Is There Such a Thing as a Soulmate?

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kind of just answer this question but um it's on love and soul mates is there such a thing as a soul mate and is there something we should try to find i have a wonderful husband of many years with grown children but i feel like there's something missing and i want to find my true soul mate is this just a fantasy well i answered it our soul mate is our self right it truly is it's that hole in that flute and yet sometimes the soul mate can show up that hole in the flute can you can see that reflected in another person and they see it reflected in you and somehow we connect together that's the connection i mean that's my connection with eckhart truly it's wow it's the one person that i could truly see myself reflected because we're all reflections so it's nice but if i only solely just saw in him i would become lost in him right i'd become starting to grab on and hold on thinking like oh i could only get it through him i could only see it through him i have to see it in myself we were in switzerland visiting this church just doing some sightseeing between talks and um it was also a christian church but they had this uh this old part and then the new part of the church and here i was i went to this old part and they had these beautiful sort of paintings on on the wall of the church and i stood there and i could not move i was suddenly experiencing like no time where there's past present and future was happening all at once all at the same time i could see it all i could see the past everything that was going on and i stood there frozen i was like oh my god this is incredible and then i thought well okay maybe i'd better go because that card's waiting for me he he kind of knows me by now when i go into something he just leaves me which is really nice he'll just sit and wait for me because he knows i sometimes go into these different experiences so i turned around so i turned my body around and i looked out there and he's the only one out there but i looked at the church and i'm like oh i'm not ready so i turn myself back around and i'm like oh yeah this is great the timeless realm this is wonderful and then again i turn around because you know some time passes and i'm like no i'm not ready to go back out there then somebody else comes and they're too frozen there's there's just stuck there and he he mentioned this he says you guys were just standing there like looking at the wall you're like what were you looking at you and then you know she was standing there a long time and but then she she left so i turned i thought okay i've heard to get going because i don't know how long it felt like a very long time i was standing there so i turned around i took a deep breath and i walked down the two steps that i had to walk down to the new part of the church and i'm like oh god i'm back in this realm and then i sat down beside eckhart and he looked at me and i looked at him and i said oh my god no i'm not all i had to do was look at him and i'm just in that timeless realm again i went home that's home and it's really nice to be able to find someone to reflect that back and sometimes we can't find it and that's okay because when we actually find it in ourselves and hold it meaning maintain it in ourselves so maintain that sort of that feeling of that sense of oneness that hole in that flute then we just we just see it we look out and we see it it's just there it it doesn't matter about the other person whether they're in that realm or not but it is really nice to meet somebody who else is in that realm so though i consider eckhart my soul mate my soul mate is really that hole in the flute and he's just a reflection of that [Music] you
Channel: Kim Eng
Views: 31,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kim Eng, Eckhart Tolle teachings, Eckhart teachings, Power of Now, consciousness, soulmate, how to find a soulmate, love and relationships, meditations, Presence Through Movement, Kim Eng teachings, Kim Eng meditations, finding a soulmate
Id: XH1Eo6B82Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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