What Celebrity Doppleganger Is This?

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Welcome to "Good Mythical More." Let's talk about celebrity doppelgangers. Intentional or unintentional. I think these are all unintentional. And then we're going to... We're gonna rank them. So what's the best doppelganger that we've ever seen? In history, via historical photos. Throughout all of history. It was unintentional. And it was unintentional. I hate intentional- But it was history. ...doppelgangers. Intentional Doppelgangers are the worst. Right. 'Cause they're just impersonators. Right. But first, we're donating $1,000 to Special Olympics to aid in their mission to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, and experience joy with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community. Please join us in giving at specialolympics.org/donate. Yeah. Okay. Well, we're gonna guess the doppelganger first. You're gonna, yeah. Before we rank 'em. You're gonna guess the celebrity. Like, take a look at this photo. There it is. Justin Timberlake. Yes. Wow. That's pretty amazing. So this dude, and we have the placard here, so we can... Yeah, you got that one immediately, even though... I mean, it's not perfect. "A Man in a Mugshot," 1870. He got dressed up for his mugshot, didn't he? Everybody was dressed up back then. Nobody did anything in a T-shirt. They didn't have 'em. Yeah, so this one's... I'm saying, this one's the best one I've seen so far. Yeah, yeah. I'd rank this one one. And so where are we gonna put that? We're gonna put number one over here, all the way over there. So when I saw it as just this guy, I immediately knew that was JT, as I like to call him. Okay. And then when I saw JT himself, I was like, actually, there's a lot of differences. So chin shape different, nose shape different. Eyes... The eyes and eyebrows are the same. Pretty similar. Pretty similar. It's pretty good. I mean, why is that guy so dressed up for his mugshot? I guess he was already dressed up. Well, he got caught, he got arrested while he was in a formal setting. Yeah, he was... What was he arrested for? He was selling some sort of concoctions, some snake-oil-type thing. Yeah, could be, could be, could be. He might have been selling amputated Civil War legs. Well, that's also a possibility, Link. I bet you he was. I will say this, though. When you see people from that time period- Authentic Confederate foot! When you see people from that time period, do you ever see them in athleisure wear? Because I don't because they all dress like that. Mm-mm. You literally dressed like that no matter what you were doing. Well, Lululemon used to make muskets. Right. Yeah. That was how they got started. So you could be holding some athleisure wear. You just didn't know it yet. Let's see the next one. Oh, that is Nicolas. Nicolas Cage. I got that one. I mean, it could be his bro. This is "Civil War Soldier." It says, "an antique dealer named Jack Mord of Seattle, Washington found this portrait in the back of an album that contained Civil War death portraits and tried to sell it online for $1 million. It's theorized that it's a portrait of a Confederate soldier prisoner from Tennessee." But he's dressed to the nines. He is. He's a prisoner of war, and they dressed him up in a freak... What kind of bow tie is that? That is way... He's- He tied it- He is- ...himself. ...eatin' as they say. He's better than JT. This is a better resemblance. You've got the nose. Yeah. You got the- The lines on each side of the nose. Yes. And then- And the ears. Even the ears. Even the ears kind of going out a little bit. The ears don't go out. Nic Cage's ears don't go out as far. Well, no, no. Nic Cage's ears do go out quite a bit. This guy is just.. You're looking at... He's kind of turned a little bit. Or maybe that one ear goes out a little bit further than the other. Maybe he was really listening with his left ear in this picture. But I think this is a better resemblance. I think that they both have a sadness in their eyes. Yeah. And I think it goes to number one. I agree. Okay. How about this one? Oh, that is- Oh, Queen Latifah. It is. Hey! That looks pretty good. You're quick on the draw, Rhett? That's good. 'Cause I was like, it's a singer but- Slash actor, slash mogul. But I wasn't thinking- Slash restaurateur. Well, this woman was- Slash queen. ...was famous. Zora Neale Hurston, an American author, anthropologist, and filmmaker born in 1891. I believe I read one of her books. Which one? I'm not at liberty to say. You're keeping it... That's in your secret- I'm not free to remember it is what I mean by that. It's in your secret book notes? That's good. I mean, Queen Latifah. You talk about somebody who's de-aged, The older she gets, the younger she gets. I mean, does she have the Benjamin Button disease? Does she have it? I mean, is it just a glow-up? What's happening? She might be doing something with young blood, you know, I mean literally. Yeah. Young people's- You talking about the rapper? