Powell’s Pi Paradox: the genius 14th century Indian solution

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Welcome to another Mathologer video.  Today’s mission is to make sense of   Powell’s Pi  Paradox. Never heard of it?  Trust me, it’s a good one:) Also, the main   tools that I’ll be using to resolve this paradox  are some amazing bits of half-forgotten medieval   mathematics discovered by Indian mathematicians  more than 600 years ago. Lots to look forward   to today. Okay, let me get straight into it  and introduce you to Powell’s Pi paradox. :)   I’m sure most regular Mathologerers will be  familiar with this mathematical gem. A formula for   Pi built from the odd numbers, without a circle  anywhere in sight. Pi over 4 =1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7,   etc. Absolutely beautiful. And the Mathologer  regulars will probably also remember that I've   already presented a couple of stunning proofs  of this formula, in earlier videos. Today we’ll   do something totally different. Let’s start by  multiplying both sides of this identity by 4.   Now we can use the infinite sum on the right to  compute arbitrarily many digits of Pi by adding   more and more of the terms. Okay, so let’s  see what we get when we sum the first million   terms. In particular, let’s compare Pi with that  monster sum. Here are the first couple of digits   of both numbers. 3.14159 both at the top and at  the bottom, a perfect match. Great. What about   the next digits. 2 at the top and 1 at the bottom.  Close but no cigar. And when you think about it,   that’s actually quite disappointing. We just  added 1 million terms of our series and all we   get for our efforts is a measly 6 correct digits  of Pi. Is that the paradox? Well, this ultra slow   convergence is definitely a bit surprising but  it’s not the paradox. To get to the paradox, let’s   look at the next pair of digits. Both 6. Must be a  coincidence, right? Well, could be. Just choosing   two digits randomly there is a 1 in 10 chance that  they will coincide. What about the next digits?   Both 5. Interesting? Next. Both 3. What’s  going on here? By now we’d definitely expect   those digits to be all over the place. Why  do they still come out the same? Let’s keep   checking. 558899779933223388 ALL the same. That’s  amazing! I guess at this point nobody watching   will still believe that this is a coincidence.  Nevertheless nothing lasts forever and things   actually do go off the rails again at the next  pair of digits. 4 and 7. And, surely, from now   on there won’t be many more coincidences, right?  Would you bet your life on it? Well, let’s see.   Yep, 1 and 6. Different. However, before  you gamble your life away, check this out.   226644338833227799 Seriously? And then. All  different okay, but there are more coincidences.   And it’s not just if we add one million terms  that we get this paradoxical behaviour. A billion   terms, a trillion terms, same thing. Intrigued?  I bet! This paradoxical property of Pi was first   discovered in 1983 by the maths teacher Martin  Powell while he was playing around on a computer.   Why had nobody noticed this earlier? That’s a bit  of a paradox in itself given the prominence of our   gem and the fact that people have been obsessing  over the digits of Pi forever. Just to put things   into perspective in 1983 more than 16 million  digits of Pi were already known. Okay. Now for   the ancient Indian discoveries that will serve as  the key to explaining Powell’s Pi Paradox :) These   discoveries consist of some beautiful  patterns hiding deep in our mathematical gem.   I grew up knowing this identity  as the Leibniz formula,   named after Gottfried Willhelm  Leibniz who discovered it in 1673.   Well, at some point people realised that  Leibniz was actually not the first to discover   this formula. The Scottish mathematician James  Gregory beat him to it a couple of years earlier.   And so now some people refer to this series  as the Gregory Leibniz formula. But even that   name is misleading. It turns out that this gem  was already discovered by the Indian astronomer   and mathematician Madhava of Sangamagrama at  least 200 years before Leibniz and Gregory.   No, seriously 200 whopping years before Leibniz  and Gregory. That’s about 1400, still in the   middle ages. AND, it took until quite recently  for Western mathematicians to actually recognise   and acknowledge this. Does this count as another  paradox? Those of you in the know will ask. Isn’t   Leibniz’s formula usually proved using calculus?  Then how did those ancient Indian mathematicians   derive it? Well they used ... calculus! Really. It  turns out that Madhava and his disciples already   discovered quite a few of the crown jewels  of calculus, including some derivatives and   integrals, and some really advanced calculus stuff  that you only learn about at uni. For example,   when you replace the 1s in the numerators  of our series by the powers of x, like this   you get the famous power series expansion  of the inverse of the tangent function.   For example, I teach this stuff in first year  calculus at Monash uni here in Australia. Now,   believe it or not Madhava and his colleagues  even knew this very fancy piece of calculus,   hundreds of years before Leibniz and Newton  and Gregory “invented” calculus. Madhava also   knew the corresponding series for sine and cosine.  