This can DESTROY your Series S

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today i want to talk about what not to do with the series s because i think that i've learned some very very valuable lessons in this past week and i did some more investigating and i'm pretty sure i know why my series has failed and i want to help you guys not have your series s's fail because if there's anything that i believe is that the series s is still one of the greatest consoles that has been released during this current console generation i think it's an incredible incredible console and i still think it's very worth it i also want to debunk and say no to a couple things one this has nothing to do with the power output of the series s when it comes to gaming someone said oh you guys are the series s isn't meant to play triple a titles that is 100 false we have multiple things by xbox microsoft saying that the series s has been created to actually go up and work with and alongside the series x and be fully supported by microsoft throughout the lifecycle of the series x this system is specifically designed to be a budget option and an entry level system for a lot of gamers now let's get into five things five things you're going to want to make sure that you do not do with your series s starting with the first is cover up this port this port right here this big giant black port is the uh for lack of a better term the exhaust port this is where all of the hot air comes out of this thing gets really warm okay it is a small little system that does a lot of work and it needs to make sure that it has enough air flow to properly cool itself now it's it sucks air in and it shoots out the hot air from here and yes and then i've gotten a few questions multiple questions actually when they're like it's super hot coming out of the exhaust the top is that normal it is normal will it burn your hand no people like it burns my hand i had two questions one does it really and two are you just do you have sensitive skin there's multiple questions i have when someone says burst their hands so do not let this get covered now i mean like some you put it in a bookshelf and the next book next to it is like this no this thing needs to have full opening i recommend laying it flat like this and if you are going to stand it up in a bookshelf make sure there's nothing to the left of it this thing gets really really warm really warm okay thing number two when it comes to turning on and off and unplugging this system make sure after you have successfully powered off the system not put his asleep successfully powered off the system do not unplug the system for about 10 seconds i've made that mistake before i don't think that's the issue that i ran into here and i really don't think that that causes significant damage to the machine but if i've learned anything anything in the past week it's that you know what being responsible with the way that you introduce and remove power from a machine like this is really important so when it comes to unplugging and plugging in your machine make sure that if you do power it down it is fully powered down really important that you make sure that it is fully powered down thing number three and this is i think what did me in um and is the reason why my series s died and that has to be with third-party devices i don't think that plugging third-party devices into the hdmi port is what's causing the issue i think that third-party devices that draw power is what it caused the issue that i experienced now when this thing died what i had plugged into it was one i had a external hard drive which doesn't draw a lot of power but it is powered from something okay so it does draw some not a lot it doesn't require a lot now the second thing is too hot for this the second thing that i had plugged into it was an external monitor and i think that the problem that i had was that i was drawing power for that external monitor directly from the xbox series s because someone put in a comment why would you use an external battery when you can just use the xbox series s and i didn't think about it i did not think about it whatsoever i said yeah that's a genius idea of course i'm gonna do that and so when i was looking and trying to figure out how to do this i'm like let's try the most convenient way possible that is just plug the xbox series into the wall plug my monitor into the xbox series s and we're good to go everything's good and we're solid what i didn't take into consideration was improper power distribution or any of that kind of stuff what i believe happened was in having my xbox series s power this external monitor that it actually overloaded whatever was going on inside and ended up shorting out my xbox series s and that was from it being directly plugged into the wall drawing power and then trying to power the series s and drawing power to pass through to the monitor to power the monitor and i think that something happened there that's honestly what i think happened very very important thing to do with your xbox series s is make sure that when you have external uh external storage plugged in to your system you're not doing all these different power things okay turn off the system unplug your storage and then go ahead and unplug the system and before we get to the last one if i could get a like if you guys guys are finding value in this if you guys slam that like button that helps me out a ton also if you guys want to subscribe feel free feel free to subscribe i would appreciate it it would it feels great you know growing this community growing this family growing this stuff doing a lot of streams having a good time you know the streaming being mondays and thursdays you guys are experiencing this right now in the middle of the day i plan on doing lots and lots of these this is kind of the format i'm going to be doing for a little while now okay and uh so moving to the last thing and i think this is the most important thing when it comes to your xbox series s and that is when it comes to buying peripherals peripherals being anything that connects two or six out of your xbox series s or x for that matter or honestly this is a good this is this is pretty good tech advice just in general stay away from non-licensed uncertified third-party non-reputable unknown companies yes you can buy a cheaper you can always buy a cheaper version of something on amazon if you are drawing power from your xbox series s to actually power these devices there is a chance that that power distribution that the power that you are drawing is not being properly regulated and you could end up in a position much like myself where i have a dead series s and for me the series s if i send it to microsoft and they're like nope don't do it you shouldn't it's your problem not ours we're not going to fix it then i could go to the store and buy a series s again but for those of you who have series x's playstation 5s nintendo switch oleds i would say be even more careful because it's not easy to go and buy one of those again so be overly careful and extremely specific i don't care how cheap the product is here's the deal there are companies out there that knock off every single product 9.5 times out of 10 that's 95 of the time are not made well one and two are not made with the same care that these first party ones are now there's two there are differences between certified third party and licensed third party and just third party again you can go on amazon and buy third party anything if it draws power from your system don't use it i can't repeat that enough
Channel: Julien Melnick
Views: 584,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox series s, xbox series s review, xbox series s setup, xbox series s games, series s, xbox series s specs, xbox series s comparison, xbox series s size, is the xbox series s worth it, microsoft xbox series s, xbox series s vs ps5, xbox, xbox game pass, xbox series s portable display, xbox accessories, xboc series s accessories, xbox series x, xbox series s broken, how to fix your series s, series s wont turn on, my xbox is broken, julien melnick, jd melnick
Id: ndU_eozfUpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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