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Young Blood? She's doing a collab with Young Blood and by that- Lil' Young Blood. Lil' Young Blood, and she's taking his blood, and she's putting it in her own body. This one is... They could be relatives, but not the same. It's not as... To me, it's not as striking as the Nic Cage. So I agree. I don't think it's number one, but is it better than JT? Guys, I think I might need to update my list of people that I wanna meet 'cause I just keep forgetting how much I wanna meet Queen Latifah. Think about everything that she's done. Ladies first. Look at what restaurants Queen Latifah has opened. She owns a bunch of stuff. Really? She shows up at the opening? Oh, Queen Latifah's cut at least 17 ribbons. I would say that Queen Latifah- No, you're saying she owns- She has cut more ribbons than a lot of people. What does she own? We're looking. Fatburger. She owns some Fatburgers. Some Fatburgers? Right here in town. If you've eaten a Fatburger- What else? That's your lead-up. I was hoping for more results than- Yeah. ...what we stumbled upon. Hold on. Fatburger's pretty good. 'Cause you were just like all the restaurants- Movies. ...that's she's opened. Movies, primetime television, music career. Yeah, that was not what you said. Clothing line. She's probably had a fragrance. You said specifically "all the restaurants." She's a host. She's probably got a candle. And what are all the restaurants that she's owned? Fatburger? Connie said she once, she once worked at Baskin Robbins. She once worked at Baskin Robbins! She was a dipper. No. Actually, no. No. That was Barack Obama. Oh, okay. All right. Okay. "Veronica Mars"? This is what happens when you ask for things spur of the moment like this. Okay. Do you think that that doppelganger- She owns some Fatburgers. ...is number three out of those? Yes. That's so interesting. I think it looks much more like her than the Justin Timberlake. She's number two. She's number two. Especially when you look at it from a distance like that, it gets a little, I mean, when you really get up on it, it becomes a relative. Is this list that you're talking about, Link, of the people you wanna meet, you spoke of it as if it is a physical list that you did need to edit. Is that true? Well, no. It's a scroll. It's a digital list, but it's on my phone. I just need to add to it. People I Want to Meet, Queen Latifah. I met Queef Latifah, and it was just, it wasn't the same person. Queen Latifah. Is that true? How much of a joke was that? Was that a full joke from top to bottom? Or was it a half joke because Queef Latifah is real? How much of a joke was it? 'Cause if it was Queef Latifah and you made that up, then it was a full joke. It was a full-bodied joke. It was like a Zinfandel. But if it was Queef Latifah is a rapper that exists and you met him or her, then it was like a pinot joke. It was a pinot joke. So which is it? 100%, man. Oh. It was a Zinfandel. It was a Zinfandel. Thank you. Congratulations. Thank you. Yeah, I made a Zinfandel joke. You made a Zinfandel- Yeah, I went all the way with that one. You gotta to write those down. That's pretty good. Topo Chico needs to meet Queef Latifah. Oh yeah. All right, yeah. I just added her to my list. All right, let's see the next one and see if she's... Oh. Now, if you know it, don't say it. Carrot Top. This is the... I thought it was Domhnall Gleason. Yep. Uh. Is that his name? Domhnall Gleason? This one's a little bit more... I guess I can see it, knowing the answer, but- It's a painting. No, it's an actor. Queef Latifah. It's the guy who was on our show who plays- No. Nope. Was he ever on our show? No. I thought it was the guy who played Cal Kestis in the "Star Wars" video game. Yeah. I'm just going through all the ginger. I just have to give it to you. There's no way. It's the guy from Harry Potter. Mm-hmm. Rupert Grint. Ha! Wow. It's not great, but this is Grint. Is that his actual name? Rupert. That's not his name from Harry Potter? 'Cause it sounds like a character name. It's a British name. Rupert Grint. No, in Harry Potter, his name was Simeon. Man, he's barely seeing out of that hair. This is Sir David Wilkie, a Scottish painter, born in 1785. Painted himself? Yeah. So his hand is just out of the shot, painting himself? If you can paint, paint yourself. If you can paint yourself, then do it. I like if you can paint, paint yourself. If you can paint people, paint yourself. I don't even think you have to say people. If you can paint, that doesn't mean you can paint a portrait. If you can paint, paint yourself. If you can paint a portrait, paint yourself. I'm thinking about a bumper sticker. "If you can paint..." That gets people's attention. I can paint. And then the next line, "paint yourself." And they're like, "Oh, paint myself? Okay." Yeah, but it's open to interpretation. You're talking about putting paint on yourself? Maybe. But if it said portrait, "if you can paint a portrait, paint yourself," it's very clear. Okay, well, we can make two bumper stickers. We'll see which one sells better. So yeah. He's last place. I think he is the last place. We're gonna put him right here. Good old Rupert Grint. How about if you can paint yourself- Paint yourself. No. If you can paint yourself. So you just take the two to make it together, so make it more economical. "If you can paint yourself." So it starts as a question. It ends as a command. If you can paint yourself... What? I don't know why my voice cracked. When you said- If you can paint yourself. But it doesn't start as a question. You said it starts as a question. But if you can paint- If you can paint yourself. But "if you can paint" is not a question. Oh, yes, it is. It's a question for a lot of us. It's the first half of a statement. It could be an imperative. It could be a command. It could be a question. If you can paint is inquisitive. If you can paint, then you're awesome. It's an inquisitive. See, that's not a question. It's inquisitive. Can you paint? That's a question. Oh, no. Paint yourself. If you can paint. If you see a bumper sticker that says, "if you can paint," you immediately think, can I paint? You know what I'm saying? It raises a question, but it is not a question. All I'm looking for is a question to be raised. I don't have to ask it. All right, man. What's important to you is important to you. I definitely think "if you can paint yourself" as a full bumper sticker is what we need to make. If you can paint yourself. With a, yeah. No punctuation. Yeah, right. 