Why is calculus so ... EASY ?

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Welcome to another Mathologer video. People are  always going on about how hard and complicated   and how terribly high-level calculus  is. That’s actually only partially true.   When you look at it in just the right  way, the core of calculus is actually   very simple and straightforward, really  not much harder than basic algebra. In fact, when I was only 13 or 14 years old I  got introduced to calculus via the book “Calculus   made easy” by Silvanus P. Thompson, a book which  is all about showing how easy calculus can be. It’s an amazing book and really worked  for me. And I am not the only one.   Published in 1910 this book went  viral pretty much straightaway,   is still in print after more than a century,  and has been sold over a million times. “Terrifying names” not something you’d expect  to read on the cover of a calculus book.   It’s an unusual book in many ways and  the way calculus is explained in this   book is also quite different from the  way it is explained in regular textbooks   both then and now. I’ll put a link to  an online version in the description. Well, I’ve been explaining calculus  myself for the better part of my life   and what I’d like to do today is to give you my  own version of calculus made easy in this video.   Of course, there are lots of calculus  videos out there. But as usual   the aim of a Mathologer video on  something as done to death as calculus   is to present a fresh and optimal take  that both novices and experts can enjoy. Okay, so here is what I’ve got planned for you. In the first part of the video I’ll show you   that your car is actually a calculus  machine and I’ll show you how you can   perform those two terrifyingly named methods of  calculus, differential and integral calculus,   by simply driving around and repurposing  the speedometer and odometer of your car. In the second part of the video we’ll find  out that the core of differential calculus   is such a no-brainer that you can teach  it to a monkey. Pretty miraculous, really.  On the other hand, the core of integral  calculus is far from being monkey see monkey do. Still, there is lots of easy  and powerful stuff there, too,   which we get by putting differential calculus in  reverse. We’ll do that in part three of the video. And I’ll finish off with something I’ve been  meaning to put together for a long long time,   a five minute animation in  which I derive all the most   important formulas of calculus,  along the same lines as it is done   in that amazing book that I just mentioned.  Five minutes for everything important! This miracle is made possible by an  ingenious way to capture calculus in symbols,   courtesy of the great Gottfried Wilhelm  Leibnitz, one of the inventors of calculus. That’s all the that dy/dx stuff,  infinitesimals, but on steroids.   This video is by special request  from my kids Lara and Karl   and is therefore also dedicated to them. Are  you ready for a wild ride? Okay, then let’s go. Hmm, wild ride. Well, let’s imagine that we are   cruising along in the Mathologer  mobile on the autobahn in Germany. Let’s have a look at the speedometer. Speed going up, speed going down and  speed going through the roof. But,   remember, no speed limit on  the German Autobahn and so, no,   260 km/h is not a problem :) Okay, at some  point let’s start plotting speed vs time. There speed going up, down and through the roof.  Now, how can we translate this speed-time diagram   into a distance time diagram which records how  far we have travelled since we started recording? A very natural thing to ask, right? Basically,   what we are asking is this: how can we translate  the speedometer reading into the odometer reading. Obviously, this translation is hardwired into our  car, but how does this translation actually work? If you've never seen this before, I  am not going to blame you if you say,   “No idea”. Well, to get some feel for what's  going on, let's look at the simplest case,   where we are cruising along at a constant speed   v. Now constant speed corresponds to a horizontal  line at height v in our speed/time diagram. There, constant speed. In the case of this  simple speed-time diagram, we actually   know what the corresponding  distance-time diagram is.   It’s given by the kindergarten formula  distance equals speed times time. And so the distance-time diagram we  are interested in looks like this, with v being the slope of the blue line. Easy peasy. And so the distance travelled at  time t is just the length of this yellow segment. On the other hand, and this is a crucial insight,   our distance is also equal to the  “area” of this orange rectangle. Wait what? Well, the rectangle is v high and   t wide and so its area is v.t  which is equal to the distance. So, what’s the answer to our original question?  How do you extract the distance travelled above   from the speed/time diagram below? Well, as we’ve seen, in the case  of constant speed the answer is:   The distance travelled is  simply the area under the curve. Nice. And, actually, it turns out that this is  true in general. Take any speed/time diagram,   then the distance travelled is  just the area under the curve. Well, what’s the answer in the simple  straight line case that we just considered? As we already said, here the speed at  time t is simply the slope of the line. Which of course is the same for all t. What about in general? What’s the speed at time t? Well, unlike a line, a general curve  like this does not have just one slope.   Its slope is different at different times.  