong email man you're looking for the i just shat my pants and i'm looking for a milf hotline that's not currently running because believe it or not demand for that isn't that high this is a toy that lets you practice assaulting your passengers at any altitude we have these in our house the wall dick as i call them my mom says they aren't a toy but i disagree that's because your mom plays with them in a very different way you ever wonder why you hear a loud repetitive thudding noise against the wall followed by is this toy safe for a three-year-old yeah i think if they're already a pirate at that age they could handle anything is this one of those characters that i got to spend like 300 on genji and [ __ ] in blue boxes to get this trash and then he has the same move set as six of the others and this is the newest donkey kong country game you've heard of frog on a log now have a strum on a dog's bum ew for some context i'm a huge fan of guy fieri and one day while scrolling the wild wacky web i came across this jpeg of the man himself holding what appears to be a groundhog i've never seen a groundhog quite this size or one that looks like the one in the image below leading me to believe this is a toy replica of the future evolution of groundhogs this email is leading me to believe you're dumb that's a cappy bara i would like to know if this is a toy thank you this is me whenever i see a choo choo train this is the most evil sith lord and true antagonist of the star wars prequels this is a robot designed to make everyone's life worse this is not a substitute for a real girlfriend what do you define as a toy all right you know when something's not a toy so the opposite of that this is the thing that america's missing this is the newest dark souls character now this is a severely overrated set of toys yeah i [ __ ] said it i didn't know they could bottle what i made your mom produce it's not happening i've been trying to make a vagina for almost a year but nothing is working out i've wasted many balloons gloves sponges i don't know how to make a proper one i just wish if i could get a silicone vagina but the price is too high my thirst is being fulfilled by my own hands only i don't understand what to do ex-hamster oh god i know i make jokes about it but i don't actually want to [ __ ] my sister this is a toy from an rpg series that somehow has only had one villain that regular people give a [ __ ] about in its 25 plus years of existence and we're on to red tube this is the prime minister of poland this is a toy that if you took it out of the box you'd want to stay 10 feet away from it at all times can a tui be mad of tong to stan can [ __ ] this i have no idea what i'm looking at oh god why what is it you fear their eventual universal takeover too don't you when star-lord in the first guardians of the galaxy movie is captured by the space police and is being scanned what kind of toy is he using then ask for an apology for using i'm not a nerd so is a filling machine a rinsing machine you get the [ __ ] out of my inbox lately i've been finding nothing but a horde of these things outside when i go to take out my trash i don't know if they're new drones kids are using to fly around and cause a mess or if they're unwelcome to my neighborhood you actually correctly identified them as modern drones they're put into the sky by the government for surveillance purposes ps if you look behind this email you'll find twenty dollars oh boy oh god yes yes that's a very nice rifle but more importantly are you standing in the middle of a bob ross painting this is what the us army's gonna look like in about 10 years with all these newsletters and websites i was signed up for i didn't know how i was gonna put an end to it but oh finally hello is this a toy or is this special liquid made by mommies and daddies with poopies around it those are oreos what the [ __ ] is wrong with you now this one just doesn't make any [ __ ] sense to me it's a coca-cola machine but according to the chinese it dispenses door handles orange soda and diet door handles this toy puts us one step closer to [ __ ] our waifus my question is this a team email address do you really think i need people to help me none of them could keep up oh it's big lots and someone bought stuff using the email oh okay hey arnold palmer that's good taste my wife says this is a toy but i say that it's a peashooter from the hit game plants vs zombies we've been oh my god i just figured out what that image at the very beginning of the video was oh i know what these are these are white liquids made by mommies and daddies surrounded by poopies but in mint flavor you know now that i've been signed up for all of those furry porn websites i'm not that scared of this guy after what i've seen him do oh [ __ ] it why don't i sell my car while i'm at it except they signed me up in the uk those dumb un-american morons you know i think we have a new contender for the pokemon most compatible with human pokemon breeding wife unhappy but i bet your wallet's happy if you nabbed one of those and all you had to do is promote child gambling while at the same time stealing stock away from the ones that want to play the game while you're really going to show up with a stronger