There, that’s the series for sine and that’s the   one for cosine. Now, back to our gem. Madhava  also discovered some beautiful hidden patterns   in this series that were largely overlooked in  the West until fairly recently. These patterns   allowed him to speed up the slow convergence of  the series on the right in a spectacular way,   and it’s these patterns that we’ll use  to explain the Pi paradox. Okay, what are   those mysterious patterns hiding in our series?  Well, let’s focus on the obvious patterns first.   What we’ve got there on the right, is a so-called  alternating series, plus, minus, plus, minus,   the plus and the minus are alternating, they  take turns. That’s one easy pattern. And then,   of course, there is the fact that the  denominators are just the odd numbers.   Now, let’s really go for it and use the sum  on the right to approximate Pi. Hands on.   Okay, so the whole thing times 4 again. Now, roll  in the number line. There is Pi. Perfect. Now,   what does the first term of our series tell us  about Pi? Pi is approximately equal to 4. Cool.   Throw in the second term -  4/3 third term and so on.   Okay, so adding the first five terms gives  3.34. It's better than 4, but 3.34 is still   pretty pathetic. In fact, as I already mentioned  earlier, although the infinite series on the right   side of our Pi formula definitely sums to Pi, it  does so ridiculously slowly and is effectively   useless for obtaining decent approximations. So,  Madhava’s formula is beautiful but useless? Well,   let’s have another close look at what  happens when we sum this series. There,   first term. Here we overshot Pi. Second term.  Here we undershot Pi. Next overshoot, and so on.   Stopping the adding and subtracting at any point  gives an approximation of Pi. Yeees, but have a   closer look. Let’s say we are here. And the plan  is to stop after adding one more term. Okay. Well,   doesn’t it look like we would end up much, much  closer to Pi if we only added HALF of that final   term? Like so. Really much closer to the Pi line  than going all the way. Or what about here? Go   halfway. Again, better than all the way. Okay,  so if we are after a really good approximation,   it seems like we can do much better by choosing  the last number we add in a smart way. And adding   or subtracting half the final term seems pretty  smart. But is there a way to even be smarter?   Yep, there is. To chase it down, we’ll look for  a pattern in the difference between those partial   sums of our series and the value of Pi. That’s  these differences here. There. There. Got it?   It’s one of these differences that we're trying  to adjust as best as possible in that last step.   But HOW can we possibly go pattern spotting in  these differences between the partial sums and Pi?   After all we don’t know Pi, Pi is what we want  to calculate. Well, here's an idea. Remember,   we entered the story in India, around 1400. And by  that time the local mathematical hotshots already   knew some damn good approximations for Pi. Of  course, there is Archimedes’s super famous 22/7,   you all know that one from school. 3.14 pretty  good. But those Indian mathematicians already knew   much better approximations of Pi, like for example  the fantastic 355/113. 7 digits coincidence with   Pi. Not bad, hmm? And now here’s the key  idea. Given one of our partial sums, forget   about comparing it to Pi, and instead look at the  difference between our partial sum and 355/113. We   then hope that whatever patterns there are, these  patterns will still show up when we use 355/113   instead of Pi. Okay, so let’s calculate the  differences between our partial sums and 355/113   Here's the first difference in numbers. This first  difference pans out to be this fraction. Second   difference Third difference and so on. On to the  pattern spotting. Can you see any pattern in those   fractions? No? Not easy, but don’t be too fixated  on spotting an exact number pattern. Anything?   Still no? Well, here's an easy one: in all those  fractions the number at the bottom is larger than   the number at the top. There, 113 at the bottom is  larger than the 97 at the top, 339 is greater than   161, and so on. Not impressed? No, I didn’t think  you would be. But there is more. How much larger   are the bottom numbers than the top numbers? Let’s  see. Well, roughly, the number at the bottom is   equal to the one at the top plus a little bit.  Here the bottom number is about 2 times the number   at the top. Next. Here the bottom number is about  3 times the number at the top. Next. 4 times.   Looks like there may be some pattern here. So  the bottom is equal to the top number and a bit.   To figure out how bitty that extra bit is, divide  both the top and bottom by the top, like this.   Overall still the same number of course but on top  there is now a 1. and at the bottom we get 1 and   the bitty bit we are after. There. Repeat for the  next fraction. So divide the top and the bottom by   the top. 1 on top and 2 and a bit at the bottom.  Etc. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, does this pattern continue?   Yep, this pattern continues forever and ever  after. What does this mean? Well, take, for   example, the sum of the first four terms of our  series then to improve this pathetic approximation   of Pi we can simply add 1 fourth. In the case  of five terms we minus a fifth In the case of   six terms we add a sixth. Let’s check how much  better we are doing by using this correction term.   There, the first six terms add to 2.97.  Now, add 1/6th 3.14, much better. Now,   the first time 3.14 comes up in the partial sum of  the original series is as we add the 121st term.   