In fact, at time t the slope of the curve is   equal to the slope of the tangent line, the  line that touches the curve at this point. And, of course, the slope of the  tangent is different at different points Anyway, to go from top to bottom we  simply calculate the slope. Also neat. To summarise, the diagram at the  top records the odometer reading   of my car with the odometer set  to zero when we start recording. On the other hand, the diagram at the bottom  records the speedometer reading over time. Also the Mathologer mobile is a vintage sports  car with a mechanical odometer which winds   backwards when the car moves in reverse.  And, if I just move backwards beyond 0,   the place where I started recording, I’ll  record distance as negative distance. There … Also, when the Mathologer mobile moves in reverse,   speed is recorded as a negative  number. There something like this. With these recording conventions  locked in, I can at least in theory   create any shape function at the bottom or at the  top by suitably moving my car. Neat, right? And   by doing so I can perform some really impressive  mathematical feats. To give you an example of one   such feat, I could move my car in such a way  that the function at the bottom is t squared. There the red curve that’s t squared and the  blue curve records the corresponding distance.   But then I can calculate this area here under t  squared, by simply stopping the car at time t.   Then the odometer reading  at this point is the area. How amazing is that?  Calculating areas with your car.   The first precise calculation of this  pretty complicated area under t squared   is essentially due to Archimedes and at that  point in history amounted to a big discovery. But with our set-up we can do much more than just  calculate the area under one curve. In theory this   applies to any curve whatsoever. Very powerful  :) So the things we are playing around with here   appear to be useful beyond flipping  between speed and distance travelled. Here is another example of a nice  application of our game. Let’s   trace another curve, but this time one at the top. Now when I move my car so that the distance  travelled is what’s shown in this diagram   the corresponding speed  diagram below looks like this. The top curve may actually have come from a  process for which it is important to identify   where exactly the peak and the valley, the  maximum and the minimum in the diagram occur.   Our setup can simplify this task.  Notice that the peak in the top diagram   corresponds to a zero of the function below. Same with the valley. Why is that? Well, because the slopes of  the horizontal tangents at these special   points are equal to zero. In other words,  my car won’t be moving at those times. Translating functions at the top into those  at the bottom and using this translation to   do things like finding the peaks and  valleys of the top curves by simply   finding the zeros of the bottom curves,  that’s called differential calculus,   the first terrifying thing that Silvanus P.  Thompson mentioned on the cover of his book. And our kindergarten formula up there   nicely captures how exactly we translate  between the top and the bottom,   between the distance and the speed. Right?  Distance = speed times time, one thing TIMES   another that’s area, our distance is the area  under our speed curve ! On the other hand, Speed = distance divided by t,   one thing DIVIDED by another that’s slope, our  speed is the slope of our distance graph. Again Distance is the area under the speed graph and Speed is the slope of the distance graph. Top to bottom: slope. Bottom to top: area. Top to  bottom: slope. Bottom to top: area. Burn this into   your memory. This amazing relationship goes by the  grand name of The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Fundamental as in “The most  important thing in calculus”,   “the soul of calculus”. And it really  is. If you’ve followed everything so   far you are now entitled to say “I  know calculus”. Well, sort of :) Anyway, none of what I said so far  was terribly terrifying, was it? But of course there is a bit more to calculus. In  particular, for all of this to be really useful,   we need to be able to actually  perform those translations,   preferably without having to worry about speed  limits, traffic lights and idiot drivers. Right?   If the function on top is sine what’s the one  at the bottom? How can we figure that out? Well, it turns out that differential  calculus, to go from top to bottom,   is really super easy and pretty  for a vast assortment of functions.   This includes all our favourite functions  like the powers, the exponential functions,   the trigonometric functions, and  so on. Let’s have a close look. Okay, let’s get away from cars and label  the axes at the top and bottom x and y. So all the functions we’ll be talking about are in  the variable x as it’s usually the case in school.   Second, starting with a function f at the top   the corresponding function at the bottom  is called the derivative of f, or f prime. As well, the process of translating the  function on top into the one at the bottom   is called differentiating. Remember, differential   calculus? Now let’s start by making the  function f one of our favourite functions. There, f might be a constant function or x to  some power or one of the trigonometric functions,   and so on. What are the derivatives  of these functions? Well, here you go. There, the derivative of a constant function,  that is, its slope, is 0, obviously. The derivative of some power of x is  basically x to one less that power.   Neat. For example, for n=5, we get this. There, the derivative of x to the power of 5  is 5 times x to the power of 4. 