People Love at Their Level of Consciousness

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Thank u for the given teachings and it’s opening up certain dimension certainly. 🤲

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gripmyhand 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gripmyhand 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
I'm not really attached to things per se anymore but I find myself being very very attached to people even people who abandoned me whether my father or my best friend and it's clear to me that they don't want me in their life so why am I so attached and cling on to wanting them in my life is still happening today where they don't want yes they're alive here parents my father yeah father and my best friend so the two people I thought would never leave me has left me and whenever I go into a very very deep meditation there they are and I just get stuck by this complete feeling of suffering and I don't know why I'm still chasing these people attachment I guess we keep chasing something when we haven't fully really accepted it and felt the repercussions of the event when did your father leave when I was about two and he's still out of the picture have you seen him at all yeah I have but we only see each other when it suits him oh you're angry yeah of course yeah so have you ever felt that anger really yeah I filled it all the time the problem with the anger is that I latched it on to other people now people I don't even have any connection with I find myself being angry with them yeah yeah so the problem in itself isn't anger it's what you do with the anger that becomes the problem so were you latching attaching it to other people but the anger that is inside you have you really felt that or do you go I'm angry that your mind might say but I really shouldn't be angry and maybe on some subconscious level on our unconscious level you maybe say oh you know I'm too spiritual for this to really feel anger no it's somehow wrong no I've been a very very angry person I think everyone around me knows that yeah so it manifests outwardly but I'm asking you have you actually really felt it without the manifestation of it outwardly it's manifesting in you but outwardly so in other words you don't react to this feeling of anger have you really just felt it I feel I have but about what but I think that anger is a cover-up feeling okay covering up what well I think that anger is the easiest feelings who have okay instead of being terribly sad I mean who would want to say nobody wants me yeah are the most important people that I love don't want me here it's much easier to be angry yeah you're right on that anger is a stage of the grief process so if you know that then can you uncover and go deeper than the anger and have you felt that that's a good question you answered it actually I'm just saying can you feel that can you go underneath the anger and what is it that you feel go there now yeah I I feel that then there's no point in me being here like more about that what do you mean there's no point in you being here if you have that feeling yeah I mean like if the people you love the most don't love you back I know I'm supposed to be one of a bigger consciousness and say well that doesn't matter nobody loves me but I'm part of a clear greater consciousness but in reality that's very difficult so that's the error that you're holding on to is the expectation of what love is and how love should be shown to you we are only able to love at the level of consciousness that we are at so I don't think your father doesn't love you I think your father loves you it's just he is more unconscious he's unconscious so he can't love you the way that you desire in the way that you want and the way that you expect and maybe even need because he's just not there can you accept the level of consciousness that he is at it's hard because you have the expectation that parents ought to love me unconditionally the only real unconditional love unless you're fully awakened is awareness your own inner stillness that's true so right now what I see is a disconnection from your head your body your emotions they're disconnected you have that thought and that expectation of geez a mother and a father should do this do that do this and love this way and only this way and forgetting that their level of consciousness might be quite low in fact it might be really low so Who am I now as this adult who is going to love me unconditionally so long as we are stuck there we're going to point and look out there for that person who's going to unconditionally love me and whether it's a male or female girlfriend oh there's that girlfriend who I know will unconditionally love me who will love me and you've had this great friendship for a while and then there's all things happen including relationships dissolve you may live together until one of you dies it's still an ending of a relationship so will as long as we keep that unprocessed event that happened to us when we were younger and keep that in our consciousness and think now because we have read and books that good parents do this I mean maybe the words aren't said like that but basically we read these things we hear these things and we believe that this is the now new way how parenting should happen well it's a lot more complicated than that because happens to everybody all the time where did they come from what part of the world that were your parents from their Danish your Danish so and how old are they he's 73 and she's 63 sure I'm not really good at math but in any sense what