formula elmer's glue right in front of my [ __ ] face that's like showing up with mega pizza lunchables when i only have the regular ones see i [ __ ] told you gmail suggested replies are always so threatening how do i know if my best friend is a toy or not where are you where are you located so cute i was wondering is this a toy this is the most shameful display of connect four i've ever seen in my life look red already won in two places and yellow already won in two places whose [ __ ] turd is it are you a you you seem fun enough to qualify i'm glad i'm fun enough to qualify to be myself hey now i know just the moderation team to discuss all my new furry porn accounts with okay now people just want to give me crippling depression and anxiety oh thank you i recently misplaced my copy of the entire script to terminator 2 judgment day let's just go ahead and view the entire message yep oh yeah this all checks out thank you now i have an extra yiffer.xyz okay now now we're reaching websites i've never even heard of and as an expert in internet pornography this worries me and needs to be corrected this toy made smash brothers worse the instant it showed up audience is apparently a streaming platform for music and someone made me an account there that's very nice i can't wait to start performing with my band under the name i [ __ ] dinosaurs hey i [ __ ] dinosaurs okay you just made an account an audience this is kind of a big deal we've never had someone at our website who [ __ ] dinosaurs but we're not against it welcome aboard hello i am vey stressed as i cannot figure out whether or not for his is a toy my daughter is cringe and i do not want not to be a bad father you absolutely are a bad father who calls their daughter cringe that's really [ __ ] up also i know you're lying there's a lot of stock footage [ __ ] watermarks on this photo there's even a website to go download more you clearly are not a father and if anyone is a cringe daughter it's you this is what i chug after a particularly hard workout i've recently just visited my mother's home and saw an antique object in her closet i asked her about it but she couldn't recall any information is helpful is it another dildo i've is it another dildo i've seen so many i fell for it again deviantart wants me to get started on my devious journey as the illustrious come demon 69 420 little do you know that the deviantart account i made back in high school already has a name very similar to that the center for black queer love and finally i want to thank each and every one of you you all were unashamed in sending me your questions you all stepped up to the plate and did something meaningful today something powerful something inspiring you came together and you proposed what even the nature of a toy is can we play with our own reality is it right or wrong of us to label things as we do does that add clarity or confusion and who truly can decide which is which which is why for this final email i just have one thing to say stop sending me pictures of the atomic bomb that's the end it just it felt endless at times every single time code known to man had at least a dozen emails attached to it some of you may be scratching your heads a bit now wondering well how come i didn't see more of this thing or hey i sent a picture of that thing that was in the email too why wasn't i in the video well that's because over the entire course of this journey i've documented and tallied the absolute most popular reposted images i was sent so now you'll be able to know if you were actually original or not before i unveil the top three image types i was sent and their tallies i want to first read this short list of very common images that i was sent actual toys various cars and trucks power tools characters from toy story specifically buzz lightyear and rex people's pets i really like that one that kept me going thank you pictures of myself and my channel but mostly me that one also kept me going thank you chocolate mints non-phallic sex toys such as fleshlights and butt plugs knives anything related to among us hearts and other analogies for my feelings or my emotions or my heart you know like yo my heart has been toyed with yeah that the atomic bomb that we dropped on nagasaki electrical outlets and plastic bags the third most common image i was sent was of a filling machine at 131 emails for comparison i received 73 emails containing rinsing machines and five poor bastards sent me capping machines because there's something wrong with them the second most common image i received in an email was a dildo 230 emails contain dildos and to be honest i expected a lot more but that's okay because what didn't surprise me is 52 of those dildos were from bad dragon you really knew how to stick with the dinosaur theme and i'm proud of you and finally the most popular kind of image i was sent out of all of these thousands of emails the one recurring thing i saw more than anything else with 300 emails was guns [Music]
Channel: Huggbees
Views: 85,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: huggbees, parody, satire, dub, funny, fake
Id: -HF_ftZaz2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 56sec (3776 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.