5, 4, one less. The derivative of sine turns out to be cosine. And the derivative of cosine  is minus sine. Very pretty. Here is something quite surprising.  The complicated natural logarithm   function has the simple 1/x as its derivative. The exponential function is its own derivative.  Also super nifty. As I said, we’ll actually derive   all these derivatives as part of the animation  at the end of the video. Important observation   here is that essentially ALL functions in our list  have derivatives that are also part of our list,   with a constant factor thrown  in the mix perhaps. Right,   we mostly see the same stuff at  the top and at the bottom. Great. Next, starting with the functions in our list we   can build lots and lots and lots of  more complicated functions by adding,   subtracting, multiplying and dividing, AND  substituting one function into another. Of course in calculus there are many other  important more complicated ways to make up   new functions from old ones. For example,  by constructing the inverses of functions.   But let’s not worry about any of those other  ways for the moment and stick with the basics.   To make new functions from old  ones for starters we’ll only add,   subtract, multiply, divide and substitute. Cool. Here is an example, Those basic atom functions up there, plus the  complicated functions that can be constructed   like this from them are called the elementary  functions. Yeah, I know, that thing over that   doesn’t look very elementary but it’s really  elementary in the sense that it’s built from   our atom functions using only those five  elementary ways of combining functions. Now, one of the main reasons why calculus  is so incredible beautiful and useful is   that the derivative of every elementary  function is also an elementary function PLUS,   and that’s really the killer, it’s not hard at  all to find these derivatives, not harder than   basic algebra. You can teach a monkey to find the  derivative of an elementary function. Why is that? Well, let’s say you multiply two functions. I’ll show you in the animation at the end  that the derivative of this product is this This looks a bit noisy, so  let’s strip out the x s. Much nicer, right? Anyway, the two functions  f and g and their derivatives f prime and g   prime are combined using two of our  basic operations, plus and times. And, so, if these four  functions are all elementary,   then the “summy producty” combination of these  four elementary functions on the right side   is also elementary. Right? Again, if f and  g and their derivatives are elementary,   then the derivative of the product  f times g is also elementary. The same is true for the derivatives of  the sum, the difference and quotient of   two function and for the derivative of the  substitution of one function into the other.   Here are the corresponding formulas or rules. There plus, minus, times, divided and one function  subbed into another. Okay, now let me show you how   all this translates into any elementary function  having an elementary derivative and how to find   this derivative. For this let’s first make up  another elementary function from these four atoms. First we multiply the last two functions together then we add the first two and finally we divide the function on  the left by the function on the right. So, we used three operations to make this  elementary function: first a multiplication,   then an addition, then a division. Now we want to find the  derivative of this function. For this we’ll use the rules that correspond to   these three operations in reverse  order. So first the quotient rule, then the sum rule and finally the product rule. And as we are doing this, we’ll also feed in the  derivatives of the four atoms we started with   whenever we come across them. And  once the last atom has been processed,   we’ll be finished. Really completely automatic.  Let me show you an example. Pour yourself a cup   of chocolate and enjoy the algebra  autopilot and the funky music :) Can you see how this works in general? The  output is definitely complicated, but, and that’s   important, you really just just have to follow  your nose to get to it. Completely automatic. So, we start with an elementary  function and by applying our rules,   which only involve elementary operations,   we generated a sequence of elementary expressions  culminating in the elementary derivative.  As I said you can teach a monkey  to do differential calculus. Remember what all this is good for?  Differentiating distance as a function   of time gives speed as a function of time.  Differentiate again you get acceleration.   If you are faced with a ferocious function in  the wild, you can reduce the task of finding   the maxima and minima of the function to finding  the zeros of the derivative, and much, much more.   Very useful and very powerful stuff. Okay, so once I’ve actually proved to  you that the derivatives of our atoms   and those rules for finding derivatives are what  I claimed they are, then Differential calculus,   to go from the top to the bottom,  looks pretty much under control. How about integral calculus,  going from bottom to top? All that cute area finding business? Well, using  our fundamental theorem of calculus you partly   get this for free. What? How? Well, let’s say  the function at the bottom is really x squared. What’s the function at the top? Well, easy.  We just have to find the anti-derivative of   x squared, that is, the function whose  derivative is x squared. For that let’s   have a look at the list of derivatives of our  basic building blocks. Maybe we get lucky. We’ve been reading this list from top to  bottom. But, of course we can also read   it from bottom to top, right? So is there an  x squared among the entries at the bottom?  