Aligning Your Current Career Path With Your Deeper Self

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hello hi uh this question is about spiritual discernment in case i don't get to the point i'll stop you i think that's what it's supposed to be um in the form of signs so when life presents situations motifs just the recurring patterns is it possible to look too deeply into these recurring situations topics do you mean when you say look too deeply do you mean think about it no not think about it but um is that the universe's way of presenting um that answer can you give an example certainly um so the past year-ish um i'm a teacher and i love teaching but education is very difficult right now and i think my personal circumstances as well are affecting my ability to be and do and it's creating internal conflict and i don't know if this is the path that i'm best suited for to be serving the world in the way that i can and i don't know if i should switch um switch my paths so in my personal life multiple people at various times throughout um like i said the past year have mentioned in passing and unrelatedly um potential careers or things that i could be good at um that i think i have a skill set for that's not cultivated yet because i've focused my attention on education uh so i think that that's the best illustrative example of me seeing things come up in my life and me asking is this a sign that i need to actually switch directions so are you saying the signs are coming from other people's um opinions um are there other signs uh perhaps opinions um but they're they're never related to you know i've been thinking about a career change and we have a conversation about that it's um unrelated uh topic of conversation and then also just personal my personal uh yearnings and where my attention is drawn okay so what particularly is the conflict within you you say you love teaching and are you uh what do you teach i teach high school high school very challenging yes very very challenging and boy they need present teachers yes so you love teaching okay i can see that what's over here that's causing because there's something within you that's causing conflict so what are these what's over here um the institution itself like the actual institution the school mm-hmm the system and all of the other stuff that isn't teaching but is involved in the job so it's the ministry is complicated it becomes a job and it takes up a lot of my time and so i can't i have immense difficulty being while i do right so it is a good practice for you absolutely um it's exhausting if you are unsure keep on practicing being present be present now in this moment and there will be a clarity that will come you will know whether you are supposed to leave there it will just somehow happen but right now you have the thought so put the thought it's out there leave it alone now and see what happens i remember um this is before eckhart and i got into a relationship and i was in a different relationship and i didn't know whether i wanted to leave it i did and i wasn't sure so he always pointed me back to this moment this moment are you are you ready to leave today and in fact there were times i have to admit because every relationship has its challenges there are times that even in my relationship with eckhart i had to say to myself am i ready to leave in this moment because you know whatever the ego wasn't getting its way or you know whatever thoughts that come up because you want out of a relationship right so i'll say to myself are you ready to leave in this moment no okay then i'm in it that's this moment and it would be really in it was really interesting to see when i surrendered to this moment and the answer was that no i'm not ready to leave in this moment so i'm here it was like something just shifts inside so keep practicing that ask yourself am i ready to leave my teaching job in this moment if the answer is no then you keep teaching but you teach with presence you meet those challenges and there are a lot of challenges for a school teacher a week a good time to practice awakening to be present and every job has its ups and downs every job has its challenges and there'll be every job has things that oh i don't really want to do this part but i love this part so i don't know and you don't know yet until it becomes really clear and it'll be so clear that you just do it it's just like when i left that relationship it was almost like in one moment i suddenly knew and i ended it and that was it no looking back i i just knew but for several months i was going back and forth in my head i was stuck in the head i was stuck with the head with the logical reasoning mind and then with my heart and what my heart really wanted even though i cared about this person and there was a love there there was still this head so right now you're in your head about this so just come to this present moment it doesn't negate your thoughts it just means okay that's my thought let it go be here now am i ready to go am i ready to end this and then perhaps there's fear if i end this what do i do next and you don't want to move to do something next because you don't have anything next so that means there might be a gap and what will you do and there's all this worry stuff that goes on so if you are really ready to move on you have to be willing to let go because sometimes life doesn't bring us the next thing until we let go sometimes it does bring us something else before we let go and we just observe we just discern we can't spiritually discern unless we are still only through stillness can you spiritually discern so before i started um working and traveling with eckhart i was in india meditating in the cave where ramana maharshi would meditate and i was in there the cave by myself and i was meditating and then i heard this voice and i opened my eyes and even though the cave is dark you can kind of see but nobody was there and this voice said when you go back home you have to leave your job and leave the place where i had been living for like over 13 years raised my daughter there and i thought what the hell was that so i continued meditating i was in india for like two or three more months so i actually forgot about that experience until i was back home and the work that i was doing was always under contract so the my my employer who i had worked for called me up and wanting to know if i'd come back and re do another contract with them and it was like suddenly i heard this voice it was my voice but it felt like it wasn't my voice and it said no thank you and i went holy cow because i was actually broke i had no money i used the last bit of my savings just to take off to go to india my daughter was old enough she took off to go live and work in australia for a year and i went wow this is my time i'm gone so i came back and it was like no thank you and i thought oh my god and then suddenly that memory came back of being in the cave and then that whole month i watched myself pack i had no idea where i was going once in a while the fear would come up of oh no what am i going to do i have no money where am i going to go i had no idea where i was going to go friends luckily i had some friends and they let me stay with them you know so i stayed at different places it was probably about maybe three weeks of being homeless have my things in storage having you know no home and eckhart i was with eckhart and he asked me if i would work and travel with him and suddenly i realized oh my god that's why i had to leave my old life behind i had to leave my old life but i didn't know where i was going next i had no idea that he was going to ask me this i had to completely surrender and let go of my old life for this new spiritual life to unfold so it is really trusting that life will present and will move you when it's needed do you have a family do you have children or anything no so you are virtually almost free to be able to move and do whatever and possibly you don't have to support anybody so it's possible it could happen but if your fear is stopping you then you that fear is blocking your neural pathways to receive the right action [Music] you
Channel: Kim Eng
Views: 17,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kim Eng, Eckhart Tolle, Eckhart Tolle teachings, consciousness, Presence Through Movement, Kim Eng teachings, presence, how to be present, Eckhart teachings
Id: pJe4-J-hSXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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