Let’s compare this to the adjusted sum. 7 digits  compared to 3, much better. But the ancient Indian   mathematicians didn't stop there. They then  had a closer look at the plus-a-bit fractions.   16/97. 17/161 and so on. Let’s zoom in on  the first fraction. Go on autopilot repeat   for everything in sight. Now, pattern spotting.  Let’s have close look at the new integer parts.   6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 24. There's definitely  something there. Right? These numbers are   a little wonky at the start but then they’re all  multiples of 4. In fact, it turns out that after   the first three blue numbers, the multiples of 4  pattern continues perfectly, forever. So after 16,   20 and 24 it’s 28, then 32, 36, 40, and so on.  And this suggests that we’ll get even better   approximations for Pi if we choose the correction  terms to include these multiples of 4. Like this.   There and there. And here are the three  different approximations we’ve got so far   On top just the sum of the first six terms, in the  middle using 1/6th as the correction term, and at   the bottom using our new refined correction term.  Not bad, hmm :) And here the same for 121 terms.   Again, the differences in the numbers of correct  digits is very impressive. Now, in general, if we   are adding N terms the correction term is this.  1 over (N+ 1/(4N)). What’s next for our Indian   mathematicians and us? Is there a next? Of course!  Look at the remaining bitty fractions and try to   discern a pattern. I'm going to skip the details.  Let me just say that the Indian mathematicians   were able to discover one more refinement  of the correction term. It looks like this.   And here is the approximation of Pi that we  get using the super-duper correction term.   Again a very impressive improvement. In total,  we’ve gone up from a 3-digit agreement with Pi   to 15-digits. Anyway, beyond this the Indian  mathematicians couldn't discern any more   patterns and so their part of the story ends here.  Well almost, but before I talk about the almost,   let me now use these correction  terms to explain Powell’s Pi paradox.   Remember this picture here? These are the  first 69 digits of Pi at the top and at the   bottom the corresponding 69 digits of the sum of  the first 1 million terms of the Madhava series.   To start with let me explain where  the first discrepancy comes from.   The approximation that corresponds to the first  correction term 1/N is much better than the   millionth partial sum at the bottom and actually  coincides in all the visible digits with Pi at   the top. And what’s the difference between these  two numbers? Well, that’s just the correction term   1/N. And since N is 1 million the difference  is one millionth. And what’s the difference   between these two numbers? Well, that’s just  the correction term 1/N. And since N is 1   million the difference is 1 millionth. 0.000001,  five zeros and then the 1. And this explains the   first discrepancy between the partial sum and Pi  in the highlighted digits. In other words, for   those first couple of digits visible up there the  partial sum coincides with the smack on corrected   sum except for this one highlighted digit. Not  bad. What about the other discrepancies. Well,   the digits at the top are those of Pi. At the same  time they are also the digits of our very best   approximation. The second number at the bottom  is still our monstrous millionth partial sum.   Now let’s calculate the difference by plugging  N=1,000,000 into our correction term. There   that’s the correction term, On closer inspection  you see a bunch of strings of 0s and 9s separated   by some other strings of digits. Roughly,  those strings of 0s and 9s coincide with   the regions of coincidence between Pi and  our millionth partial sum. And, of course,   these regions come from our super approximation  of Pi that is identical to Pi within this range.   I am not going to dwell on the details. I  think it’s clear enough what is going on.   But here are a couple of observations. First, for  many different types of numbers like the powers   of 10 the associated corrections will all have  this 0, 9 structure. Second, it is clear that, as   before, strings of 0s should mostly correspond to  regions of coincidence. Also strings of 9s are not   that different from strings of 0s since they are  really just strings of 0s in disguise. What do I   mean by this? Well, our 0, 9 correction difference  is equal to the difference of these two numbers   Right, just focussing on the first string of 9s.  This string is really just the difference of this   red blue string on top minus the 1 at the bottom.  Okay. So when we see a string of 9s we also expect   about as many digits of coincidence plus some  possible differences at the beginning and end   of this string. Anyway, overall I hope that’s  clear enough for you to see what’s going on.   I should also mention that if you actually  zoom further out, it turns out that Madhava’s   third correction term FAILS to give a complete  explanation of the remaining few coincidences of   the millionth sum and Pi. However, it turns out  that there is a fourth correction term, which   Madhava missed. And this fourth correction term  takes care of these remaining coincidences for   the millionth sum. Here is that fourth correction  term. In fact, there is an infinite sequence of   these correction term refinements. Anyway, overall  clear enough what’s going on. Don’t you think? How   did Madhava miss these other correction terms?  