Well, yes, right there If we choose n=3 we get an x squared in the red. 3 x squared, almost what we want.  Well, to get x squared just divide   by 3 both at the top and at the bottom  (yes, don’t worry, we can do that :) Okay, so the anti-derivative  of x squared is 1/3 x cubed. And so, if, for example, we are then  interested in the area under x squared   between 0 and 1 , that area is  just 1/3 x^3 evaluated at 1, so   1/3 times 1 cubed, that’s just 1/3. In other words  this area is just 1/3 the area of this 1x1 square Super pretty and also pretty surprising  the first time you see this. Why would   such a complicated area have  such a simple value of an area? Anyway, important insight,  reading from the bottom up   our table of derivatives immediately gives us the  anti-derivatives of many key functions for free.   That’s really nice, isn’t it. And super useful. But did you notice one or two little bumps  in the road? No? These are really minor   bumps but at the same time very important  ones to smooth out. So let’s do that now.   What’s bump number 1? Well let’s  look at the first entry of our list. What’s bumpy about that? Can you see  it? Well, the derivative of any constant   function is 0. But this means that EVERY  constant function is an anti-derivative   of the 0 constant function. 0 does not just have  one anti-derivative, it has infinitely many! In fact, just like the 0 constant function  has these infinitely many anti-derivatives   so does every function. That’s actually  pretty obvious when you think about it. There, the blue function is an anti-derivative  of the red function. Again, what this means is   that for all x values the slope at the  top is equal to the value at the bottom. But if the blue function has this property,  then so does every vertical translate   of the blue function. Obvious, right? All of these  guys are anti-derivatives of the red function. They all share the same slopes at the same points. Again, the blue function is an anti-derivative   of the red function. But so  is every vertical translate. Let’s also quickly check the algebra. For example,   this entry says that the  derivative of sine is cosine. And translating up or down means adding  some constant to sine. So, can you see   that what we see in front of us stays  true if we add a constant to sine? Obvious, right? Just unleash the sum rule which   says that the derivative of a sum  is the sum of the derivatives. Tada, same derivative, nice :) Okay, that  was bump no 1, the fact that functions   have infinitely many anti-derivatives and  that all these anti-derivatives are really   all the same up to addition of constants,  just shifting up and down. Not a big deal. What about bump no. 2? Well, for the  anti-derivative area calculation up there to work,   the top function has to be equal to 0 at x=0. Right? It’s got to be zero there. Why? Well,  if we move the right boundary of our area from   1 to 0, the area shrinks to 0 and so  the function on top should be 0 at 0. Okay. But now we have these other antiderivatives. How can we use one of these  antiderivatives to find the area?   Not hard. We know that the area is  the length of the yellow segment.   But that length is easy to calculate by evaluating  our new antiderivative at the left and right   boundaries of our area. Right? The yellow length  is simply our anti-derivative evaluated at 1 minus the anti-derivative evaluated at 0. In fact, it’s easy to see that this even  works if the left boundary is not 0. There the area between 3/4 and 1 is simply the   anti-derivative evaluated at 1 minus  the anti-derivative evaluated at 3/4.   And that works for all anti-derivatives  and so also for the one we started with. And so the area here is this difference. Which happens to be … 37 over 192. And if your life  depends on figuring out this area,   you’ll be super happy at this point :) Great! Anyway, reading our table from the bottom  up gives us the anti-derivatives of some   important functions for free. Now, in theory,  we could get much much more by extending our   table into a monster table that features all  infinitely many elementary functions at the top. And since all elementary functions  have elementary derivatives,   the corresponding entries at the bottom  would also be elementary functions. And, remember, we are talking about infinitely  many entries at the top and so, who knows,   maybe we actually also get ALL  elementary functions at the bottom. That would be great. Because if you then  challenge me to find the anti-derivative   of some fiendishly difficult elementary function f f for fiendish :) Then I could look   up f at the bottom of my list and find its  anti-derivative right above. Easy, right? Well, there are a few “tiny”  problems with this approach. First,   it turns out that there are actually  elementary functions that do not show   up at the bottom of our list of derivatives. Like  that super famous function over there e^(-x^2),   the function at the heart  of the normal distribution. Why not? f is just -x^2 substituted into the  exponential function. Basically one of our atoms   substituted into another atom. Simple. No problem  differentiating this elementary function using our   fifth rule, the so-called chain rule. Right,  a case for our monkey. However, there is no   “elementary” counterpart of the chain rule when  it comes to finding antiderivatives. Bummer :) There are elementary counterparts  to the sum and difference rule,   but not for the chain rule, the  product rule and the quotient rule.   