'Cause what would you put? Yeah. If you can, paint yourself. Yes. Yes! Yeah. Yeah. If you can paint- If you can, paint yourself. That's it. But no commas. No commas. No, no, no, no. If you- If you can paint yourself- Yeah, exactly. If you can paint yourself. If you can, paint yourself. What about if. If you. You can paint yourself. Can paint yourself. What if the sticker, what if the bumper sticker was, you can paint yourself, and then it's just, oh, that's empowering. I'm almost liking that. You can paint yourself. You can paint yourself. We're just working towards a bumper sticker that says paint. Paint. Well, paint yourself. I think paint yourself. Okay. Paint yourself. Yeah. It was pointed out during this episode that Rhett, you actually have an accidental doppelganger, if we can throw that up. Oh, yes. Oh wow. You do, dude. Yeah this is Natasha Lyonne in "Poker Face." Is that a good show? Yeah. It's Rian Johnson, right? Yeah. Now, am I right that- Is it great or just good? It's like an anthology thing? It's being great and good. Every episode stars her, but she's doing something different. Different case. Different case. Different case. Different case? And she has the ability to know when people are lying. That's right. Okay. I don't feel like I need to see it now. I think you'd need to switch glasses to make it fully. You know, he wrote... Rian Johnson wrote "The Glass Onion" and the previous one, right? I can't see a thing. And the Star Wars movie that people like to hate on, but I thought was great. Oh, are those prescription? If I could paint myself, I couldn't. Oh yeah. These are mine. Those are your real sunglasses? If I wanted to paint myself, I couldn't. Yeah. Wow. They're cool sunglasses. Groovy. Yeah. You can still see your eyes. And they're progressive, too. I can read with 'em. Yeah. They're very progressive. That's what I was thinking. Give 'em back to me. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. Here's another doppelganger from history. Oh my gosh. Jay-Z. Mm-hmm. Jay-Z. Let me see. This is "1930s Harlem Man," 1939, taken by Sid Grossman. I mean, half of his face is not visible, so you're halfway there. But that is- Pretty, pretty good. That's pretty strong, man. Whoa, that's pretty good, Link. That's my Jay-Z. Do it again? No, no. It's getting worse. The first time, it was great. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't write down any of my lyrics. I just spit 'em off the dome. That's good. That was great. Not really. I have received a request to ask you to please stop. If you can paint Jay-Z. I'll honor that request! But I will not honor that request to stop anything in "Good Mythical Evening." Deal? No. Why would I make that deal? We have to have a special conversation off-camera about that. We have to have a safe word. We have to have a safe word for Link in "Good Mythical Evening." What, what, what? What? Good Mythical Evening, just wanna let you know, before we move this up the ranks. Yeah. Just to reiterate, Thursday, August 24th, 10:00 PM Eastern, 7:00 PM Pacific, streaming live on Kiswe, it's the third year of "Good Mythical Evening." We gonna drink. We gonna get turnt. We gonna get... We gonna smear it. We're gonna get... We gonna smash it and smear it. What in the world are you talking about? And then we're gonna have a lot of cleaning up to do afterward, and maybe some apologizing, so you don't wanna miss it. And you might have to apologize to us because you are going to be the ones making the decision throughout the night of whether or not we will receive pain or pleasure, yes. It's the technology. It's like Choose Your Own Adventure. The technology is just wacky. Is that true? Yeah. Maybe I won't do the talking, just the laughing. Yeah. I might suggest you do neither. So, and if you wanna watch it at Alamo Drafthouse, which is a theater that you can eat in- Hey, this is exciting. You can actually go and sit in a theater with other Mythical Beasts all around the US. Select locations. I don't know. How many are we thinking we're gonna have? I think about 9, 10, 11, 12? Scattered around. There might be a Drafthouse location, Alamo Drafthouse location, near you. And of course, those tickets are gonna go very fast. Yep, yep, yep. And pre-sale for all the ticket types are open now to second and third-degree society members, but if you're not one of those, you gotta be ready 3:00 AM Pacific, 6:00 AM Eastern on Monday the 17th. You can go to goodmythicalevening.com and get your tickets. I'm really happy with this shirt design. This is fun. This is fun. I hope I experienced so much pleasure during "Good Mythical Evening." Oh, you might experience a little bit. But I'm probably gonna experience some pain, right? Well, it's up to them. It's up to them. It's up to you. Let's move this. We got- I think Jay-Z is moving into- This might be going into number one. It might be number one. 