Well, remember, we were working with 355/113,   that’s just an approximation of Pi, instead of  with Pi itself and so it’s not surprising that   we will no longer pick up further patterns from  some point on. Of course, Madhava could have   used his super correction term to come up with a  better approximation than 355/113 and then used   that refined approximation instead of 355/113  in everything he did, in the hope that more   of the true patterns will become apparent. And  that would have worked, but of course it would   have been very hard to put into action in 1400,  without a computer, or much of anything except   his brilliant brain. Anyway, if you're interested  in more details, I’ve put a bit of a discussion of   the nitty gritty bits plus links to relevant  papers in the description of this video. A   very nice explanation, don’t you think, and a  good place to stop. But before I call it a day, I   should say a little bit more about those medieval  Indian mathematicians and their achievements. As   I said, these guys definitely did discover a lot  of deep calculus related mathematics, ages before   their Western counterparts and they deserve a lot  more credit for what they did and how they did it.   Of course, as with all things dating that  far back, quite a few of the original records   have been lost. In particular, there are no  surviving mathematical texts by Madhava himself,   only some texts on astronomy. What we do know  about his mathematical discoveries is from later   commentaries, written by other members of his  school in the two centuries following Madhava.   What’s particularly interesting for mathematicians  like myself are not just the results but also   the proofs. And Madhava and his disciples  definitely cared about proving things properly   and essentially complete proofs even by today’s  standards can be found in their manuscripts.   For example, the known Indian proof of Madhava’s  formula up there anticipates the modern slick   integral based proof. Truly amazing. In terms  of how exactly Madhava discovered his three   correction terms we are not absolutely sure.  In fact, I’ve based the line of reasoning that   I presented to you today on some reconstructions  by math historians. Also, we do not know to what   extent Madhava had proofs that his correction  terms are valid forever and ever after. The   first documented fairly involved proofs are part  of western post- Newton-and-Leibniz mathematics.   Again, check out the description of this video  for a lot more details of what is known today.   Here is one final thing worth noting. Madhava  also used his correction terms to come up   with some new beautiful Pi formulas featuring  very quickly converging series. For example,   the first correction term translates  into this spectacular formula for Pi.   and the second correction term corresponds to  this pretty formula. How does one translate one   of these correction terms into a new series? The  explanation is actually quite simple. So to finish   off, let me quickly show you how the translation  works in the case of the first correction term.   This one here. Okay, so we start with our original  infinite series. Now calculate again the sequence   of partial sums. Important observation: Notice  that the terms of the infinite series below can   be recovered from the sequence above. For  example, the fourth term here is just the   difference between the fourth and third elements  of the sequence above. Right? Blue minus green,   the first three terms cancel. There. There There,  what remains is -4/7 the fourth term of our series   at the bottom. Similarly with all the other  terms. There blue minus green equals orange.   Blue minus green equals orange. Blue equals  orange. Now let’s add the correction terms.   This gives a new sequence of numbers. Now what’s  the series that corresponds to this new sequence?   Easy. As before its terms are just the differences  between consecutive elements of the sequence.   Like the fourth term here is just the difference  between the fourth element and the third element.   Blue minus green, well the same  terms as before cancel. There   there and there. And so the fourth term of the  new series is this. Now, when an expert ponders   the general formula for the nth difference a bit,  they will notice that this term can be rewritten   in this very beautiful concise form. Not obvious  but at the same time really just a bit of algebra.   And then the other terms are calculated in the  same way. There, there and there. In the same way,   all correction terms can be turned into new  infinite series formulas for Pi. However,   only the first two appear in those old Indian  manuscripts. Why? Possibly because only in those   first two the terms of the new series can can be  written in surprisingly simple and beautiful ways.   Also, in those old Indian palm leave manuscripts  all these formulas were not written in the concise   mathematical language that we use today.  There they were all, believe it or not,   they were all expressed in verse! And I guess  you think twice before you note down anything   ugly in verse :) Anyway that’s it for today.  I leave you with a detailed look at a page   from one of those old manuscripts.  See whether you can spot any x's :)
Channel: Mathologer
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Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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