And it turns out that the absence of these  rules, translates into some elementary functions   not showing up at the bottom of our list,  like our fiendish friend over there. In fact, given a randomly generated elementary  function it’s almost certain that it won’t appear   at the bottom, that it won’t have an elementary  antiderivative. And there is another problem.   Because of the absence of those three important  rules it is also not straightforward to determine   which elementary functions do have  elementary antiderivatives and which don’t. For example, to prove that this super famous and  super important elementary function over there   does not have an elementary anti-derivative  is crazy hard. And even that is not the end   of our problems. Even if somebody tells you  that a certain elementary function has an   elementary antiderivative it is usually not  straightforward to find this antiderivative. In any case, using that table up there in reverse  is incredibly useful and powerful in itself   and while those problems we just stumbled  across are real problems there are also   lots of tricks to overcome and work around  them. But those are topics for other videos. Okay,   all in all, the elementary core of calculus  is this list of derivatives up there   plus the rules for finding derivatives over  there. As a challenge for those of you who   know a bit more, see what adjustments have  to be made to what I said so far if we allow   taking inverses of functions as a sixth  operation to make new from old functions. Anyway, there is one more aspect to calculus  that really makes it unusually user friendly   and that aspect is notation, the nifty way  in which we express calculus in symbols. This miracle notation was introduced by Gottfried  Willhelm Leibniz and was further streamlined over   the years. This notation allows us to consider  the core of calculus as a simple extension of   school algebra. And, in many ways, the incredible  success of that 100 year old calculus book lies   in the way it uses Leibnitz notation to derive  the rules of calculus and to perform calculus. And so to finish off let me quickly introduce  the most basic elements of Leibniz notation and   demonstrate its power by replicating and adding  some nice twists to what’s done in the book:   Derive everything here from scratch in 5 minutes. Here we go. Calculating the  derivative of a function at some point   means calculating the slope  of this touching line line. At first glance, it is not clear how we can  calculate this slope by looking at our function.   BUT what’s easy to calculate is the slope of  a line that cuts the graph in a second point. And now, as you move the second point  towards the first one like this… …the slope of the line we are looking at,   approaches the slope of the  touching line better and better. In this way we sneak up on the value of  the slope that we are really interested in. As usual, we calculate the slope as rise over  run. What’s the run? Well, some x increment. And the rise? Some f increment As we push the x increment to 0,  the f increment also goes to 0. The limiting slope is what we are  after and we write it as df/dx. Now, in the first instance that df/dx is just  an abbreviation for the limiting process I just   described and by themselves the df at the top and  the dx at the bottom don’t appear to have lives   of their own. However, the limiting process turns  out to be such that to some extent we can actually   calculate with these d-increments very much  as with other numbers and algebraic variables. And, by doing so, we can easily  get all our derivative rules.   It’s natural to start with the simple  sum rule but I think it’s more fun and   more impressive to take care of the more  complicated product rule straightaway. Okay, what’s that derivative? Well, in  terms of these weird d-increments it’s this. And what is the increment dee f times g on top? Well starting with the product fg as we  increment x by dx, f will increment by df And g will increment by dg And so the orange increment is just the  difference between these two products Okay, now it’s just a matter of algebra autopilot.  Expand the product, and so on. Watch and wonder. Now remember in the limiting  process dg actually stands for the g   increment going to 0 and so we can  finish our calculation like this. Tada, I present to you the product  rule. Very nice isn’t it :) And now,   as promised, I’ll animate derivations of   all the other rules of differential calculus and  the derivatives of our atom functions for you. Following this I end with some quick snapshots of  a couple of other instances of Leibnitz notation   working miracles that many of you will be  familiar with, but that I won’t get around   to covering today. These snapshots also feature  that second main ingredient of Leibniz notation   the integral sign, that elongated S, Leibniz’s  way to denote the anti-derivative. Enjoy. The derivative of one function  subbed into another. What’s that? As the variable x changes by dx the function g changes by dg. And dg is equal to this Right? Now as g changes by dg, the  function f changes by df And df? Well, on the one hand df is this Obvious, again right, dg cancels. On the other  hand, df is really the total change we are after. Autopilot. Very pretty isn’t it? Let’s chuck the primes in   to put this formula in the  shape I showed you earlier.
Channel: Mathologer
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Id: kuOxDh3egN0
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Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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