I'm trying to get at is that if they were brought up say during the war they've got that so that gets piled this isn't that this is where you know Christ says the sins of the generation be passed on from generation to generation if we're not awake so it will get passed on so he's just passing on his but you have awakened hallelujah you know really and it's a tough call to be that first to awaken in a family because that's what you're still having to deal with but then that's where you go through that process and learn that compassion and you learn that compassion by actually then feeling what you're really feeling inside that sadness that grief of that little girl who just needed to be loved wanted to be felt like as if you know my parents want me thank you very much you're welcome it helped a lot but that is our work for each and every one of us because we most likely it can happen though we can it can happen where our parents awaken and then they you know come and they do that apology bit and it's a sincere apology and then things shift but a lot of times it's not going to happen that way and it may not happen that way and as we awaken in consciousness then we feel all that suffering that has happened in our childhood and not only our childhood but that is now in our cellular structure that of our ancestors our parents our grandparents and theirs it's in us it's like in our bones and that's the collective consciousness so that's what we then have to also transcend and transmute it's hard work I understand that fully because I have I have to do that as well it's work it's not only my but it's also this of my parents and then their parents and I can I can sometimes feel that when I when I've worked through mine and then I still have this sense of something that is there I go deeper and I go okay you know is this mine and I feel it and it's like a definite no but I can feel that it's coming from my family I mean we are all connected all connected just because we appear to be separate there is a connection on an energetic level and not only an energetic level but on the actual cellular level so I really applaud you it is really good work that you're doing and sometimes it feels really lonely to do this work but we only feel lonely because we still have that little bit of expectation that somebody should be there but you know what somebody is there but sometimes it's not in form as we awaken everybody here today there is a connection and even though that you may leave this room after this weekend and we go through our everyday lives and awaken and we may be alone we are not alone because we are the formless dimension and the awakening consciousness that is you and me it's one and if we can remind ourselves that that alone feeling begins to dissipate and disappear I had this sense this image come up for me when it's like making that leap to cross from that form world into that unknown world and being suspended to kind of between that midair point and and it's like standing on that edge and I'm like I don't know if I can make that jump I don't know if I can make that jump nobody is around you know telling me yeah you can do it you can do it but it was like this feeling inside where I just felt oh my god everybody who has crossed this path was standing there saying you can do it you can do it you can make that leap but the only thing is is that they can't do it for you you are so which in a way you are alone in this you are the only one that can finally just jump nobody else they can say call yes blood go for it go for it and they won't push you so this is a critical time in our spiritual awakening am I going to make that leap and consciousness and everybody out there in the so-called awakening consciousness very patient very patient will not push you just kindly and gently encouraging you and waiting for you on the other side and on this side saying yes you can go ahead you can do it and when you're ready because we're only going to do something when we are ready it's like what I mentioned about the flower there's a certain point that just keeps blooming and blooming and we can't make it bloom any quicker this intuitive natural spontaneous so-called action will occur and happen where we will just find they just go poop no thought it's only well we're just sitting on that edge and our thoughts are still there so there's still that attachment to the world or to the pain body and emotion something old that's happened to it so they can't they're just it's not just material items I'm speaking about emotional items as well or thought patterns or anything that we attach ourselves to so long as there is this attachment we will not make that leap but that's okay because we are getting ready to make that leap by looking at what we are attached to by disconnecting from all that we are attached to and usually it's deep suffering that will bring about a deeper awakening where we just finally cross
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 729,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eckhart, kim eng, Tolle, Eckhart Tolle, Relationships, Parents, Rejection, Power of Now, A New Earth, Enlightenment, Mindfulness, Presence, Awakening, Present, Staying Present, Aliveness, conciousness, meditation, spirtuality, spiritual, transformation, now, liberating, liberation, mind, body, spirit, egoic, egoic mind, ego, evolution, thinking, empty mind, observer, aware, sensations, unconciousness, anger, family, q&a
Id: 3D5BorKyFfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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