'Cause Jay-Z is such a- I think you could show this picture to a lot of people and ask them what celebrity it looks like. Well, I think that that applies to probably the top three. I don't know. We need some group help here. Does Jay-Z move above Nic Cage? No. We're getting a no. Well, the only reason I would say no is because of the thing that you said about the light and part of his face is- It's not clear enough. Yeah. Half of his face. It's not clear enough. Okay. There we go. All right. How about this? How about? Meddie Murphy. Meddie Murphy. That is crazy. This is number one. This is immediately moved to number one, right? I think it looks more like... What's his brother's name? Freddie? Charlie? Charlie. Charlie Murphy. May he rest in peace. Eddie also has a pretty famous laugh. It's like that, right? That's it. I think I nailed it. Is that it? I think that's it. It's sucking in. Suck in. I don't- Ha! No. No, that's the... That's pretty good. You're like desk man. Hold on, man. I found my talent. Yeah. Well, you got the Jay-Z down. I'd have to hear the famous Eddie Murphy laugh. Eddie Murphy could totally play this character, and it would be called "Coming to America." I mean, that is... Was he dressed like that? He was dressed old-timey. No, not really. Was he? No. He was dressed like a prince. Oh yeah. What about Arsenio? Okay, I'm moving him into number one. That's number one. That's number one. All right. Let's see another. Oh, who is this? This is that woman who can sing and she's British. I think this is my seventh grade- Crush? ...English teacher. It's Ms. Wakas. That's not Ms. Wakas, dude. And she's here. This is... What's the old lady on "America's Got Talent" who- Ayn Rand. You don't know who I'm talking about? The old lady from "America's Got Talent"? Who sang well. Yeah, she was an incredible singer. Is that her? Just from the English countryside? No, that's not her. Oh, it's not her? This is someone we have had on the show. Oh. I don't remember people we've had on the show. A version of- Daniel Radcliffe. Yeah. Yep. Okay. So- Okay. I'm a bit thrown off by that. But no, this one's not that good. I just don't, I just think it's just the smile is so- I think it's just the glasses. I mean, it's the glasses and the nose a little bit. Yeah. The hair, the eyebrows. What about the shawl? I think it's better than... It's not last place. It's better than Quint. What was the name? Yeah, this goes... Rupert Grint. Grint. I can't remember his name on the show. It's Harry, Hermione, Simeon? Did you say Cinnamon? Cinnamon. Cinnamon. Yeah. Correct. I cannot remember his name. Boy. Boy. Boy. Wizard Boy. Wizard. Redheaded Wizard Boy. But of course, you do remember his laugh. Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy! Hoy! Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy! And finally, who do we got here? Oh, that's Jennifer Lawrence. Jennifer Lawrence. Yeah. Jennifer Lawrence. What a baby doll. This is... I might mess this up. Zubaida Tharwat. Oh yeah. Zubaida Tharwat. Born in 1940, she's an Egyptian film, stage, and television actress who is known for the most beautiful eyes in classic Egyptian cinema. Yeah, and she has opened a few Fatburgers as well, which is unexpected. How do you spell her name? 'Cause I would love to meet her. Z-U-B-A-I-D-A. Jennifer Lawrence. She's a delightful person. Kinda of. Did you? I didn't watch the whole thing, you know, cause you don't have to watch the whole thing of anything now. I just saw the highlights of her "Hot Ones" appearance. Yeah. And she's just- Delightful? She's so likable. She's so likable. Some people can just be so likable so effortlessly. She's on my list. She's on my list. She's on my list. But is she? But this is pretty uncanny. We need to, we need to get J-Law on. This goes a little bit above- On anything, yeah. She needs to come on something. I feel like we'd have a lot of fun. You should... Can you take a moment to invite her formally and we'll just chop her out. Jennifer Lawrence, we know that you are willing to do internet programming and we are- Good start. ...willing to have you. Good start. We are among the best in the Burbank area. Some of the best to do it right here, J-Law. We're some of the best in the East Burbank area. Are we? What part of, I don't... Well, I'm not gonna give you the exact location. We will give you... Jennifer Lawrence, we will give someone who works for you our address to this studio if you agree to come be on one of our shows. That's the deal that we're gonna make with you. How does that sound? You know what? How does this sound? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think you may have just ruined it. Whatever chance we had, we just lost. "Good Mythical Evening" is coming back. Tune in August 24th at 10:00 PM Eastern, 7:00 PM Pacific for an evening of pain and pleasure. You decide. GoodMythicalEvening.com for tickets.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 346,528
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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